how to be a rich b*tch | han...

By bipanicking

64.6K 2K 1K

being a rich bitch was hard, that sounds spoiled (and it probably is) but it's true --- after moving to korea... More

intro | cast, aesthetics, me yapping
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
[bonus chapter 1]
outro | me yapping pt 2, updates

chapter 23

1K 35 11
By bipanicking

I sit next to Soo-jin for our cram school but she's turned towards Su-ho so I just rest my chin in my palm, waiting for Ju-kyung to arrive. "Yeah, a bit," Su-ho responds to something Soo-jin previously said.

"Then let me borrow this," She snatches his hat and puts it on her head. I wince a bit, Jjoo would be upset if she saw that, but she doesn't know that's Su-ho's hat, right? Ju-kyung walks into the room and I try to catch her eye and wave her over but she looks between Su-ho and Soo-jin and Su-ho points to the seat next to him but she points to herself and walks to the back of the classroom. I sigh, how'd she know? I grab my book bag and make my way to the seat beside her.

"What's wrong?" I ask, I already knew but I just wanted to make sure.

"I'll tell you after," She points at the teacher as she starts talking about the CSATs (another exam I'm about to bomb, if you couldn't tell). Once the class is over I stand up and stretch and see Su-ho snatch his hat back from Soo-jin but once I look back Ju-kyung is already gone. I run out of the room and see her power walking down the hall and I jog a bit to walk next to her.

"Will you tell me what's wrong, now?"

"My mom tried to throw out my makeup yesterday," Nevermind, maybe I was wrong and Seo-jun did stand a chance.

"Really?" I ask as she hooks arms with me, "Was it because of the test," She nods sadly, "You know, I have a lot of extra makeup so if you're mom does that again you can just take some of mine,"

"Really?" She brightens up and lays her head on my shoulder, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Eun-ah," I grin brightly and blow her a kiss with my free hand.


I wake to a loud ding from my phone and I turn it on to see Seo-jun had texted me. This idiot, my phone was on DND. He probably pressed the 'Notify Anyway' and decided to ruin my sleep. Asshole: 'Help,'

Asshole: 'I don't know what to get Go-woon for her birthday,'

Asshole: 'Come to the mall,'

Me: 'Right now?'

Asshole: 'Did you sleep in again?'

Asshole: 'Weirdo,'

Asshole: 'It's fine Ju-kyung's helping me,'

Me: 'Hwaiting!' I send him a demon emoji and I can practically see him roll his eyes on the other side of the phone. My heart pings a bit when I realize that he decided to go with Ju-kyung instead of waiting for me but I just ignore it and lay back down, only to be interrupted by another notification. I sit up again, groaning and open my phone to see who texted. Superman: 'Why's Ju-kyung with Seo-jun,'

Me: 'Why would I know?'

Superman: 'Aren't you close with both of them?'

Me: 'I'm not close with Seo-jun for the love of god,'

Me: 'But they're picking out a present for Seo-jun's sister's birthday,'

Superman: 'And she says she's not close with him,'

Me: 'Oh shut up, why do you want to know anyway?'

Superman: 'None of your business,'

Me: 'You wanna go stalk them with me?'

Superman: 'Duh,'

Su-ho appears in front of my house and I walk up to him. "That was quick," I laugh.

"I had nothing better to do," He shrugs and we start walking.

"Sure," I wink and he shoves my shoulder. "Hya! I could've fallen on the street, you would've been charged with murder,"

"I always cover my traces, I'm not smart for no reason," He sticks his tongue out and I shove him back. We enter the huge store and I look around.

"You know, it would be such a huge waste to come here and just look for someone like Seo-jun when there's all these amazing stores around," I look over at him hopefully and he sighs, shaking his head but still following after me as I start my hunt. I look through designer stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores, makeup stores, I look through basically every store this mall's first floor has to offer. By the time we're done, Su-ho is holding around 13 bags and I'm holding two and he's complaining profusely about the amount of walking we've been doing. "Fine, fine, let's sit," I roll my eyes and we sit down on a bench in front of an Olive Young on the second floor.

"It's so funny how the stores gave you a discount because they thought you were a celebrity,"

"I know I don't even dress that much like one," I laugh, "Today I just decided to dress up, I'm gonna start doing that more often now," I'm wearing a purple tweed blazer, a basic white shirt, a purple tweed skirt that matches my blazer, some cute purple platform heels, the LV mini moon bag in iris and some Dior sunglasses that I was currently sporting like on my head.

"Why'd you get so much stuff?" He looks at the bags crowded around us.

"It's an illness, it's called getting-too-many-things-that-I-don't-need disorder,"

He snorts and covers his mouth quickly to hide it, "You're so weird,"

I just grin back and he looks forward again, his smile dropping. I followed his line of sight to see what made him so upset and found Ju-kyung and Seo-jun together. Ju-kyung's holding onto the sleeve of Seo-jun's leather jacket and on her tiptoes, trying to get Seo-jun to try out a lip gloss. My heart starts twisting again so I just avert my eyes from them, at least the Plan was working, I knew it would. Su-ho goes to stand up but I grab his arm and shake my head when he turns to look at me, "Jjoo's upset, Su-ho, give her some space, alright? Just give her another hour," Maybe I just didn't feel like confronting and seeing Seo-jun and Ju-kyung together but that's besides the point, "Plus, we said we'd just make sure Seo-jun doesn't push her out of a window or something," Su-ho looks a bit suspicious but I drag him away to a nearby pop-up cafe. I make him wait for me as I order coffee and when I get back I see him a bit restless.

"What's up?" I ask, looking at his jumping leg.

"I just saw Ju-kyung and Seo-jun get into an elevator together," He looks in the direction of the elevators.

"That's how you get to the first floor so..."

"What if something happens in there?"

"And what's gonna happen?" He glares at me, looking anxious and I sigh in defeat, "Alright, alright, let's go, but you're carrying the bags, my hands are full," They're not actually, all I'm carrying is my phone, a purse and my coffee but this feels like fair payback. He grabs my bags and starts speed walking to the elevator with me jogging, in heels, to catch up with him. The elevator door starts closing but he puts his hand in between the closing doors, stopping them right at the last second. He opens the door dramatically and Ju-kyung looks at him in shock, I mean, he looks like a crazy person, 15 shopping bags in his arms, staring her down like he's about to kidnap her, I'd be scared too.

"Oh? What're you doing here?" She asks him. He walks over to her and grabs her arm.

"Let's go," I really hope he's not going anywhere with those bags because they cost me a whole lot of money.

Seo-jun grabs her other arm, "Why're you getting off when it's not the first floor?" They start staring menacingly at each other and I stand awkwardly in the background.

"Hey," Ju-kyung starts but the doors start closing on her and Su-ho aggressively presses the button to make sure she doesn't get smushed.

"Let's just go downstairs and we'll deal with it down there," I offer. They both whip their heads at me and glare at me as Ju-kyung sends me a thankful smile. We stand in the elevator with both of them glaring at each other when the lights flicker and the elevator stops. Well, shit.

"What just happened?" Jjoo looks around.

I look around with her, "I think the elevator stopped," I groan and lean against the wall.

"Why do you have so many bags?" Seo-jun lets go of Ju-kyung first and leans against the wall next to me.

"They're mine," I raise my hand awkwardly and send him a furtive glance.

"Why're you guys here?" He turns back to Su-ho after sending me another glare.

"We went shopping, can't you tell?" He raises the 15 bags in the air.

"Why're you holding all her bags like that, are you her boyfriend or something?"

"It's called common manners, something you clearly don't have," Su-ho bites back, I can practically hear the 'Ohhhh' backtrack playing.

"Give them to me," Seo-jun starts trying to grab the bags from Su-ho but Su-ho doesn't let go.

"Guys!" I exclaim, trying to get them to stop, "There's expensive stuff in there! Stop flinging it around!"

"Then tell him to let go!" Seo-jun responds.

"Su-ho let go, if Seo-jun wants to carry them, he can, you've been carrying them all day anyways," Su-ho glares at me—if looks could kill, I'd be at least 60 feet under, the amount of glares I've gotten today—but let's go of the bags, passing them to Seo-jun.

"You guys have been together all day?" He looks at me suspiciously.

"How do you think I got 15 bags from 15 different shops?" I look at him obviously and his glare gets even darker, if that's even possible.

"Guys!" Jjoo randomly exclaims, "I need to go to the bathroom!" She crosses her legs and waves her empty cup in the air, "Why'd you have to buy me a large coffee!" She complains. "And you!" She points at Su-ho, "The elevator got broken because you kept messing with it!"

Seo-jun starts aggressively pressing the call button and shouting at the operators when Su-ho grabs the coffee cup from Seo-jun's hand and holds it out to Jjoo. I slap my forehead and groan, even Seo-jun has more sense than this idiot, and that's saying a lot. "Are you crazy?!" She exclaims and pushes his hand away, "Hurry! Keep going!" She says to Seo-jun.

"Hello? Is anyone inside?" A voice from outside asks and we all look at the doors, "Don't move, okay?" We all freeze as the doors of the elevator open. Ju-kyung does some wild parkour out of the elevator and starts running like her life depends on it, well, her bladder and pants do depend on it.

"I'm running after her," I launched myself out of the elevator and started running out of the mall. It's not a sight you see everyday, a girl in a skirt and platform heels sprinting across a mall as two guys chased closely after her. Once I got out the door, I stopped in my tracks alongside Su-ho and Seo-jun. The Ryu Hyung-jin was standing in front of Ju-kyung.

"Are you okay?" He holds an umbrella over her so the snow doesn't fall on her as she stares up at him. Yeah, the Plan is fucked.

Once Hyung-jin and Ju-kyung leave Su-ho and Seo-jun both crowd around me. "Did you know she liked him?"

"Is she gonna go to his game?"

"Is she gonna accept him now?"

"Why didn't you tell me she liked him, you're so annoying!" They both said the last part at the same time.

"Guys," I cross my arms and glare at them, "Calm down, I swear to god, it's not my fault you guys are blind, also, I don't know if Ju-kyung even likes him,"

"It's so obvious," Seo-jun scoffs.

"Then why didn't you realize earlier if you're so smart?" I quirk a brow up.

"Ah, whatever, I'm leaving," Su-ho shakes his head and walks away from us.

"Me too, take your bags," Seo-jun hands me all my bags and starts walking away.

"Hya!" I call after him but he doesn't turn back. I utter a bunch of not very nice things under my breath as I sit in the cold, waiting for Ju-kyung to be finished with her conversation with Hyung-jin. "Finally!" I groan and run up to her. "I was waiting for you!" She grabs the bags off my right arm and puts them on her left so we can hook arms.

"So...?" I inquire.

"I rejected him,"

I stop dead in my tracks making her trip a bit, "You did what?!"

"I rejected him," She says simply.

"And why would you do that?" I continue walking with her.

"I weighed the pros and cons,"

"And you still rejected him?" I say in awe, "Pros: He's hot, he plays a sport, he's fit, he treats you so well, he's older, he's mature, he's hot? Cons: None,"

"Oh, shut up, you would've done the same in my situation,"

"Um... I beg to differ," I scoff incredulously.

"Just think about it, he might be playing in the big leagues after this game which would mean moving to the States and long distance never works out, you know?"

"I would've made long distance work out for him," She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "Just saying," I shrug playfully and she bumps shoulders with me.

"You're so weird, Eun-ah,"

yayaay another chapter done n ep 7 done?! im so cool guys also the last part was completely my own thoughts cuz jung sun-joo is acc so fine also if u guys r confused abt the fit js search 'purple tweed blazer skirt outfit' on pinterest and we js hit 3K READS 🙀 im so happy n grateful

thanks for reading, see u guys next chapter, mwah

- lise

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