Earth 65 (5)

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Earth 65
Miles and Gwen arrived in Gwen's dimension and they were sitting on the edge of a building watching for things to happen and relaxing.
"Gwen"Miles said
"Yeah"Gwen answered
"Can we go to your house now"Miles asked
"Your already trying to have me to yourself Morales" Gwen teased
"Well maybe I am"Miles said jokingly
"Then let's go then" Gwen said
The two began to swing back to Gwen's house stopping a few little robberies during the trip when they got to Gwen's house they entered through the window to Gwen's room Miles put his stuff on the floor while Gwen looked for her dad she saw that her dad wasn't at home
"Well My dad isn't here"Gwen said walking in the room
"That's sad I really wanted to meet him"Miles said
"Aww I'm happy about that but"Gwen said
"But what" Miles asked
"We're alone and I know you wanted me alone" Gwen said wrapping her arms around Miles's neck
"Well now that you mention it I guess I'm happy were together alone" Miles said wrapping his hands around Gwen's waist
The two leaned in for a kiss before they were interrupted by a explosion in the distance
"The fuck"Miles said confused
"Let's go check it out"Gwen said
"After you" Miles said
Gwen jumped out of the window
"GYATT...wait no chill out Miles you have something to do"( A/N😂😂 I'm sorry I had to)Miles thought to himself as he jumped out the window after her
The two swung to the sight of the explosion which was the city's most used bank they approached the owner
"What happened"Gwen asked the owner
"I don't know I was on the way to check the building to make sure everything was okay when I heard the explosion when I arrived i saw this" The owner said
"Did anyone get hurt" Miles asked
"No it's a Sunday the banks are closed" The owner answered
"Did you see anything"Gwen asked
"Well I did see a man with spots covering his whole body"The owner answered
"Did he say anything that you could hear"Miles asked
"Well he did approach me and say he was looking for a spider man with a a black suit with with red stripes on the side and red around the eyes"The owner began "Now that I'm thinking about it he basically described you" He said pointing at Miles
"He also said something about you creating him"The owner continued
"Yeah he says that a lot"Miles said
"So you know him" the owner asked
"Sorta"Miles answered
"Well I hope your happy with what your little creation did"The owner said As he walked off
After analyzing what happened Miles and Gwen went back to Gwen's house

For a while the chapters are going to be this length due to the fact of school starting back up so yeah and uploads will be when I have free time.

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