Keyblade Wielder in Gamindust...

By Sonic3399

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You were an everyday otaku who enjoyed playing through Hyper Dimension and Kingdom Hearts. One day, you were... More

Two New Summons
Prologue: Chosen Wielder
Enter Gamindustri
Meeting Neptune
Eggplant Problem
A Trip to Lastation
Enter Organization XIII
Subplot: Hanging Out With Neptune
Subplot: A day with IF and Compa
Two Brand New Summons
Subplot: Nepgear's Device
Meeting In Lowee
Possible New Summon
Subplot: Swap
Subplot: A Date with Noire(?)
Teaser 2
Subplot: Hanging out with Uni and Xion
Y/N's Voice
Subplot: A Theme Park with Blanc
Subplot: Playing With Rom and Ram
Subplot: A Concert with Vert
Revival Of The Four Felons
The Battle for Leanbox Part 1

Rescue the Twins

358 5 2
By Sonic3399

While the CPUs were heading to the Global Expo to rescue Ram and Rom, the GID continued their investigation in searching for Trick and trying to save the twins. They were currently in the streets, searching for any clues.

Lyla: To think the kidnapper is actually that Lolicon bastard, Trick.

Kyle: I know, I never would have believed it myself either. But this is our chance to bring him to justice!

Keith: And this should keep the children of Gamindustri safe?

Kyle: Exactly, and our mission is to catch him dead or alive.

Lyla: I vote for dead.

Kyle: Now, now. We're not killers, as much as I like to do it myself. But we take him out when we don't have any options. But our biggest priority is to rescue the missing children and our best lead is to find Trick.

GID Members: Yes sir!

Kyle: Now then, we already investigated the crime scene back in the bedroom. So far, the room was a mess and a broken window, so he must have broken out the window and fled into the streets. He couldn't have gotten too far from the Basilicom, so he may have a hideout close by. We'll search through every corner in each streets until we find something suspicious. Any questions?

GID Agent: I have one sir.

Kyle: Go ahead.

GID Agent: What does Trick look like?

Kyle thought for a moment as he was trying to think of an answer.

Kyle: *Mentally* Come to think of it. I haven't seen what he looked like myself. He thought.

Lyla: Good point, what does our target look like, sir?

Keith: I always imagined he was some big creepy monster. He said in a scared tone.

Kyle: What he looks like is irrelevant. What really matters is that we find and stop this criminal scum!

Many of them cheered in inspiration as they were ready to look for him.

GID Agent: Sir? How are we supposed to apprehend him if we don't know what he looks like?

Kyle: I forgot, you're still new to this agency. It's quite obvious, our wanted criminal is likely hiding so closely that we wouldn't even suspect it when it's in plain sight.

Keith: What do you mean?

Kyle: You see, if you want to hide from the authorities, you have to blend in with the surroundings. Trick must be disguising himself as one of these civilians around here.

Lyla: You mean, it could be anyone here!? Even that old man over there?!

She pointed to an elderly man that was smiling, happily as he watched people walking by.

Lyla: What if it's him? This could be our target. Getting into position and then...

She had her rifle aimed at him and was about to fire.

Kyle: Hold it, Lyla! We can't go and shoot that man. What if he's a civilian? We don't want to make that mistake.

Keith: What should we do then?

Kyle: We wait. Eventually, he'll slip up and give away his position. When we notice something's off about someone, that will be our moment to strike. 

Elder: Such a lovely day. I love seeing the sight of young people.

GID agents gasped.

Keith: Did you hear that?

Lyla: He just said he loved young people!

Kyle: Get him!

The swat team charged at the elder and started beating him as it was off-screen.

GID Agent: Stop resisting!

Kyle: You have the right to remain silent!

Lyla: You're not kidnapping any more children!

Keith: Don't try it, I will pull this trigger!

Meanwhile with Y/N and the CPUs

Y/N, Xion, CPUs, and Candidates reached the Global Expo. As they entered inside, it was empty and there were no monsters around so far.

Y/N: Is this place actually a dungeon? When do convention centers become dungeons?

Blanc: It wasn't always a dungeon. It used to be one of the famous video game conventions where they would announce their latest games and sometimes new types of controllers. But it was later attacked by monsters often and so they had to abandon it. Now it's become an infested nest for monsters.

Y/N: So that's why it became as it is now.

She nodded.

Uni: Nobody is here. Could that guy be lying about where Ram and Rom are?

Nepgear: They have to be here. Let's keep searching.

Vert: Wait, what's that?

They heard footsteps as they turned and saw who was approaching them.

Linda: So you broads finally arrived. I was getting tired of waiting.

Uni: So they really are here.

Blanc: Where are they?!

Nepgear: You better tell us, Underling.

Linda: If you want them so bad, you have to get through me first. She said as she had her iron pipe out.

Noire: We don't have time to deal with underlings, Underling.

Linda: Stop calling me that! My name is not Underling, it's Lin-.

Uni: Underling, yes we know. You told us.

Linda growled in annoyance.

Xion: Is her name really Underling?

Neptune: Yep. Pretty much.

Y/N: It's what everyone is calling her.

Linda: Stop treating me like a joke! Grrr... That's it! You've really pissed me off. Now see if you can handle these new monsters.

Around Linda, a large amount of various heartless appeared and faced the group.

Y/N: Heartless, huh? Like that's nothing new for me.

Neptune: You can leave this to me, Y/N!

She transformed into Purple Heart and then had her sword out.

Purple Heart:  I'll handle these things. You go on ahead and find Ram and Rom.

Noire: Don't you go showing off!

She activated her transformation as well and stood beside Purple Heart.

Black Heart: Don't think I'm going to let you handle all of this on your own, Neptune.

Purple Heart: I didn't know you were worried.

Black Heart: Worried? Me? Like I ever. I'm just not letting you steal all of the glory.

Purple Heart smiled, amused.

The two raised their swords at the heartless as they prepared to fight then charged at the heartless.

Nepgear: Y/N, Blanc, Vert, and Xion. We'll take care of Underling and the heartless. Please save Ram and Rom.

Y/N: Right, good luck, Nepgear.

Blanc: Let's go.

Xion: Come back safe, Uni.

Uni: I will.

The rest of the group continued on and resumed to rescuing Ram and Rom.

Uni and Nepgear transformed and had their weapons ready.

Black Sister: I want to hurry and get this over with.

Linda: Great, I have to deal with you broads again?

Black Sister: You should give up while you can. You won't win this.

Linda: Things will be different. Thanks to those in black coats, I've gotten a lot stronger than last time.

She had some dark aura surrounding her.

Purple Sister: Uni, be careful. This power feels deadly.

Black Sister started off by firing her rifle at Linda, however, she raised her hand up and created a dark barrier, blocking the bullets.

Black Sister: What? She didn't have that before.

Linda: You noticed? It's something I learned from the powers of darkness.

Purple Sister: You can use darkness?

Linda: I can also do this!

She created a ball of dark energy and threw it at them. They dodged out of the way as it impacted on the ground and made a small explosion.

Purple Sister flew towards Linda for a strike, Linda blocked it with her pipe and then tried to counter by swinging her pipe at Purple Sister. She quickly moved back to dodge her attack but Linda created another dark firaga and threw it at Purple Sister.

She took the hit and was slightly in pain.

Black Sister: Nepgear!

Linda: Don't think I've forgotten you!

She threw a dark firaga at Black Sister. She tried to stop it by firing her rifle at the dark energy ball coming towards her. Though, it didn't work as it hit her leg which forced Black Sister to fall and land on the ground.

Linda: You like that? You're dealing with a whole new me. You can't beat my new powers. What's even better is that those monsters under my command are almost as strong as me. You and the CPUs are finished.

Black Sister: Shut up already! You're annoying the crap out of me. She said as she got up.

Purple Sister: Did you say those heartless are almost as strong as you?

Linda: Yes, which means you broads are screwed and I'll have a whole army of them then revive the ASIC to take over Gamindustri.

Black Sister: Well, you're going to have to do better than that. Those dark powers may sting but that guy with the eyepatch hits harder. I've been training my ass off trying to beat him.

Purple Sister: Plus our sisters have already defeated your heartless.

Linda: What?!

She looked as she saw Purple Heart and Black Heart were the only ones standing, not seeing a heartless left.

Purple Heart: That takes care of that.

Black Heart: I hardly consider that challenge. A shame Y/N couldn't join us.

Purple Heart: Why? Are you trying to impress your crush?

Black Heart grew red after hearing that.

Black Heart: My crush?! Like I would ever fall for someone like him.

Purple Heart: Then you don't mind if I take him?

Black Heart: W-Wait! Are you telling me you like him too?

She smiled in response as she blushed a little.

Purple Heart: Perhaps. And what do you mean by too?

Black Heart: Oh, I wasn't talking about me or anything. Maybe Vert or that ninja girl.

Purple Heart: I never said anything about you. She teased.

Black Heart: Y-You!

Linda: No, they got defeated that easily?!

Purple Sister: Our sisters are more stronger than you think. We know how to fight the heartless and we'll stop you and this Organization from hurting our friends.

Linda: Grr... I won't let you beat me so easily!

She was about to create another dark firaga but her arm was shot by Black Sister. Linda held her arm in pain.

Black Sister: Just give it up already. Your army of heartless are done and you're no match for the both of us.

Linda: Shut up!

Purple Sister flew in close and performed her Mirage Dance technique. Linda activated her dark barrier to block her attacks.

Linda: You might have caught me off guard, but you still can't break my shield!

Black Sister: Then I'll just hit it harder! She said as she fired a big blast from her rifle.

Linda was trying to hold the blast but the barrier was slightly cracking. She noticed this as she was starting to worry that it would.

Purple Sister stepped back and fired her gun sword with another blast at the barrier to finish it off. The barrier shattered light glass and Linda was pushed back by the impact and fell to the ground.

Linda: Impossible. I can't lose.

Black Sister: You just did. You're out of tricks now.

Purple Sister: It's over, Underling.

Linda: Dammit. You haven't seen the last of me!

She got up and quickly ran to get away from them.

Black Sister: Hey! Stop!

Purple Sister: It's fine, Uni. She won't cause any more trouble today. We need to catch up with the others.

Black Sister: Alright, fine. Let's go.

They continue on to catch up with the group.


Y/N, Blanc, Vert, and Xion continued further into the convention, so far they haven't encountered any monsters on the way.

Y/N: You think we're getting close?

Blanc: We must be.

Vert: Strange that we haven't encountered anything yet. Could they be waiting for us?

Blanc: If they are. I'll make them wish they should've run.

Xion: You think we'll encounter the Organization here too?

Y/N: Does that answer your question? He asked as he had his keyblade out and pointed at the small horde of nobodies ahead.

A group of dusks and dancers were appearing in front of the group.

Xion: Nobodies. That means Demyx is here too.

Blanc: Good.

Vert: Let's take them out and move on.

They all had their weapons out and entered combat. Y/N started out by taking out a few dusks and then focused on the dancers. He had a little trouble as they moved around a lot but was able to handle them. Xion was also focusing on the dancers as she used various spells and her keyblade to slash them. Blanc swings her hammer at each dusk in front of her while Vert uses her spear to strike down any remaining dusk and dancer.

Eventually, they cleared out the area and set their weapons away.

Y/N: We're definitely on the right track.

Blanc: Let's move on.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

???: Not bad. Not bad. The new keyblade guy and you CPUs fight well.

Blanc: You!

The group got their weapons ready. He sighed in response.

Demyx: Can't we just avoid the fighting today?

Y/N: You should have thought of that before you kidnapped Rom and Ram.

Demyx: Well in case you haven't noticed, I can easily take all of you on. I'm just trying to be nice.

Vert: Is that why your legs are trembling? I think we'll take our chances.

He was startled by that response and then turned around.

Xion: You can't run away from this Demyx.

He sighed in defeat.

Demyx: Man, they totally sent the wrong guy.

Blanc: Can you guys go without me? I got some business here to settle with him.

Y/N: what about your sisters, Blanc?

Blanc: I'm leaving that to you. I need to smash this guy's ass so hard that no monster could ever compare to it.

Demyx: What? What did I do?!

Blanc: Remember calling me flat? I'm going to pay it back a hundredfold! She said, aggressively.

She started to transform.

White Heart: You're gonna die!

Demyx: *Mentally* They really sent in the wrong guy! He thought. If he was having any feeling now, it was fear.

Y/N: You sure you got this?

White Heart: Yes, now go.

Xion: I'll stay and lend you a hand.

White Heart: Fine, just don't get in the way.

Vert: Let's hurry.

Y/N and Vert continued on, leaving the duo facing Demyx.

Demyx: Guess I have to fight after all.

Xion: It can't be avoided, now prepare yourself.

White Heart and Xion took their stance as they got ready to attack.

Xion: Careful, Blanc. He doesn't look like a capable fighter but don't let that fool you.

Demyx: Quiet, traitor.

He had his water sitar out and got ready to use it.

[KH 2 13th Dilemma plays]

Demyx: Dance water dance!

Multiple water creatures appeared around the duo and started to attack.

Demyx: Take them out before the time reaches zero or it's game over.

White Heart and Xion focused on taking out the water clones. Luckily for them, it took one hit to take them out. White Heart swings her hammer at a group of water clones as Xion grabs one of the clones and then swings it around her while taking out multiple clones in the progress.

They were running out of time, but they were able to take out the remaining clones. Demyx got worn out after they were all defeated. White Heart and Xion took this moment to strike

White Heart slams her hammer at him a few times as he is taking damage from the hits. Xion was about to move in and strike but Demyx regained strength and started to counterattack by unleashing bubbles of water at the duo.

White Heart and Xion had to move back and dodge the bubbles to avoid getting hit. Demyx jumped past the group as pillars of water followed. White Heart and Xion got hurt in the process.

White Heart: How could water hurt this much?!

Demyx: Like that?! I'm just starting the beat.

Xion: Fira!

She fired some fire spells at him. Demyx tried to stop it with water bubbles but he still got some burns.

Demyx: Ahh, hot! Dammit Xion, you should know I get burned easily.

Xion: That's the point. You can't stand fire.

White Heart: Fire is your weakness? The irony.

Demyx: Uh, no? Ignore what she said.

White Heart: Too late!

She flew in to strike him. Demyx blocked it with his sitar then swung it around to hit her. He later created more water pillars around him. White Heart had to jump back to avoid getting hit by the water.

Demyx: *Mentally* Just a little more time. He thought.

White Heart: How am I supposed to pound him with that annoying water in the way?

Xion: I might be able to catch him off guard. When I use my fire spell, you should take that moment to strike.

She nodded.

Demyx shot blasts of bubbles at the duo as White Heart and Xion noticed and avoided the water blasts. White Heart resumed to the offense and was about to go in for another attempt to strike.

Xion: Fire!

She shot a few fire spells at him before Demyx was about to create water pillars to defend himself but was not fast enough as he had already been hit by them.

White Heart quickly moved in and used one of her best moves.

White Heart: Tanzerlin Tromble!

She spins her hammer around multiple times while hitting Demyx on each spin then finally, she raises her hammer and delivers a hard slam on the nobody.

Demyx groaned in pain after getting hit many times by White Heart. She was about to land a final blow but he could counter by quickly getting up and jumping to another area with water pillars behind him. He got enough distance and faced the two again while slightly panting.

[Music stops]

Demyx: Not bad. You two are being more trouble than you're worth.

White Heart: Giving up already?!

Demyx: *Mentally* I wish. He thought.

Demyx: I'm just getting started. This next move should finish it.


Rom and Ram were trapped in a room with CFW Trick. They were both terrified by him as he stared at them.

Rom: I want to go home.

CFW Trick: What's wrong my little cuties? Are you not having a good time? I know what could cheer you up.

He grabbed one of the candidates with his tongue and started licking her. Rom screamed for help by the torture.

Ram: Let my sister go, you icky creep!

CFW Trick: Don't worry, you'll be loving it soon too.

He grabbed Ram and then proceeded to lick them both.

Rom: It's so gross! I can't take it!

Ram: It's disgusting!

CFW Trick laughed as he continued licking them both.

???: Let the girls go!

CFW Trick turned and saw Y/N and Vert entering the large room.

CFW Trick: Someone came to join the party?

Rom: Y/N, Vert, help us!

Y/N: You're after me and the CPUs right? Let them go!

There was a moment of silence.

CFW Trick: No thanks. I don't have any interest. I'm not into boys or girls with big sacks.

Y/N: That's not what I-.

Vert: Were you really offering yourself to this thing?

Y/N: I'd rather die. And I was talking about what the Organization was after but then again they wouldn't tell them anything...shut up.

Vert: I didn't say anything. She teased.

CFW Trick: How could I ever trade my little cuties for someone else? I'm a gentleman.

Y/N: Uh, no. This needs to stop. Let's teach this creep a lesson.

Vert: Agreed, I need to repay him for insulting my breasts.

Y/N sweat-dropped in response.

Green Heart: So Y/N, what do you think of my CPU transformation?

Y/N did not respond as he looked away and blushed.

Green Heart: He's shy. Cute. She giggled.

Y/N faced back to CFW Trick as he got his keyblade out while Green Heart pointed her spear at her opponent.

Green Heart charged at him with her spear as Y/N ran towards him for a strike. CFW Trick blocked her with his hand and then swings his tongue at Y/N. He jumped out of the way and attempted to slash him with his keyblade.

CFW Trick was able to block it and then counter by hitting with his tongue. It sent Y/N back to a wall then he fell to the ground. Green Heart jumped back to keep her distance.

Green Heart: Y/N!

He got back on his feet.

Y/N: I'm alright. Just let my guard down is all.

CFW Trick: Is that all you got? This will be easier than I thought.

Green Heart: I'm just seeing how you fight. Now the real battle has started.

Y/N: I got someone who could help us out. Summon, Tifa!

Y/N activated his summon spell as a light shines near him.

Tifa: Need help?

CFW Trick: What? Where did you come from?

Green Heart: *Mentally* So you can summon people to assist in your fights. You continue to interest.

Y/N: This big guy is giving us trouble. Can you help us with it?

Tifa: I got it.

Y/N: Alright, this is a good time for me to transform too. Master Drive!

Y/N's clothes changed to yellow and he held the Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades.

Y/N: Alright, let's go!

Green Heart and Tifa nodded then head towards CFW Trick to attack.

CFW Trick tried to swing his tongue at her but she easily dodged it and got to close ranged. She started to punching him rapidly as  Y/N came in and quickly slashed him repeatedly. CFW Trick tried to block their attacks but they were too fast for him and started taking damage.

Y/N: Take this! Aerora!

He casted wind magic under CFW Trick. It was lifting in the air and float above the ground for a moment.

CFW Trick: Am I flying?

Tifa: This will teach you not to mess with little girls.

She used the moment to use her somersault kick on CFW Trick.

CFW Trick: Agh!

The impact managed to stun him greatly as he felt the kick. Y/N focused on his hands and delivered rapid slashes to them. CFW Trick was forced to release the twins as his hands couldn't take anymore damage. Ram and Rom fell to the ground then crawled away from the perverted monster.

CFW Trick: No! My sweet cuties!

Y/N: Now, Vert!

Green Heart: Right!

She went up close to CFW Trick as Y/N and Tifa backed away.

Green Heart: Rainy Ratnapura!

She performed multiple stabs at the stunned opponent until she delivered the final blow.

It sent CFW Trick flying and burst out of the room, creating a hole.

CFW Trick: Ahhh! I'll be back! He shouted until he was out of sight.

Y/N: Nice job, Vert.

Green Heart: I'm usually called Green Heart in this form but you're the exception. You did well yourself. She smiled.

Both of the twins walked up to Y/N and hugged him.

Rom: Thank you, Y/N.

Ram: I'm glad you and Vert saved us.

Y/N and Green heart smiled and nodded.

Y/N: Good job to you too, Tifa.

Tifa: Of course, I was more than happy to deal with that creep. I just wish I had the chance to smash 'em.

Y/N: Uh, right.

Green Heart: Yes, though I wish I could have cut 'em off.

Ram: Cut what off? What are you talking about?

Rom: I'm curious too.

Y/N: That's not really important.

Y/NL *Mentally* Note to self, never get on their bad side. He thought, nervously.

Green Heart: I'll tell you when you're older.

The twins were confused for a moment.

Tifa: Call me the next time you need help, Y/N.

Y/N: See you around.

A light shined as she disappeared.

Rom: Hey Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: What is it?


Keith: Sir, I'm getting another reading from my detector.

Kyle: That could be where our target is. We'll get that bastard.

Back with Y/N

Rom: Is it alright if I called you big brother, Y/N?

Y/N: Sure, I can be your big brother. He smiled and pats her head.

She smiled in response.

Ram: Can you be my big brother too?

Y/N: Of course. He smiled as he also pats her head.

They resumed hugging him as Y/N lets them enjoy the moment. Green Heart changed back to her human form and watched the scene as she smiled. Though it made her envious as she wished she had a younger sibling.


Kyle: Where is it coming from?

Keith: It says right here, that it's coming from Lowee Global Expo.

Lyla: Then that's where we'll go.

Kyle: I knew it couldn't be that last guy.

Lyla: I'm surprised how well he took it. He was really forgiving, even gave us free cups of super hot coffee.

Kyle: That's the kind of people we need in Lowee. Now let's go find that sick of a bitch.

Back with White Heart and Xion vs Demyx

Demyx: Prepare to face my signature move. It'll be a blast.

Xion: Careful, Blanc. He's up to something 

White Heart: Go ahead and do it! It won't stop me from bashing your head!

Demyx: Here it comes. Dance water, dan-.

He was interrupted by a crash that came from the wall. It revealed to be CFW Trick who was sent flying earlier. He then landed on Demyx accidently.

Demyx groaned in pain from getting crushed by the perverted monster. He struggled trying to push him off.

Demyx: Hey! Get off me!

White Heart: Good, now I can bash both of you shitheads!

Demyx: Oh no.

White Heart delivered a hard swing with her hammer and sent them both flying throughout the area.

Demyx: Ahhhhh!

Both of them were launched in the distance until they were no longer seen.

White Heart: Good riddance.

She turned back to her human form.

Xion: Are you going to be okay? You seem very angry.

Blanc: I'll be fine. Let's just find Ram and Rom.

Ram/Rom: Big sis!

She turned and saw Rom and Ram running up to her with Y/N and Vert behind them.

Blanc: Rom, Ram.

The twins walked to her and embraced their sister. She returned the hug.

Blanc: I'm so sorry. I let you two get kidnapped. I'm a horrible big sister.

Rom: It's not your fault, big sis.

Ram: Y/N came and saved us.

Blanc: I'm glad he did. She smiled.

Y/N smiled as he's glad that he got them back together. Blanc looked at Y/N then walked up to him.

Blanc: Thanks for saving my sisters. I knew I could count on you.

Y/N: You're a great big sister, Blanc. I know they mean a lot to you. So I'll help you keep them safe.

Blanc: Thank you, Y/N. She smiled then hugged him. Ram and Rom joined the embrace.

Meanwhile at the entrance of the Expo

Kyle: Alright, we made it.

Lyla: Now we just need to find our target.

Keith: What was strange about it was that it said it was a new target.

Kyle: It may be our target disguising himself as another target. It won't work on us.

Keith: Where could he be?

Kyle: It won't matter. We'll find him. For all we know, Trick could drop in and appear in front of us.

Moments later, CFW Trick and Demyx crashed landed in front of the squad.

Lyla: Looks like you were right sir. This must be the kidnapper.

Keith: Permission to proceed and apprehend suspect.

Kyle: Take him down!

Demyx finally got back on his feet.

Demyx: Damn, that hammer hurts. What did I do to deserve this?

GID Agent: There's Trick! Get him!

Lyla: Stop right there, criminal scum!

Demyx: Guess they're after this big guy. Better get out of here. What the-.

The GID agents weren't heading towards CFW Trick but instead for Demyx mistaking him for the kidnapper. They tackled him to the ground and pinned him.

Kyle: You're under arrest for kidnapping children and an attempt to do unforgivable crimes!

Keith: Your time is over, Trick!

Demyx: What, no I'm not him. He's right next to me!

Lyla: That's what they all say.

Kyle: You're not kidnapping anymore little girls.

Demyx: I didn't kidnap anyone. Well okay, maybe I sort of have had something do with it but-.

Lyla: See! He admits!

Demyx: No, you got the wrong guy.

One of the agents knocks him out with their rifle then he passed out.

Kyle: Mission accomplished. Let's return home.

GID agents cheered in success then saluted then departed from the area with Demyx in custody. After they left, CFW Trick started to wake up.

CFW Trick: Uh, what happened?


Y/N and the group returned to the Basilicom. They were celebrating the success in rescuing the twins.

Neptune: Well done, everyone! CPUs one, bad guys zero!

Noire: I feel like we didn't do anything too important.

Neptune: We did beat up some heartless.

Nepgear: And we beat Underling.

Y/N: We all did our part in saving them. I'm sure that counts.

Vert: I suppose you're right. Since you performed so well today, you deserve a reward. She smirked.

Y/N: That's not necessary.

Vert: How about I give you one?

She grabbed him and hugged him tightly. Y/N grew red as his head was touching her chest.

Vert: How about you become my little brother?

Y/N: Can't...breathe... He struggled to break free from her grip.

Noire: What are you doing?!

Neptune: Vert, get off him!

Nepgear: Here we go again. She sighed.

Xion: Can't you see he's uncomfortable!

Blanc: Stop trying to seduce him with your fats, Thunder Tits!

Vert: All of you hugged him once, why shouldn't I?

Noire: What are you talking about? I never did that.

Neptune: I did.

Blanc: So did I.

Vert: I guess you're the only one left out.

Noire blushed then growled in annoyance. She decided to grab Y/N away from Vert. She held Y/N in her arms as she embraced him.

Vert: My, I didn't know you were this bold.

Noire: S-Shut up.

Y/N: What are you-.

Noire: Don't get the wrong idea. I just want to be even with my other rivals. Not because I like you or anything.

Eventually, Y/N finally got out of her hold.

Ram/Rom: Big sis Blanc! Come see our drawing!

Blanc: Okay.

They showed their drawing to her. She smiled as she looked at it.

Rom: Do you like it, big brother Y/N?

Y/N: They look great, Rom.

Rom smiled in a cheerful expression.

Blanc: They're nice drawings. Wait a minute... Did you draw on my newest novel?!

Ram: Yep, this is the drawing we made!

It was a drawing of Blanc with her red eye when she's angry.

Blanc: I'll kill you!

Ram: That's the face we made! She giggled.

Rom: Run for it! She giggled.

They both started running and laughing as Blanc chased them.

Blanc: Get back here, you little shits!

The rest of the group only watched.

Vert: Some things don't change.

Xion: Did she say she writes books?

Neptune: Yep. it's been her hobby.

Y/N: I've been reading myself, Actually I've been reading books from a certain author.

Neptune: You mean that author you're talking about, with the neon green hair?

Y/N: Nep.

Neptune: Yeah, he makes cool stories. But he has made too many and takes forever on making a chapter.

A/N: I have not!

Neptune: It took us days to bring back Rom and Ram.

Xion: Um guys, don't you think we should stop them?

Vert: No, we can let this play out. It's more fun to watch.

Y/N: Still I'm more concerned, why would they bring back one of the Four Felons? What's the Organization trying to do?

The group spent the rest of the day at Basilicom, enjoying themselves.


Back at the Gamindustri Investigations Department, Kyle was back at his office, enjoying his super hot coffee. He thought about his pervious mission.

Kyle: Another successful case. I feel like the children of Gamindustri will be safer with every criminal we take down.

His phone rang and he answered it.

Kyle: Ah, Lyla. How goes the interrogation?

Lyla: He still won't confess but I'll him to talk eventually.

Demyx: I keep telling you, I'm not Trick!

Lyla: Quiet, you criminal!

Kyle: Keep up the good work, Lyla.

He hang up the phone then moments later he had another phone call. He picked it up again and answered it.

Kyle: This is the Gamindustri Investigations Department. How can I help you?

Abnes: Hey! Did you get any of my requests? I want to help protect the children! Can I please join?! I'll ensure the children of Gamindustri are protected. It's my sole mission to-.

Kyle hung up the phone, hearing enough of it.

Kyle: Damn prank calls. He sighed.

Keith: Sir, we got another case. He called as he rushed in the office.

Kyle: Let's see it.

Keith gave him the case file and he examined it. Kyle's eyes widened.

Kyle: Get every man available for this. This is a Code Red!

Keith: Yes sir. He saluted.

Kyle and his forces began to move and proceed to their next case.


Outside the area of Lowee, Larxene appeared in the area as it was a meeting area. Soon another person in a black coat appeared then took his hood off.

Marluxia: Did you obtain the last two fragments?

Larxene: Of course, the distraction made my jog a lot easier in getting the other piece in the Basilicom.

Marluxia: I see that Demyx isn't with you. Did he get left behind?

Larxene: He got caught earlier. But who cares, he called me flat earlier. He can get out on his own.

He examined the two fragments.

Marluxia: The two fragments of the Four Felons. After the Deity of Sin was destroyed, each of the Four Felons were destroyed as well and were scattered all over the world. Some were recovered and kept hidden. Two pieces of three of the Four Felons. Four for the last one. However if all of them were brought together, the Deity of Sin would be brought together and a vessel with darkness in them required.

Larxene: That does sound powerful. You think we can use this to stage another coup?

Marluxia: I have no need for such. I want to know is how the Organization plans to use this Deity of Sin.

Another plan appeared as another cloaked member joined the meeting. It was revealed to be Saix.

Saix: The last fragments of Magic have been obtained.

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