Parents pt.1 (4)

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"hijo, será mejor que tengas una muy buena explicación de lo que estoy viendo" Rio said (son you better have a damn good explanation for what I am looking at)
"Uhh I do"Miles said nervously
"Well then hijo start talking then" Rio said sternly
Mile explained the whole story about how he became spider-man and the collider situation and how he met Gwen and Peter and uncle Aaron's death till the current situation
"Your days as spider man are over"Rio said sternly
"What ma you can't be serious"Miles said in shock
"I am"Rio said walking out of the room dropping Gwen's sweater
Miles grabbed Gwen's sweater and passed it to her
"Stay in here"Miles said walking out of the room
"Ma I can't stop being  Spider man"Miles defended
"Yes you can and you will" Rio said
"No I can't I'm helping people" Miles
"Your father is helping people and I worry about him dying from it,I will not worry about my son dying too" Rio stated
"I can't live my life knowing I can help people with my abilities and not" Miles said
"Yes you can and as your mother I will not allow you to lose your life"Rio said
"Ma It's NOT YOUR LIFE TO LOOSE"Miles exclaimed
"Tu derecho no es mi vida, así que tú y tu pequeño amigo hacen lo que quieren, pero no regresan arrastrándose cuando se lastiman"Rio said disappointed and walking away (your right its not my life so you and your little friend do what you want but dont come crawling back when you get hurt)
"Wait ma I'm sorry"Miles said
Rio still walked off
"That was good"Miles said in his room hn
Gwen was in Miles's room looking around she saw a toy in a unopened box "weird" she thought, she ended up opening it.Gwen also heard the whole conversation from Miles's room and she heard when Miles started walking back to his room.Miles walked in the room and looked around and realized the open toy box.
"Did you open that"Miles asked
"Yes" Gwen said
"Why"Miles asked
"Why not the box was closed" Gwen answered
"It was a collectible" Miles said
"Ok what's a collectible"Gwen asked
"That explains everything"Miles said
Gwen rolled her eyes
"What's in the book" Gwen asked pointing to it
"Uhh don't worry about"Miles said picking it up
"Okay"Gwen said "listen I'm going back to my dimension"
"Aww you're going to leave me"Miles joked
"I mean you can come my dad would love to meet you" Gwen said
"Do you think if he would be ok with me spending some nights"Miles asked
"Are you basically asking to sleep with me"Gwen joked
"Well I thought you wouldn't mind after last night" Miles Joked back
"We could do it again if you want" Gwen said giving him a peck on the cheek.
"So it that a yes I can spend the night" Miles asked
"Can I wear your shirts again"Gwen asked
"Sure"Miles said
"Then yes you can spend the night"Gwen said
Miles packed his clothes while Gwen got the portal ready
"Shouldn't you tell your mom that you're leaving"Gwen asked
"Nah she's kinda mad at me soo there's that " Miles answered
"If you say so"Gwen said
The two went through the portal to Gwen's Dimension.

Sorry for the delay and short chapter but this chapter is going to be split into two parts. Next part will be longer trust.

Two Dimensions,One love Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora