One Piece x Male Saiyan Reader

By Jesus7766

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(I don't own this anime) You woke up in a prison where you have lost all you memories. all you remember is... More

Chapter 1: Where am I ?
Chpater 2: Return to Sabayody, The straw hat reunion.
Chapter 3: Enter fish man island, Robin's hidden secret.
Future Updates
Chapter 4: Fight for Fishman island, Y/N's new transformation
Chapter 5: Prepare for another Journey, Luffy's declaration of war
Chapter 7: Survivor of the fitist, the dark secrets of punk hazard
Akira Toriyama
Update on the author

Chapter 6:Enter Punk Hazard, New foes arrives.

131 1 2
By Jesus7766

Previously on Male Saiyan Reader X One piece, After the battle on fishman island, Luffy and his friends now known a little bit of Y/N. And Y/N unlocked a few memories about the foe from his universe Frieza the horror beyond hell. This troubles Y/N because he's only unlocking a little bit of power while Frieza is getting more and more powerful. But this will not stop them, maybe except for a whirlpool, find out Now!

The Thousand Sunny was spun all around the inside of the whirlpool until something rammed into the ship, pushing them out.

Y/N-Oh man I think I'm about to pass out.


Bon-Clay-Yes, I think we did.

Luffy-But did what did we just hit.


A huge pod of giant island whales swam by the ship.
Some of them had a bunch of scars on their snouts.


Y/N-Laboon, wait isn't that the whale you told me about Luffy?


Brook-Laboon!!! Oh, look at the size of you!

Usopp-Don't be silly! Laboon's back at the start of the Grand Line! There's no way he could slip through the Red Line at that size!

Robin-It's a miracle... An entire gam of island whales!

Zoro-And look, a couple of them have scarred snouts like Laboon.

Luffy-Even the marks are the same! Wow, you could have fooled me!

Brook-🎶Gather up all of the crew! Time to ship out Binks's Brew! Stop, Laboon! Listen to the song! 🎶 It's me, Brook!

Ussop-None of these whales are Laboon, though, Brook.


The Thousand Sunny followed the whales as their movements created a new current.

Brook began to sing Binks's Brew for the whales, While Bon-Clay, Ussop, Chopper, and Luffy danced together and one of the whales gave the crew a ride on its snout.

Soon enough, the light of the surface could be seen, making the crew excited.

Luffy-Look, we're almost to the surface!!

Y/N-Oh man I'm so excited.

The whales and the Sunny broke through the top of the water, officially entering the New World. A few days have passed since then. Especially they got into a situation with some giants. During the time Y/N did a Sanji told him on how to treat girls, so Y/N can get close to Robin.

Thunder and lightning rumbled and crackled throughout the sky.

It was cloudy and harsh rain was pouring. The water was violently thrashing about and off in the distance, a sea of flames could be seen.

Usopp-What awful weather!!

Bon-Clay-Yes, I haven't seen a storm this bad since
Y/N first went Super Saiyan.

Brook-Yo ho ho! Stormy skies!!

Robin-Gales of powerful wind!

Franky-Fierce waters below!

Nami-We're far off the needle's course!

Chopper-I can see seas of red!

Sanji-A surging ocean of fire!

Zoro-It's like the entrance to Hell.

Luffy/Y/N-Bring it on!!


The fires on the sea even burnt the giant fish to a crisp, ruining it. Skeletons of other fish were seen, having also been burnt alive.

All of a sudden, a transponder snail began to ring.
Tears were bursting from the snail's eyes. Luffy and
Y/N hurried inside to look at it.

Luffy-Whoa, what's the deal? The transponder snail's crying! What's wrong, buddy? You got a tummy ache?

Y/N-I don't know, I didn't transponder snails can cry.

Sanji-That's an emergency alert, dummy!
Someone's put out an S.O.S.!

Luffy-So if I pick up the call, we can reach them?

Robin-Stop, Luffy! The majority of emergency alerts can't be trusted! It's likely a trap set by the Marines! If you pick it up and they trace the signal, they'll know where we are!

Usopp-Good thinking, Robin! We have to think hard before we—!

Y/N picked up the microphone on the transponder snail.

Y/N-Hello? Y/N, speaking, Crew member of the future pirate king.

Usopp whacked him, horrified.

Usopp-Not so fast! Don't tell them anything!!

An unknown voice began to speak from the transponder snail.

???-HELP MEEE!!! It's so...cold... Is that you...Boss?!

Luffy butted in on the conversation.

Luffy-No, I ain't your boss! Is it cold there?!

???-All my people... cut down, one after the other...
We're being killed by a samurai!!

Luffy-Hey! What's your name?! Where are you?!

???-Someone, help... We're trapped here on Punk Hazard!!!

The person speaking suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream before a slicing sound was heard. The connection was then lost.

Usopp/Brook/Chopper/Bon-Clay-AAAAH!! He's dead!!

Luffy-Hmm... I smell a mystery!

Usopp-There's no mystery about it! That guy just got sliced to bits!

Y/N-Yes but who is the samurai?

Usopp-Oh no.

Robin-Let's not forget, that could have been a cleverly acted trap.

Brook strumminging his guitar

Brook-Calm down, everybody! C'mon!

Y/N-Oh man I really wanna fight this samurai.

Zoro-Samurai, huh? Sounds familiar, Brook.

Brook-Indeed. Samurai is the title of the swordsmen from the Land of Wano. Wano is a nation with closed borders-no outsiders are allowed within.
They aren't even affiliated with the World Government. And these samurai are so powerful that even the Marines do not dare to breach their territory.

Usopp-I've never even heard of such a country...

Y/N-All I know is this is getting exciting.

Franky-But he didn't say nothin' about Wano. He said "Punk Hazard"! Is it that fiery island over there?

The crew looked to where Franky motioned, and they saw that there was indeed a close island that seemed to be on fire.

Robin-If he was using a mini snail, the only island within range would have to be that one.

Luffy-That settles it! We're goin' to rescue that dude!


Usopp-It's probably too late for him!!

Chopper-Samurai are scaryyy!!

Brook-I'm scared too!!

Y/N-If our captain wants to go to that island, we're going to that island. Besides, I think it'd will be fun.

Usopp-Are you insane?! A man died!! How is this gonna be fun!?!?!?


Sanji handed Luffy a large bag full of boxes.

Sanji-Here we go! Fresh deep sea fish lunches!

Luffy-Woo-hoo! I can't wait!

Nami-Who drew the short straws?

The orange haired woman had held ten straws, and five of them were shorter than the other five. The people who drew the short straws would be the ones to go onto the fiery island with Luffy.

Zoro, Robin, Y/N, and Usopp held up short straws.

Zoro-We did.

Robin-This should be exciting.


Usopp was crying.

Usopp-I'll trade with someone! Anyone!!

Y/N grabbed Usopp.

Y/N-Come on Usopp, this will be fun. We're living in life of adventure.

Usopp-Easy for you to say!

Nami used his Climate Baton to create a road of clouds that lead to the fiery island.

The five people going to the island got into a small boat called the Mini-Merry. It resembled the Going Merry.

Luffy-Here goes the search party!! Carry us there, Mini-Merry!!

Chopper-Take care, guys!!

Franky-Lucky jerks...

Sanji-We'll get our turn when they come back.

Brook/Bon-Clay-Yo ho ho! Be safe, friends!

Nami-Hang in there, Usopp!

The Mini-Merry got onto the cloud road and started moving on it.

Usopp-Someone switch with meee!!

Y/N-Come on Usopp, this will help get you stronger.

Usopp-Someone please help.

The cloud road took the boat over the walls of fire that seemed to surround the island.

Luffy-Whoa, we're goin' up! Wheeee!! Look, we're passing over the fire!!

Usopp-Are we going to be able to take these clouds on the way back?

Zoro-At least it stopped raining.

Robin-Perfect search weather.

Usopp-It's too hot!!

Y/N-Yep, perfect time to eat.

Everyone began to eat their lunches that Sanji made.

Usopp-Are serious!?

Y/N-I know, kinda wish Sanji gave us more but we probably sink the Mini-Merry.

Usopp-That's not what I meant! And wait how did you finished that fast, you barely opened it?

Y/N-Yeah I use a lot of metabolism. Kinda wish I had a little more

Robin-Y/N, do you want to try this.


Y/N grabbed Robin's wrist in order to eat the piece she handed to him. Robin slightly blushed.

Y/N-Robin, are you ok?

Robin-Uh yes.


The Mini-Merry boat arrived at the edge of the fiery island. Everyone got off, and they dragged the boat onto the shore.

Immediately, they began to sweat tremendously from the extreme heat (except for Y/N). Fire burned everywhere.

Right ahead of the group was the entrance gate which read "Punk Hazard".

Robin-This is the place, all right. The sign proves it.

Zoro-The emergency alert must have come from in here.

Y/N looked at the sign.

Y/N-Danger, keep out.

Usopp-See, Luffy?! This island is off-limits!

Luffy looked at Y/N.

Luffy-Y/N, is something wrong?

Y/N-I don't know, I'm sensing someone very powerful over there.

Usopp-See, there's someone or something dangerous over there.

Robin-Hm. The insignia of both the World Government and the Marines are on here.

Usopp-Meaning that if anyone was here, they'd be government employees! No point in going inside; let's turn back!

Zoro used one sword to cut through the gate, and everyone strolled in. Y/N dragged Usopp behind him.

Usopp-Think about this! You're committing a crime!! Wait, pirates are criminals.

Y/N-I thought you were supposed to be a brave warrior of the sea now. You'll be fine.

It started to get way too hot so Zoro, and Luffy took off their shirts/jackets, exposing their muscular chests.

Robin also took off her dress, leaving her in a camisole and short shorts.

Y/N looked at her and slightly blushed.

Robin-Is something wrong Y/N? You don't seemed bothered by the heat.

Y/N-Oh well no, during the two years of training I've been in harsh conditions so I've been training in active volcanos.

Robin-I see. That would explain why.

Y/N-Uh yeah.

Zoro-The entire place is burning up...

Usopp-Okay, but I warned you! You want to pick a fight with the government?! Wait, we already are.

Y/N-Surely no one actually works here. Did something happen?

Robin-It doesn't seem as though this island was originally on fire. Was there some disaster? An accident?

Luffy-Man, it's so hot here!

The group continued walking and very shortly discovered numerous buildings on fire. Giant flames burned in the background.

Robin-I don't think these are houses. This must have been a government facility.

Robin looked at Y/N and got curious.

Robin-Um, Y/N there's something important I saw and I need your help with it.

Y/N-Uh sure, we'll be back in a second.

Zoro-Ok, catch up when you can.

Y/N and Robin walked somewhere where no one can see them.

Robin-Y/N, what's going on?

Y/N-What are you talking about?

Robin-For almost a week you've doing stuff the Sanji would do. I mean you've been giving compliments and black roses.

Y/N-Well they got me thinking of you because they represent mysterious, like you.

Robin-See, I just wanna know why you're doing this.

Y/N-Well it's because I'm not sure you trust me.

Robin-What do you mean?

Y/N-Well after hearing everyone's dream I wanna make them true. But I can't do that when there's one person who won't trust me.

Robin-But I thought we settled is back on Fishman island.

Y/N-So did I but you turn red and act shy round me. And I felt like you don't trust because I have this weird feeling inside and I noticed I turn red too.

Robin thought-Could it be that I have and Y/N has? I mean it only makes sense and he does have amnesia.

Robin-I think it's not that we don't trust each other, I think it's because we could be-

Suddenly there was a roar.

Y/N-Huh? Holy cow it's a dragon!

Robin-But I thought those were myths.

Y/N-You thought I was a myth.

Robin-Good point.

Y/N hold Robin bridal style. Robin slightly blushed.

Y/N-Hold on.

Y/N flew to where the dragon is. Then placed Robin on the ground and jumped on the dragon. The dragon tried shaking him off but it started to look like a bull ride.

Dragon-Un hand me!

Y/N-It can talk!?

The dragon snorted and flames billowed from its nostrils. Magma dripped from its jaws.

Dragon-Who goes there...?

Luffy-See I told you it could talk!!

Usopp-I'm having a hard enough time even accepting that this is really a dragon!

Robin-But it's very clearly the same form depicted in legends and tales!

The dragon reared its head and took a deep breath.
Smoke rose from its closed maw.

Zoro-Uh, oh!!

The dragon was about to shoot a huge blast of fire at the pirates, but Y/N jumped on its head and pulled it up which shot the fire ball into the sky.

Luffy laughed and jumped at the dragon, his arm stretching behind him.

Luffy-Gum-Gum Jet Bullet!!!

He punched the dragon in the face as Y/N jumped of it. However, it seemed to recover quickly, surprising Luffy and Y/N.

The dragon whacked Luffy into a nearby building with its tail.

Zoro started running towards it, as it seemed to be unfazed by the previous attack.

Zoro-Give me your best shot.

Dragon-I can sense a pu-pu-presence approaching!!

Y/N-Huh? Does it have the same abilities as I do?

The dragon attempted to chomp Zoro, but the swordsman rolled out of the way.

Zoro-Yeah, the dragon can talk!! Three-Sword
Style: Ultra Tiger Hunt!!

The green haired male slashed his swords at the dragon, who seemed to parry the blow with its razor sharp teeth.

Zoro-Damn... Not only is it powerful, it's hard to put a dent into!!

Dragon-Who's there?

Luffy roared and kicked the dragon, pushing it away from Zoro.

Zoro-Luffy! It was talking!

Luffy-See?! I told you!!

Usopp-I heard it too, but how?!

The dragon flapped its wings and took to the air. He shot another blast of fire at the group.

Dragon-Poot! Are you with the Seven Warlords as well?!

Y/N-Yuck, what's that smell? And what about the seven warlords?

Robin-I wonder if it's got some score to settle with them.

Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy dodged the fire as well, although Usopp was less graceful about it.

Zoro-Let me handle him, Luffy!! I'm gonna cut him in two!!

Luffy-Okay, go ahead! I'll knock it out of the sky for ya!!

The captain launched himself at the flying creature.
He grabbed the skin, but it burned his hands.

Luffy yelped and went flopping onto the dragon's back, where he saw something.

Luffy-Hey, you guys!! There's someone up here!!
Like, stuck in the dragon's head!!

Y/N-Wait really? What is it?

The dragon tried to bite Luffy, so the pirate grabbed one of its wings and threw it at the head.

The dragon bit its own wing and let out a roar of pain. It started falling towards the ground.

Usopp gave Zoro a boost with a Green Star, and the swordsmen flew through the air towards the falling dragon.

Zoro-One-Sword Style: Iai Death Lion Song!!!

With one slash, he decapitated the dragon.

The dragon hit the ground, with its head rolling away from the rest of the body. Luffy and Zoro landed next to it.

Usopp-Whoa, awesome!! But, Y/N why didn't you help?

Y/N-Because Luffy and Zoro can handle it, and remember what I said earlier. I sensed a powerful presence here, so I have to keep every once of energy I have.

Usopp-Well I guess that makes sense.

Legs were dangling out of the dragon's head. They flopped around. Luffy grabbed them.

Luffy-Okay, I'm gonna pull him out!

Legs-Who goes there?! Let go of me!! Poot!

Luffy-Hang on, I'm gettin' you out! One, two...

He pulled especially hard, and a thwup sound was heard.

The lower body of the man stuck hit the ground, causing everyone to scream in terror.

Luffy-AAAHH!!! I ripped him in half!! I'm so sorry!!

Y/N-Holy cow you killed him!!

Usopp-Sorry ain't gonna cut it, Luffy!! You just murdered a man in cold blood!!

Just then, the lower body jumped to his feet.
Surprisingly, a voice was heard from it.

Legs-Ahh! I've been pu-pu-pulled off and given my freedom!!

Luffy-What the—?! He's still talking! What is he, a zombie?!

Y/N, Zoro, and Robin just calmly titled their heads in confusion.

Usopp-He's a monsterrrr!!

Robin-What does this mean? Look, there's no mark to suggest he's been torn in two.

Usopp-So he was always just a pair of legs?! Pretty big ones too...

Luffy-You're pretty...unique.

Y/N walked to the legs to get a closer look bu, suddenly the legs kicked Y/N in the face. The male grunted and stumbled back.

Legs-Whoever you are, give me pu-pu-passage!!
Poot! There is much yet to be done before I die!!

Y/N was holding his nose.

Y/N-Aw man, that explains the smell.

Luffy-What smell?

Y/N-Every time it's talking it's farting.

Usopp-And you can smell that?

Y/N-Yeah, I have a sensitive smell like an animal.

Zoro-Wow, kinda like Chopper.

The legs started running away.

Legs-That buffoon of a Warlord will never escape my wraith!! Poot!

Luffy-Hey! He's getting away! Come back! You have to join my crew!!

Luffy-Hey! He's getting away! Come back! You have to join my crew!!

Usopp-Don't even think about it!!

The group cooked up the dragon's body and ate it, while Luffy chased the legs.

He eventually grabbed them and attached them to the back of his body, so he looked like a centaur.

He laughed and walked around, shouting, as the legs struggled to get free.

Luffy-I'm a centaurrr!!!

Legs-Blast! I've gotten myself stuck on something else! Poot!

Robin and Y/N looked at Luffy, disapprovingly.

Y/N-I kinda feel sorry for the legs.

Robin-That's rather tasteless of you, Luffy.

Luffy-It is?

The legs began to throw himself back, causing Luffy's head to slam into the ground over and over again.

Zoro went up ahead to scout out the area, while Usopp criticized Luffy on how centaurs weren't real.
Y/N, meanwhile, dragged the remaining cooked meat of the dragon the group was eating. But Y/N was eating as crazy as Luffy.

Zoro-Hey! Get up here!

Luffy-Zoro! Did you find the samurai and the sliced-up dudes?!

Everyone went to where Zoro was and gazed out at the impossible sight in front of them.

Zoro-Check it out...



Usopp-WHAAAT?!! Snowy peaks?! There's a giant lake, and across from it... the other side of the island is a mountain range of ice!!

Indeed, the group had just reached the middle of Punk Hazard and before them was a vast lake and beyond that was a frozen mountain range.

Usopp-What's going on with this island?!

Robin-Well, that solves one mystery.

Y/N-Yes. On the transponder snail, the person speaking said it was cold. Thus, the killer samurai and his victims are on that side of the island.

Luffy-Wow, what a neat island! It's snowing over there! It's so hot here, I could go for some shaved ice!

Usopp-But you'll be cold by the time you get there!
Look, it's just too far! Let's go back to the ship for now!

Unfortunately for him, the other four were already making their way towards the lake.

Robin-Oh, dear. It'll be dreadfully cold over there.

Y/N put his cloak on Robin and gave her some of his energy, who snuggled up into it and slightly blush.


Y/N-What? Did the legs talk again?

Zoro-Uh nothing. Anyway, I could get us some pelts if there are animals. Look, we'll somehow survive.

Usopp-No, we won't! Why am I the only voice of reason?!

Luffy-Lemme at that ice!!

As the other four trekked on, Usopp stood by himself, panting heavily. Just then, he saw a shape perch on the nearest building.

It was a woman with long green hair and wings for arms. She grinned wickedly at Usopp, who screamed and ran after his friends.

Usopp-AAAAH!! What was that?!!

Y/N-What was what?

Usopp-That bird! I mean...bird-person!!


Usopp-I mean, it had wings, but...

Zoro-I think the flames are getting to him.

Y/N-You're right. And he could probably traumatize from the fight. Either way it's best if we knock him out. For his own good, of course.

Zoro-Yeah. Definitely not because he won't shut his mouth.

Usopp: You're talking out loud, you know!! And excuse me for being concerned about our lives!

The five pirates (and the legs) continued walking towards the lake ahead, with Usopp having to avoid attempts by both Zoro and Y/N to knock him out unconscious.

???-Well, this is surprising, Y/N is coming into my door step without realizing it. I can't wait to turn them all into candy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Next time on Male Saiyan Reader X One Piece. While the others were making it to the other side of the island, everyone on the thousand sunny were kidnapped by the unknown enemies and discovered someone in the lab and maybe more. Later Luffy and his friends were having some trouble too. And things started to rocky when G5 started to show up.  And someone knows Y/N especially his amnesia. How will they survive this. Next time on Male Saiyan Reader X One Piece. Survivor of the fitist, the dark secrets of punk hazard. I'll be king of the pirates.

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