Two Dimensions,One love

By LilBoyzFo

4.8K 88 57

Miles and Gwen are deeply in love with each other but won't admit it and they can't see each other but when M... More

Meeting Again (1)
Date? (2)
Spot (3)
Parents pt.1 (4)
Earth 65 (5)
Comfort (6)
Parents pt.2(7)
Spider Society (8)
New book
(10) "News"

(9) "Stabbed"

186 2 1
By LilBoyzFo

Gwen looked in horror as blood ran down Miles' body the blade shining in the moonlight.Miles chocked on his blood as he slid off the blade and hit the floor. Gwen ran to his body and rolled him on his back and put pressure on the stab wound.
"Miles stay with me"Gwen  said
Gwen looked up to see Peter B Parker holding the knife that belonged to Kraven covered in blood
"Peter how could you"Gwen asked
"I'm sorry Gwen it had to be done"Peter said
"What the fuck do you mean it had to be done"Gwen asked with venom in her voice
"Miles is an anomaly Gwen along with Spot and I'm not letting anyone die because of it"Peter said
"Fuck you Peter We all trusted you"Gwen said
"You don't see it now but down the road you will thank me for this"Peter walking towards Kraven's body
"If he dies Peter I will kill you peter"Gwen said coldly
"I'll be waiting Gwen"Peter said picking up Kraven and leaving
Hobie had just woke up and looked around to see know sight of Peter and Kraven he saw Gwen furiously attending to Miles wound by webbing it up to close the wound.Hobie rushed over to find out what happened.
"Gwen what happened"Hobie asked
"Miles was stabbed"Gwen said
"Where is Peter"Hobie asked
"He ran and took Kraven with him after he stabbed Miles"Gwen answered
"What he stabbed Miles"Hobie asked in a state of confusion
"I'll explain later open up a portal so we can get him to the medic at HQ"Gwen said
"Yeah I'll do that"Hobie said
Hobie attempted to open a portal to HQ but the watch wouldn't work
"Gwen we have a problem here the portal won't open" Hobie yelled
"What do you mean it won't open"Gwen asked
"I mean it won't open".Hobie answered
Gwen tried to open the portal herself but to no avail they had called Miguel about it and told him the situation that they were in.Miguel Opened a portal there and grabbed miles and took him to the medical bay.When miles was took their Gwen and Hobie were told to leave and go to their respective universes but the both went to Hobie's universe since he lived by himself and that way they don't have to worry about Gwen's dad seeing the bloody spider suit Gwen had to  grab a change of clothes before they went to her universe first so she could get a change of clothes.She left her dad a note that said:
"Dad I'm not going to be back for a while because Miles got hurt very badly and I want to stay to check up on him and see how he is doing"
Love Gwen
She hopped out the window and went to find Hobie
"You ready"Hobie asked
Gwen nodded still thinking about how miles is doing
The portal was opened and the two walked through
Earth 138
The pair made it to Hobie's apartment and Gwen took a shower ,changed her clothes and began to work on washing her  suit by throwing it in the washing machine,
"So Gwen what's the deal with you and miles"Hobie
"What do you mean"Gwen asked
"Well you were visibly upset when he was stabbed and when they told us to leave well things escalated". Hobie answered
"Miles is just a good friend"Gwen said
"Sure"Hobie said Grinning
"Alright fine me and Miles had a moment"Gwen said
Hobie gave her a look basically saying "don't lie now"
"Alright fine Hobie we had a few moments"Gwen said
"So are y'all dating"Hobie asked
"No although if we were the things I would do"Gwen said
"So you would fuck him every day"Hobie asked
"What kind of question is that no I wouldn't I was just saying that I would give him a good time"Gwen answered
"Ahh okay well get some  sleep so you can see your boy friend tomorrow"Hobie said
"He's not my boyfriend"Gwen said
"So he is a sex toy or friend with benefits"Hobie asked
"Neither he is a friend that I have been wanting to date for a little while".Gwen said
"Well we will see your boyfriend tomorrow"Hobie said to his room
Gwen rolled her eyes and smiled maybe if and when Miles wakes up they could go on that second date
Random Earth-Spot Hideout
"So I take it he is dead"Spot said
"Yes sir there is no way he could've survived that wound" Peter said
"What happened"Kraven asked waking up
"Tiger king you took a big hit you should relax and get some rest"Said Peter
"No I must find the one who did this and get my equal"Kraven replied
"About that Kraven Peter here did what you was supposed to by killing the Spider man".Spot said
"I was close I just got caught off guard"Kraven replied
"Any way our next mission is to find the HQ of all those Spider people"Spot said
Peter looked down thinking about how much he might regret this but in order  to keep the world right you must make some sacrifices.
"The problem is the HQ is not on a earth it is in the middle of Universes and I can't get there any more"Peter said

"Well no worry we will find a way to get there".Spot said
Spider society HQ
Gwen and Hobie were waiting on news about Miles' condition.
"I hope he is ok"Gwen said
Hobie nodded in agreement
Just then a nurse came out of Miles' room
"I have some news on your friend" the nurse said

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