Chapter 29 HOGWARTS

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DRACO sat impatiently; it had been two weeks since Hermione had vanished. They refused to tell him anything on where she had gone, or who she would be when she came back. He had met so many versions of her, and he usually looked forward to it – this time he did not. Medera sat in front of the boy and looked at the half-drunk cup of tea in front of her. "Perhaps I can start off with explaining what we know about lifelines". Draco finally looked up and stared at her waiting for her to continue.

"It is all very logically actually. More than one would imagine – Muggles measure it in risk analysis because their financial systems are so complicated and fragile. It's a new idea for us magical folk. It all happened because of an accident really – you see sometimes when something occurs in one lifeline, it can impact the soul in a next. This only happens extremely rarely, but there was a child born with a wound on their leg and memories of battle. They had been a gladiator in the life before, and for some reason took both the wound and memories with them" she hummed.

"There was this song that seemed to play in every single one of our lifelines." Draco added "Even this one, at the Yule Ball, they played it" he added. Medera sat shocked and leaned forward.

"How extraordinary" she hummed "Then you must be closer than I even thought, perhaps that could explain Ms Granger's reaction?" she thought. "Do you have any markings or scars that you could not explain?" she asked.

Draco shook his head, thankfully he had been a perfect baby – his father would not have accepted anything else. She was deep in thought.

"How about beauty marks?" she leaned forward to inspect his face. There were an indigenous people of the Artic, who came up with a theory that the kisses left by lovers, were left as brown markings on a person's body. If anyone were to prove that hypothesis; then it would explain Draco and Herminie's constant connection. She took note to re—investigate it when she returned to the office.

"What does it mean that we heard the song in this lifeline? Does that make us fated again?" Draco asked finally. He needed to know for sure if he should give up hope. She sighed and shrugged.

"Honestly, I have never tampered with a lifeline before. There could be a chance, but there also could not. We won't really know until your life has come to a close" Draco nodded. He could have to spend his whole life miserable and haunted by that fact.

"How is she doing?" he asked finally.

Medera smiled sadly.
"She has been more peaceful. She hasn't experienced any horrible flashbacks" she specified, not answering the question What he was really asking her; was to tell him if she remembered him at all. "But thank you very much for your insights, if you have any direct questions, concerns please owl me. I will leave you to your day Mr Malfoy" she smiled and stood walking away.

Ron, Harry and the female Weasley had approached him and confronted him about Herminie's disappearance. 'If she hadn't gotten involved with the likes of you, then she would still be here' they had said. He had agreed with them in his mind, and directed them to speak to McGonigal, who would tell them that she was alright – and busy with work in collaboration with the ministry.

That was the lie they were telling everyone. That Hermione Granger was busy on a public diplomatic mission regarding Muggle-Wizarding world relations. It seemed that no one bothered to intervene in that, and it was useful to not have people against him anymore. The amount of effort that the ministry put in to make their lie- believable was dumfounding; even adding an article in the Daily Prophet.


By Rita Skeeter

In a poignant turn of events, the brilliant witch Hermione Granger finds herself temporarily separated from her newfound love, Draco Malfoy, as she embarks on a crucial mission bridging the magical and Muggle realms. Hermione, renowned for her intellect and prowess in both spheres, has been chosen by the Minister of Magic to represent the wizarding community in high-stakes Ministry-Muggle negotiations. While her absence is undoubtedly felt by Malfoy and the wizarding public alike, the Minister remains optimistic about the unique perspective Hermione brings to the table. In an official statement, the Minister emphasized Hermione's unparalleled ability to comprehend the intricacies of both worlds, asserting that her involvement will pave the way for enhanced cooperation between magical and Muggle societies. As the steadfast Hermione navigates this challenging assignment, the wizarding world remains hopeful for a successful outcome and looks forward to her eventual reunion with Malfoy.

Pushing all of his energy into his studies felt like the smartest way to keep his mind off of Hermione. It was all a wicked trick to break him – for when his mind was clear, memories would pop up in his brain, and he would remember her. He liked playing quidditch, and training was another good way to get all of the tensions out of his system. The little snitch buzzed around him, until he caught it. "You have been up there
for ever, get down here!" Blaise yelled from the pitch. Zooming down he placed the Snitch in his pocket. "This is the last time we get to go out before exams, there is literally no bollox excuse you can come up with to avoid joining us" he stated. Draco nodded and muttered a quick cleaning charm as he hopped off the broom. It didn't even look like Zamboni would give him time to change properly.

He slipped on his change of clothes and locked his gear away. "Let's go then" he stated, as they joined the rest of the Slytherin students. The girls were dressed in tight little muggle dresses that they would have been caught dead by wearing in front of their parents. With Granger gone, they had tried to flirt with him again, something he didn't realise he hated. Hermione had been a good buffer for him.

"Pansy, I do have a girlfriend" he clarified straight. Until Hermione told him explicitly, he did not want to introduce even more drama to their lives.

"Phweeph, she is not even here. Besides Malfoy we won't tell" she giggled. He scoffed at her desperate attempt.

"Yeah, no thank you Parkinson." He stated, to which the group burst into laughter. Their trip to the village was like any other one, and besides Zamboni spilling butterbeer on his new Italian shoes, served no real importance to their life. They stumbled back up to the dorms and fell asleep quickly. Draco slipped out of bed and retreated to the Prefects room, where he sat and continued his studies until the early hours of the morning.

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