First impressions

By LouieChewi666

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My first MHA x Reader Fanfiction, constructive criticism welcome, please be kind. thank you. This ongoing, so... More

First Impressions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Qualify or Fail
Part 7: Memories to Music Madness
Chapter 8: A Little Love
CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions
Quick notes
Birthday Bullets
Chapter 11: Blades and Bloodshed
Chapter 12: Unbreakable
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Eri, The Lost Princess
Bonus Chapter: Smash or Pass Game
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Comedy of Laundry Errors
Mineta Drama, Chapter 22
Character Update Part 23
Nabu Island Part 2
Author's Note

Chapter 15: Music To Sooth the Aching Sole

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By LouieChewi666

A/N: Hello, it's me again. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, sorry about making anyone upset at the end. Now onto this chapter, this one takes place season four, music festival. I hope I've got the timeline right? Enough of me talking, please enjoy reader, and thank you.

It was breakfast time and the students were chatting idly about their lessons for that day. Jiro had just made herself a cup of coffee, and saw Louie bound over to her.

Jiro: "Hey Louie. How are you this morning?" She asked, passing her a coffee mug over.

Louie pulled out her ear piece she had in her ear, and smiled awkwardly.

Louie: "Oh morning, sorry I was listening to comedy song...."

Jiro: "Mind if I listen?" Jiro asked lifting one of jacks to Louie's phone.

A/N: Please check out this comedy song by this artist on YouTube, Thomas Benjamin Esq, it'll brighten your day. Please continue.

Louie nodded, and showed her the song. It was by Thomas Benjamin Esq 'No more Fs to give' As they listened to the song, a few times Jiro nearly spilt her drink from trying not to laugh. At the end, she handed her phone back to Louie and shook her head in disbelief.

Jiro: "Don't let Iida hear that song, he'll have a fit." She smirked, but turned serious.

Louie and Jiro grabbed their school bags, and made their way to school talking as they walked. Louie did agree with Jiro, but by the time they made it to their classroom, most of the class was already there. The bell rang, time for school.

During class.......

Mr Aizawa: "Right problem children. There's going to be festival. It's going to be televised just like the sports festival was. This is going to showcase your talents and your quirks. Hopefully promoting yourselves in a better light, after the battles you've faced so far...." He announced in his mono tone, really not giving a care about this at all.

Tenya Iida raised his hand. Mr Aizawa motioned for him to ask.

Tenya Iida: "What will this festival be in aid of sir?" He questioned, boldly.

Mr Aizawa: "I was getting to that class rep. Anyways, I know you've faced a lot together, and individually, but this is something you have to come up with together, or in smaller groups, I don't care. You all have to take part. That means you Bakugo. If you all don't contribute, it's remedial classes for the rest of the school year. Now get to it, and don't disturb me, unless it's a villain attack." He yawned at the end, and crawled into his yellow sleeping bag.

The students talked happily amongst themselves. Mina got up and bounced over to Louie, who was talking to Jiro and Denki.

Mina: "Louie!! You have to join the dance group! Yelling at such a force, it almost woke up their teacher.

Louie took a step back from the force of nature, Mina. She loved her over energetic friend, but sometimes it scared her what went through that girl's mind.

Louie: "N... n.... no thank you Mina." Louie stuttered nervously.

Mina looked disappointed.

Louie: "I think I'd rather do a small group, or a duet instead. Thanks though." Louie reassuringly said, taking a step to her to shake her hand.

The dance group walked away, and Louie turned her attention to Jiro, Denki and her love, Fumikage.

Louie: "Sorry to ask this, but would you guys be interested in making a small group with me?" Louie asked.

Jiro: "Sorry Louie, Denki and I have agreed to start a group band along side the dance group. But, what if......? Hang on, I've got an idea..." Jiro apologised, before coming up with an idea.

Jiro woke up Mr Aizawa, for a few questions regarding the festival, he was annoyed at first, but answered non-the less. Jiro thanked her teacher and went back to Louie happy with the result. She told them the good news.

Jiro: "Right, we can have another smaller group, but unfortunately, I won't be able to help you with it. You can ask someone else to play the drums and play any instruments for you, if you wish."

Louie: "Fumikage? Would you......"

Fumikage took her hand, and smiled looking into her dark hazel eyes.

Fumikage: "Sing with you?" He finished her question for her.

Louie: "Yes, I'd love it. Thank you."

"Would that work Jiro?"

They both asked at the same time, causing a few of the girls to let out a few aww sounds at the cute scene.

Jiro nodded. Louie would sing with Fumikage, but they still needed one more thing, a drummer. Louie's eyes lit up with an idea.

Louie: "OI! Bakugo Boom Boom!! Louie called over to the noisy classmate.

Bakugo looked up from his desk, with an angry expression plastered on his face. The whole room went silent, expecting the worst for this scenario. They held their breath.

Bakugo: "What?! What do you want extra?!" He bellowed.

Louie: "I know, you are killer on the drums, so will you please play drums for me and Fumikage?" Louie asked, as she made her way over to his desk, waiting anxiously.

Bakugo looked smug at her, knowing full well how good he was at the drums, but he made a note that she was practically begging him to play for her and the Bird extra. Sneering a little, and standing up to his full height over Louie, he gave the answer Louie was not expecting at all.

Bakugo: "Fine. Purple haired jack extra already asked me to play, why not! Don't think I like you extra, or that I will go easy on you." He spoke clear and stern to her face.

Louie held out her hand to him, and he shook it in agreement. The whole class gasped out loud. Louie stared them down, as if to tell them not to make a big a deal of it, the whole class agreed with her.

Time Skip to after school, in the dorm building......

Jiro was organising the Class 1A band, Tenya Iida was organising the backstage crew whereas, Mina, was teaching the dance steps to the dance crew. It was organised chaos, and relatively calm, to a certain aspect.

Some were taking a break after a long routine. One of the girls stepped up to grab her water bottle.

Hagakure: "I'm still bummed that Louie didn't want to join our group or Mina's." She pouted, sulking back to the sofa.

Mina came over and agreed with her girl, but was confused why Louie wasn't practising yet. Had she found her song? Jiro looked over at Louie who had her earphones in practising in silence. Every once in a while; she stopped, and got up to show the recording to the song, to the drumming parts she managed to replay them to Bakugo. He nodded, and shouted Fumikage over to listen to the parts he had to play. At least they had a song to play, now to find a way to practise both songs in time for the festival.

Time skip to the night before the performances.......

Louie finished playing her guitar on high, with Bakugo and Fumikage. They were in tune and a little out of breath, but it was worth it. Bakugo got up from the drum set and picked up his bag, heading to the door. He stopped just before he was about to through, turning to face them both, he spoke with no anger, but just in slightly less agitated state.

Bakugo: "Listen Extras, I want to kill it out there tomorrow... Just play that song the way we practised tonight, and we'll kill that audience..."

Fumikage hummed in agreement, giving a one-word answer.

Fumikage: "Understood."

Louie on the other hand, took a shaking breath, and smiled determined to make the performance one they won't forget.

Time skip to the morning of the festival. Preparations were in place for security, by the pro-heroes to safe guard everyone in attendance at the festival. Deku had disappeared before the performances. In the changing rooms for the girls, Louie was handed a costume for her from Midnight.

Midnight: "One of your DRK ladies, dropped this off you this morning at your dorm building, I took the liberty of looking inside, I'm impressed at their tastes. Oh, there is also a note and you have twenty minutes to get ready." She admired and curiously admitted, handing over the suit bag.

Louie read the card to herself, said her thank you to her teacher, and got herself ready. Dressed in a short velvet black dress, with capped poofy sleaves. The skirt puffed out a little like a Lolita style, short at the front and slightly longer at the back. Her make-up was styled simple yet a little vampified with a black lipstick. Grabbing her guitar, she made her way the side of the stage where Bakugo was waiting with Fumikage.

Some of the Class stared in shock and wonder at their class mate. Shoji nudged his best friend, with one of his extensions, he whispered only quietly so only Fumikage could hear.

Shoji: "She's going to be the death of you married or not! That is one spicy outfit. Good luck out there."

Fumikage shook his head at his friend. He was wearing a pair of black jeans; a checkered black and white over-shirt tied around his waist. His simple black sleaved t-shirt, stuck to his abs defining him. His combat styled boots and his signature choker completed his look.

Fumikage: "I know."

Bakugo had the Class 1A t-shirt to one side to change quickly into, along side Fumikage back stage. He opted for a pair of simple dark navy three quarter shorts and trainers. All for comfort, and practicality.

Present Mic had introduced the whole school to the festival, and a few other performances, now it was Louie's turn and her small band. They made their way to the stage on Present Mic's introduction. The audience cheered loudly, and got excited. Some of the guys in the audience, were enamoured by Louie. Some of the girls were encouraging all of them, eager to listen.

Louie: "Thank you for having us! LET'S ROCK!" She called out to the audience.

Bakugo started the drums, along to the backing track with Fumikage before Louie let loose with the axe playing a metal version of 'Every time we touch' but a Nightcore version by Kenke.

A/N: Please check out the artist, Kenke on YouTube, they have an amazing version of this song. I love it! This inspired me for this part in the story. Sorry for interrupting back to the story. 

As they ended the song, Louie's wings unfurled and glittered making her float during her epic solo at the end. The applause at the end of the song caught them off guard, they thanked the audience and left the stage. Bakugo and Fumikage were ushered to one side away from the prying eyes to quickly change their t-shirts to the Class 1A Band on. Louie blew Fumikage a kiss for luck, and wishing the others in her class, the same. Louie headed back to the changing rooms, to get changed into her uniform, but was stopped than none other than Midnight and Present Mic.

Midnight: "Well done Louie Chewie. The outfit looked great on you." She praised, with a wink.

Present Mic: "I'll say, this listener has got pipes! If hero work doesn't work out for you, you can always be a singer." He smiled, with a thumbs up.

Louie looked between the two teachers uneasily.

Louie: "Thank you both. But I think I want to keep this as just a hobby, and be the hero my dad and I dreamed of. Helping the people in need, and being the best person I can be. Please excuse me." Bowing to her teachers, she left them to their duties.

In the audience Eri was being escorted by Mirio and loving the Class 1A performance. She managed to catch Louie's performance beforehand, and could not stop smiling. Her hands were in the air cheering on Deku and the rest of the crew. Backstage, Louie was helping with any duties of the crew and costume department.

When it was over, Present Mic thanked all the performers, the backstage crews, and everyone who took part in the festival, for all their hard work. Eri was escorted back to the teacher's lounge to wait for Mr Aizawa with Mirio. They arrived and finished looking at the outside booths, and made their way to the exit. Eri yawned slightly, still smiling from all the concert.

Eri: "Deku kept his promise to me Aizawa..." She said happily.

Mr Aizawa: "He did, what about the rest of the concert? Did you enjoy the festival?" He questioned, agreeing with the little precious princess Eri.

Mirio and Deku caught up them both, and greeted them. Both were smiling boldly, and slightly out of breath.

Mirio: "Mr Aizawa, did you and Eri enjoy the festival?"

Deku had a little surprise for Eri behind his back. It was something she was looking for at the festival all day, a Caramel apple on a stick. Unfortunately, all the booths had sold out, but Deku had Sato help him make some.

Eri took it with eyes in confusion at the sight of it. Taking a small bite, she loved the taste of the sweet treat. Mr Aizawa thanked them, and left with Eri happily chomping all the way back to the hospital.

Mirio was one of 'The Big Three' The topstudents at UA, and one of the few who helped to rescue Eri from the villain Overhauland the LOV. The Pro-heroes had been working on this case for a long time,before coming to rescue Miss Eri. The battle had been a gruelling one, arrestswere made, but at a cost of losing the Pro- Hero Nighteye. It shook the heroesto the core, but they had to remain vigilant and strong for the rest of theworld, to keep them safe.

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