Sons of Atlantis

By RKay985

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Those times were different. The people were different. They had such character, power and strength! With suc... More

Chapter 1: The Vow
Chapter 2: The Friendship
Chapter 4: In the Middle of Nowhere
Chapter 5: The Curse
Chapter 6: The Prophecy
Chapter 7: The Training
Chapter 8 - The Visitor

Chapter 3: The Abduction

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By RKay985

Old King Shantan lay in his bed heavily propped up with pillow. There was a decided chill in the air that even a hearty roaring fire in the large fireplace right beside his bed could not quite warm him up. Or was it just old age? This year the winters were extraordinary cold.

'Bravin, does it never bother you that you gave up everything for me? For someone who won't even live for many years?

' No father. Never.' Bravin smiled gently.

'Why?. Just why?' He coughed profusely that nearly tired him out. Bravin handed him a glass of water. 

'Bravin, I am unable to understand you. I have been king of Atlantis eversince I was a a young man not twenty years old. Everyone who I have ever met has envied me my crown, my kingdom, my family name, my riches, power, my might, my luck. All the neighbouring kingdoms pay homage to me like I am some god. We are the mightiest in the world. How could you not want it? How could you denounce all this like... like... it is nothing?"

'You think too much. I am fine with what I have. I look after the kingdom anyway in every way as if I am still the prince.'

'Except that you aren't.' 

'What does it matter? I am responsible for all office matters in your stead. For the realm. For the people. For the Queen. And Chera and Chirega are shaping up so well! Chera is really good at war craft although he is only 17 years old. Chirega is a bit comfort-loving but,'

'Ah! My Chera and Chirega! You are more like a father to them than I have been.' 

Another coughing fit seized him that seemed to drain him of his last bit of strength. Sauvari ran too. So did Chera and Chirega. The royal physicians were at hand and immediately gave him medicinal herbs with honey to chew which eased his dry cough. 

Bravin and Sauvari made him lie down in his bed tenderly. His old wrinkled face with all silvery hair looking even older with his eyes closed. There with not an ounce of energy, strength or colour in his wrinkled cheeks.  

'Bravin, promise me something.' He clutched his hands and wouldn't let him go.


'Promise me you will look after my Atlantis.'


'Your Atlantis. Sauvari. Chera. Chirega. They are all yours. Promise me.'

'I promise. I promise.'

'Every night...' He heaved painfully catching his breath after each word. 'every night... as I lie here resting and sleeping, I .... sometimes.... dream that bad days are coming ...Bad days that would swallow up... Atlantis. Bravin.... don't let that happen... if you can.... Promise me.'

'I promise, father. I promise.'

He breathed his last..!

After three days, the young, brave handsome Chera was crowned the King of Atlantis with Queen mother Sauvari as Regent and Prince Chirega as Crown prince. 

'Your majesty, the prophecy that I had heard so many years ago is finally come to pass.'  Sauvari's father, since long a small Lord at the royal palace, commented as he cheered for the newly crowned king.'

'What prophecy, my Lord?'

'The prophecy that your sons and grandsons and great grandsons, all would be kings of Atlantis.'

'Oh, then we have nothing to fear.'

'Nothing indeed. But now we need to find a suitable bride for him. Now we need heirs.'

'He's so young. He is only ten and seven!'

'He is our king and heirs are all we need now!'

But before that could happen Chera while fighting an egoistic pointless battle with a tribal clan lost his life, putting Chirega on the throne. Before ever Chirega could balance the crown on his head the same question started troubling the Queen. Heirs! That was all that was needed while Bravin without any official regency carried the entire load of the realm on his shoulders so Chirega could learn. 


King Chirega's entire room was cluttered with paintings. Paintings of eligible girls some from within his kingdom, some from foreign. After rejecting several paintings his eye rested on a large life-size painting of three girls painted together. 

'Who are these three girls?' He asked.

'They are the three princesses from the kingdom of Kishaki.'

'Kishaki? Where's Kishaki? Is that even a place?'

'Your Majesty, it's a small kingdom to the south. So small it's hard to even point on a map. Do you like these?' Asked Lord Bravin.

'Your majesty,' the messenger mumbled hastily. 'It may already be too late. The three princesses are supposed to choose their husbands in an open ceremony within a few days. We cannot choose them.'

'Can't we?' Prince Chirega looked at Prince Bravin askance. 'What a pity. I really like these.'


Prince Bravin clad in his gold robes, had been riding since 5 days straight in his elaborate gold chariot pulled by finest snow-white horses well known for their speed. Behind came another two chariots pulled by two horses and his two finest soldiers. 

Riding tirelessly through rough countrysides, sometimes over mountains and moors, sometimes through forests and dells, only stopping by to water the horses and riding cautiously while passing Mistillies that happened to be the neighbouring kingdom of Kishaki,  he finally entered the capital city and noticed how crowded it was because of the plans of marriage function of the three princesses. He had just made it in time!

In a large hall all the princes and eligible men were already seated in an orderly fashion. The princesses hadn't yet come in. Prince Bravin quietly went and occupied a vacant seat in a corner. 

'Aren't you Prince Bravin from Atlantis? Your sword hilt as well as your ring have the Atlantis emblem. Nobody could mistake that.'

'Well, yes. I am.'

'Hail, Your Grace.' The guest prince, whoever he was, continued speaking. 'So, have you changed your mind about never marrying?'

Prince Bravin didn't answer. The three beautiful princesses stepped in the hall. They were even more beautiful than their painting. Yes. They are definitely the right choice for Chirega. Bravin thought complacently. They walked together like a star constellation, holding a large garland in their hands. They were supposed to put the garland in the neck of the one they would chose. The high priest walked in front of them introducing each prince to them loud and clear. 

Bravin stood up as the three princesses neared him. 

'Princess Ambi, the eldest. Princess Ambini the second. Princess Ambira, the youngest.' Announced the priest.

'Hail princess. I am Bravin of Atlantis. I ask your hand in marriage to his Majesty Chirega, King of Atlantis and my brother.'

He suddenly staggered and attempted to fall down as if he were sick and needed water. The priest shouted for help and looked around but Bravin stood up straight the next instant with one large muscular hand he gathered the three princesses together like a litter of newborn kittens and had run off outside. Before anyone realised what was happening all the three princesses had been neatly abducted right from under the armed royal guard's noses. 

Shock factor, if one can pull it off well, has always been one of the best winning strategy 

Unceremoniously he almost threw them together in the chariot amid their frightened shrieks and began galloping away. Some kings and princess did try following them but they were no match to Bravin's skill and speed. In half an hour he was well beyond being followed. 

Even he hadn't imagined the abduction would be this easy!

The princesses were too stunned, too shocked and too scared to do anything. The speed of the chariot made escaping impossible. But escaping was anyways not on their agenda. And the name of Atlantis and Prince Bravin was somehow a comforting factor. 

'I never thought I would wed into Atlantis!' 

'Never.' Ambi agreed wryly. 'But I do wish he had asked me first. I had other plans.'

'You don't want to marry an Atlantean King?' Chided her sisters Ambini and Ambira disbelievingly. 'Every princess wants to marry Atlanteans!'

'Not me. I am in love with His Majesty Shavilon, the king of Shival. It was him that I was going to wed tonight.'

The chariots had just arrived after continuous journey of 5 days. And Prince Bravin felt so proud of his feat. 

'Bravin! You abducted three royal princesses?' 

Queen Sauvari stared at Prince Bravin unable to believe her ears. 'I agree, it is Atlantean custom for kings and royal princes to sometimes abduct woman they want to marry if the situation calls for it. But was abduction really needed here?'

Bravin looked apologetic like a child. 

'I had no choice. His Majesty had selected them already. These princess were the only ones he would look at.'

'Yes, but abduction? I'm sure he never said that.'

'I can do anything to fulfil Chirega's wish! I am an Atlantean.'

The Queen ordered the princesses to be brought in and treated with utmost care and respect. 

'Let me see them.' 

The princesses were brought in. Tired. Shy. Still a bit scared but every bit as beautiful as heavenly nymphs. 

''I am sorry you have been abducted, princesses. But I must ask you first. Do you agree to marrying the king?'

Ambini and Ambira nodded blushing and curtseyed  to show their agreement. Ambi did not.

'You Majesty, I am in love with another king. I can only marry him and nobody else.'

Prince Bravin and the Queen looked at each other in dismay. 

'Why didn't you tell me this before?' He blazed. 

'His Grace never asked me.'

'How was I to know?'

'How was I to tell?'

An uncomfortable silence pervaded the room. 

'Who is he? The king you are in love with.'

'King Shavilon of Shavil kingdom. It is our neighbouring kingdom.'

'The same king that shot arrows at us as we were leaving your city?'

'Yes, Your Grace.'

'Had you told me then I would never have brought you in.'

'Your Grace never asked me.'

'You wanted to punish me for abducting you?'

Prince Bravin paced up and down impatiently thinking over what to do. At length he looked up.

'There's no way I am forcing you to marry anyone against your wishes. I am sending you respectfully back to King Shavilon. You are free to marry him. And I will apologise to him without delay and vouch for your honour, safety and well being.'

'Your Majesty is most kind!' 

Princess Ambi left within an hour in company of a sizeable retinue of ladies-in-waiting, gifts and a large comfortable fully equipped carriage to bring her to prince Shavilon with utmost honour and respect. Bravin gave her a letter of apology with his seal stating that the princess was being respectfully retuned to where she rightfully wanted to be. 

'Two of our most trusted guards will accompany your carriage from behind. The region near Mistillies is too dangerous for anyone to pass through, especially ladies. The guards will keep you safe.'

'Yes, I am aware of Mistillies and her dangers.' Princess Ambi remarked. 'I have heard tales.'

'These dangers are not just for travellers alone but also for her own citizens too. Do you have something to protect yourself? Can you shoot? Or fight?'

'Yes, I can.' She laughed amusedly. 'Your Grace forgets that I was abducted in my marriage robes.'

Bravin flushed. He took out his diamond studded steel dagger and gave it to her. 'Keep this for your protection. It might help you.'

Atlanteans! The mighty Atlanteans! Much as she had been bickering over them in the last five days, she hadn't thought they were so honourable, so brave yet so humble. Every word of what people say about Atlantis and Atlanteans is true. Lucky Ambira and Ambini!

 She accepted the dagger, thanked him and took a fond farewell of her younger sisters. 

'Couldn't you attend our marriage and then leave?' Ambini and Ambira asked.

'No. I would rather go to my king as soon as I can and get married to him without delay. He must be so distraught because of my abduction.'

'Who would have thought, you the eldest one of us would be the last to get married!' Ambini giggled. 'We two are getting married tomorrow.'

'Who would have thought you two would become Queen brides of Atlantis!'

'All is well that ends well! Farewell sisters! Fare thee well!'

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