Angels of Chaos: Warriors of...

By TheAllAmericanNordic

343K 5.3K 7.2K

Archangel. that was his new name. he no longer went by what you know him as, because if you even mention that... More

chapter I: betrayal
chapter II: Chaos
Chapter II.25 Fotia
Chapter II.5: Warrior skills
Chapter III: Missions
Chapter IV: Return???
A/N #1
Chapter V: CHB hasnt changed
Chapter VI: Annabeth
Chapter VIII: Brotherhood
A/N: #2
Chapter IX: Beta
Chapter X: Fate and Legends
Chapter XI: Revealed?
A/N: #3
Chapter XII: Countermeasures
Chapter XIII: Olympus
Chapter XIV: 24 hours
Chapter XV: battle begin!
A/N: #4
Chapter IIX

Chapter VII: capture the flag

15.2K 225 337
By TheAllAmericanNordic

Hey guys! Still in Europe!
I'm going to post some book ideas at the end... Could you comment on what sounds interesting, I'm want to have a plan for another book once this is over.

Your demigodishness and all that


Chapter VII: capture the flag
Annabeth's pov:

I can't believe those warriors. 1) they just appear out of no where and boss us around like we know nothing. 2) they seem to have something against me, even though this is he first time we've meet (:D)! I makes me so mad!!!

I can't wait to cream then in capture the flag. We have the hunters on our side (although they don't seen so happy about it) and they have never lost a game! It's payback time!

I was thinking this as I walked to the big house for a cabin meeting before the games. As I walked through the door I saw Chiron talking to Nico (<3).

"-ear, I swear, one of them is a returned soul! I can sense the death!" Nico said "but I don't think they choose re-birth, I know what that feels like."

"Alright Nico oh Annabeth, I didn't see you there... Come in, come in!" Chiron said.

"Nico, what were you saying, one of them didn't choose rebirth. Does that mean they are escaped souls?" I Asked.

"I don't know... Maybe"

We continued to talk until the Rest of the counselors arrived.

"Okay now that everyone is here, let's get started. The plans are complete for capture the flag." I took out a folder and passed it to everyone. "please inform your cabin mates about the completed plans."

We discussed any flaws, or unclear parts for the first haft of the meeting. "Okay now that we are done planning, let's get to our 2nd order of business. The angels of Chaos."

"So what is there to talk about? We have confirmed that one of them is a returned soul! What else do we have to talk about?" Pollex said.

"Well, Nico has a different idea actually..." I said looking at Nico.

He started talking. "Actually, I don't think one of them is a returned soul. I have been feeling a lot of death lingering on them."the campers gave him a confused look. "You see. If you ever meet a reborn soul, you can feel I just a little bit of death lingering on them. Because of their time in the underworld. But this presence of death is almost undetectable, microscopic. But I have been feeling a lot of death lingering on the warriors. So much death, I have only felt this much death from people who have escaped the underworld, in other worlds... Escaped souls. But even that amount of death come no where to the amount I feel from these warriors." Nico said.

"So it may not be only one, are you saying that all the warriors are escaped souls." Hazel asked.

"I am beginning to think that. Although, it is very... Very... Very hard to escape the underworld. It should be impossible for a large group like the warriors to all escape the underworld. So that part I don't really get." Nico replied. "Hazel have you been feeling the death too?"

"Yeah, a little, I usually don't but now, whenever I look at one of the warriors... I just know that that person used to be dead. It's a small feeling but it's there." She replied.

"Okay, so are we dealing with a bunch of zombies that don't like the idea of being dead???" Clarisse yelled.

"It's possible." Nico replied.

"Okay. Ow that we have that covered we need to talk about their cloaks. We need to find a way to remove them so we can see who they are." I said. A few campers looked disappointed that they couldn't ask more questions about escaped souls, but liked the idea of seeing the warriors identities.

"Hay Nico, if they are people who have died... Do you think some of them could be our friends?" Clarisse asked hopefully, I have a feeling she was thinking of silena.

"It's possible, but until we see their faces I have no way of knowing." He replied. Clarisse frowned.

"Anyways, we could try ripping them of during the game." Will Solace said. (BTW: I do ship solangelo)

"No, they know that we want to know their identities, they would be expecting that." I replied. We kept trying ideas for an hour, but came up with nothing.

"We will just have to try to either catch them, or convict one of those kids they have with them, to tell us." I finally said, holding my hand to my forehead. I had a headache from do much thinking and strategizing.

"Oh yeah I wanted to asked about that... Why are a bunch of 8 year olds in chaos' army." Piper asked. "Their names were... Vin, Gem, and Angel if I remember correctly. And they seem to have battle experience, so they must have started fighting much earlier.

"Yeah! That kid, Vin was it, even beat me. And I like them best swordsman here!" Logan yelled.

Many of us shook our heads or just mumbled "sure... What ever helps you sleep at night."

"Well meeting over. It's already 7:00, it's dinner time. Get a good nights rest because we want to beat the warriors badly." I said with a smile.

---------time skip (tomorrow)-----------

Arch's pov:
I woke up at 5:30. A little later then I wanted too, but no one likes to wake me up, so sometimes I sleep late. I waled out of my room so I could stretch my wings. Fotia came with me to stretch hers too. With all the campers, we didn't get a lot of time to fly.

I walked into the living from and saw Luke and Caly sitting on the couch eating breakfast.

"Hey Luke, hey Caly." I said. "Me and Fotia are going to go fly around... Want to come?"

"yeah, I've got nothing. Better to do but count my future money from the bet I'm about to win." Luke replied. Caly just nodded her head to say yes.

"Okay let's go." We walked out of the cabin and started toward haft-blood hill. Once at the top, we all spread our wings and took off. Once we got to about 1 mile above the ground, we started doing random things, like mid-air sword fighting. Midair swimming (don't even ask), and free falling(falling, now I'm free falling, free fallliiinng).

Eventually we got bored and head toward Manhattan.

{{Perseus (btw Fotia is going to call percy: Perseus), where are we going?}} Fotia asked me as she flew along side me. Luke and Caly were about 2 meters behind us.

{{I want to check on my mom! I want to make sure she is okay.}} I replied.

{{are you going to reveal yourself?}} she asked.

{{I don't know, I want to! but I'm wondering how she will react.}} I replied.

~~~~~~~~~~[new conversation]~~~~~~~~~~

{{hay! arch. Where we heading to?}} Luke asked.

{{I want to check on my mom. We have time. It's only 7:30, the game starts at noon. We will be back by 11 at the latest.}} I replied.

{{we aren't worried about being late, arch... Just curious. Are you going to reveal yourself???}} Caly asked

{{Fotia just asked me! I don't know. I wondering how she will react.}} I asked.

{{you should tell her arch. She must miss you}} Luke replied.

{{I'll think about it.}} I said just as the flew above the Manhattan skyline. We found my mothers building and landed on top of it.

"You can come with me if you want, I think I'm going to reveal myself to my mother and Paul. Fotia come on." I said and started walking toward the door down. I heard Caly and Luke follow me. I walked down to my mom's floor, and finally to her door.

I knocked on the door. It took a couple of seconds but the door opened and I saw Paul standing in the doorway.

"Hello, how may I hel-..." He looked at us. I guess we did look scary. 2large figures with dark cloaks, boots, daggers, one with pitch black wings, the other with pure white. Then a smaller figure who looked like the one with white wings. Not very welcoming.
Then a black and white wolf, with black wings.
"Who are you... What do you want?" Paul asked nervously.

"Don't worry Mr. Bolfis, we are not here to hurt you, or your family." Luke said. "We have news on one of your missing family members." At first Paul looked confused, then his face dawned with realization.

"Percy." He whispered. "Come in." He opened the door and ran down the hall. "SALLY, WE HAVE VISITORS. THEY HAVE INFORMATION ON PERCY."

Once everyone was settled in the kitchen. Sally asked "what do you know about my son, percy?"

"Well, first you should know... We are the angels of chaos and Order. We defend the universe from evils, like war, and dictators. At the moment we are on a mission to take down chaos and order's brother, destruction. my name is archangel. I am the commander of this squad. This is my second in command alpha. And this is angel.the rest of my squad at currently at camp haft-blood." I told my mom.

"What does this have to do with my son?" My mom asked has a door Suddenly creaked open. A young girl who looked about 7 poked her head out and look at us.

"Do you know anything about my brother, percy.I've never meet him, but I want to." She said.

"Amelia, sweety, go back to you room, the adults are talking." Paul said.

"Who is this?" I asked but I thought I already knew the answer.

"This is Percy's younger sister Amelia, she was born shortly after Percy's disappearance." My mom said as Amelia came in and sat on her lap. "Now how does you being angels of chaos and order, have anything to do with my son?"

"Atucally, it has everything to do with it. You see your son percy is apart of this squad." I said.

"WHAT!!! WHERE IS HE!!! PLEASE GO GET HIM!!!" My mom screamed.

"Calm down... Mom, I'm already here." I said softy I almost thought she didn't hear me. But she looked at me and whispered.
"percy... Is that you?"

"Yeah... It is." I said and pulled my hood back. My appearance had changed a bit, but you could still tell it was me. My raven black hair was as messy as ever. My eyes still held a mischievous glint. Only my eye color had slightly changed. One of my eyes was sea green, while the other was an bright orange. The color of fotia's eyes.
(If you are confused, the shadow lord has orange eyes, and percy has sea green. Because of their connection, one of Percy's eyes become orange while the other stayed green. Same for Fotia, one of her eyes are green, and the other is orange, KK hope you understand.)

"Oh percy," she took Amelia off her lap and came over to me, she looked me and the eye, and put her hand on my shoulder. Then she pulled me into a hug. "Oh percy..." Paul came over and put his hand on my moms shoulder, then pulled me into a hug.

After the hugging session, Amelia came over. "Are you really percy?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am." I replied.

She smiled. "I knew you would come back, now let's go play." She said with an even bigger smile.

I smile sadly. "I'm sorry but I can't, I have work to do." I looked at my mom, "mom, I wanted to come here, to make sure you were alright. I may not survive the mission we are on. I wanted to tell you I love you. After the mission if I'm still in one peace I'll come back and talk to you, but I need to go. I'm sorry." I looked down at Amelia, "Amelia, if I can... I'll come back and we can play all you want. But until then... Take care of mom and your dad for me.. Okay." She nodded.

"Can I feel your wing..." She asked. I smiled and stretched it to where she could touch it. "It's sooo soft."

I took out a loose feather and handed it to her. And smiled.

"I love you mom, Paul, I'm sorry I can't stay longer but we are running short on time. I'll see you soon." I said and nodded to Luke and Caly.

"Now come on... We have a game to win." I said and walked out of my moms apartment.

Forge's pov:
Where were they??? It was 10:30 and Arch, Luke, and Caly are missing. I was in the chaos cabin, polishing all of our weapons, but I didn't have the right materials. I walked out and headed for the Hephaestus cabin to use some of their forges tools.

I walked in the cabin and head down the stair to the forge. Let's just say. I don't know what I walked into.

"-O LIGHT EM UP UP UP, LIGHT EM UP UP UP, LIGHT EM UP UP UP, ON FIRE! OH OOOHH OOOOHHHHH OOOOOOOHHHH OOOOOHHHHHH!-..." Screamed a kid with his hands were on fire . He curly brown hair, he sort of reminded me of Santa's Latino elf. "Woah!" He said. "How long were you standing there?" he asked.

"Long enough." I replied. "Hey can I borrow some tools."

"Yeah sure, you know how to use em?" He asked. " Oh for future reference, my name is Leo, Leo Valdez."

I scolded. This was the kid that ruined Percy's life. This was the kid that took everything away from him.

"Ummmmm, are you okay. Your look kinda angry. And your looking angry at me?" Leo said.

I sighed. I can't stay mad at this kid, they are still allies, oh man, perce. Hope you forgive me. "I'm fine, and yes I do know how to use them, I have worked in many forges all over the galaxy." I replied.

"That's cool man. But can you make a dragon figurine. That breaths fire?" Leo took put his latest project and placed it on the table. It had a lot of fine detail. Leo pressed a hidden button and it breathed fire.

"That's cool, it's just I don't do a lot of stuff like that. I make most of the weapons for the army" I said holding up one of Vin's daggers.
"Woah! Wicked man, what metal is that he said in awe.

"Chaos metal. It's pretty much a combination of imperial gold, celestial bronze, and Stygian iron. So it's pretty powerful." I replied. I talked with Leo for awhile, by the time I was finished with the polishing... It was already 11:45. "Oh, man it's a quarter to 12. Time for you guys to lose a game of capture the flag." I said picking up my weapons.

"Yeah, good game my new bestie. But the game is not going to turn out how you think it will. Anyways good luck." Leo said.

I sighed. "You're weird, you know that."

"I get that... Like ALL the time!" He exclaimed.

"Well later" I walked out of the cabin. When I got back to chaos cabin, I called out "hey guys weapons, now we can beat the campers with shinny, new weapons." Everyone came down, I was glad to see Arch, Luke, and Caly.

"So?" I asked. "Where did you guys adventure off to this morning, I woke up and you were gone."

"We went to see my mom. I also found out I have a little sister. Her name is Amelia." Arch replied.

"Ooooohhhh, tell me about her when we beat them. I want to hear." Silena shrieked, her Aphrodite side breaking through. I smiled

"Sure, why not." Arch said as he finished putting on his armor. He grabbed some of his knifes, and his 2 swords. "Okay, let's go" he said when he saw we were also all ready.

This will be fun." I said to silena and gave her a kiss, for good luck of course!

Arch's pov:
When we walked into the palivion... We were greeted by a bunch of happy, nice, smiling, sunshine and rainbow filled campers, just so happy to see us! Note the sarcasm.

The campers kept whispering, load enough for us to hear. "They're creamed." "We have already won."

Little did they know! Me and my team had the best teamwork on this planet, and almost all the others. We had THEM creamed. Good luck beating us.

As I was thinking this Chiron trotted up to the front of the crowd and announced "team leaders, would you please come and take your flags. I walked up with Thalia. I was surprised that Annabeth was not the leader. I guess it doesn't matter. I took the flag with the chaos symbol, a circle with 8 arrows coming out of it. Thalia grabbed the flag with Artemis' symbol. As we were walking back, Thalia was giving me a serious death stare. I tried to return, but I realized that she couldn't see my eyes through my hood. Stupid cloak of chaos.

Me and my warriors went to our side and choose an obvious area for the flag.

"Okay, Vin, Gem, can you guard the flag. Beauty, forge, Angel, you go to the boarder and try to keep as many camper out as you can. Oh and Angel I pretty sure Nico is going to summon and army to help, can you summon your own?" I asked, she nodded. "Okay, that leaves me, Fotia, alpha, and stargazer to go on offense. Everyone understand." The nodded. The couch horn blew in the distance... Signaling the start of the game. We all smiled. "See you on the other side." Luke said.

Luke, Zoe, and I ran on top of the trees, avoiding the battle below us. There was about 100 campers and hunters charging Beauty, Forge, And Angel. Along with about 50 skeletons. I smiled to myself. I was right. I saw Bianca summon a squad of skeletons to hold of the campers/hunters. Her squadron had about 159 skeletons (yeah, that's right 159 you got a problem with that!!!!!) I couldn't see anymore because we had just crossed into enemy territory. We traveled about 100 yards when we jumped down.
We were then surrounded by 7 campers and 4 hunters. I defeated 4 of them and turned around to take done another, when I saw the other had taken care of them. I signaled them to move on.

We got to within 50 feet of the flag, we saw that about 50 campers and hunters were in front of it.

{{arch! we'll take care of them, go to the flag!!!}} Luke yelled.

{{we can do this arch. Just go!!}} Zoe yelled.


{{Fotia! stay with Zoe and Luke}} I told her.

{{okay Perseus.}} she replied and started attacking the campers/hunters.

I flew up and landed on the rock the flag was on, when I was almost pushed of by an invisible force.

"Annabeth," I growled.

She took he hat off and unsheathed her dagger. She must have gotten a new one. She then charged my and tried to stab me in the stomach. I blacked and waited for her next attack. She then attempted to slash my chest. But I parried. I was done with defense. I quickly switched to offense and slashed her shoulder. Landing a blow. I then tried to nick her arm. But she blocked. This contained for 5 minutes until I found am opening and disarmed her using Luke's technique.

I left her standing dumbfounded. "How do you know that technique?" She Asked. "Only 4 people know that technique. Me and Thalia haven't taught it to anyone, Luke is dea-..." She looked me in the eyes (or tried too... Stupid hood of chaos, but thanks this time :D). "Percy? Is that's you percy?"

I shook my head to say no, when I noticed a pen on the ground. Riptide. I cursed myself and I saw Annabeth notice it too.

"Riptide, percy... Percy is that you." She said almost crying.

"No, I'm not percy jackson." I said. "I knew him. He taught me that technique of yours years ago. And before he died... He asked my to give you his sword... If I ever came to earth." I explained making up the story on the spot.

"No, no, no, no, you lie... Percy wouldn't die, he's still alive... He's okay an-..." Annabeth said now in tears.

"Percy jackson is dead!" I yelled for everyone to hear.

"He died a broken hero." I said softly, only load enough for
Annabeth to hear.

Authors note:
Percy jackson: new divide [someone can take this one]
The children if the big 3 and the forge, shall travel south to calm his rage. Many sides they will need to learn. Only 3 haft-bloods will return. The next prophecy to change his life. I was on. A quest with Leo, Jason, and Nico. All was well until we started heading home. Actually, right before we crosse to boarder, we were attacked. In short I am not haft werewolf. At first everything was normal, bug I started getting to dangerous to keep at camp. So I left to protect everyone.
Then they found me. The northern pack. They became my new family. They trained me, helped me control the beast, and taught me everything I needed to know. I made friends, and everything was well. But when Percy gets a chance to go to back to camp haft blood, who will he choose... Old friends, or a new family.

Harry potter and the blood of the gods[Someone can take this one]
Percy at hogwarts, percy at hogwarts. That is all you can ever find. What would happen if Harry. Found out about the demigods first. And he Ron, hermione, Fred and George go to camp haft blood, to make sure that the demigods aren't a threat. I guess it's time to drop the wands and pick up a sword because, it's wizards at camp haft blood.
Based after the giant war and the battle of hogwarts. Pretend Fred never died. We all love him!!!

Your demigodishness and all

New record!!!!!!! 3853 words!!!!!!

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