The Cult of Devin

By Camera_Beepo

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Beepo Beepo found records detailing life with and around the cult from all different sides. Beepo has pieces... More

07 part 1
07 part two
Act two finale


25 8 41
By Camera_Beepo

Beepo has to warn you beforehand that this file includes thoughts and actions of suicide. Beepo asks that if this is sensitive to you, please refrain from viewing. If needed, a summary can be made of this file. If you or someone you know is struggling mentally, Beepo recommends contacting the suicide help hotline at 988.


Euan paced back and forth in Cody's office. “But who hurt Emmit? I had Sirona check the angles of the cuts to see if it could be self inflicted, but it looks like someone else did it.”

“Is it possible that Lacch-” started Cody, leaning back in his chair at his desk.

“No. Lacch would never hurt anyone. Plus I was able to contact them with help from a friend right after Emmit was hurt and they didn't show any signs of doing it- I mean, sure, they were shaken up, but they didn't do it!” Euan cursed under his breath and shook his head.

“Who was this friend? Is it possible that they did it?”

Euan looked bewildered for a moment before laughing. He shook his head. “No, oh gods no. Beepo can't hurt a fly. Plus it's stuck in hell. It's not powerful enough of a demon to leave on its own accord.”

“I see. I still say Lacch did it. Darling, you have no idea the control Emmit has over our minds. He is able to warp around us and force us to do his every bidding- it's not a choice. It's a demand. You know I would never kill by choice, but I still ended up killing because of Emmit. It's very possible that Emmit forced Lacch to hurt him. I know you don't want to accept it because it seems like something your sibling would never do, but Emmit makes us do stuff that's wrong, that's normally out of character.”

Euan sighed and shuffled. “You're right. I don't want to think about it, but you're right.” He sighed. “Hey, you made it so that your phone is untraceable, yeah?”

Cody gestured towards his 1940s styled phone. “You bet. Who you need to call, Darling?”

He grew quiet before slowly shaking his head. “Lacch.. they think I'm dead. I need them to know that I'm not.”

“Oh my” Cody took his feet off the desk and set them on the floor, his shoes clicking as he did so. “I'm.. I'm sorry about that, darling. Thats..” he paused. “Why would they think that?”

“Emmit tried to kill me. A few years back. Tried to drown me in the river by the bridge. It almost worked but-” he shook his head. “Let's just say there's a reason why I have so much sympathy for demons”

“A demon saved you-?” Cody leaned forward, putting his elbows on the desk.

“I- well-” he sighed. “Yes. A demon saved me. I don't fully understand how to this day.. but something about that bridge is off. It has a very thin line that separates us from hell. Most the time, even the most powerful demons can't travel to the over world without being summoned but-” he smiled sadly. “The demon got through that time. It really must have wanted to help me, because breaking the barrier between hell and the over world is no small feat.”

“Whos the demon that saved you, if you don't mind me asking, obviously.”

“I don't mind.. it is a sensitive subject though.. but.. Beepo. My friend in hell. It's the one that saved me. It- doesn't like Emmit.”

Cody nodded. “Interesting.”

Euan grabbed the phone and dialed the number to the hotel Lacch was staying at. Call it a bit creepy, but Euan was tracking Lacch, making sure they were safe. He wanted to know where his little sibling was, just in case stuff got bad.

The phone rang a few times before the receptionist picked up. “Hello, this is the Harriott hotel. How many I help you.”

Euan cleared his throat, he was nervous. “Yes uh. Can you connect me with the person in room 241”

“Yes. Give me a minute.” She was quiet for a few seconds. The ringing came back in.

After a moment, Lacch's voice came in. “Uh. Hello?”

“Lacch.. it's me, Euan. Your brother.” He slowly said, his nerves heavy.

The line was quiet. No one spoke for a minute.

“Hi..” Their voice was soft, nervous.. Unsure. “Why are you calling me?”

“I just- wanted to remind you I'm alive.. It's been years since we have talked. I miss you..” Euan glanced at Cody and waved at him to leave. Cody quickly stood and made his way out.

“Euan. You abandoned us. You are trying to contact me in.. in bad ways. You are trying to turn me against Emmit. Not to mention I really don't appreciate you using demons to get in my head”

“I'm sorry but Lacch, please. You have to understand. I was scared! And Emmit, please, look at everything he's done! It's so hard for you to see the truth because he remade you! I know how to help you though. I can fix you-”

Lacch interrupted. “Fix me?! Fix me?! I don't need to be fixed! I'm perfectly fine and happy! And guess what! Emmit's my boyfriend now and I love him! I love him more than you! Because you left us and now you are coming back using demons and working with a killer!”

“Cody only kills because Emmit forces him to! Don't you dare bring Cody into this! He is a damn good man! Better than that piece of shit Emmit could ever be!” Euan's voice was shaky. He heard Lacch gasp.

“How dare you..” They whispered. “You're foul.. I'm disappointed to be your sibling. Morn my death, cause you are never going to speak to me again!” Lacch's voice was shaking, it was obvious they were on the edge of tears. “I hope you burn in hell with the demons you summon!” Their words were laced with malice. Pure hatred.

“Lacch no, please I'm sor-!”

Lacch hung up.

Euan could feel his heart ache and shatter. His little sibling.. his little Lacch. The person he swore to always protect, to always love unconditionally.. “Fuck..” he shook his head. He could feel his whole body shaking. What did he do? Why did he fuck up so bad? He can't give up, can he?

He sure as hell wanted to give up. Wanted to go to the roof. Take one too many steps close to the edge. See if he could fly.

Feeling little control over his body, Euan made his way out of the office and down the hall. His steps felt hollow. His mind felt empty. He felt lost. His little sibling.. the person he strived to protect. Hated him? Hated him for trying his best to protect him? He was a failure.

To the elevator. He pressed the buttons and felt the elevator slowly ascend. Up up up. Euan smiled, his heart beating uncontrollably. “Up up up before I fall down down down.” He shakily laughed.

The door to the elevator opened. He walked across the small rooftop room. As he opened the door, he was hit by a cool breeze and soft raindrops.

Euan loved the rain.

He took heavy steps across the rooftop, closer and closer to the edge of the building. With each step, a memory flashed through his mind.

Lacch first starting school.
Lacch's first real friend
Lacch's first love.
Lacch's first heartbreak..
Lacch's coming out.
Lacch's death.
Lacch's rebirth.
Lacch changing.
Lacch's obsession with Emmit.
Lacch's distance towards others.
Lacch reacting to thinking Euan died
Lacch talking to Euan again
Lacch's hate towards Euan.
Lacch's anger towards Euan.

And soon..

Lacch's reaction to Euan's death.

Would they care? Probably not. Why would they? They weren't even the real Lacch anymore. It was hopeless.

What about Cody?

No. Stop. He didn't have the time to think about Cody. Thinking about Cody would stop him from going through with this. It would make him weak.

He stood at the edge of the building. He put out his leg. If he were to lean his weight forward, it would all be over. He would die. He would be free.

He shut his eyes. Everything was quiet for a moment, everything was peaceful. He could feel tears running down his cheeks. He could feel his hands touching the hem of his shirt. The breeze threatened to push him off the edge. All he had to do was lean forward.

“Maybe I will burn in hell with the demons I like to summon..” He whispered.

And he leaned forward, letting his body fall over the edge.

His eyes continued to stay closed as he fell, the wind whipping past him, it was as if time had slowed. In a sudden instance, his eyes shot open and he began to panic. Was he regretting this? No, he couldn't regret it! But what the hell was he doing? What the fuck was wrong with him?!

He felt weak and pathetic, why was he feeling scared now? Why was he feeling regret? He wanted to die and he soon would!

He felt his body come into contact with something. He let out a groan as he felt himself fall for a bit before coming to a stop. He opened his eyes again to see Em. A cold, hard look on her face. She flew back up to the roof and set down Euan. There Cody was, shaking and crying.

Euan was still confused by what just happened. He was so close. So close to death yet here he was. Here he was alive and well.. He felt warm arms wrap around him in a tight hug. It was Cody.

“I-I knew something was wrong when you just disappeared from my office after the call, but if Em didn't see you come up here.. oh god-” He hugged Euan tighter and sobbed into his shoulder.

Em walked over, a sour look on here face. “Euan. I do not understand what exactly troubled you enough to lead you to attempt suicide, but whatever it is, trust me when I say it's not worth it. Cody is deeply troubled by this outcome of your call.”

Euan slowly wrapped his arms around Cody and nodded. “I.. yes.. I'm sorry..”

Part of him felt pathetic that it didn't work, that he didn't die.. but maybe it was for the better?

He felt his body start to crumble. He was so exhausted. He felt so weak. He let his body melt in Cody's arms. He didn't know what else to do.

Cody sniffled and held Euan close. “Lets- let's get a change of scene.. let's go to our room.. u-unwind.. I will have.. I.. oh my God.. oh Euan..” he was shaking so bad.. “I will have a cult member make you some tea.. the lavender kind.. you like the lavender.. only one spoon of sugar and only if it's the fresh pure lavender plant..o-ok? And then, we can just sit on the bed together.. we don't have to talk about what happened yet, but I do eventually want to know.. let's just go.. just relax.. it will be ok.. you will be ok.. I love you..”

Euan just slowly nodded and forced himself to stand on his feet, he let Cody lead him back to the elevator, Em closely followed. “I.. love you too..”

The two of them rode the elevator back down to their residence floor, Em stayed on the elevator. “I shall prepare the tea.” She simply said.

Euan was led to the bedroom where he slowly sat on the bed, Cody wrapped his arms around him and held him close. He laid down on the bed and pulled Euan to him, he lightly pet his hair.

“I'm here now..” he whispered. “I'm here for you. To love you and support you no matter what. Whatever happened with Lacch, I'm here for you. I will be your anchor in a heavy storm, I will be your lighthouse on a dark night. I love you so much.. words can't even describe how much I care for you. I understand things can be hard, I haven't been through exactly what you have gone through, so I can't say I understand, but I do support. I support you though whatever happened cause, God damnit.. I love you.. you mean more to me than anything. I would give up my whole world just to be with you. You are my beloved. You are my soul. You are my heart.”

Euan let out a shaky breath and rolled over to face Cody. He rested his head against his and wrapped his arms around him. “Thank you..” he sighed. “I'm not ready to talk about what happened between Lacch and I.. but please.. please Cody.. We need to kill Emmit.. he has too strong of a hold. If we don't kill him, it will only get worse.. He will only trick more people to fall in love with him. To believe he is the good guy..”

Cody was quiet. He put his hand on Euan's chin and looked down at him. “We will kill Emmit.. If you believe that has to be done.”

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