The Seeking (#Wattys2015)

By InnocenceIsBliss98

968 5 0

Calla has been living life oblivious to who she really is. But she's constantly haunted by extremely real and... More

Authors Note
Chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Another Authers Note Lol

Chapter 5

50 0 0
By InnocenceIsBliss98

I woke up from the first peaceful nights sleep I've had in ages. It's refreshing but unnerving, I choose to look past it and enjoy my day since it started off so great. I loom at the clock to see it's 7:15 so I have about and hour to get ready. After and hour well spent im standing in the mirror taking in my appearance. I'm wearing a grey tank top with my black leather jacket and black skinny jeans paired with a pair of grey ankle boots, my hair is done in natural waves and my makeup is done in smokey eye and a nude pink lipstick, all of this along with my Michael Kors bag and I do have to say that I look hot. Satisfied with the way I look I make my way down stairs stopping only to grab my shades and keys and slide into my baby. I sigh at the smell of fresh leather and the way she purred to life when I revved the engine. My Audi R8 could very well be the reason I breathe other than my mother and Ana-Lia.
Pulling into the school parking lot I see the familiar red convertible and smile. After parking I get out and Ana rushes to great me.
"What's new hun" I ask while making my way towards the office, I had to turn some papers in, she followed at my side while speaking.
"The fact that you held a conversation with him and didn't tell me!!" She whispered yelled while stopping and putting her hands on her hip. Oh dear lord she's about to lecture me. " Am I or am I not supposed to be your best friend?" She paused waiting for me to respond, losing patience she pressed on "well am I?" I sigh rolling my eyes.
"Of course you are, but I didn't think that particular conversation mattered. Honestly it was just weird and awkward and I don't know what even happen to be honest" I say while wrapping my arm around her as we continued onto the office.
"Well," she said as I put my papers into the box, "tell me anyway". And so I related the story to her as best I could as we walked to our lockers. When I finished she was staring at me with wide eyes. "OH MY GOSH he's interested in you" she whispered the last part.
"Obviously, " I murmur under my breath, "but why?"
"Well there's only one way to find out" she said to me in a sing-song voice as she walkes away from me to go to her class. Leaving me staring at her as if she has grown three heads in the past five seconds.
I stand in the front of the class talking to a girl named Cindy about last night's homework and if either one of thought we were going to pass the test. But she was just my excuse to be standing, my eyes were scanning the room for that face, stopping when I see the empty desks, I nearly growl in frustration. Wait why do I even care if.
"Looking for someone" the baritone of a voice said in my ear while sliding past me to get to his seat. I bit my lip and smirk, satisfied that he's here I cut my conversation with Cindy short, and go take my seat just as the bell rang. Somewhere along the line of Mr. Soto drowning on about Algebraic Algorithms, Dante tapped on my shoulder, I tiltled my head to let him know that I was listening. He leaned over my shoulder, his warm breath fanning on my ear.
"I have a proposition to make"
"Which is" I have to admit my interest is peaked.
"You go on a date with me"
"Why would I do that?"
"I believe the correct question is why wouldn't you" I can practically hear him smirking, and roll my eyes.
"Well entice me, make me want to" I'm praying that he takes the bait.
"I bet you would like that wouldn't you" he says keeping himself close enough that I can feel where his lips would be if he moved a mitre of a centimeter closer. I leaned back into him as far as I could without it being noticeable to others.

But my sanity seems to come back full force when I hear him chuckle. Cocky son of a.
"Ms. Hale, Mr. Rossi is there anything that you would like to share with the class" Mr. Soto interrupts before I say something that I might later regret.
"No" Dante and I both rush out.
"Good, then I," the bell cuts Mr.Soto's rant short and we both go running into the hallway before he gets the chance to hold us back and really chew our ears off.
Dante and I walk in peaceful silence down the hall which is surprisingly vacant seeing as the bell just rang. I look up to find him starting at me.
"What? I question pulling at my shirt sleeve self consciously.
"You're beautiful you know that" he says while looking strait in my eyes and for a minute my heart soars... I almost took him seriously.
"I bet you say that to all your conquests" I say while finding my shoes extremely interesting.
"Are you saying that you want to be my conquest," he pauses, I keep walking only to be pushed onto the lockers and his body is trapping me there. He leans down so that his lips are pressed to my ear. "Because if you do allow me to conquer you, I will make sure the only names you know after are mine and your own." I shiver at his closeness and his word's, I gasp in surprise and pleasure as he kisses along my jaw line down my neck. Why won't he kiss me already.
"Because a kiss is far to intimate for my liking." He mumbles into my neck, I stiffen I know I didn't say that out loud.
"Did I say that out loud? I question wanting to know if he'll lie to me to cover his ass.
"No." He pulls away from me, I try to ignore the cold empty feeling I get from the loss of contact. And continue to question him.
"Then how dis you hear me?"
"I umm"
"Answer me!" For some reason I am beyond mad at this boy and I now stop to take a good look at him. There's nothing boyish about him no he's all man.
"Don't freak out, but I read your mind." He holds up his hands in defense, and I all I can do is glare at him.
"Don't freak out, don't freak out!" I screech catching a few passbyers attention, he looks at me pleading with his eyes to calm down or at least quiet down. "You invaded my privacy and not only that but I know your hiding something from me" I whisper yell.
"Okay yes I'll admit I should have done that. But Im hiding something?" He looks adorably confused and if I wasn't so mad at him right now I would laugh.
"Yes hiding something. How can you read minds and how old are you cause I know you're not 17. I'm not stupid."
"It's a gift and now isn't the time or place to talk about it. And I'm 21 if you really must know." "Not the time or place? Well buddy you better start talking cause I swear. And what the hell is a 21 year old doing posing as a senior in high-school?" I'm confused, curious, mentally drained and I can feel it slowly starting to take it's toll on me.
"How about we start with what's growing on your arm, I bet if you knew what it is, all your other questions would be invalid." He scoffs.

"What the hell?!" I growl while wrenching down my shirt sleeve, he raises an eyebrow and moves away from me. Wait no don't leave me here like this without answers.
"How about we take a rain check on that date sweetheart."
"I wasnt going to say yes anyway." I growl, I don't realize it but my body is getting into and aggressive defensive position.
"Woah there tiger, then there'll be no pain in me walking away right." He says with a smirk while walking away. As soon as he's out of sight I make a mad dash to there nearest ladies room locking the door behind me.
I'm sitting on the floor with my back on the door, taking a deep breath I allow myself to completely break down. I have no idea why I'm crying or what the hell just happened. I mean it all occurred so fast. I look down at my arm to see that it has dark smuges on it, I shrug it off thinking that it's probably from my makeup. Standing up I walk over to the sink to wash my face and arm. I stare at my face in the mirror there's black trails on my cheeks that my tears left there wake. I look a complete and utter mess, I look like the broken girl I truly am. My eyes well up with tears again, and a black tear falls from eye. "What the hell!" I gasp my tears they're actually black, either I'm going insane or I'm dying, it has to be one or the other.
I hear a cough behind and turn around come face to face with the most beautiful man I've ever seen. But there's so much darkness radiating from him I back away.
"Seems such a shame to walk away from such a beautiful and powerful girl." Even his voice is beautiful, but he's it's too beautiful and too perfect. It's the type of beautiful that's only meant to lure you in before he conquers your soul and damns you to hell.
"What do you want?" I ask while slowly edging towards the door.
"Just a little of your time me enchanta." He takes a step toward me and I instinctively take one back.
"Well that's time I don't have to give." I growl out while making an attempt rush to the door only to be pulled back by a cold had wrapped around my neck.
"You'd do best not to anger me child, and running away from me angers me." I helplessly squirm in the mans grasps unable to get free.
"Let me go" I hiss while hitting him in the neck by head butting him and getting a good kick to his sheen. He drops me , I crawl to the door as quickly as I can.
"You little bitch, you better be glad your worth more to me alive than dead." He takes slow deliberate steps toward me like a predator stalking it's prey. I'm about to call for help when the door flies open.
"LOKI!" Dante's deep voice growls, and I instantly relax and feel safe.
"GABRIEL!" The man or Loki rather growls back. I sit there confused, who the frick is Gabriel why did he call Dante, Gabriel. The man looks at me seeing the confused look on my face and smirks. "Until next time me enchanta." And with that he disappeares into the ground.
"Calla, calla can you hear me?" Dante questions his voice full of worry, I mumble out what I think can pass as a reply. I can't keep hold of my consciousness, the world keeping zooming in and out. Knowing that I'm safe now I decide that it's okay to let go.
And that ladies and gentleman is how I ended up going to the nurses office before getting picked up by my parents and being put on bed rest for the rest of the week.

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