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MEDERA had warned them about the possibility of side-effects from their time travel, but Hermione never expected it to have been like this. Every time she would let her mind wonder she was in some distant land, living a life that wasn't hers. At first, she didn't mind it – seeing herself happy and in love was quite wholesome. But it seemed to get worse with nightmares of all the tragedies of their past lives. Occasionally she could recognise one, but there were some that did not make sense at all.

It was on a thundery night at Hogwarts, when she had woken up sick to her stomach in fear. Her stomach heaved out all the food she had eaten from supper and her head was throbbing with pain. She knew she had to get out of the common room and find some privacy to let her body relax for a moment; and the only place she could think to go was the prefect's bathroom. The hallways were quiet and the calming hum of owls crowing and frogs croaking kept her company as she hurried through the cold corridors away from the rain. Her stomach felt like waves were roaring within as she made it to the bathroom and slipped into the hot bath. She didn't even realise that she was crying in pain as she lay her head back and looked up at the candle lit celling.

Draco sat with his head in his hands from another bad dream. He could not have been the only one getting them. They came especially worse after he had allowed himself to fall in love with Hermione. He hadn't told anyone about it and didn't want to scare her. But after everything that they had overcome and gone through; he knew it to be a fact. The dark Hogwarts hallways met his slipper covered feet, and after years of living in the draft cold Malfoy Manner, the cold didn't bother him anymore.

"Harry Potter's friend....... Doesn't look well at all.... In the tub.... she" a voice muttered catching his attention. The Ghosts were always gossiping about student affairs, and this time he paused, a sick feeling coming over his stomach. Nearly Headless Nick was speaking to Moaning Myrtle about Hermione. His brain worked quick to decipher that none of the student dorms had bathtubs. The only one would be the prefect's bathroom, to which he raced to as quickly as he could. The head of brown hair met his gaze as he raced forward.

"Hermione?" he asked breathlessly. She turned her head to stare at him. In that moment his heart broke. Her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears, her lips gasping in pain. It was the same expression that haunted him since the day she lay on the floor of Malfoy Manner. His movements to kick of his shoes and slide into the tub were quick. Before long, Hermione's body lay in Draco's arms as he cooed for her to tell her what was wrong.

"I had a dream, a memory" she whispered looking up at his worried eyes. "My brain feels like it is spinning out of control" she added. Draco kissed the top of her head.

"I'm here now, we are both alright" he whispered hugging her tighter. "We have to call Medera about this Hermione. You cannot live like this" he stated seriously.

"Why" she paused leaning her head on his shoulder to stop the spinning "why are you awake too?" she asked finally with her eyes closed.

"I couldn't sleep either. I heard something about someone in here and thought it was you" he stated. "I hate that you are feeling like this, because of me" he stated quickly.

"Drac..." she started defensively.

"I promised myself that I would never hurt you again. That you would never be in pain because of me. I am not worth it" he whispered cradling her tighter.

"You are worth it. You are worth everything. I would give up the sun and the moons for you, without anything in return" in that moment Draco made up his mind, he stood up and carried her to the infirmary. He muttered a drying charm as they left the room and hummed to Hermione to hold on and trust him.

Madam Pomfrey was confused by what she was treating. Nothing about Granger's symptoms made sense. "I know what could help, just give her something for the nausea won't you" he asked before rushing towards McGonagall's door at five in the morning. He knocked firmly and was met with an elf asking of his interests.

"Please tell the Headmistress, Hermione is experiencing side effects. Mention Medera. It really is urgent" he added. Shelly the elf nodded and walked away. Shelly was half surprised about the headmistress's response as she stood up, dressed and left her rooms. Usually when students had urgent matters, she let them deal with it themselves.

Draco sat in the bed watching Hermione's sweaty brow. By her movements he could tell she was experiencing another horrible flashback. Whatever Pomphrey gave her had some drossy effects, as she was no longer responding to his voice or whatever he was saying. He stood at the sight of the Headmistress who stood worried "Shelly, fetch Medera from the Ministry this moment" she elf nodded and apparated away.

"She doesn't deserve this" Draco stated before taking her hand again, to try calm her.

"No, I dare say, you both do not deserve any more struggles." She agreed.

"She has given up so much." He added as they waited for Medera enter. She stood at the foot of the bed; face riddled with worry. They all watched her for a moment as her face saddened.

"We." She took a deep breath "we have to wipe her memories" she met Draco's eyes meet her own.

"How are you going to explain all the newspaper articles to her? The drama she is currently facing?" Draco asked calmly. It wasn't as simple as what she was saying.

"We will need to remove Hermione from the situation and re-introduce this all to her in a controlled environment" he watched Hermione for a moment.

He knew in his mind that she wouldn't want this. She would want to fight, to choose to fight.

"Her legal guardians should decide what to do. You cannot ask this of me" he stated stepping back his hands in defence.

McGonagall called for Shelly to collect the Granger's. The elf disappeared for a moment, only to return with two worried muggles.

"Hermione, oh my darling Hermione" Ms Granger gasped racing forward to her daughter. Mr Granger stood at the foot of the bed listening to Medera explain her simplified version of what was going on. Draco felt as if he was in a lifeline now, he didn't feel like he was actually in the room as he watched the scene unfold. He didn't realise how he was biting the nail of his thumb until eyes turned towards him and acknowledge his presence.

"Get my daughter better. Whatever it takes" Draco took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Mr Malfoy please say your goodbye. I suggest that you are not here for this" the Headmistress recommended.

Draco wiped his face; he took a shaky breath towards the bed.

You are worth it.
You are worth everything.

The words repeated in his mind as he fell to his knees before her.
Oh Hermione, you deserve more than everything I can give you.
He took her hand in his and pressed a kiss on her hand.

You gave me the only love I have ever known in this lifetime.
I am grateful.

He kissed it again and stood up with a sigh. Draco felt defeated as he walked out of the infirmary and onto the hallway. With breakfast in full swing, he watched the student's litter around the room. He found himself in their Head Boy-Girl office and picked up the bottle of fire whiskey. The burning was welcomed as he sat in silence. He wasn't sure what he was waiting for. She wouldn't even be there when he returned.

Draco appeared in the Great Hall, four days after Hermione had disappeared. To anyone, he looked sickly pale and lifeless as he went about his day. He didn't talk to anyone or keep up with his head-duties. It was a strange mystery that suddenly they were a happy couple; to the scenes they were first row to experience. It was the first day that he had received an update from Medera on her progress. He had never felt more scared about anything. He didn't know if he could bare it if she didn't remember anything about him.

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