My Epitome Of Love

By user3087161

311 0 0

When Seren's mother loose her battle to depression all hope seems lost. A lousy drunk for a father and a over... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven: Zane's P.O.V
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen: Zane's P.O.V
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three: Zane's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five: Zane's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Four

24 0 0
By user3087161

The next morning I head downstairs groggily. "There's our beautiful girl!" Sophie cheers. "More like shrek." Koen sneers and I shoot him a glare. "Shut up Koen." I snap sitting down. "Did you sleep well hon?" Melanie asks as Paul prepares a plate for me. "I did thank you." I smile. "So what's on the agenda today?" Paul asks. "There's some party we're going to hit up later." Zane says. "Are you ready to get your party on?" Zaina giggles waving my arm around. "Your mother and I are totally fine with you guys going to a party but lets go over the rules." Paul grins. "Oh god please no." Zane begs. "No drinking no driving or you'll end up dead in a ditch." Melanie sings. My eyes widen. "Mom stop!" Zane groans. "No flirting no banging or you'll be a disappointing bitch." Paul continues. "What is happening?" I giggle. "It's almost over." Stephan rolls his eyes. "And lastly no drugs or you'll never get another one of our hugs." They harmonize. I look at Koen and we burst into laughter. "Wow that was great." I cry. "Don't encourage them." Sophie hisses. "Now you guys can get your party on." Paul cheers. "That song makes me want to rebel even more." Jeremiah says. "You'd risk never getting a hug from me again Jere bear?" Melanie asks. "Mom please stop." He begs as she hugs him tightly. We all laugh. "So Zane that internship offer is up for grabs let me know by tomorrow and you'll be ready for the fall." Paul says. "Yeah i'll think about it." Zane smiles softly. "Think about it? Son you have a gift." He says. "Dad i've never performed surgery." He replies. "I know but you have skills like your old man. Remember when your buddy Gavin hit his head and needed stitches? You perfected it without any guidance that's a gift." Paul says. "Thanks." Zane laughs. "Okay well we're going to go upstairs and get ready for the day." Sophie says dismissing us all. "Thanks for breakfast." I smile. "Love you all." Melanie says.

"Knock knock." Zane smiles from the doorway. "Hi." I smile. "You excited for the party?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yeah it sounds fun." I nod. "It's gonna be great." He grins. "You don't sound too excited about the internship." I point out. He lets out a loud sigh. "I am it's an amazing opportunity. My dads the second best surgeon at the number one best hospital in the country." He says. "Then what's bugging you?" I ask flopping besides him. "Listen not to sound cocky but I know i'm gifted like him. All my life i've been good in school. Skipped several grades and graduated early with a college degree. I just worry if being a surgeon is what I really want to we're so young still. I'm only nineteen I just worry if I make this decision now i'll be stuck." He says. "Yeah that makes sense but I mean you'll never know until you try what if you love it?" I ask. He gives a small smile. "Yeah that's true but what if I hate it?" He asks. "Then you'll figure it out." I say. "Seren I love talking to you. I'm starting to realize you have this like aura and it's hard not to love." He smiles. I feel my face turn red. "I'm glad I could help." I say. "I'm going to tell my dad i'll take it under the condition if it isn't for me i'm done." He nods. "I believe in you." I say. He kisses my head. "You always did." He says. "What about you? What are your dreams?" He asks. "I think I want to be a nurse." I say. Why did that sound so silly to say out loud? "Seren in scrubs." Zane waggles his eyebrows and I giggle. "Well if you're interested I happen to know that depending on what classes you've already taken for nursing school if you qualify there's a tweleve week course that you can pass and then a position to work as a registered nurse at the hospital. We could work together everyday." He says. "Really?" I ask. "Hell yeah i'll talk to Paul right now." He says. "Oh my god thank you." I say wrapping my arms around him. "You deserve the world Seren." He says softly. He kisses my head once more and leaves.

"I can't wait to get drunk it's been so long." Sophie sighs. "Your parents won't find out?" I raise an eyebrow. Zaina and Sophie share a look and laugh. "We don't let them find out." Sophie laughs. "Yeah when we go out and party we make sure to come home once we know they've gone to bed. Each time one person is designated to make sure we get inside and up to bed quietly and just in general to home safely." Zaina says. "Well then let's get shit faced." I giggle and we all cheer. "Ugh i've just been so much happier since you guys have gotten here." Sophie groans. "Me too living with Koen is so boring." I giggle. "We have to live it up this summer. Zane's about to start working with dad and I think the boys were talking about working at some country club." Zaina says. "And I might be working too." I say. "What?" Sophie raises an eyebrow. "Yeah i'm in nursing school and Zane said he can talk to your dad about getting me a position at the hospital." I say. "What? Nooo it's going to be so boring all over again." Sophie whines. "You just want an excuse to be with Zane all day." Zaina waggles her eyebrows. "I do not." I say smackimg her arm. "Does this mean you're breaking up with Stephan because he's totally going to be heartbroken." Sophie points out. "Oh my god stop i'm not breaking up with anyone!" I yell. "You're dating someone?" Jeremiah says from the door way. Stephan pops his head in just as curious. "No i'm was a metaphor." I say. "That's a relief." Jeremiah laughs. "Good to know." Stephan smiles. They walk off and I stare at the girls. "I mean seriously what the fuck am I going to do?" I ask. "I think regardless one of them are going to end up heartbroken Sere." Sophie says sadly. "Like I said the other day I can just not date either of them." I smile. "In your dreams." Zaina says. "Yeah that's a cute thought." Sophie smiles.

"Everyone get ready!" Jeremiah screams. "There's going to be so many options tonight Seren just you wait." Sophie grins. "Perfect we should really get Zaina a boyfriend." I smile. "Funny you mention it, I thought Koen was looking extra cute today." She giggles. "Oh my god Zaina ew!" I yell. "Oh shutup like you haven't been eye fucking my brothers since you've gotten here." She laughs. "You guys are weird." Koen says passing by. "Oh my god." She whispers. I burst into laughter. "Hurry up guys." Zane suddenly says trailing behind him. He flashes me a crooked smile and I feel my face turn beet red. Sophie bursts into laughter and Zaina slams the door. "You bitch he probably heard!" I giggle throwing a pillow at her. "You can thank me when you guys get married." She winks. "Zaina what am I going to do?" I groan. "For one get ready and secondly I don't know babe maybe you'll find out tonight." She winks. "Go get dressed." Sophie giggles pulling me out of the room.

I head into my closet and rummage through the hundreds of options of swimsuits. I pick out a dark green two piece and quickly change. I tie the thick strings and brush my hair out. After a little bit of waterproof mascara I slip on my white burkenstocks and head downstairs. "Seren! Come take a shot." Sophie giggles bouncing over to me. She hands me a shot glass. "Where's your parents?" I ask immediately after downing it. "They went out for the evening." She smiles slyly. "Dear mother of god that ass is assing Seren." Jeremiah yells. "That's my sister you fuck." Koen spits. I shoot Jeremiah a wink and Koen groans again. "You're so lucky you're naturally dark it takes me years to tan." Zaina groans. "I think you're perfect." Koen smiles. "Barf." I say. "Grow up." Koen rolls his eyes. "You first dog." I spit back. "Okay come on." Stephan laughs. He takes my hand and we head outside. I glance at the girls who waggle their eyebrows. Sophie thrusts her hips and I shoot her a death glare. "Before we party we'll introduce you guys around first." Stephan says. Koen and I nod. "Holy shit that's a lot of people." Koen says. "It's fun because we meet new people everytime. Most of these people are kids from school but then they bring their friends and so on." Zaina says. "Gavin!" Sophie squels. She jumps into the arms of a cute boy with long light brown hair and green eyes. "Hey beautiful." He laughs. "Seren, Koen this is my boyfriend Gavin." She smiles. Stephan drops my hand and they immediately hug. "Hey gav gav." Stephan says. "Stephy babe I've missed you." Gavin says. "They're secretly gay." Jeremiah whispers to me. "I don't think it's that much of a secret." Zane says and I giggle. "Koen nice to meet you bro." Gavin smiles. He takes my hand and kisses it. "Seren a pleasure." He says. "Hi."
I giggle. "Babe let's show Koen the boat he's always been into them." Sophie says. "I'll come too bro you're going to love it." Stephan says as they walk off. "Come on let's introduce you around." Zane says taking my hand. Zaina waggles her eyebrows and I flick her off.

They introduce me to several people before we scout for a spot. "Is that my favorite family?" Someone laughs behind us. I turn around to see a blonde boy with piercing blue eyes. He wasn't cute but he wasn't ugly either. "Chad." Zane nods and based off his tone I could tell this wasn't a close friend of his. "Zaney you didn't tell me you had a hot new sister, I didn't know your parents were still fostering." The boy grins staring at me. Zane steps infront of me. "She's not my sister she's a family friend." He says. "This is Seren, she and her brother just moved in." Jeremiah says. "Well it's nice to meet you beautiful I'm Chad." The boy smiles at me. "Yeah she's got a real nice body." The boy besides him snickers. "Bye Chad." Zane says firmly taking my hand again. "Zane don't be like that bro. Give me a chance to get to know the sexiest girl i've ever seen." Chad smiles. "Not this one." Zane snaps wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer into him. "Yeah she's family." Jeremiah says staring him dead in the eyes. "Well you know where to find me babe. God you pricks are fucking uptight." He laughs stalking off.

"Who was that?" I ask. "No one he won't bother you again." Zane says and I knew better then to ask more questions. "Zane? Hey Zane!" A high pitched voice yells. I turn around to see a girl with pounds of makeup on and a bikini two sizes to small run up to him. She was flanked by several other girls. "Molly." Zane nods stepping backwards. "You look super hot, have you been working out?" She bats her lashes. She rests her hand on his chest letting it trail down his torso.

I couldn't stand the way she was touching him. "Hi i'm Seren." I smile stepping infront of her forcefully. Her smile immediately disappears and her eyes narrow. "Hi." She replies flatly. Zane wraps his arm around my waist again and spins me facing him. "I'm so happy you're here babe." He smiles. I wondered if he could hear my heart hammering. "Yeah, me too." I smile. "Zane and I go way back." The girl says. "We really don't." Zane whispers and I giggle. "Bye Molly." He says. "Bye Molly it was nice meeting you." I smile. "Bitch." She mutters. "Who the hell was that?" I giggle. "Calis biggest Skank." Zaina snorts. "Yeah she's had the hots for us for years." Jeremiah rolls his eyes. "That was pretty hot the way you swooped in there." Zane whispers and I feel my skin flush again. "Seren!" Stephan calls. "Hi."
I smile. He takes my hands. "Come swim with me?" He asks. "Okay." I nod. "Bye Zane." I wave. He gives a small wave back.

"God I missed you so much." Stephans laughs as we step into the water. "Me too. And this oh my god I can't believe how much i've missed this beach." I smile. We dive in and he swims towards me. "It's not going anywhere this is ours forever now." He says. "Dreams do come true." I giggle dipping my head back into the water. "Seren you have the prettiest smile. I've wanted to tell you that for so long now." He grins staring at me. I smile softly. "Thanks Stephan." I say. "I actually wanted to ask you something." He says nervously. I take a deep breath and climb onto a float. "What?" I waggle my eyebrows. "Hey guys!" Gavin yells. They all swim towards us. "Hey." Stephan laughs. "What's going on over here?" Gavin waggles his eyebrows. "Nothing." Stephan laughs. "What did you want to ask?" I ask him softly. He glances between the others. "I was just wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime?" He shrugs.

I could feel Zane's eyes on me. I've always been in love with Stephan and Zane. I knew there was a chance we would one day run into this I just wasn't prepared. "Yeah I'd love to go to dinner with you guys." I say finally. Confusion crosses his face and I immediately feel a pang of guilty. I didn't want to pick. I knew I couldn't have them both but I couldn't pick. Not yet.

"Ooh they started a bonfire let's go." Zaina says. I follow her gaze to a group of people circled around a large bonfire. We head over and I immediately feel conscious as other girls stare me down and whisper. I cross my arms as they search for a spot to sit. "Are you cold?" Zane asks touching my arm. "A bit." I nod. He pulls off his hoodie and hands it to me. "Thanks." I smile pulling it on. We sit down and he pulls me in between his legs. "You'll warm up in a bit." He says softly. But I was already warm. My skin felt like it was on fire being so close to him and I wondered if he could feel the heat radiating. "We should play a game!" Molly yells. "What game?" Someone replies. She looks at me and smirks. "My favorite game truth or dare." She says. Like she knew anything about me. "I'll go first. We have some new...friends here today guys. Seren and Koen they're staying with the Moore's." She announces and I could feel everyone's eyes boring into us. "No one wants to play." Gavin says. "Yeah we always play and it ends badly." Another person whines. "Oh come on guys one round." She rolls her eyes. "Only one." Zaina warns. "Sure whatever, Seren? Truth or dare?" Molly grins. "Truth." I answer and the girls besides her snickers. "Is it true you slept with the guys in your house?" She waggles her eyebrows. "Stop it Molly you don't even know her." Zane snaps. Oohs and laughter fly around. "No. Truth or dare Molly?" I spit. "I think truth." She giggles. "Is it true you feel intimidated because I have the boys you want most wrapped around my finger?" I smile. Everyone laughs and her mouth drops open. "Don't flatter yourself." She spits. I shrug in response. "Truth or dare Seren?" She barks. "Truth." I flash my teeth. "Is it true your mom's dead?" She giggles hastily. "Enough Molly we're done." Zane yells standing up. "True you heartless bitch." I spit. "Zane, I dare you to kiss me." She says. "Oh it's about to go down." A girl giggles. "No it isn't. We aren't playing anymore." He says wrapping an arm around my waist. "Oh come on Zane when have you ever turned down a dare?" She says. Others nod in agreement. "You had no problem kissing Madeline here that one time." Molly says nodding to a girl besides me. "Don't listen to her she's trying to get under your skin." He whispers. "But it went a lot further then that didn't it Madeline?" Molly laughs. "Grow up Molly." Zaina snarls. "What? We're just getting to know our new friends here. I mean Seren really clearly its obvious you're in between the boys I applaud you really." She laughs. "You don't know what you're talking about." I roll my eyes. "Oh but I do Seren. And I mean I definitely don't blame you i'd pick Zane too. I mean god what that tongue can do!" She giggles and laughter makes it rounds.

What happens next is a blur. In less than five seconds I had Molly off her chair and slammed to the ground. "You crazy bitch!" She screams holding her bloody nose. "Don't ever come for my mother or family again bitch." I snap. Zane wraps his arm around me pulling me off. "Damn your ass got, got!" Sophie screams giggling. "Bout time someone shut that bitch up!" Another girl laughs. "Zane put me down." I say. Once he's decided we're far away enough he sets me back on my feet. "Are you okay babe?" He asks. "I'm fine." I nod. "Seren she's lying, I never did anything with her. Like four years ago I kissed Madeline it was less then three seconds. Molly's just threatened and trying to get under your skin." He says. "How does she know about my mom?" I ask. "It's a small town Seren people talk. I'm sorry she said that." He says wrapping his arms around me. "It's not even a week and they already hate me." I roll my eyes. "Because you're beautiful babe. You were right about one thing you do have us wrapped around your finger and girls especially here hate a women like you with confidence." He says lifting my chin. "Zane..we can't." I sigh. "Why? Is it Stephan?" He asks. "It's you, it's Stephan I don't want to hurt anyone." I say softly. "I respect how you feel, just know Seren you've always been the girl for me and that says more than enough." He nods stepping away. I wrap my arms around him. "Just give me some time I don't want to hurt the boys." I whisper. He kisses my forehead. "No pressure Seren." He says softly.

Once I've fully calmed down we head back. "I think you broke my nose bitch." Molly snarls. I take a long gulp of the bottle in my hands. "You're welcome, nose jobs are expensive." I snap and everyone laughs. "You're so going to pay for this, just wait until I tell my dad. This is what happens when you bring the hood to the suburbs!" She yells. "Want to go for round two?" I ask sitting up. "Seren." Zane laughs pulling me back into his arms. We watch as she storms off yelling. "Are you okay?" He murmurs. I shiver at his voice. "I'm too drunk for this." I mumble. "Me too." He laughs. "I think i'm going to throw up Zane." I sigh squirming in his arms. "You won't face me." He says. I turn my body around and he places his hands on my hips. "Deep breaths." He says. I nod. I could feel the evening breeze a lot better now. "Feeling better?" He asks and I nod. He pulls me closer and I rest my head on his chest. "You smell good." I slur. "Thanks." He laughs. I press my lips to his skin and sigh. "Zane?" I mumble. "Yeah Seren?" He replies. "Promise me this won't ruin anything." I breathe. "Is that what's worrying you?" He asks and I nod. "It won't Seren." He nods. He kisses my head again. "Just promise me." I whisper.

"I promise."

Everything felt better with him.

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