𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖉

By DragonFoxx

68 0 182

Sol, Max, and Yvette Germaine have come to Eden Hall for high school. They join the hockey team and even make... More

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔫𝔫𝔲𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔥𝔞𝔫 ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶
𝔅𝔶𝔢, 𝔅𝔶𝔢
𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔗𝔴𝔬

𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔇𝔞𝔶

5 0 30
By DragonFoxx

    Yvette woke up at the crack ass of dawn.

    She yawned and stretched out her arms. "Good morning, world." She whispered, looking out her window into the garden below. Yvette climbed out of her bed and stumbled to the bathroom, careful to be quiet as she didn't want to wake up Sol.

    She came out of the bathroom and rummaged through her closet. She pulled out a green and white plaid skirt, a white blouse, and a pale pink cardigan. She also carried a white fluffy towel in her other hand.

    Yvette tip toed to the shower and took a brisk one, lasting about ten minutes. She hastily got dressed and sat in front of the bathroom mirror, dragging her desk chair over. She pulled out her brush and hairdryer.

    She dried her hair and brushed it out, pulling some front strands to the back and tying them with a white ribbon. She then proceeds to do her makeup. Not too much, as it would take too long.

    Just some mascara, blush, and lip gloss. She slides back on her jewelry before leaving the room to get breakfast.

⋆ ★

    Max woke up by falling off his bed. Face first into the wooden floors.

    He groaned as he pushed himself up. The floor was cold against his bare chest, as he fell asleep with only boxers on. "Carter..?" He looked up to his roommate's bed, to find it empty. "What the..." He sees a note on the bed.

    It read

    Went to get breakfast! See you then!


    "Wha... What time is it?" He looked around the room for an alarm clock. He finds one on Carter's desk. "What kind of crazy person gets up before 7:00?" He rubbed his eyes.

    He heads to the bathroom and uses it, having to step over his not put away suitcase on the floor. He looks at himself in the mirror, specifically his hair, to see if it was greasy. It didn't look like it so he decided on not showering.

    He turned and grabbed out his outfit of the day. A pair of blue jeans, a dark grey t-shirt, clean white sneakers, and his jeans' chain. He puts on the clothes, and combs out his curly hair, putting mousse in it to define the curls more. He sprays on cologne before heading down to grab something to eat, as it was an hour before their assembly.

⋆ ★

    Sol wished she didn't have to get up so early.

    She woke up to an alarm. Sol covered her head with her blanket, muffling the ringing noise.  "Ugh, shut up." She groaned as the ringing didn't stop. She finally slammed her hand over it, turning it off, and rolling off her bed.

    She was tangled within her blanket as she was on the floor. She got up and made her bed, also Yvette's as she left it unmade. Sol rubbed her eyes and checked the time. 7:45. Forty-five minutes until the assembly.

    She slumped to the bathroom, grabbing a blue towel off her desk chair. Fifteen minutes go by and she comes out, the bathroom all steamy. Sol was wrapped in her towel as she opened her closet for her clothes.

    Her closest was color coded. She grabbed out dark blue ripped jeans, her channel belt, a black long sleeve, and a Rolling Stones shirt. She put it on and towel dried her hair, putting in anti-friz oil before brushing it out. Sol put back on her rings and bracelets and some Chapstick onto her lips.

    She sprays herself with vanilla perfume before grabbing hers and Yvette's stuff for school. She walks down to the cafeteria and instantly sees her friends eating at a table.

    "Sol!" Yvette called for her. "Over here!" Sol smiled before walking over, taking a seat next to Carter. "Oh, you brought my bag! Thanks, sis!" Yvette grabbed her beige backpack from her sister.

    "How long have you guys been here?" Sol grabbed the banana from Max's plate.

    "Yvette was here first, I came in second." Carter answered. "Max came like twenty-thirty minutes later and then Leslie showed up about, let's say five minutes ago."

    Sol nodded her head in acknowledgement as she ate the banana. "The assembly is in ten minutes, eat up." Leslie advised Sol. Sol looked to her and grabbed a handful of grapes from her sister's plate.

    "Let's go get some good seats then." Sol lead them out of the cafeteria.

⋆ ★

    The assembly was the most boring thing the group had to sit through. It lasted half an hour. The group stopped paying attention after the first ten minutes. Or Sol, Max and Leslie stopped laying attention. Carter and Yvette actually did.

    Sooner or later, the assembly ended and the school was dismissed for classes. The group walked inside of the one class they all shared: history.

    When they got there, the desks were in pairs of two and there was no place cards on the desks. But a old teacher stood at the front, holding a clipboard and a pencil. He waited for everyone to come in and for the bell to ring before speaking.

    "Hello, class! I'm Mr Wryler, I'm going to be your teacher for Accelerated World History, if you're freshman, and normal world history if you're sophomore!" The old man smiled at everyone. "I've most likely taught your parents if they came to this school back in the day. Anyways, I'm going to walk by a desk and call out names. When you hear your name, please go take a seat at it."

    He shuffles to the first pair of desks. "Yvette Germaine and Keenan Underwood. Hmm, I taught both of your parents, how nice." Yvette and an Asian kid go take their seats. Mr Wryler continues calling out names until even was sat.

    Yvette was in the front next to Keenan, Carter was on the opposite side sitting next to Mandy Lane, Sol was in the center of the second row next to Asher Hawthorne. Max was in the fourth row next to Donovan Irwin and Leslie was in the back next to Owen O'Connor.

    Mr Wryler passed out a quick worksheet to see where they're at in history. "I know you'll do well, Sol." Mr Wryler assured as he passed her the worksheet. "Your mother was amazing in my class." He left and passed out the other worksheets.

    "Hey," Asher spoke to Sol. "I'm Asher."

    Sol gave him a quick look. "I know who you are, Hawthorne. You're one of my brothers varsity players." She eyed his letterman jacket.

    Asher gave her a small smile. "I am. I play first line left wing."

    Sol wrote her name on the worksheet. "Don't remember asking."

    "I was the one yesterday telling Kev to drop the table thing." Asher writes his own name on his paper.

    Sol ignored him and started answering her questions. She kept on noticing that Asher would look over at her paper for the answers. "Being a cheater doesn't help you learn, ya know." She whispered, knowing he heard it.

    "It helps when you know all the answers." He said back. Sol covered her paper with her arm. "Aww, come on." Asher shook his head and looked at the girl. "Really?"

    Sol looked back at him. "Hawthorne, try it by yourself." She went back to answering the questions.

    A moment of silence went by before Asher spoke again. "What caused World War II?"

    Sol rolled her eyes. "I'm not telling you."



    "Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?"

    She looked at the boy. "If I tell you would you stop asking for answers? Because you be getting on my nerves." Asher smiled and said yes. "It was caused by Germany invading Poland." Asher thanked her and flashed a smile.

    For the rest of the period, the whole class finished the worksheet and was allowed to talk in the last ten minutes before the bell rang.

⋆ ★

   Sol, Max, and Carter make their way to math while Leslie and Yvette go to science. The trio enter the math class and it was in rows. After the get seated, they're given the class syllabus and a quick worksheet to do.

    They finish the worksheet (the three if them would argue it was not quick and easy) with barely a few minutes left of class.

⋆ ★

    The lunch bell rang at the end of period four. Science for Sol, Max, and Carter. Art for Leslie and Yvette.

    The five kids meet up at the cafeteria entrance after dropping off their stuff in their lockers. "Today was going slow!" Yvette complained, grabbing a tray.

    "It was." Carter agreed, grabbing his own tray and a plate of watermelon. "Especially math and English."

    "Haven't had any of those classes yet." Yvette grabbed a juice box. "I have them after lunch though."

    "You're going to hate it if you have this lady named Mrs Junly." Sol rolled her eyes. "She apparently taught mamí and hated her. She will not give you an easy time."

    "Oh, yeah." Max cocked his head. "She will not like you, even if you tell her you're nothing like mom."

    Yvette sighed and led the group to an empty table. They all sat down and began to talk and eat. That was until varsity showed up.

    "Oh, looky here." Kevin circles their table. "I see my lovely brother and sisters."

    Sol rolled her eyes. "Go away, Kev." Kevin didn't listen and took a seat next to Yvette, swinging his arm over her shoulders. "That's not going away."

    "Since when do I listen to you, Solace?" Kevin reached over and grabbed the watermelon off of Carter's tray. "Oh sweet, I love watermelon. Thanks, shit face."

    Max gritted his teeth. "Don't call Carter shit face." Orion stepped forward from the team.

    "What you going to do about it?" He taunted. "Nothing because you can't." He began to laugh and the rest if the team followed, except Asher and Kevin.

    "Now, now." Kevin held up his hand the team went quiet. "I was just seeing what you guys had here for food. Because, well you know, we got hungry."

    "Want my Cheez-Its?" Yvette offered her bag of the cheesy crackers. "If you're hungry you can have them." Kevin smiled at his sister.

    "No thank you, Yve." He declined her offer. "You could keep your food. I'm here for theirs." He lowered down her hand with the Cheez-Its. "Come on, team." He turned back to varsity. "Help yourselves."

    With that, varsity began to pick up food from their trays and taking them to eat. One player tried taking Yvette's applesauce, earning a smack of the hand and a glare from Kevin. Once varsity was done taking food, the trays were nearly empty, except Yvette's of course.

    Orion laughed as he took a bite of Leslie's apple. Asher was the only one who seemed to not have taken anything from them. When Sol looked at him, he mouthed 'sorry'.

    "You could leave now, Kev." Sol scoffed. "You already took our food."

    Kevin looked up, as if contemplating. "Hmm, should we?" He turned his head to varsity and they all said no. "Hmm, lets see. Yve, do you want us to leave?" He turned his head to Yvette.

    "What?" She squeaked.

    "Tell him yes." Leslie advised.

    "Don't listen to them, Yvey." Kevin gave a look to the group.

    Max leaned forward. "Just tell him yes and he'll leave you alone."

    "He's not bothering me."

    "Well," Sol looked at Kevin. "He's bothering us."

    Kevin let out a small snicker. "Can you let Yvette say her answer?" All heads turned to Yvette and she looked down.

    "Uh," her voice was small. "If you really want to, you can stay. But if you don't, you could leave."

    Kevin grinned at his sister. "Thank you, Yvey." He side hugged her before getting up. "Come on, guys. Lets go get some food from somewhere else." And varsity walked off.

    Once they were out of earshot, Leslie spoke. "Why didn't he let anyone take food from Yvette, but from only us?"

    "Yvette was always his favorite. From even when we were little." Max answered, poking a banana peel varsity left. "He doesn't let anyone do anything to her."

    Yvette looked back up to her friends. "I'm sorry he did that to you guys." They all said it wasn't her fault and she shouldn't be the one to apologize. "I know I'm not the one to say sorry, but on his behalf I'm sorry."

    Before anyone of them could answer, the bell rang for period five. "We, uh, have to go now." Carter stated the obvious. "See you all at, um, practice?"

    They all nodded, except Leslie. "I'll be taking an after school nap when you guys go meet the JV team."

⋆ ★

    It was time to meet the JV hockey team.

    Sol, Max, Yvette, and Carter met up outside the locker room. "Lets go!" Yvette walked inside first, followed by everyone else. Inside the locker room were about ten kids, nine boys and one girl, and none of them were talking.

    They were all getting ready in silence, lacing up their skates, pitting on pads, sliding on their jerseys and etc. Sol and the others went to the open lockers and they themselves got ready. After everyone got ready, they headed to the ice rink.

    "Wow." One of the boys had said, taking in the rink. The rink had many champion banners hanging up and whatnot. The team made their way to the ice and got on.

    "Wassup, losers." Orion skated over to them. That's when the team realized varsity was still on the ice.

    "Oh, shut your mouth, you big bone head." One of the new boys on JV said.

    Orion was going to retaliate when a man, wearing a whistle and holding a clipboard, skated up to him. "Callaghan, head to the lockers practice is over." Orion rolled his eyes and skated away. The varsity coach looked at the JV team. "Get on the ice, JV. Your coaches will be here soon, I suggest a practice lap to get warmed up." And with that, he skated off with varsity.

    JV did what the coach said and skated a warm-up lap. They all heard a whistle and stopped skating. "JV, fall in!" A tall man holding a clipboard yelled. The team fell in and went into a half circle around him. "Okay, now I'm Aramis Lafayette. You can call me Coach or Coach Aramis, both are fine."

    A lady skated up next to him. "Hello! I'm Anne Lafayette, but to you I'm Coach Lafayette. I'm one of the two assistant coaches you guys have." Coach Lafayette turns to Coach Aramis. "You have already met the other one, my brother here Coach Aramis."

    "Thanks for that, Annie. Anyways," Aramis turns back to the team. "We have a schedule for you guys to do before the head coach arrives. The first thing was practice laps, I'll just check that off." He draws a line on his clipboard. "Second thing is, practice your shooting abilities."

    Anne cuts off Aramis and talks. "Okay, I want one of the goaltenders go to the net, the other goalie can take a seat on the bench." A boy wearing a dark blue goalie outfit goes to the net and a boy wearing a yellow one goes and sits on the bench.

    "Now the rest of you line up and take your shots." Aramis spoke louder than his sister, earning a look from her. The rest of the team lined up and took their shots. Almost everyone made it in, except a girl wearing a pale blue uniform. "Okay, switch goalies." Aramis instructed and the boys switched.

    Now this time, only Sol and a fellow male player made it in. They did the line up one more time and, once again, only Sol and this boy made it in. A whistle blew and the team fell in, now accompanied by a third coach.

    "We got some nice shots," the new coach said. "And some good blocks in. Anyways, I'm your head coach, Coach Athos. I want to see you guys play a little scrimmage so I can determine your new positions." Coach Athos splits the team in half and watches them scrimmage.

    After the scrimmage, the team goes into lockers and get changed. A moment later, the three coaches walk in, starting the kids. "We have a rule of maintaining a C average to play. I will oblige to it but stronger suggest to have a B average if possible." Athos walks to the end of the locker room.

    "After you guys are done and dressed, meet us at the bench outside." Anne told the team. The team nods. "Oh, you guys will also only have twenty minutes to get dressed."

    The team groaned. "So, get to it!" Aramis adds, following his siblings out the room. JV quickly gets dressed and heads to the bench outside.

    Sol, Max, Yvette, and Carter take a seat next to each other. "I wanna know what position I play alreay!" Yvette whispered.

    "As long as I keep left wing," Sol whispered back. "I'm fine."

    "Yvette, you'll stay center. Don't worry." Max also whispered.

    Carter opened his mouth to say something, but the coaches walked in and he shut it. Athos was holding a paper in his hand.

    "I felt the need to gather you all here for an ice breaker." Anne announced. "I want you all to sit in a circle. Move along." The team fell to the floor and sat in a circle. "Now, I'm going to introduce myself first and then you follow."

    "Why do you get to go first?" Aramis complained.

    "Because I am." Anne shot back and earned an eye roll from Aramis. "Anyways, I'm Anne Lafayette from St. Paul, Minnesota and one thing about me is I have two brothers. Okay, now you go." She points to a boy.

    The boy looked around and sighed. "Uhh, hi? I'm Jasper Callaghan from Minneapolis, Minnesota and I, uhh, I have one sister and one brother." Jasper had brown curly hair and brown eyes.

    Anne nodded her head. "Are you the oldest?"

    Jasper shook his head. "I'm the middle. My brother is the oldest and my sister is younger."

    "Oh. How old are they?"

    "My brother is 17 and my sister is 12."

    Anne smiled. "That's cool. Now you can choose to go left or right." Jasper tilted his head to the left and the next kid spoke.

    "My name's Lester McLean, I'm from Atlanta, Georgia and I moved here a few years back." Lester had blonde hair and brown eyes.

    The rest of the people went.

    "Richard Riley, from Edina, Minnesota and I'm an only child." He was brunette with blue eyea. 

    "Carter Conway, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I have an older brother."

    "Hayley Mendoza, from Tampa, Florida and I have an older brother." She has black hair and brown eyes.

    "Max Germaine," The coaches perk up to the last name. "I'm from New York, New York and I'm a triplet." Anne asks which one he is. "I'm the middle."

    "Keenan Underwood from Fairbanks, Alaska and I lived in Alaska until last year." Keenan was an Asian boy with brown eyes.

    "Donovan Irwin, I'm from Sarasota, Florida and I'm here on scholar." Donovan was an African-American with his hair in twists.

    "Hi! I'm Yvette Germaine! I'm from New York, New York, like my brother Max, and I'm the youngest triplet!"

    "Julian Gaffney-King from Hollywood, California and I play goalie like my mom." Julian had blonde hair and blue eyes.

    "Sol Germaine from New York, New York and I'm the eldest triplet."

    "Michael Warner, I'm from Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin and I'm also on scholar here." Warner has tanned skin and dark green eyes.

    A blonde kid with green eyes went next. "Name's Jonathan Myers, I'm from Dallas, Texas and I've been playing hockey since I was nine."

    Lastly, a kid with vitiligo and green eyes goes. "I'm Sebastian Moore from Oakland, California and I'm one sibling of eleven kids."

    Anne claps her hands together. "Thank you. There, now you all know each others names and where you came from. Now Coach Athos has posted your positions onto that tree over there, so you may go check them when we leave."

    "Which is right now." Aramis leads his sister away and the kids run up to the paper, eager to see their position.

    Keenan sighed. "Third line is a major diss man."

    "I always know where I am." Lester said. "Always in goalie."

    Hayley laughed. "Les, you're number two. Julian's one." Lester jumped up and cursed when he saw the paper.

    Yvette scanned the paper with her finger. "Yes! Second line center! I stayed center!" She exclaimed to Max and Sol.

    "Yeah, good for you, Yvette." Max waved her off. He himself searched for his name. "First line right defenseman." He smiled.

    "Who's Captain T.B.D?" Myers asked.

    Warner answered him. "It means to be determined. The coaches haven't made their decision for that yet." Myers made an 'oh' sound.

    "I'm not even posted..?" Sol looked for her name once more.

    "Yeah, you are!" Yvette assured her. "Look, right there! Solace Germaine, second line left wing... Varsity?"

    Sol blinked. "I made varsity? "

    "You made varsity? Congratulations!" Carter bumped her shoulder.

    "What? No! I don't want varsity!" Sol shook her head.

    Riley looked towards her. "Why don't you want varsity?"

    Sol looked at him. "My brother's captain of varsity. He's a complete, Yvette cover your ears," Yvette does. "Asshole. No way in hell I'm I going to be taking order from him."

    "What are you going to do then?" Jasper inquired.

    "I'm going to have a talk with the coaches."

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