Lifelines (Draco X Hermione)

By milkhoneyxx

2.3K 67 7

The world is a web of decisions. What we decide today changes our tomorrow. Each one of us is interconnected... More

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE
Chapter 7 GREAT HALL
Chapter 10 THE FJORD
Chapter 12 YULE BALL
Chapter 16 DIAGON ALLE
Chapter 20 HOGWARTS
Chapter 21 HOGWARTS
Chapter 22 DARK WOODS
Chapter 23 GREAT HALL
Chapter 25 BURROW
Chapter 26 HOGSMEAD
Chapter 29 HOGWARTS
Chapter 30 GREAT HALL


75 3 0
By milkhoneyxx

HERMIONE GRANGER neatened her hair and fiddled with her cardigan. Her brother and her friends had somehow convinced her to attend the school's end of year baseball game. She had much rather be inside reading Jane Austin or something else, anything else. She was the type of girl that one forgot or overlooked in the hallway. While the other girls were giggling over the newest fashions and pedal pushers, she had much rather be in the library – keeping to herself. It was a mystery that she had any friends at all.

"You look mighty beautiful if I do say so myself" Justin, her brother Eric's best friend smiled as they slid into the back of the car.

"That is kind of you to say" she smiled before looking out the window quickly. She could never tell if someone were messing with her or telling her the honest truth. From the lack of laughter from the car, she interpreted it to be the truth. Eric offered to accompany her to by snacks. She did not need supervision, nor did she need the directions. The flashing light and smell of grease and hot dogs was a clear signal to where the stall was. She ordered and before being able to hand over the bills that her parents had given her, did Eric swipe and replace it with his own. "I wish you would have let me pay" she contested as they waited for their snacks.

"That would not be the gentlemanly thing to do. Besides, it's not a problem" he smiled. They headed over to the stands where they watched the baseball game take place. Eric continued his kindness to explain the rules of the game to her and offering his jacket in case she felt cold. Before long she was caught into the excitement and cheered happily when their team gained points. "I knew you would pick it up fast" he smiled. The game ended with the marching band bursting into a familiar beat. The soft base of the drummers and cheers chimed in perfect unison. The spectators rose to clap to the beat. Hermione found herself standing to join them.

"You are being very nice today" she stated looking straight at the scoreboard.

"Well, I finally decided to muster up the courage to talk to you. Eric would have my head if he knew that I had an eye for his little sister" he added. She frowned and met his gaze.

"An eye?" it was not an expression she had heard before.

"I would very much like to ask you out. Would you like to?" he asked. She had never been the object of anyone's eye before. Before she could answer a voice piped in beside them.

"Excuse me miss. I was wondering if you would do me the honour of wearing my coat? You see it's a tradition, that we take a photograph with a girl, and I don't have anyone with me?" Hermione couldn't help but notice the sparkle in his eye. She blushed and looked down at the coat in his hands.

"Alright, I suppose one photo could not hurt?" she added rising. She felt grateful to have left the situation without answering Justin's question. "What is your name?" she asked quickly as they walked down towards the grass.
"You mean to say you don't know who I am?" he asked with a laugh. She looked at him and shook her head, she felt embarrassed. "My name is Draco Malfoy. I am the captain of the team; I must say I am surprised that you didn't know that" he smiled. It was refreshing that she did not know who he was.
"I don't come to these things often" she added. The name rang a bell, but no meaning in her head. The rest of the team and a group of girls assembled for the photo. She stood next to him and was surprised to feel an arm settle over her shoulder. After the click of the camera, she shrugged the jacket off her shoulders.

"Congratulations on your win Draco Malfoy." With that she turned and joined her waiting family and friends.

The car ride was filled with giggles over what she had considered to be a harmless interaction. Justin had asked her again to join him and finding no other reason to decline him. She agreed to meet him for milkshakes on the following day. The chocolate milkshakes were placed before them, and she sat stiffly in the dress her mother had gotten her to wear. The conversation continued to flow, and she made sure to ask him about his interests. They were a world away from her own and he hated reading. He did however seem to make her laugh at silly little things, and once evening rolled by; he as polite to drop her home with a soft smile and thank you. Eric was not pleased by his friend and sisters meet up, and so she did not see the point to lengthen the inevitable. At lunch, she thanked Justin for this kindness and extended her friendship. Justin had not spoken to her since.

The days at school, she noticed that she was being noticed more than before. Eyes followed her as she walked to and from class. Happily, enough on a Friday afternoon, she found her spot under the shade of a tree. She loved how the patterns of leaves casted patterns onto the pages of whatever book she was reading. With the changes to her life, brought by Justin's recent behaviour to avoid her, she found herself seeking comfort in her favourite book. "Mystery girl. You never gave me your name" a voice announced, bring her to a seated position.

Draco Malfoy stood before her with his hands tucked into his pockets. "Hermione Granger" she smiled looking up. He nodded his head before lazily settling beside her. "What are you doing?" she asked. She watched as he reached over and picked up her book and flipped to the first page.

She watched a small smile spread over his lips "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" she couldn't help but enjoy how the words sounded from his lips, fake British accent and all. He smiled closing the book and handing it back to her.

"Good choice. Predicable but good." He shrugged.

"I have read it before. Many times, before" she resorted. The book had been worn down and the pages had seen better days.

"So, you dislike Mr Darcy then?" he asked.

"No, I do not dislike anyone. They were both proud and closed minded. If Miss Bennet had not been beguiled by Wickham's wit, then they would have fallen in love much sooner" she added.

"I disagree, Elisabeth needed to have her mind changed, and seen the proof that Darcy was a kinder person than she had given him credit for." He smiled. She nodded and traced the rim of her book.

"I would have never guessed that you enjoyed reading" she looked up to see him send her a soft smirk he shrugged.

"Perhaps Darcy and I have more in common than I thought. We both like to surprise." Hermione laughed at that and shook her head; he was too much of a smooth talker – she felt her heart betray her for a moment. "What are you doing Friday night, there is a drive-in movie. Would you care to join me?" he asked.
She blushed and looked down.

"Alright then".

Hermione's mother was shocked at the idea that her closed-off daughter was going on yet another date within the past two weeks. It was even more shocking when they found out that the drive-in movie date was with Draco Malfoy. Eric stood by the door watching Hermione adjust the blue dress their mother had bought her. "If he tries anything, I will break his noise" he added as she picked up a small purse filled with her pocket money.

"You still insist on following me to the movie then?" she asked slipping on her shoes. He laughed and confirmed. When Draco arrived, he gave Hermione's dad a firm handshake; passed her some flowers and escorted her to his car. He opened the door and drove off with a dashing smile.

"My parents are not going to stop talking about you now, for sure" she laughed as they left the neighbour.

"I hope not. You are someone I would very much like to see a great deal more of you Ms Granger" he added. She couldn't stop blushing until they reached the drive in and parked close to the screen. She was shocked again when he turned to retrieve a basked of carefully packed treats.

"This is wonderful, you went through so much trouble" she gasped as he laid out the snacks. The movie had started to play, but the whole time Hermione spent talking, laughing and eating. It was a moment of just pure happiness that she could not phantom. The soft chime of the end credits played, and she couldn't help but feel as if she had heard the song before.

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