Dare To Kiss (GxG)

By CathyY_writes

9.1K 218 58

"Your first dare, darling, is to kiss Ruby Mackenzie." *** Isla Summers has had a crush on her best friend Ru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

454 14 4
By CathyY_writes

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! 💕 Please read author's note at end...


An abbreviation which stands for Wow Oh Wow.

The exclamation slips out of my mouth in awe before I can stop it as soon as Elena's house comes into view.

Although it would really be better described as a mansion. With its towering form and elegant appearance even on its exterior. Not to mention the front gate and driveway to lead to the main building, along with a luxurious garden at the front that's decorated to the utmost perfection.

"Remember, no later than 1 am, okay?" my mum reinstates when I prepare to leave the car. "Call us anytime before then, and we'll be happy to pick you up. But that's the absolute latest, alright?"

"I know, I know," I tell my parents.

My dad sighs, saying to my mum, "I told you I still think that's a bit too late."

"It's New Year's Eve, for God's sake. Let her have some fun before her mocks. Isla's been revising so hard this holiday," Mum defends in my favour, making a smile break across my face. "Besides, she'll want to do the countdown for the new year."

Dad waves a hand dismissively, surrendering to my mum's arguments. "Okay, go before I change my mind," he relents in a defeated tone.

"Thank you!" I squeal in gratitude to both of my parents before climbing out of the car in immense excitement, my phone and bag in hand.

Finally, I get an actual evening off from studying.

With our mocks and later our exams coming up, it's a wonder I get any time to relax at all, especially with my parents and their insanely high expectations for my grades. All holiday long, I've either been up in my bedroom revising, or downstairs socialising with relatives and family friends whenever they come over to catch up and celebrate. We've visited several other houses as well and attended some dinner parties, but at least Iris was observant and kind enough to urge our parents not to schedule too many exhausting events, seeing that I'm close to burning out.

As a result, you can see that I haven't had a proper rest for a while, even on evenings that I don't revise, but instead have to socialise with others. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate it, but it can also be exhausting at times.

Today, however, at this New Year's Eve party, even though I know the atmosphere will be buzzing and loud, I'll be allowed to let loose and have some fun. In addition, I'll also be able to catch up with some of my friends, who I haven't seen for ages unfortunately, due to our conflicting schedules and busy holidays.

Glancing at the watch on my hand, I notice that the party has already started a while ago, but many people are still arriving and many cars are still pulling up to drop teenagers off.

It doesn't surprise me that the party is on such a large scale and with at least a hundred participants invited — it's hosted by Elena after all. She's done similar events before over the years, but never as big as this, and I usually don't bother about them. But this time, after being personally invited, I want to come and see what all the hype's about, and I might as well enjoy myself at the party while I'm at it.

Elena, being a good host, stands at the entrance hall of her home, greeting the guests as they enter, with either some friendly chatter, a complimentary remark, or even just a simple hello and welcome. She continuously surveys the driveway, almost as if she's specifically looking for someone.

I definitely don't expect it to be me when I enter through the open double doors and hear Elena exclaim, "Isla!"

Momentarily surprised, I carefully walk over to her, closing the distance of just a few feet between us. Did she suddenly change her mind and decided that I'm not welcome anymore? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

However, all of these thoughts leave my head when I raise my head and finally take in her breathtaking appearance.

Donning a lavish dark blue halter dress, Elena simply looks radiant, exactly like a picture perfect host of the party. Her makeup is not applied too heavily, but just enough to bring out her complexion, emphasised by the lovely locks framing her face. Adorned with a silver necklace and elegant bracelets, she looks like a completely different person than the one I'm used to.

It's a wonder I manage to stay on my feet at all.

"Hi, Elena," I greet her, with this being the first time we've conversed in weeks. "Thanks for inviting me here today," I add cautiously.

"No problem, I'm glad you came," Elena replies, and I let out an internal sigh of relief.

At this moment, Yvonne bounces across the hall with two sodas in hand, the skirts of her yellow floral cut-out minidress flowing around her knees as she reaches the two of us near the entrance.

"Perfect timing, Yvonne!" Elena grins and takes the two cans from her friend. Yvonne has most likely grabbed one soda for Elena and one for herself, hence the look of confusion — perhaps also a hint of annoyance — when she sees Elena hand me the other can.

"Do you mind greeting the guests for just a while in my place?" asks Elena, and Yvonne agrees willingly, albeit with a suspecting look directed at me.

"Come, I'll show you around," Elena says to me, tugging on my arm lightly to lead me further into the mansion where the life of the party lies.

I oblige, opening my can of soda and taking a sip as I follow Elena's lead.

"Sooo," I break the ice when we stay silent for another moment despite the welcoming atmosphere and the cacophony of amiable chatter around, "how come you decided to host such a big event on New Year's Eve? I thought your parties are usually invite-only or on a smaller scale at least."

"That has been true in the past, but luckily for me, I have the whole house to myself this evening," Elena replies, but then elaborates on her answer at my questioning look. "My dad has recently just stepped down as the CEO of my parents' company and letting my brother take the lead officially. So today they're all in London for an important event, mainly to solidify their connections, since my brother is still newly-appointed and rather young compared to the others."

"Oh wow, I didn't know your parents owned a company," I remark as we both arrive at the drawing room at the end of the entrance hall, where the party seems to be the most exciting.

Dozens of teenagers are socialising with each other in the room, although I have no idea how they can hear each other over the blasting music drumming into my ears. Refreshments and snacks are laid out on the tables, with the staff restocking them every few minutes.

"So here's the drawing room, and the living room is next door," Elena introduces, "and those double doors right there lead to the garden outside, which is where we'll be counting down for the new year. You are staying for the countdown, right?"

"Most likely yes," I answer and she smiles.

"The washroom is just down that corridor," Elena continues, pointing to that direction, "and that's all I can think of. These are all the places where the party will be happening, so just stick around here and you'll be fine."

Mumbling a brief thank you, I take another sip of my soda for lack of something else to say.

"Okay, well I think I've left Yvonne alone at the entrance for far too long. I better check to see she hasn't made a mess or admitted too many people," Elena says, eliciting a light chuckle from me. "Just enjoy and have fun, I guess. I'll see you around, Isla."

After muttering goodbye to Elena and watching her figure disappear from view, I turn my attention towards the sea of people in front of me, hoping to find at least a few friendly faces.

I know that Katherine and Martha are coming, and maybe Elizabeth too. I'm not too sure about Charlotte though; she might've decided to spend the day revising, with how hard-working she usually is. Ruby is most likely also coming, but I haven't seen any of my friends here yet.

Maybe it's simply a bit too early? Some people are still only just arriving after all.


I turn around, just in time to see the owner of the excited high-pitched squeal before Katherine crushes me in an embrace.

"Katherine! Thank god you're here," I exclaim as I return her embrace, holding the soda can at arm's length to avoid spilling it. "I barely know anyone else, and most of our friends aren't here yet."

"Come on, that's not true," Katherine argues as she pulls back to admire my outfit — a cute floral top paired together with a pleated miniskirt, as well as a few simple pieces of jewellery to enhance my appearance. "There's plenty of people from our year here. You definitely know more than a few."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at my friend, whose personality is so easy-going and open unlike me. Katherine would have problem talking and chatting with others easily, even if they're not super close.

"See, there's Alison right there by the refreshments," Katherine says, pointing out people I know. "Ooh, and there's Delilah and Ivy! Have you heard? Apparently they're a couple now. They're just so cute together!"

If our year had a newspaper, best-friends-now-turned-girlfriends Delilah and Ivy would've made the headlines with all the drama that's occurred last half-term. I didn't really follow up with all the gossip and stuff, but I've heard it's been a real rollercoaster ride. Fortunately for them, it's come to a happy ending, with the two of them now in a relationship despite the many trials they've overcome.

Of course, all the gossip has probably exaggerated their actual story immensely. Especially with how gossip usually travels at our school.

"Should we go say hi to some people?" asks Katherine. "It's boring just standing on the sidelines like we're doing now. Aren't we here to party and have a good time?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" I reply, but Katherine's attention is already snatched by a message notification on her phone. "What is it?"

"It's Ryder," Katherine gushes in exuberance. Her boyfriend, of course. "He says he's just arrived at the gate." She turns to me and her expression falls for just a split second as she asks cautiously, "Will you be okay here?"

Knowing that she would like to go greet her boyfriend and spend some time with Ryder, I answer, "Of course. Go to him, I'll see you later."

With a radiant twinkle brightening her eyes, Katherine dashes off after a swift goodbye and promise to meet again later on at the party.

And just like before Katherine arrived, I feel alone again. Despite being amongst a crowd of roaring teenagers at the most sought after party of the year.


"One minute to countdown, people! Everyone ready?"

Someone at the party suddenly shouts out the announcement, invoking cheers and whoops from everyone around as they continue watching the fireworks blasting the midnight black sky into a bright canvas of exploding colours.

I stand alone in a quiet corner of the garden, hidden between bushes and trees yet still maintaining a clear view of the fireworks.

Katherine is probably somewhere around with her boyfriend Ryder, and I know I saw Ruby with Zac just an hour earlier dancing their hearts out at the party, so they're probably waiting for the countdown together as well. Even Charlotte is having fun today, despite her usual no-parties-only-work policy. Last I saw, she was with Martha and Elizabeth with several other girls as well as a few boys from Oak Valley.

Everywhere I look, everyone is with someone else. Be it a friend or a lover or a sister or a brother.

Is it really just me who's alone today?

Just when I'm beginning to regret coming to the party at all, an unexpected voice calls my name.

"Isla!" Elena exclaims as she makes her way over to me near the bushes, leaving behind the chaos of the crowd's cheers. "What are you doing all the way over here?"

I shrug and hurl back, "What are you doing here with me then? Don't you want to do the countdown in the spotlight? In the centre of all the excitement?"

"Don't you?" Elena asks instead. She comes to stand next to me and we both fall into a comfortable silence as we observe the fireworks.

A sharp blast of colour, then it fades into the abyss.

It's funny but sad how something so beautiful doesn't last.

"Last ten seconds," Elena murmurs to me when the others in the centre of the main garden start to count down from ten.


I glance up.


Another explosion of colour in the sky.


Elena calls my name, "Isla?"


I don't reply.


She says it again, "Isla?"


This time, I turn towards her slowly.


Elena starts to lean forward, and my breath catches.


The distance between us grows ever closer. The tension is thick in the air.


Her lips are a breadth away from mine. I close my eyes.

"One... Happy new year!"

Next thing I know, Elena is kissing me. 

A/N: Hi, everyone!  First of all, like I said, happy Valentine's Day!!  I tried hard to finish writing this cause I wanted to update on Valentine's Day (I know it might be a bit late if you're in a different time zone tho, so I apologise 😔), and I think this is a nice chapter to update today as well!  Call me a romantic if you want lol...

Unfortunately, since I only just finished writing this chapter, the next ones are not written yet, so I'm still not back to my normal updating schedule :( but I'm trying!!  Unsure when the next update is, but hopefully soon, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

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