Oneshot|| ZY

By MOR0__

21.4K 1.2K 139

A collection of short stories by zhanyi only, there is no yizhan here. I hope you like it You can translate i... More

friend's father
sister's husband
Dean of university 1
Dean of university 2
My psychiatrist
Kissing teach
The vibrator
Professor of violin
Láska -1-
Five minutes -1-
Five minute -2-
Five minute -3-
The Doctor
Miracles in December
Play married
Jealous Zhan
Singing Competition
Sexy thighs
How l love u

Sugar Baby

837 56 8
By MOR0__


Hii did you miss me 👀 Please leave comments between the paragraphs


“Yibo, baby? Why are you up so early?”

At the mention of his name, Yibo turns around, continuing to button his shirt.  The handsome man's appearance still lying sleepily on the bed could put a smile on his face.


He greeted softly, pressing his knee into the bed so he was on top of the man. A pair of strong arms wrapped around his torso and the man buried his entire face into Yibo's stomach.

Yibo moves his hands down to stroke the messy hair stuck all over the man's head.

“Why are you getting ready already? Should you be in.”
somewhere ?"

The man asks again, repeating his previous question.

"I have to go to work zhan ge."

"Work? But today is Sunday?"

Yibo laughs at the obvious bewilderment at this question.  "Yes, I told you before last night? Didn't you listen to what I was saying?"

The man - Zhan - mumbles softly.

"Maybe I missed it."

Yibo laughs lightly, “Of course. You were busy harassing me.”  He says jokingly

Humming zhan.  "I didn't harass you. You asked for it."

“I didn't say anything...” Yibo said

“But you clearly didn't say anything when I ate
Your insides last night.” Zhan said

Yibo blooms pink.  "Okay, I won. I better go now though, I don't want to be late."

Zhan gets up.  "Do you want me to drive you there?"

"No, I can take the bus, it's okay. You should go back to sleep. I'll call you when I get home later."  Yibo said

The man wanted to argue, but he knew Yibo well and didn't want to delay him, so he nodded.  Yibo leans down to place a light kiss on his lips before waving goodbye with a small wave of his hand

Zhan returns to bed as soon as the door to his penthouse is closed.  The reviver returns and it is not difficult for him to return to the dreamland as he cradles Yibo in his arms in his dream.

Having his own dance gallery is Yibo's biggest dream in his life since he was interested in dance and in order to achieve his dream, he needed to obtain a degree and basics in dance arts.  To get a degree and better skill in dancing, he needed to learn and that is why he applied to art school.

Art school cost him too much and even two part-time jobs weren't enough, and at that particular time he stumbled upon an opportunity to make money in a way that was completely different from what he had imagined.

Becoming a sugar baby certainly wasn't a goal in his life, but it happened, and Yibo didn't say he regretted doing it.  He met Zhan and that was enough to make his life better. Zhan is a different kind of sugar daddy
daddy, not like the ones Yibo reads about on the internet.

The man was six years older than him, and the first time he approached Yibo was when he was calculating the amount he had left that month, while he was sitting in the farthest corner of the café.

Zhan politely came to his side and asked if he could sit with him.  Then he suggested an agreement.  It seemed suspicious to Yibo at first glance, but Zhan explained that he only needed a companion when attending formal gatherings, when he had to meet his family, or when he felt somewhat lonely and needed a friend to talk about the problems in his life.

His down payment was large.  With this money alone, Yibo can pay his education fees, buy supplies for dancing, and buy food.  It took him about two weeks to think and he almost forgot about it had Zhan not approached him again in the same place in the same café.

The offer was tempting and Yibo was close to agreeing
But he was still a little hesitant about the motive
The hidden one.  That's why Zhan emphasized that he would not want to be exploited
Things they didn't agree to in advance in that agreement

Yibo said yes the following week, accompanied
zhan to the formal gathering, wearing an extravagant suit
Pricey and hung on Zhan's arm as a beautiful accessory.

It was learned that Zhan was a single businessman, who served as general manager in a company owned by his father and uncle.  He made so much money in a month that he didn't have enough time
For dating, so look for the easy way.

zhan told him that his father and uncle were almost staying in the office, because these two men were attending many business-related meetings around the world, so even though he was just a general manager, he had to deal with temporary duties in the company.  Like he's also the CEO and COO.  Hearing that makes Yebo open his mouth and the older man laughs in his face.

They got together and told stories about their private lives one night three weeks after their agreement.  The alcohol made it easier for them to disclose things and Yibo thought at the time that he had somehow managed
Made a friend despite the situation they were in
in it.

They held hands for the first time when Zhan took him out to go shopping for dance supplies.  The crowded streets made it difficult for Yibo to catch up with the man's long legs and Zhan seemed to notice this as well.  His hand that was originally hanging freely at his side was taken into zhan's fist as if it didn't matter.  They always held hands after that time!

Hugs were necessary.  While attending gatherings, people came asking if Yibo was someone important to Zhan.  Without giving any precise answer, Zhan put his arm around Yibo and pulled him into countless hugs.  It was warm and Yibo didn't say anything to stop him because no matter how many times he attended this kind of gathering he always felt nervous so a gentle touch could at least make him feel better.  Zhan has had more hugs since then.

The first kiss...was an accident.  Yibo came with zhan to meet his family and was actually nervous because he didn't know how the man's family would see him, a penniless dance arts student with nothing good to offer.  zhan tells him that his family won't mind at all and that he should act as he usually does.  Fortunately, zhan's parents adored him and zhan's sister was a beautiful woman.  Dinner was held at zhan's family's house and while he was silently sitting on the sofa in the living room while the whole family was somewhere, he accidentally dropped his phone on the floor.  He bent down to pick it up, but Zhan's hand preceded him to him. Surprisingly, he raised his head and clearly did not expect Zhan to be so close to him. The contact of the lips was unexpected and left them both.

As for sex... they were actually expecting it.  After that soft first kiss, Zhan would often take him to cafes, dinner, or to his house just to hang out whenever they had free time.  They sat side by side, almost embracing.  It was very nice and quiet, so yibo easily tilted his head as zhan approached.  The kiss they shared then was precipitated by him, but it was still as sweet as yibo had imagined.

His mouth was parted with gasping breaths as zhan shamelessly pulled him onto his lap, his mouth meeting the side of his neck.  The constant tugging on his jacket made him comply and it took no time before zhan was carrying him into the bedroom.  Zhan took it in the sweetest way ever, making it an unforgettable time for both of them.  The caresses were gentle and completely painless, the lips were hot against his skin.  Zhan's manly scent invaded all his senses and Yibo collapsed under the older man's touch.

From there, the course of their relationship changed a little.  Kisses and hugs had already become a normal routine, but then sex was added to the list of things they enjoyed together.  It was all mutual and yibo would be a hypocrite if he said he didn't like this fun.

They were almost like lovers...except they didn't put a name to it.

The label means that they will have to admit it and this actually scares yibo a little.  He doesn't know how Zhan feels.  If asked, yibo will say he likes the older man.  Zhan is gentlemanly, helpful, caring and feels really comfortable being around a man who gets along well despite their age difference.  The way they act around each other is clearly different from that first time they met in a secluded corner of the café.

If their going out could be considered dates then it would be too many.  Zhan often drove him to his university and waited for his school day to end.  Sometimes the opposite happens, with Yibo sitting silently in the company lobby and waiting for Zhan to finish his meeting.

He spends most of his nights in Zhan's bed instead of
His own mattress in his shabby apartment.  He is allowed
zhan wearing his branded clothing
They cook together, and they kiss every fifth time
Minutes away, they laugh at every movie they watch.  It's a feeling
Dizzying good, like something fluttering lightly in his chest.

They keep this up for a year and Yibo works at a dance workshop as a junior assistant, although Zhan still pays him.  He really likes the way his life is going. He'll soon graduate from a dance arts school, he works at a place he really enjoys, and he has Zhan who greets him with kisses at the end of every day.

zhan loves to be complimented on everything he does - from perfectly ironing a shirt for the older man to wear to a meeting, to flipping a perfect egg for breakfast without spilling anything, to the way the little one panted hard in the older man's lap as he widened his hole with his fingers.

yibo doesn't realize how much his praise makes the older man so happy, but zhan seems to get high doing it.  The older man likes to be told that he is doing a good job at everything, which makes the man even happier

When Yibo openly begs to be taken away
He knew now that his appearance was trembling, sweaty, pleading
Spreading his legs under the larger man, he is the ultimate pleasure
zhan when he lays eyes on him.
His look is sure to get him all over the place
What he wants, because Zhan easily gives in to him... easily

Very intense.

yibo always ends up being a pain in his ass for at least three days.  Zhan doesn't seem to be able to control himself when he's having sex.  Despite the pain and exhaustion, they are both happy and that is enough.

Naming the relationship, again and then forgetting about it.

My sweet little one, my beautiful one;  These nicknames are few compared to all the other nicknames that Zhan always uses to call him.  Yibo doesn't hate it, but the names make him feel like he's melting inside and that's obviously not good for him when he has work to do.  Letters and calls from zhan always seem so sweet and always distract him from his work, but he can't tell the older man to stop it because he secretly likes her.

Sometimes he wonders how and when their agreement will end?  Will it hurt or not?  Is it just another part of Chanyeol's life that canbe easily forgotten or will it remain in his memory?  Is his presence temporary or permanent in Zhan's life?  Will he have the tell the older man?

His graduation is tomorrow and he told zhan he'll stay in his own apartment to save his ass.  It would be funny for him to receive his diploma limping with a sore ass.  Zhan doesn't like this idea, and even promises to keep his hands to himself and not touch him, but Yibo still says no.  To make up for it the older man had a call right before yibo went to sleep.

Luxurious graduation ceremony.  Yibo smiles and laughs with his friends, congratulating each other on successful years at university.  His diploma is in his hands, his name proudly written there as one of this year's top ten graduates.  Which makes him so happy and proud that he really wants to show it to his parents and Chanyeol.

Speaking of Zhan, where is he?

A tap on his shoulder sends yibo spinning to his feet and he is greeted with a large bouquet of flowers.  zhan is standing there with a big smile on his face wearing a clean suit
And straight hair.

"Happy graduation, my love. I'm so proud of you."
Zhan welcomes him and yibo hugs the older man

"I come."

He mumbles into the suit, warming himself even more inside this warmth.

Zhan leans down to steal a kiss from his lis

"Of course. It's my little one's graduation. I definitely won't miss it."

Yibo smiles and jumps on his little toes, placing a kiss on the man's cheek.

"The flowers are beautiful. Thank you."

Zhan rearranges his graduation gown over his shoulder.  Is your graduation finished?  Can I steal you now?"

Yibo laughs, shaking his head.  “I still have to get some papers from the administration and take some pictures with my friends. Can you wait at least thirty minutes? I’ll be quick, I promise.”

Zhan clicks his tongue.  "Don't rush. Take your time. I'll wait in the car, okay?"  He cups yibo's face with his hands and kisses his nose and then his lips tenderly.  Yibo's heart flutters before he smiles and nods.

After removing his graduation gown and getting dressed, Yibo joins the older man in the car, and Zhan easily drives them to the celebration dinner During his trip to the five-star restaurant, Yibo receives calls from his parents, Zhan's sister, and even Zhan's parents congratulating him on his graduation.  It feels great to have the older man's family so fond and kind to him.  He feels good, but at the same time he's missing something.

The dinner is private and romantic as Zhan has reserved the entire restaurant to enjoy their time. The food, the ambience, the mood, everything is so perfect that Yibo thinks nothing can top this moment. Well, he's wrong.  truly.

Because in the minute it takes him to respond to his boss's congratulatory text, the light around the restaurant dims
a little.  He looks up to find Zhan staring at him with a smile

“Take,” he said, handing him a medium-sized box, “your graduation present.”

Yibo narrows his eyes at the suspicious smile
On the older man's face, as he gratefully accepts the box
A softness escapes his lips.

"What did you bring me?"

He asks while admiring the beautiful ribbon draping
The box. Zhan smiles secretly.

“Why don't you open it and find out?”

yibo places the box on the table and gently lifts the lid so as not to ruin the beautiful packaging.  You receive him with a surprise.
His heartbeat accelerates.

Small velvet box.

His heart beats in his ears as he takes it out, opens it immediately and finds a pair of rings in it.

"What is this?"  He whispers softly.

Zhan smiles.  “Your graduation gift?”

“What does the gift mean?”

yibo asks again cautiously not to get his hopes up.

“A graduation gift means you get to spend the rest of your life with me. Sound tempting?”

The way zhan speaks is very relaxed and indifferent, but the quick curve at the corner of his lips comes across as a sign that he is nervous as well.  yibo chewed on his lower lip as he stared at the two rings.

“How do you want me to spend the rest of my life with you?”

"As couples, what will it be like?"

zhan says laughing.

yibo blinked his eyes.  "truly?"

“Yes, isn't that obvious?”

Zham answers while gently taking the box from his hands.  He chooses a ring and holds it in front of his face.

“zhan ge, i-”

"Marry me, my love. Make me the happiest man alive tonight."
zhan confirms as he holds the ring as if he is ready to put it on his finger.

yibo stared at the older man for a moment, before letting out a chuckle.

"Your love? Do you love me?"

Zhan’s eyebrows rise, “What kind of question is this? Of course.”

"But you never said anything about that."
“I used to believe that actions speak louder than words.”

zhan says with a laugh.  His eyes stared wanderingly at yibo, a gentle smile.

"I love you, baby. I hope you don't reject me because I can no longer see myself living with you not in my arms."

Yibo raises his hand to cover his mouth while laughing lightly.  His heart flutters and his chest is lighter than ever.  The feelings are reflected in his teary eyes and soft laughter.  Thinking that he was overthinking all this time while Zhan showed his feelings openly even though he knew that the older man was a man of few words, how stupid of him.

"Hmm?"  zhan hums questioningly.

Yibo sighs in relief and raises his hand. What are his fingers?

“Because I love you too, I will marry you.”

Zhan's eyes shine so much that he can't even look away.  Zhan takes his hand and nobly puts on the ring
On his finger, admiring the way it glowed before he let go.

My very beautiful lover, your last gift is waiting for you.”

zhan says with a suspicious smile.

That last gift is actually in the form of Yibo bent over on the bed with his mouth open while his ass is openly fucked by his now lover.  Zhan is devoted to caressing his round ass cheeks, mouth greedily sipping at the open hole.  He continued this for a while, making Yibo weak and teary-eyed after being deprived of real pleasure for so long.

“zhan ge,” he calls out softly.

The older man hummed, giving the rim of his hole one last hard suck before lifting himself up.

"Yes Dear ?"


yibo turns his head to the side to plead, because he knows how much zhan enjoys watching him in this state.

Accordingly, zhan growled, placing his hand on yibo's hip, while his other hand caressed his long-neglected penis.

yibo yips in surprise when the larger man presses his shoulder down, pressing his upper torso down further and lewdly raising his butt.

"I'll give you my last graduation present, little one."

zhan says with a chuckle, pressing the dildo against the edge of his opening before pushing it inside.  yibo whimpers at his sensitivity as his hips tremble welcoming deeper, delicious penetration.

Zhan holds his waist tightly while fucking him with quick, hard thrusts.  Yibo's hands reached out and moved around wildly, trying to find something to hold on to, but he ended up collapsing limply on the bed.  This seems to increase the greater man's satisfaction and does not take away

zhan took a long time to make them both feel ecstatic.

Yibo wails loudly as the older man fucks him as if he wants him to get pregnant, and even though it's impossible, the idea is so arousing that the younger's cock is dripping with precum all over the bed.  Zhan pinches his nipples and strokes his cock until he cums all over himself without mercy.

When zhan reaches his climax, cum flows out and yibo feels completely relieved by the warm liquid spreading inside him.  Then he pulled him so they lay on their sides, zhan's cock still twitching deep inside yibo and they embraced despite the sweat and fluids on their skin.
They take their time to regulate their breathing and when they do
zhan hugs him tightly while kissing his ear.

“After we get married, we will open your dance school
"My little one."

His soft voice whispered in his ear.

yibo laughed tiredly,

When will that happen?

“Any time you want tomorrow, next week, next month, you choose.”

The yibo inflicts a light blow with the strong arms around it.

"You make it look so easy"

yibo says, laughing softly.

zhan kisses the back of his neck, breathing in his scent before reaching out to grab his own that has the beautiful ring on it.  Yibo smiles as the older man kisses the ring.

"Oh, you don't know how easy it is, baby. It's so easy to love you."


It's over. I hope you like the story🫣

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