After math

By ellie091294

340 1 4

No one ever speaks about the after math. Nobody talks about the pain the hurt, the tears, everything that com... More

Who she is
Why should I care?
Beggars can be choosers
Fake it
Pillow talk
Broken promises
Pure Bliss
At last
Heart of hearts
Stay Alive
Live, laugh, lose
I think I wanna marry you
Heaven and Earth
In another life

Weak Woman

19 0 1
By ellie091294


Why did he make me so angry? He just walks out of the office because I say one thing and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. He accused me of having someone make my drawings that I have pinned to the board behind my desk.

Why would he do that? He has worked beside me for close to two weeks now and he still hasn't seen how talented I can be. I'm not the one who did anything wrong. He is. I can't work with him anymore. Remember that calm, confident, and hard headed Annalise I was talking about a little while ago?

She wasn't here right now.

Right now I was a weak woman. A woman who let a man turn a job that at one point, she loved, to a job that she didn't want to be at for another second. I was so sick of him. The way he thought he knew everything. The way he walked around here like he owned the damn building. I didn't care if he was my manager. He wasn't the CEO. 

If I didn't know any better, I'd march myself up to the twentieth floor, barge into Ms.Walker's office-although I did that the last time and I got an image that made me want to gouge my eyes up and swallow bleach- and hand in my two week resignation. But judging by the way he looked at the clock and the way he got up and left my office, I knew better than that. He's probably up there right now making out with my boss.

Not that I care.

Why would I care? He may be semi-attractive  but he's a self centered jerk and that's not my type. At least I don't think it is.  Yes, he is good looking but he is rude, inconsiderate and quite honestly a man-whore. The same day I caught him with Ms.Walker, I caught him flirting with two girls in the same hour. Yeah, not my type. 

Two hours passed before he actually decided to come back to the office. I don't stop typing on my computer and instead ignore him. If he was going to be rude to me, he was going to get the silent treatment. Simple as that. He sits down in the white chair before getting his own laptop and beginning to type away. I roll my eyes at the sound of his annoying typing and continue to work. My laptop made somewhat of a ringing sound four times. 

Four mew emails from Andrew Choi.

I let my eyes wander over to his and he ignores me. I open the emails only to read:

"Get me some coffee"

"Large mocha no whipped cream on top but at the bottom and make sure they add caramel."

"Actually, no. Make it a twenty four ounce caramel, creme de menthe, white chocolate powder, butterscotch, English toffee peppermint."

"Take your card because I'm not paying for it." 

I glare up at him only to see him giving me the dead serious look. I feel my jaw clench before I get up and say "You're coming with me or I'm not going to get it." I sounded way to much like my mother when I said those words but I meant every single one.

If he wasn't coming with me, I wasn't getting it for him. God, I sound like my mother. 

He rolled his eyes and got up. He motioned for me to leave the room and I do just that.

I walk over to where the elevators are located and hit the button. He was right behind me and I could feel his eyes trailing my body. I turn to face him and his eyes snap up to mine, he was clearly staring at my ass.

God, what a perv.

"Is that a new skirt?" He asks, his lips tipping to the side. I glare up at him and roll my eyes. It wasn't but I hadn't worn it yet because it didn't go with any of the other outfits I had. I was wearing a white blouse and black heels. I always tried my best to look professional but today I looked like a hooker. The way he was staring at me made me uncomfortable as hell. "Not really but I've just never worn it." I say, avoiding his eye contact. 

"So, no, it's not a new skirt." He says tucking his hands into his pockets of his slacks. I didn't even match his height even in heels much less without any so he was really intimidating. I feel my jaw clench at his words but I ignore him and walk into the now open elevator door. He follows behind and leans against the wall of the elevator as I press the button. I don't know why I was giving into this and doing this means I'm only encouraging his bad behavior. But I wasn't going to have him bitching at me for the next five to six hours.

The elevator finally dings after what feels like forever and I step out of the elevator and make my way to the cafe that wasn't normally busy. Instead of being behind me, he walks at my side at the same pace I'm walking. Nothing is said the entire time we're walking but I can't help but let one thing slip into my mind.

 Why the hell did I agree to this.

When my fiancé left me, he left me for my best friend which happened to be Samantha who worked on the same floor as me. Her department was terminated so she ended up having to take a job downstairs so I hardly ever run into her. But when I did, it was always awkward. I never ran into her and my ex-fiancé, James. That would've been true had it not just happened. 

My eyes meet James' eyes. I haven't seen those eyes in God knows how long. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open. I stop in my tracks and so does Andrew. "What the hell are you doing?" He says to me, his voice hard and cold like it had been the last couple of times we've spoken. "Andrew I'm going to have to ask you to do me a favor." I say, my hands wrapping around his arm. "Pretend to be my boyfriend." I say softly. "And why the fuck would I do that?" He says, not caring about my hands around his arms.

"That's my ex-fiancé with my ex- best friend. He left me for her and I've not seen him since we broke up. Please do this for me Andrew, I'll do anything you want but I just need you to do this for me. Please." I beg. His eyes flicker to James and sighs. "Fine let's hurry up with this bullshit." I smile softly and we walk into the cafe ready to get my coffee. 

Samantha was all over James, like usual. His eyes were on me. I went to the counter to go order but James interrupts. "I'll pay for her and her friend. Just put it on my card." He smiles at me but Andrew steps in. "Don't look at her like that. She's my girlfriend, not yours. Don't worry about paying, I got it." He says, glaring at James. If I was just someone who was standing there, not even in the conversation, I would believe it's real.

Damn, he must be a really good actor.


Sorry it took so long to post. 

I just wasn't feeling it so I didn't write. I don't have any chapters prepared but I will be posting on Tuesday. I still have time to write some chapters because I normally write like two or three a day.

Everything I write from now until Tuesday will be posted on Tuesday including the next few chapters. I will have dates on those chapters at the very end so you guys know that I do have some sort of life and I'm not writing chapters for this book every single second of my life. 

Anyway I love you guys bye! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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