Gifts Of A Pokemon (Leon X Re...

By Comet_star101

1.7K 64 15

Y/n left her home with Riolu long ago, to relieve her poor family of having to feed too many people. While in... More

Brief introduction.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

76 3 2
By Comet_star101

I was ecstatic! We were on our way back to the forest that I'd called home for so long! That sense of homesickness could finally fade. And I could show Leon what I've done for seven years. This was perfect!

We walked down the cold pavement, me still struggling to manage the feeling of the stones on the floor. Next thing on the to-do list: find a comfortable pair of shoes.

There was many people on the streets, heading out for work that would stop and greet the world's strongest Pokémon trainer and battler. He was a magnet for attention, and I did NOT want to be involved.

Passerby were still uneasy around me. Especially as I was losing my patience by how many autographs were signed. I made my impatience known too. There was one moment in particular that was very irritating.

Five children/teens were in shock and awe at the 'real Leon!' At first I hadn't actually noticed that Leon stopped for them. When I turned to see them, I stormed over and spoke for the first time on this journey.

"Leon!" I yelled through my mask. "I thought you wanted me to show you the forest today!"

The kids quickly recognised me, some drawing out a Salazzle and a Growlithe. But Leon remained calm and cooly replied.

"Remember when I told you that I take time for everyone as a champion?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. "Maybe..."

"Good." He walked over to a bench, the pre-teens following him. "Then you'll let me finish giving these guys a q&a."

I stared at him in disbelief, then called Lucario over to me, and we sat beside the bench that they were asking the hero questions at. I heard their concerns about me, and suddenly, I'd never felt so dangerous.

Did what I'd done the one time really reach out to the whole world already?

But of course, everything is fine, with the world's most famous man on your side. I hope he didn't mind. He seemed to make it his main task to turn me from a villain to that one side character everyone loves. I doubt he'll be very successful.

It was nice though to hear his responses.

"Isn't she dangerous?" I'd overhear the group wonder. "My father saw her hurt those people!"

"Y/n is rough sometimes --" what a response.


"But she has a good heart. Everything she does is for the good of Pokémon, and for those she loves. I've never met anyone kinder."

I turned to face him hesitantly, my mask hiding my gratefulness. Or maybe it was just embarrassment. He was smiling back gently.

As politely as I could, I tried to get moving again. "I'd quite like to leave."

I tucked my hair behind my ear, and before I knew it, Leon was walking in front of us. Finally I could go home.

We walked for just a few more minutes, Leon no longer stopping at every fan calling him over. It wasn't long before we stood before a great wall of trees. My face began to stream with tears. Tears of happiness that is.

Without giving any of us time to think, I gripped Leon's wrist, and pulled him into the grass with great strength. I heard him telling me to slow down, but I didn't stop until we'd reached the fallen tree that the Pokémon always met up at.

In the clearing, I let go of the out of breath champion behind us. Lucario gave me a look of pure joy. He missed this place too. We spotted pidgeot in the centre with two younger pidgeotto and I began to sneak up on them.

The largest of the birds noticed me, and I leapt onto her back, declaring, "I'm home! It's me, pidgeot!" I tried to reassure her as she panicked. I forgot she was jumpy. I was just too happy! Finally her realization kicked in.

"Y/n! You're back!" She turned her head to nuzzle mine before ordering one of her companions, "get the others! Tell them she's home!"

The racket we'd made had already alerted nearby Pokémon. Several leapt out of the bushes to greet me and Lucario, who joined us in the centre later. But someone was missing. I teleported next to the purple haired man smirking in the corner and pulled him into this.

Some of the Pokémon became defensive, while others hid, when I brought Leon into the open. "It's ok. He's been helping me! He was the only one who would."

Scyther shocked me by placing me on the stump of the fallen tree, and I punched him playfully in response. But I remained there as I told the gathered Pokémon how horrible it was out there, but how kind Leon had been to me.

I tried to help him enjoy himself, as he could not understand the Pokémons responses. The meeting was rather rapidly cut off by some very familiar voices.

"Y/n's come to visit!" Two Aipom yelled simultaneously as they leapt out from the trees and into my arms.

"Aipom! Oh I've missed you guys!" But aren't there usually... "Where's the other one of you?"

Two Ambipom emerged from the ground cover. I knew immediately which one was the newly evolved one. I embraced it, and filled the group in on what they'd missed.  It felt so great to be back. I finally felt at home again.


Night was falling over the perfect day. Though my new friend couldn't understand my childhood mates, I'd shown him everything I'd done here. I involved him in every activity, from ice gliding, to racing Aipom. It was hilarious to see his inexperience.

Now, after a 'berry hunt' to sum up supper, we were laid in hammocks made of the vines from the trees. I'd torn more down and built Leon his bed with my psychic abilities. Now we hazed at the stars above us.

"That was how you were raised?" He asked, amused by what he'd experienced.

I laughed, "That was hardly the half of it! But some of the stuff I've done is probably too dangerous for you to participate in."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Who can survive standing in arcanine's fire the longest without leaving?"


"I think the activities and games they came up with was just to practice my powers."

He shifted in his hammock, and turned to face me. "What was it like? When the ancient Pokémon gave you your powers, I mean."

I tried to recall how I felt. "It was strange at first. I felt odd once it happened, like something was clearly different about me. It felt like a weight on my shoulders, but now I don't think I'd feel whole without my abilities. If I woke up, and couldn't hear Lucario's voice, I'd never feel right."

"Was it... Here that you saw them that night?"

"No. But I cannot take you there. Something always tells me to forget the location of the shrine. The power it holds must be concealed."


We turned back to the stars, and pointed out the constellations. The calm environment drove us both close to sleep on several occasions, but we had to be sure of one more thing.

"You've told your friends we'll be going tomorrow, right?" Leon had asked.

"Yeah I told pidgeot to spread the word. The others will know quickly; the forest isn't as quiet as most people think." I looked to my right to see my backpack, retrieved by a Pokémon.

"I can imagine. See you in the morning then."

"Goodnight." I was almost immediately lost in sleep after the most wonderful day. I don't think tomorrow can be anywhere close to cruel after today's events.

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