Growing Up With Hunters (A Su...

By normalsxboring

57.4K 1.5K 245

Violet has always had a hard life. Whether it's the constant torture of knowing that she will probably be kil... More

A Woman In White
Asylum; part 1
Asylum; part 2
What the Hell is a Ghostfacer?
Bring it.
The Yellow Eyed Demon
Oh shit!
Hospitals, Ghosts, and a Reaper
Alone at last
Update on the story.
Violet, I love you.
Dresses and Jealousy.
I'm grounded.
Fighting is their Happiness.
The Truth is what kills us.
Finally hunting again
Love and Destruction.
I Hate You; I Love You Too Princess.
Q&A/this shit just got real.
Alive but not well.
Could it get any worse?
Christmas Presents.
Sounds Like You're Avoiding Me..
I'm the Man that has Your Girl
How Long Are You Going to Take?
No Way Out.

Not So Serious After All..

648 25 4
By normalsxboring

Alrighty, here you go, another chapter...

Violet's POV:

Dean thought he saw movement over by the house gates, Sam looked shined his big flashlight over towards the open area. 

Nothing, there was absolutely no movement at all.

"I think we are good." I said, as Dean slowly drove the impala forward.

Dean drove around for a moment, parking in a place that if the police came looking, they wouldnt find it. We all got out of the car and went up to the front door. Sam and Dean were going first. Both of them knocked down the doors, putting their guns up. 

"Federal Marshalls. I need everyone to leave now!!" Dean yelled.

"No way." Ed said, as I walked in.

"Holy shit." I replied.

"You know them?" Dean asked.

"Texas, the tolpa." I said back.

"What the fuck?" Dean said.

Adam grabbed my hand and squeezed, indicating he had no idea what was going on.

"Something happened with a tolpa in Texas, and they almost got us killed, long story." I whispered so only Adam was able to hear.

"Okay." He whispered back.

"You have got to be kidding me." Sam cut into the conversation.

"So Ed- it's Ed is't it?" Ed, shook his head 'yes,' "Where's your partner?"


"You know, that scrawny kid with dark hair. He said that he slept Violet."

"Oh yah, Harry." Sam said.

"That's it! Harry. Where's he?" 

"He's around here." Ed replied.

"Can I ask what the hell you guys are doing here?"

"We're hunting." The girl butted in.

"Bullshit." Adam 'coughed.' Dean and Sam laughed a bit, and I smiled, looking down.

"Hey." I whispered back to his comment.

"Easy asshole, would wanna hurt yourself, would you?." Adams face turned to pure anger, and Adam went to hit him.

"Adam. No!" I put my hand on his chest, and tried pulling backwards.

"Really?! Say it again!" The kid looked a little scared, but didn't want it to show. Just before Adam was going to lay a punch, Dean grabbed his fist, and lowered it. Thank god for that.

"That is enough!" I said. "And you." I pointed at him.

"Me?" The fat guy asked.

"Yah, you. Talk to him like that again, i'll chop off your balls, skin them in front of you and make you eat them.." I said, looking him straight in the eyes. Pure terror filled his face, as I walked away over to Adam. The girl near Ed, looked shocked, but rolled her eyes.

"Bring it." I said, she flinched.

"Now everyone needs to get out." Dean said with his gun up in the air.

"OHMYGOD!!!!!" Harry came down, almost like he was right on cue.

"Wesawone." The other one said with no breath inbetween. Everyone was yelling.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!" Harry waved his arms around stopping everything, " Aren't they the assholes from Texas." Harry said, looking at each one of us.

"Excuse you." I replied to his rude comment.

"Yes, Harry, they are." Ed said back to his 'partner.'

"Alright, as heart warming as this reunion is, you all need to get out of here right now." Dean said. 

"No way assholes, we were here first." Harry butted in.

"Look, if you stay here you all are going to die. People have been coming here for over a decade on this night, and go missing everytime." Sam pulls out missing person(s) papers of over 10 people.

"These look legit."

"Thats cause they are." Sam, Dean, and Adam replied at the same time. It was almost scary.

Suddenely a person showed before us, turning around and having a train splatter him all over. Then it all flashed away.

Dean, Sam, and Adam all looked at eachother in concern. I swear they might've been triplets in a past life.

"Okay, everyone out!!" Dean yelled, and everyone practically ran over to the door. Sam pulled on the door handle, but nothing. He threw a chair at the window, nothing.

"No!" Sam yelled. "It's locked."

"What do you mean it's locked?" Harry chimed in.

"As in it wont open genius." He rolled his eyes at my comment.

"What are we going to do?" Maggie asked, completely scared.

"Wait, wheres Corbett?" Ed said, stopping everyone.

"I haven't seen him." Someone else said.

"AHHHHHH!!!" The kid known as Corbett screamed from upstairs, a couple seconds later.

"CORBETT!" Everyone screamed together.

"Oh god." I said.

"What?" The fat guy replied.

"It's starting.." Adam held my hand, he could tell I was a bit frightened- if I said in this moment I wasn't even a little bit scared, i'd be lying.

"Alright lets stick in groups."

"In this place?!" The girl named Maggie said quickly after Dean.

"No, in the white house." I rolled my eyes at her comment. Adam squeezed my hand.

Harry, me, Maggie, and Ed were together. Then Dean, Sam, Adam, and the fat guy. Adam wasn't cool with it at first, but we would still be close to eachother, so he got better about it.

We were together for a while when Harry and Maggie had to scope a room together. I watched them with the fat guy, it was sweet, he was trying to calm her down, but then it happened. Harry and Maggie were making out, in a way. It was almost funny when Ed saw, and had me hold his glasses. He walked over to the two of them and practically tackled Harry. Everything was kind of muffled.

"Hey, Hey!!" Dean ran up and glared at me. He pulled the two apart from eachother, Ed walked over and I held out his glasses. 

"I won that right?"

"Oh yah, you beat his ass, i'd be scared if I was him." I was holding my laughter in.

"Violet." Dean and Adam were beckoning me over.

"Yah?" I said walking over.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked furiously.

"Harry kissed Maggie and Ed got pissed."

"Violet, we are keeping them calm, not making them fight."

"Look, I was just having a a little fun."

"We are hunting Violet, not "having fun.""

"I thought you took this stuff seriously Violet." Adam said right after Dean's comment. Thats what they thought huh? Fine.

"Thats what you think? That I don't take this seriously? Fine. I'm done then." I  turned and walked awat from everyone.

"Violet!" Dean yelled.

"No, my non-serious ass will take itself somewhere else, away from all the serious people." And with that everthing went black...

Haha, I think i'm going to leave you on a cliffhanger. I'll update here very soon. My brother has my crush over right now, and I refuse to even get close to him. XD I'll be in my room for a while.

This chapter's song is going to be "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift. I wouldn't normally pick something like that, but it goes kind of well with it.

Alrighty my supernaturalers, i'll see/talk to you soon. Love you guys, and thanks for so many reads. 

Follow me on Social Media:

Twitter: Normalsxboring

Instagram: Normalsxboring

Share, comment, and vote. Tell/ask me anything you'd like on my board, or in the comments. Ha, love you guys, byee.                                                                                                 ~Josie

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