Change of Fate (Marvel x Male...

By BigDummy133

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Marvel x Male Reader Y/N L/N might be a variant of Kang The Conqueror. He travels back in time in hope to esc... More

Bio |revised|
*Meet The Young Avengers*
Supporting Characters
*Meet the villains*
Chapter 1
New Beginning |revised|
First Day |revised|
Monsters and Robots |revised|
What's Pizza? |revised|
The Masters of Evil(Idiots) |revised|
New Avengers? |revised|
That's Fantastic... |revised|
Movie Night | Short
All in good time | short
Healing wounds | short
Dreams |revised|
The Fury
Champions vs The Fury
Children of the Multiverse
The Meeting
The Assault
The Bridge
Secrets Out
Chapter 2
The Truth

Assault on The Baxter Building

57 4 2
By BigDummy133

Darkness fell on The Baxter Building as the sun set on the city, it had only been 3 hours since The Fantastic Four's introduction and Y/N's reintroduction to Kang The Conqueror and The Kang Dynasty. Y/N laid unconscious in hospital type bed with his hand stump and broken leg were treated and now in a bandage and cast, The Four were treated by HERBIE and the group of heroes gathered by Billy Maximoff, America Chavez and Tommy Maximoff, Reed and Sue quickly healed but Johnny and Ben were critically injured, they sat in beds next to each other. Reed, Sue and Sylvie explained everything that happened, that Y/N is an adoptive variant of Kang, that Sylvie, Hope and Ikol were captured whilst investigating The Kang Dynasty. Mimir was placed on the chair next to Y/N's bed, he wanted to make sure nothing happened to you while you were asleep, he heard the door open to see Kate Bishop.

"Oh, hello." Mimir spoke startling Kate, who was not used to seeing a severed head talk.

"Oh um, hi." Kate pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the bed. "Any changes?" She looked down at him with a sad look.

"No, still unconscious, I've always hated seeing him like this, all the times Kang and those other bastards beat the life out of the boy." Mimir ranted before going silent for a moment. "He never asked for any of this, that sick braggart vámr always forced his views on him, never had a single chance to choose what he wanted. Well, until he decided to run."

"I've only somewhat known him for a short time, but I know that he is a good person and is nothing like this Kang guy." Kate assured him and herself that Y/N is not like that.

"I couldn't agree more. What is he to you anyway?" Mimir asked her.

"We live across from each other."

"Ah. Well, tell me, since I'm am now confined to this universe, tell me is Asgard still around?"

"Um, last I heard that Asgard got destroyed and all the Asgardians moved to Norway and called it New Asgard, It's run by Thor now." Kate told her which he was a little surprised of.

"Thor is king? Not surprising, I guess that means Odin is gone then too." Mimir felt a little sad to know that his brother was dead in this universe too but was happy to hear that his nephew was still alive.

With the group

"This is insane." Miles stated, he paced with his mask off. Kamala was pacing in sync with Miles as she to believed this to be insane.

"Why would Y/N lie to us? And what's with the talking head?" Sam asked standing infront of his two friends as they paced. Billy, America, Tommy and Cassie sat on a bench outside Y/N's room. Billy was trying to call Doctor Strange and Wong but no one was answering.

"Yes, 'Hello, I'm the variant of a egotistical genocidal maniac, how about you?' would be a very good first thing to say when meeting people and I'm not sure about the head either." Hope said deadpanned, sitting across from them next to Ikol and Alligator Loki, holding onto a katana, while Sylvie stood against the wall. The young heroes looked at her awkwardly. "What?"

Kamala walked slowly walked over to her "Um, we haven't actually met." She tried to lighten the mood, presenting her hand to Hope. "I'm Kamala but I'm known as Ms. Marvel." Hope is confused at this notion, she slowly raises her hand and shakes Kamala's hand.







"Hope Summers."

"And you?" Kamala asked Ikol while he is cradling the alligator like a child.

"I'm Ikol Laufeyson and this is Loki." They look at him with surprise.

"They're both variants of Loki Laufeyson, the god of mischief." Hope explains to them but they are still confused.

"What's a variant?" Sam asked.

"A variant is another version of someone from another universe." Sylvie explained.

"So, this you and an alligator are Loki's in there own universes until this TVA came and took them?" Miles asks and the three of them nod at the same time. "That's.... so rude."

"Bit of an understatement but yes, rude." Sylvie says before she looks to Billy who keeps going to voicemail. "Who are you even calling right now?"

Billy looks over to her, putting away his red cased phone, "I've been trying to call Stephan AND Wong but neither of them are picking up."

"But Wong always picks up." Tommy says looking at his brother in confusion "Here let me try." Tommy takes out his green cased phone. Kate walks out of the room, Miles and Kamala look at see her a go towards her.

"He awake?" Miles asked and Kate shook her head, she goes over and takes a seat next to Cassie. The hall was silent, no one really knew what to say until Cassie has a thought.

"Wait, Hope, didn't you say Y/N might be one of Kang's variants?"

"Yeah, he said so himself."

Cassie stands up and goes to the middle between them all to gain their attention. "Well this Kang guy seems to be pretty clever, so why would he be putting this much effort into keeping Y/N around if he wasn't sure?" That was a good question, why wasn't Kang sure of Y/N's existence? This question was now what they were trying to wrap their heads around.

"Back at Kang's fortress, he asked Richards if Y/N had unlocked his 'true power', whatever that means." Hope says gaining everyone's attention again.

"True power? What kind of power are we talking about?" Kamala asks as she begins to pace some more. "Could Y/N be a mutant or inhuman?"

"I don't think so, during our capture, it had appeared that Kang is Mutant-phobic, very pro human. I think him being Inhuman would be ruled out too as Kang needs Y/N alive to access this 'true power', in some cases in other universes there are ways to extract powers with technology, types of technology that Kang would likely already possess." Hope added on.

"But if he's a Kang variant, then why take him in if he was already 'destined' for it?" Miles added, this situation raised alot of questions of what Kang wants with Y/N in the first place. Reed Richards appears down the hall in a lab coat with HERBIE hovering next to his shoulder.

"Is he awake yet?" Reed asked them, they all shook their heads and Reed sighed and went inside the room to check on him.

Somewhere else in the building, a dark green and black portal opens up and Doctor Doom steps out of it with a squad of his doombots.


"Step forward, V-32." The bot steps forward towards Doom and he orders "Go to the floor above this one and set self destruct for ten seconds. The rest of you follow me." Doom orders as all but one bot follow him and the one is left alone.

"Yes, your majesty." The bots respond and the one bot looks upwards and uses it's eyes to laser a hole the ceiling, slowly hovering to it and lift the circle threw the ceiling and gently places the circle next the whole and begins his self destruct sequence.

10, 9, 8...

The bot takes a moment of the silence of the room and takes out a photo.

7, 6, 5...

A photo of him with a robot partner and child sitting happily during a picnic in a park. "Goodbye my loves..."

4, 3, 2, 1 BOOM!

An explosion is heard throughout the building as it shook, the group gets up from their seats and Reed dashes out the room "What the hell was that?"

"it's Kang, who else would it be?" Sylvie says drawing out her blade and going towards the explosion.


They leave with no one but HERBIE and Alligator Loki alone with Y/N, HERBIE's orange visor becomes purple.

Reed questioned why HERBIE offered to do something without being told but did not question it due to focusing on the explosion. Reed, Sylvie and the group run towards the sound of the explosion, Tommy is the first to make it there and but is blasted at by doombots. "WOAH! Dudes there are green terminators in there, they're with Darth Vader looking guy!" running back to the others. Reed instantly knew who this was as the doombots came out of hiding and they began to attack with Doom behind him, Reed stretched towards him and they began to fight.

"It's Doctor Doom." Reed expressed as he stretched around a doombot, trapping it right before it's was destroyed by Nova.

"Didn't you guys just save his ass?!" America asked as she fought along side Ms. Marvel. Shadow-Spider venom blasts a doombot to the ground sending a few flying through the room and out of the building.

One of the bots shoot at him and he shoots the hand blaster with a electro-web and the hand goes haywire and begins to fire a beams all over the place. "AH! Sorry! So sorry!".

Tommy runs around with his super speed, attacking all the doombots at once, but due to the fact that the bots are made of metal and Tommy doesn't have gloves, he ended up with bruised and red hands. "Ow! Fuck! Oh screw this." Tommy dashes away, speeding down the building seeing the three doombots fly back up into the building from Miles' blast, he jumps up and turns the furthest one up back around towards the bot behind it to face each other. The last one was closest to the building, Tommy grabbed the bot and brought it in between the two bots and makes the bot perform the splits. Tommy speeds away as the bots clash and destroy each other in an explosion. Tommy runs into a hardware store and speeds back to The Baxter Building and begins attacking the bots with a crowbar. "IMMA BEAT YO ASSES!"

Ms. Marvel enlarged her fists and begins to fight the doombots with her back to America as blue sparkles appear on her hands and forearm as she fought the bots, blasting them back leaving behind star shaped smoke. "Woah, that's cool. You should come with us on patrol sometime!"

"Add teammates later, girl!" Miles interjects.


Ikol and Hope fought close to each other, Hope uses her katana made of adamantium to fight, Ikol uses his magic and illusions to distract the bots as Hope cuts them down. Stature shrinks down between two bots, all of their limbs falling off one by one, then she shoots one with a disc and it shrinks down to tiny size.

"...fuck." the tiny doombot said seeing it's tiny form.

Nova blasts the doombots in mid air but one shoots it's hand at Nova's leg and slams him down to the ground, dragging him over bringing him up to be blasted into the fist of another robot. Sam looks up to see both Robots beside him, "Okay, that's it!" Nova yells as he sends a shockwave of energy sending both doombots back, they stagger but stop themselves and shoot lasers at Nova, he prepares to block but a light blue shield forms around him as Billy appears in front to him.

"I got the one on the left." Nova nods and Billy brings down the shield and they both attack the same one and both get shot by the remaining doombot but it is shot by Hawkeye. "I meant my left!" Billy yelled at Nova.

Now that the doombots are all destroyed all that was left was Doctor Doom who was facing off against Mr. Fantastic and Sylvie. "You must see reason Richards, the boy must die to stop Kang!" Doom shoots a blast at Reed, Sylvie jumps and swings her sword down but is blocked by Doom "You were there woman! You know what Kang is capable of, for greater good of all of existence, he must die."

Sylvie says nothing and pushes away from him with a blast of green magic. Doom throws a punch at her but she catches his arm and tries to enchant him, but nothing happened and she look at him with surprise. "Did you really think Doom would succumb to such weak sorcery?" He blasts her to the side and Reed wraps around him, slamming him to the ground face first "You've finally lost your mind Victor, you-" he stops talking when he sees a part of Doom's mask broke off revealing a robotic face "-son of a bitch."

With Y/N, Mimir, HERBIE and Alligator Loki

Mimir wondered what was going on in the building when the explosion happened, Alligator Loki laid next to the chair where Mimir was placed, "Oy, machine man, what the hell is going on out there?" HERBIE said nothing but is looking at a syringe, "Oy, I'm talkin' to you- What are you doing with that?" HERBIE hovers over to Y/N's unconscious body and sticks the needle into Y/N's arm and begins to draw blood "OY! What the hel are you doin'?!"

"QUIET HEAD." A deeper voice arose from HERBIE of which Alligator Loki hissed loudly at, Mimir recognized this type voice.

"Oh fuck." Mimir sweared.

"I'M CERTAIN THAT YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR TEACHING HIM SUCH BARBARIC LANGUAGE." 'KANGBIE' said as he hover over to the window behind Mimir.

"Barbaric? Barbaric?! You call that barbaric when you've slaughtered millions of innocent lives! You hypocrite! Greatness isn't what awaits you, only the deepest, darkest and coldest pits of Helheim are what await you!" Mimir yells at KANGBIE as a small square rabbit ear antenna pops out of his head and begins to laser a somewhere large hole in the glass. The glass circle falls forward towards KANGBIE and a small hover drone goes through the hole perfectly, KANGBIE gives the blood sample to the drone and it took the sample and flew away.

"NOW THAT'S DONE WITH. WHAT TO DEAL WITH-" KANGBIE could not finished it's sentence by being blasted by Doctor Doom. He stepped forward from the doorway towards Y/N's bed.

"Of course, that fool Richards would not know that his own servant is working for the enemy." Doom says as he gets closer to Y/N, a dark green glow forms around Doom's hand as he was about to kill Y/N.

"WAIT NO!" Mimir yells before Alligator Loki jumps up and bites Doctor Doom's hand.

"AH! You annoying ophidian creature!" Doom insults the alligator and....

"This níðingr!" Alligator Loki thought as his eyes glowed and it's teeth dented and broke Doom's armor causing him to bleed. Doom growled in frustration as he whips his hand, causing Alligator Loki to fly off to the wall.

"I'll turn you into boots after this, you tiresome creature."

"How about you try that on me then?" A feminine voice is heard and Doom turns around to see Sue Storm in the doorway, she raises her hand to push Doom out through the window and let him be stuck in a blank formation hovering in mid air.

"Let me go Sue! You must let me go! If he lives it will be the end of everything!" Doom shouted at her as the rest of the group arrive behind her to see.

"Bring him in, I have a sedative in here to keep him out." Reed says and Sue begins to hover him back over.

"YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BURN!!!! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!" Doom shouts at the top of his lungs, almost sounding out of desperation as he is brought closer and closer back inside.

"Reed! You must listen to reason, if he lives, he will-" Reed takes his damaged arm and injects him with a needle, "e-end us..." Doom blacks out.

Miles, Kate and Kamala go over to Y/N and Sam takes off his helmet and goes over to him too. "Um, a little help." Mimir said as he laid on the ground. Reed went to pick him up as Alligator Loki went to Ikol and he picked him up and began to cradle him like a child. " Thanks, look I know things look over for now but it's not, your robot there was under control by Kang."

"What?" Reed questioned.

"Oh lovely." Sylvie said sarcastically.

"It's true! It sounded like him and everything, right before that metal man showed up, it took some blood from him and gave it to some kind of hovering contraption."

"You mean a drone?" Tommy asked and Reed set Mimir on the table next Y/N and leaned down and picked up HERBIE.

"Let's get him to another room." Sue said them. As they were about to pick Y/N, an orange holographic doorway opened up at the door and a gray haired man with a mustache walked out of it.

"Sylvie." Mobius M Mobius said.

"Mobius, about time you got here." Sylvie complained even though she was certainly happy to see a familiar face. Everyone else was on guard before Hope looked at them.

"It's okay, he's with us." This caused some of them to let up but Kate, America and Tommy were still a bit on guard.

"I'm sorry, we got caught up with something. Are you two good?" Mobius asked Ikol and Hope, they both nodded as everyone else was completely confused of what was happening, who this guy was and how he should up. 

"Wait, wait, who the hell are you?" America questioned.

Mobius looked around "Uh, right, Mobius M Mobius, TVA Analyst." Everyone looked in surprise at this guy who was part of the TVA, who they were told destroyed entire timelines was standing before them. "What happened? Last I heard you three went after Kang yourselves then went full silence for weeks, are you insane?"

"We couldn't afford to wait. We couldn't just let him destroy entire timelines." Ikol tells Mobius, who was still unconvinced.

"Yeah, well you can't exactly do that if your all dead? What the hell happened?" Mobius replied.

"Two weeks after we got captured The Fantastic Four showed up, got their asses handed to them, especially Y/N." Hope points to Y/N laying on the bed "Who, apparently, is a possible variant of Kang that Kang took in as a kid 'cause he has some sort of hidden potential and Scarlet Centurion nearly killed him, Ravonna helped us escaped surprisingly to save his life, then Doctor Doom came here to kill Y/N after escaping Kang's fortress with us." Mobius looks at Y/N.

"Damn, really did a number on him." He states before he looks at everyone else "So why help you?" 

"Because Kang isn't someone he wants to be." Mimir states from the table. "He always forced Y/N to be like him, so trust me when I say that this lad wants nothing to do with what that bastard does." 

"We all see that head talking right?"

"Yes." They all said

After some time, Y/N was moved into another room and Doom was taken to a cell, Mobius began to speak with everyone with what to do next but something else was happening....

Y/N is waking up.

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