Chapter 7: Survivor of the fitist, the dark secrets of punk hazard

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Perviously on Male Saiyan Reader X One Piece. Luffy and friends arrived at Punk Hazard. Coming to their surprise finding mythical creatures. Robin was even wondering why Y/N was acting so strange. Robin did figure out what was going between them but it was interrupted by a dragon. And now someone apparently knows Y/N. How will things take a turn? Find out now!

Back on the ship...

Everyone-I'm burning up!

Brook-Oh I know we just need to adjust our perspective, everyone. you see, if you pretend you're in a sauna, the heat feels lovely.

Frankly-Man it's so hot out here, I'm starting to super sweat cola.

Bon-Clay-I feel like I'm about to pass out.

Chopper-Me too.

Nami was looking at the island.

Nami-How weird. The sky above the island is split in two; Half is hot and half is freezing. I wonder why?

Chopper-I hope the others don't melt.

Bon-Clay-Me too, it's boiling hot out there. I'm not sure anything would survive on this island.

Suddenly there was some type of gas flowing around the ship.

Nami-Huh? What was that? Is that Y/N?

Nami started to look like she's about to faint.

Chopper-Are you okay?

Nami-I feel...faint.

Brook-I'm lightheaded, too. Perhaps I'm dying again. Ugh.

Bon-Clay-Chopper? Nami? Why are there two of you?

Franky-Oh, crap. Are my cola levels getting too low or something?

Everyone fainted.

Chopper-Wh-What's happening? Huh? Not me too...

Chopper fainted as well.

???-Heh, heh. Too bad I can't eat you all but how else will Y/N come.

A plate was thrown at the mysterious stranger.
Back on the Island...


Sanji-Who are you? And also stay away from my Nami.

Majin buu-Well my name is Majin Buu. And I need to barrow your crew mates for a moment.

Sanji-Over my dead body.

Majin buu-That can be arranged.

Sanji-Huh? What the!?

Majin buu's essence snuck up on Sanji. Sanji tried everything he could to get out but the pink blob would not let go. Then once Sanji started to stop moving the pink blob quickly went Majin buu and was absorbed.

Majin buu-Ah. This feels good.

Majin buu bended his arms and raised them up as he raised his right leg. And immediately his right leg was set on fire.

Majin buu-Heh. Who knew that Y/N would make powerful friends.

Then Majin buu absorbed the rest of the straw hat pirates.

Majin buu-Everyone!

???-Yes sir.

Majin buu-Steer the ship to the other side of the island I'm I'll go on ahead.

???-Yes sir!

Majin buu-Why did they need to bring a skeleton? That's weird.

Majin buu flew away.

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