Chapter 6:Enter Punk Hazard, New foes arrives.

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Previously on Male Saiyan Reader X One piece, After the battle on fishman island, Luffy and his friends now known a little bit of Y/N. And Y/N unlocked a few memories about the foe from his universe Frieza the horror beyond hell. This troubles Y/N because he's only unlocking a little bit of power while Frieza is getting more and more powerful. But this will not stop them, maybe except for a whirlpool, find out Now!

The Thousand Sunny was spun all around the inside of the whirlpool until something rammed into the ship, pushing them out.

Y/N-Oh man I think I'm about to pass out.


Bon-Clay-Yes, I think we did.

Luffy-But did what did we just hit.


A huge pod of giant island whales swam by the ship.
Some of them had a bunch of scars on their snouts.


Y/N-Laboon, wait isn't that the whale you told me about Luffy?


Brook-Laboon!!! Oh, look at the size of you!

Usopp-Don't be silly! Laboon's back at the start of the Grand Line! There's no way he could slip through the Red Line at that size!

Robin-It's a miracle... An entire gam of island whales!

Zoro-And look, a couple of them have scarred snouts like Laboon.

Luffy-Even the marks are the same! Wow, you could have fooled me!

Brook-🎶Gather up all of the crew! Time to ship out Binks's Brew! Stop, Laboon! Listen to the song! 🎶 It's me, Brook!

Ussop-None of these whales are Laboon, though, Brook.


The Thousand Sunny followed the whales as their movements created a new current.

Brook began to sing Binks's Brew for the whales, While Bon-Clay, Ussop, Chopper, and Luffy danced together and one of the whales gave the crew a ride on its snout.

Soon enough, the light of the surface could be seen, making the crew excited.

Luffy-Look, we're almost to the surface!!

Y/N-Oh man I'm so excited.

The whales and the Sunny broke through the top of the water, officially entering the New World. A few days have passed since then. Especially they got into a situation with some giants. During the time Y/N did a Sanji told him on how to treat girls, so Y/N can get close to Robin.

Thunder and lightning rumbled and crackled throughout the sky.

It was cloudy and harsh rain was pouring. The water was violently thrashing about and off in the distance, a sea of flames could be seen.

Usopp-What awful weather!!

Bon-Clay-Yes, I haven't seen a storm this bad since
Y/N first went Super Saiyan.

Brook-Yo ho ho! Stormy skies!!

Robin-Gales of powerful wind!

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