Reincarnated as an Orphaned D...

By RecursiveDescent

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From a fulfilled life to a powerful lizard?! Lena(now Lava), whom accepted an early death, is now fated to li... More

Chapter 1 - "Am I alone?"
Chapter 2 - "Making friends."
Chapter 3 - "Family"
Chapter 4 - "An angel? Where?"
Chapter 5 - "Ria"
Chapter 6 - "Taz and Chase"
Chapter 7 - "Tournament Prelude"
Chapter 8 - "Tournament"
Chapter 9 - "Chills"
Chapter 10 - "Resolve"
Chapter 11 - "Cleanup"
Chapter 12 - "Hustling"
Chapter 13 - "Dwarves"
Chapter 14 - "Beastmen"
Chapter 15 - "Passing the time with practice."
Chapter 16 - "Village Stabilization"
Chapter 17 - "Culinary Bonding"
Chapter 18 - "Test Drive"
Chapter 19 - "Confrontation"
Chapter 20 - "Adventurers"
Chapter 22 - "Learning"
Chapter 23 - "Preluding Destiny"
Chapter 24 - "Dungeons and Gods"
Chapter 25 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
Chapter 26 - "Encounter"
Chapter 27 - "Battle Ignition"
Chapter 28 - "Unraveling Illusions"
Chapter 29 - "Requiem"
Chapter 30 - "Second Chances"
Chapter 31 - "New Acquaintances"

Chapter 21 - "Guild"

78 3 4
By RecursiveDescent

Part of me just wanted to not mention any of this to Gramps, but vegetables are nothing but suffering for my enhanced taste.
It made me feel like a child asking for permission, when this was something I had to do.

Right now, no one has come expecting me to be hiding in a transformation.
But the instant people start suspecting it, everyone else around me will be in danger, not just me!

Gramps was busy giving the adventurer a bunch of threats if I get hurt.
I don't need that kind of protection...

After the lecture is over the trip could finally begin.

"Can't you fly us there faster?" Chase says, eyes lighting up to the idea of flying.

"I can't fly very well. But I don't mind letting you ride me there without flying." I offered.

"You really are a good dragon. No wonder that elder wants to tie me to a post if you so much as get a cut." The adventurer adds.

They weren't very heavy at all, it was easy to travel quickly in the direction indicated by the adventurer woman.
Soon enough we came across a small city, compared to the only other ones I knew of.

"This is Galewind, otherwise known as the adventurer's city." Raine described.

As we entered, we could see many of the pedestrians were wearing armor of some kind.
Most of them were adventurers, obviously.

It is rather close to the border with the dwarf kingdom, and the other two cities that produce Magisteel and magic tools, so I suppose this location makes sense as a hub for adventurers.

The guild building is probably the most pronounced place in the city, with the most traffic and decoration.

Raine guided us knowingly to the receptionist.

"What can I do for you this time?" The person behind the desk asks Raine, wondering why she's brought in two teens and a child.

"We came to request a job listing to be taken down." Raine answered.

"That's a very uncommon process... You'll have to bring that up with the manager of this branch. You came at a lucky time, since he's here now." The receptionist responded.

While they were going on about that, I was looking very out of place here and I could feel that I was getting some stares.
They really need to learn to keep their eyes to themselves!

We were brought into a back room with a man that looked about middle aged.
"So, you have a problem with one of the requests?"

"Yes, specifically regarding the dragon subjugation in Jora Village." She continued.
I wasn't sure, but I felt she was helping with this more for the two boys she's in charge of rather than for my sake.

"Well, I don't think I can do much about it without good reason or evidence, what problem do you have with it?" The manager questioned.

"The dragon isn't a threat to the village or the surrounding area, I, and the villagers themselves can attest to that."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that's enough to have it removed. Dragons don't have the best reputation, and requests can be made to retrieve materials from the body, not just to secure safety of the surroundings." He explained.

"Is there no way?" Raine asked.

"Well, there is an old policy regarding the smarter species if they can be proved harmless. But it was mainly to avoid the intelligent species forming groups to become major threats in response. It will be a difficult task to prove that for a dragon, the only quick way would be if that dragon perhaps registered as an adventurer." He explained.

"They can do that?" Taz outed in wonder.

"Of course. It's uncommon but intelligent magic beasts can become official adventurers as well. It wouldn't take long to complete the process, though we'll need to arrange a space for the dragon to reside." The manager answered.

"There's no need for that, we have it here with us right now! It can transform well." Raine revealed, pointing at me.

"Oh? You mean the little girl with red hair? They usually can't transform so well, I didn't even consider it!"
I guess I did use to be human, so I guess it makes sense I would be better at it.

"Is age going to be a problem?" Raine asked with a followup.

"It certainly would for normal adventurers, but those restrictions don't apply in these situations." The man continued.

They were still droning on about business and I was getting bored.
I was mentally an adult, but not being involved in my own affairs was making me so bored that I gravitated towards an old sword sitting against the wall.

I looked at it and tried to touch it but I was suddenly flying away from it.
Chase decided I was going to cut myself or something and pulled me away.

After a few insufferable moments of boredom the branch manager gave me a metal card.

"You can use this card for identification, and to accept jobs from the guild. It is also an emergency beacon, so nearby cards will heat up and glow red when activated. If it's flashing, then your presence is being requested at the guild." He explained while giving me the card.

"Are there consequences if I don't?" I ask.

"You're starting from E-rank because of your special circumstances, but there are penalties for completely ignoring emergencies. It's not forced, but generally, you want to at least find someone else that can help."

The card felt so smooth and expensive that I was in awe of how valuable it felt.
I wanted to admire it forever when I suddenly noticed the front.
"Race: Dragon"

"Can I really go around telling everyone I'm a dragon like this?!" I questioned in surprise.

"Uh, well, probably not. But other adventurers, guild officials, and kingdoms accepting guild cards as identification are unlikely to care. For magic beasts with guild positions, the guild records their achievements and reputation to show governments."

"I guess I'm not going to be going across countries..." I grumbled.

"A lot of them might not like letting in a dragon, sure. But if there's a huge disaster they would have to let you in as an adventurer anyway."

After solving my biggest problem, all that was left was to get home.

There was just one problem... How do I carry this with me?!
I've never tried to move while carrying anything until now, and I don't want to scratch up my new card with my uselessly sharp teeth.

Upon thinking it over I decided to just have Taz carry it, later on I'll just have to experiment with telekinesis or something similar to carry things.

"I think Lava was cuter as a little girl than a big monster." Chase pouts.

I reel at being called that and I'm sure that would have made me cry if my mental age matched my body.
Ria would have turned him into ashes if she heard that, she thinks it's the other way around.

Raine was practically a stranger and even she glared at him.

"Huh? Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry! You're not a monster, Lava!" He cried after a delay of repeating it in his head.

"You're lucky I'm not. Now let's go home." I huffed.

"Woah there, we aren't going back right away." Raine stopped me.

"What? Why not?!" I complained.

"I'm supposed to be giving these two fighting experience, and since I can't use you for it, we're heading towards the ogre encampment that's not too far from our path." She commanded.

I'm not really worried about ogres, but I'm sure she heard what Gramps was going to do if I came home in anything but mint condition.
But, denying these two experience isn't the best idea for their future, so I went along with it.

Heading into the trees, I eventually meet the horrifically ugly beast that is... an ogre.
I'm worried about watching Taz and Chase trying to fight those giant brutes.

They're probably the only humanoids I've seen so far that are as tall as me.
But they don't have the brains to go with their muscles, and they are easily chipped away until they fall.

The boys are learning to dodge and attack, but they are fighting stupid and essentially unresponsive targets.
Still, it's enough to be proud of them.

After waiting for them to be finished, I carry them back home while making sure to stay hidden from the main path.

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