Secrets Out

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"Oh....Fuck..." You said looking at Kang and his council while The Fantastic Four was looking at them.

" You said looking at Kang and his council while The Fantastic Four was looking at them

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"Y/N, who're these guys? Who's this guy? What is...... Y'know what honestly, just what the fuck in general!" Johnny asks you.

"He hasn't told you of me? Hm guess that's not a surprise." Kang begins to walk towards them. "The last conversation with me, well them, didn't exactly end well." He points to the men behind him.

"Conversation? They nearly killed me." Y/N says gripping the box of his belongings and Kang sighs.

"I was hoping you'd find that down there. You always did like that annoying little automaton you made for yourself." Kang says as he steps forward again and you form your arm into a blaster and aim it at him.

"You hijacked our portal and brought us here." Sue says and Kang nods.

"Reed, now would be a good time to activate this thing." You say and Reed stretches over to the controls but is stopped by Rama-Tut teleporting in front of him.

"That would not be wise." Rama-Tut says with a smirk to Reed and he stretches back into place.

"I must say I was impressed with the code you used to sabotage The Bridge. It longer than I expected to undo that, I have taught you well after all." Kang says this and the four look at you with suspicion.

"Now is not the time, guys." You tell them.

"This pointless talking is wasting time. We must harness his power before they and kill him if we can't." Scarlet Centurion says. Kang rolls his eyes and makes an annoyed face, Kang doesn't hold Centurion in such high regard, since his temper can cause problems and is the reason that Y/N was in the situation that caused him his near decapitation and to flee to another timeline.

"I must concur with The Centurion. We must take him now, while we have the chance. Now.......We must stop wasting time." Immortus said with a raspy voice. Kang lets out a sigh.

"Remember we need him alive." Kang tells them. Rama-Tut and Immortus both nod as Centurion dashes towards Y/N and rams into him. Causing Y/N to drop the box and blast a laser into the ceiling.

"FLAME ON!" Human Torch yells as his body engulfs in flames and attacks Kang as Thing follows suet. Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman begin they're fight with Rama-Tut while Immortus hangs back and watches.

Back with Y/N

Centurion rams into Y/N causing him to go back a few feet onto the ground "I knew we should have killed you from the start."

"And I always knew you were are scarlet dickbag." Y/N tells him as he gets back up and Centurion uses his suit create his glowing light blue spear sword and shield while you form blades on top of you're wrists.

Centurion lunges at you and swipes at you with his sword but you dodge and strike at him but he shields himself. You strike his shield again and again until he slams his hammer down causing your blades to break and send you backwards again. Centurion quickly stomps towards you while you get up and as he grabs you by the head to lift you up you're unibeam fires sending him backwards.

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