Anneliese || ✎

By pitifulkisses

2.1K 63 6

As long as I have you. *Description still in progress.* Anneliese has been kept in the dark by the people in... More

Chapter 1: Regulars
Chapter 2: Interrogation
Chapter 3: Grudge
Chapter 4: Blush
Chapter 5: Spy
Chapter 6: June
Chapter 7: Stay here
Chapter 9: Make up
Chapter 10: Games
Chapter 11: Sidekick
Chapter 12: Episode
Chapter 13: House Arrest
Chapter 14: Milkshakes!
Chapter 15: Number
Chapter 16: Intruder
Chapter 17: Grilled Cheese

Chapter 8: Caught

91 4 0
By pitifulkisses


       I'm learning how to pick a lock with a paper clip and a hair pin.

Although I'm using Xavier's laptop to watch a video on it. This is my first mistake as a spy; don't leave evidence.

I hear some shouting and imagine a scene of someone being stuck in the bathroom with no toilet paper. Happens to the best of us.

I am sitting on the floor, my left food under the desk while my right foot is on the other side of the desk. I'm at the right side lock on the desk because the left one was already unlocked.

I'm not picking the lock because I want to know what's inside, it's just the lock that looks less suspicious.

He's got a safe behind a wooden frame of a map. I found it by accident.

Or maybe I knew where to look.

I'm going to pretend I didn't see anything, though. I'd hate for him to get mad. Maybe it's personal.

I hear a click and I flinch with excitement that I bang my knee into the under park of the desk.

"Ow," I groan. If I fudge up both legs I'll be doomed.

"Stupid desk." I huff. But my pain is short lived when I remember I heard a click.

Tugging the pins out I try to open the drawer, but it doesn't budge. What the frick. I turn back to the video, rewind it and watch it again.

I followed all these steps! This is such a scam. 47.2 thousand views for this scam? I wonder how many other people were let down in serious situations.

"Hurry Tom! If the guards catch us, we'll be sentenced to life in the dudgeon!" I shout in a deep voice.

"I'm trying, David, this shit's hard!" I deepen my voice to sound like a different man.

"That's what she said," I laugh out loud at my own skit. I should consider being an actress.

The door to Xavier's office opens abruptly. I flinch and nearly bang my knee again.

"God damnit," I hear a voice spit. "Anneliese?" The voice calls out.

I peer around the desk, pulling my leg out from under it, so I can crawl around to the side, so I'm visible.

I make eye contact with Matteo and he releases a rushed breath.

Breath taking, I know.

I smile at my internal thought and consider saying it out loud, but Matteo beats me to speaking first.

"Stay here." If I get demanded to do a dog command one more time I might freak.

"Say that again." I grunt, trying to stand up. My confidence is shriveled up when I am unsuccessful in standing.

"Please, stay here." He gives me an apologetic look and I sigh. I admit defeat.

"You're lucky you're my friend. Tell Xavier I still want my water, please." I can't get up so I sink back to the floor, pretending I didn't mean to get up.

He nods before locking the door from the inside, and then sort of slamming the door shut again.

Well how's Xavier supposed to give me my beverage now? If I die from thirst my ghost will haunt this very room.

Mock my words.

After my minute of processing I crawl back around to the desk and pick up my tools, shoving them back into the lock hole.

I will be a lock smith, I cannot be stopped.


My hands freeze. I release the pins from my grasp and they stay in the lock, sticking straight out.

I carefully back away from the desk and wrap my fingers around the handle before tugging it. The door slides open.

"Ha!" I shout, feeling proud of the skills I knew I had. Never doubted myself for a second.

I peer into the drawer and find multiple folders with papers sticking out. The corner of a picture is sticking out and I eye the blue sky that I can see.

A loud knock on the door has me giving myself whiplash. I shut the drawer, pulling the bent paper clips and hair pin out.

"Hang on!" I shout. I begin to crawl towards the door on my hands and knees all while keeping the stupid, massive boot off the ground.

Matteo will pay. My hands are you going to get dirty.

I crawl all the way to the door, unlock it and open it to see Xavier with a glass of water in his hand. Only he's looking at where I should be if I were standing.

He looks down and his eyes widen before taking on a dark glare. "What the fuck are you doing on the floor?"

"I couldn't get up," I state.

He shakes his head, entering the office. He closes the door behind him and I sit there, watching him walk to the coffee shop table.

He sets the glass down before turning to me. "Why didn't you ask who it was before you opened the door? Always check."

He practically scolds me. He says it like it's a well known fact. I'm in an office in the back of a bar with intimidating men out front, I didn't think I should be afraid.

"I will next time, promise." I smile, showing off my teeth.

I love my teeth, I had to use a retainer for several months just to perfect my bottom teeth.

Xavier's hands come up under my arms, lifting me to my feet with ease. Muscle man.

Gosh, I want to touch his arms.

So I do. I reach my arms out, letting them twist around his like I'm stabling myself. I gently squeeze and I feel the muscles immediately.

"You've got nice arms," I blurt.

I feel the heat rush to my face, but Xavier just smirks. His arms remain on mine till I unravel my arms from around his.

But his smirk is replaced with a scowl when a shout echoes through the halls again.

"Stay," he starts but I cut him off with my finger to his lips.

My finger to his lips.

You catch that? I just put my finger on his plump lips. I think I might pass out.

"Stay here, I got it." I smile brightly, hoping to make up for the whole I-just-touched-your-lips thing.

I blink and the jerks' gone. We basically shared a moment and I get no response. To be honest, I probably would have gotten some sassy remark.

Now that I'm on my feet I walk over to the drawer to make sure I closed it. Although it's unlocked now, so I'll have to figure out how I can lock it.

⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎

Five minutes later I declare myself a master of locks. I successfully locked the drawer without breaking the end of the paper clip.

I drew on some sticky notes, too. Some of them are hidden around the office with nice little saying.

I contemplated cleaning out Xavier's 36 emails, but he seems relatively clean, so I assume they were left unopened for a reason.

The random shouting has stopped and the need to pee is back, again. Making sure everything is in place I shut Xavier's laptop, heading for the door.

I carefully twist the doorknob and pull it in towards me, opening the door. Sticking my head out, I scan for my friends.

"Xavier?" I whispered shout. "Matteo? Zayn?" When I get no response I tip toe out of the office, closing the door behind me, quietly.

I make my way down the hall, a small pot forming in my stomach. I don't have listening problems, I just need to pee again.

My head jerks to the side, checking behind me when I hear something, but nothing's there. When I turn back I have to physically slap my hand over my mouth to stop the scream.

"Well if it isn't Miss. Limp." He glares.

My face scrunches up and I glare back. The mop in his hand catches my attention, though.

Caught him in the act of cleaning duty. Little jerk.

"Weren't you told to stay put? Go back and sit like you were told." He remarks.

I scoff, "You asshole." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Seriously? You think name calling is impressive?" He snickers.

"First of all, I wasn't trying to impress you. Second of all, you basically called me a dog! And you called me 'Miss. Limp!'" I protest.

My voice raises at the end of my sentence. He's getting me fired up now. I might smack him with that mop.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your small ass feelings?" He mimics crying by balling his hands up under his eyes and pouting.

"You're mean. No wonder you got put on cleaning duty." I bite, my tone a little snarky. "And I'll have you know, my ass is medium sized."

He bites his tongue, stopping himself from saying something. I huff triumphantly, feeling like I definitely won whatever this was.

Until he stalks towards me. I cower back like prey, suddenly nervous. I can't explain the feeling, but almost powerless.

"You're getting really bold for a girl who—," he's cut off when Xavier comes up behind him, shoving his back into the wall.

I can't help but let out a small gasp at the thump Luke's back makes when it hits the wall. The mop clacks to the floor.

"Watch yourself, Luke." Xavier threatens, his jaw clenching. His arm is placed over Luke's chest, holding him in place.

Luke remains silent, seemingly to obey Xavier. His eyes flick to me and his scowl deepens. Xavier backs off and turns to me.

My eyes remain on Luke, watching him pick up the mop from the floor and stomping away.

"What are you doing?" He asks, reaching out to grab me.

I dodge his hand that was coming to my shoulder. "I'm not a dog." My bottom lip  wobbles and I mentally yell at myself to keep the tears from forming.

Xavier's expression falters and he relaxes. "You're not," he starts slowly. "Did Luke say that?"

"He insinuated it. And he's not wrong, I basically do as I'm told. Not anymore, though, I'll do what I want."

Great, now I sound like a brat. My eyes burn with frustration and I feel the one tear slip, then I'm crying.

"Not whatever I want, but I'll make my own choices. Like I want to go to the bathroom." My voice wavers, so I walk past Xavier and rush to the bathroom with my head down.

I make it into the bathroom and release the biggest sigh I think I've ever held.

In the mirror I notice my red, rimmed eyes and flushed cheeks. I'm not sure if it's a myth, but my lashes will grow extra long because of all the tears.

After I finish my business and wipe the remaining tears I leave the bathroom. Heading back out into the main part of the bar I notice the lack of customers.

It's completely empty except for Xavier, Matteo, Zayn, Gravy, Luke, a woman, and a man I've never seen before.

The woman turns to me first, followed by the man. "Is this her? I didn't expect her to look so innocent." The man takes on a curious look, eyeing me.

I wrap my arms around myself, feeling uneasy.

Having noticed, Xavier comes over and places his hand on the small of me back. I find myself leaning into his arm, forcing his hand to slip to my hip.

Everyone's attention has turned to me now. I feel like a deer caught in headlights. I sheepishly eye everyone in the room.

Zayn looks behind me, most likely meeting Xavier's gaze. Then he whispers something to the guy.

The stranger's eyes widen before turning back to me. "Sorry if that was rude, I'm Dawson." He says simply, holding out his hand.

I feel everyone's intense gaze on me and my stomach churns. My hand raises, slowly inching towards his.

My hand grabs his hand shakes mine firmly, but not rough. My eyes atomically flow to the woman next.

Her brownish-copper hair that falls over her shoulders perfectly to eliminate her porcelain skin.

"It's nice to put a name to a face, Anneliese, was it?" She soothes, her soft Russian accent sends tingles down my spine.

I nod slowly, unsure of what to say. That is, if I could even form words. I'm not scared, per se, but I feel uneasy.

Everyone he could be describing as intimidating or jaw dropping. Were these people sculpted by the steadiest hands to ever have worked on Earth?

"We work with Xavier, so any friend of his is a friend of mine." She continues, her voice carrying high authority.

"Thanks," I mumble, feeling less out of place. "You seem to know me already, but I should still introduce myself. I'm Anneliese." This time I hold my hand out for her.

She takes my hand gently, greeting me. "Sorry, I'm Anzhela." She smiles, her white teeth nearly blinding me.

She has this sort of elegant look, but I notice how she lets herself loose a little when she leans close to greet me.

A feel Xavier's hand press into my lower back and I indicate that as a direction. I slowly shuffle forward, dragging my boot like always.

I sit at the booth I was at before being escorted to Xavier's office. I sit with my right leg tucked up under my thigh, half criss-cross applesauce.

"Was there a fight? I heard shouting." I mumble,

Xavier stands at the end of the circular booth, looking down at me. "Just some guy refusing to show an ID, nothing to worry about."

"We are connected! We have the same situations." I smile, but rethink my words. "You weren't punched, were you?"

He laughs, like actually laughs. So does Matteo and that makes me nervous laugh. Are they laughing because I was or because he was, too?

"Matteo was punched." Xavier coughs, trying to hold in his laughter. I give him a puzzled look.

"Are you okay? Where were you hit?" My eyes dart around Matteo's face, watching as he comes closer to the table.

Everyone else in the bar turns their attention to our situation. Except Luke and Dawson, they clean.

"I'm just fine, it was my stomach." He says nonchalantly with a shrug.

My eyes widen. Stomach? Sounds pretty painful to me. I just stare, glancing between all the eyes balls.

Haha. Balls.

Silence falls over us, but not for long when Zayn speaks up. "You were punched, Anneliese?"

He's good with context clues, cause I would've been confused.

"Yeah, for the same thing; a girl refusing to show me an ID." I reply. Zayn slides into the booth, on my left.

Xavier stands to my right, standing in the way of getting out. Anzhela slides in beside Zayn and then follows Dawson, and lastly Gravy.

Matteo pulls up a chair, sitting at the opened part of the curved booth. Luke finds a spot at the bar, facing us.

I can't help but feel a warming sensation in my stomach. The situation feels cozy. Like a family.

"You work at a bar, too?" Anzhela questions and I turn to look at her.

"No, I work at a Diner. I'm not old enough to serve drinks, but I will be soon!" I beam.

She hums. A mischievous, grin pulls at Zayn's lips, his eyes flicking to Matteo. "And the boot?" He asks for a second time.

"Uhh," I glance at Matteo. He nods, so I continue slowly. "Matteo accidentally hit me while I was out and about. My ankle was already hurting from the previous day, so." I rush out.

It would sound bad if I didn't follow up with the details. I've had to rush a lot of stories, so it doesn't sound too unfortunate in some situations.

Anzhela's eyes widen and Gravy shakes his head. "And by the looks of it, you're not staying off of it." His eyes drag over to Xavier. "Stop pushing her around, she needs rest."

Xavier slightly frowns before scowling. His face is gonna freeze that way one day.

"I don't push her around. I picked her up today and brought her here," he pauses. "To meet all of you fuckers."

Oh. 'Fuckers' was an interesting choice of word to describe your employers.

Gravy rolls his eyes and my eyes involuntarily flow over to Luke who scoffs loudly.

"Seriously? You think we needed to meet her? To what, prove she's not a bitch?" He spits, voice laced with aggravation.

I swallow, my heart tightening at the word he used to refer to me.

I feel Dawson and Matteo's eyes fall over to me. There wasn't a reason to cry, but tears were swelling in my eyes.

My vision becomes foggy and I have to look up slightly to blink the tears away.

"Did I do something wrong?" I whisper, turning my focus to Luke.

He scoffs, abruptly getting up from his spot. "Keep playing. I'm done with this shit." His eyes bore into mine.

His chair clatters to the ground when he shoves it away to walk out the front door of the bar.

Xavier makes his move to follow, but Matteo places a hand on his bicep. Xavier curses under his breath.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, looking down at the table.

Dawson dismisses himself with Anzhela, who smiles, and they both follow after Luke.

I try to follow, slipping out of the booth. Gravy's hand lands on my shoulder, stopping me.

"I just want to apologize," I say, my voice coming out smaller than I hoped for.

"You don't need to," Zayn interrupts from behind me. "He's just taking out his feelings on you." His voice is soft and comforting now.

"Why's everyone so upset, though?" I huff, feeling defeated.

Was my presence really the reason for everyone's mood change? I wanted to be the reason people smile, not frown. Or scowl.

"Don't. Don't take this out on yourself." Matteo pleads softly.

"Let me take you home, now." Xavier suggests from behind me.

"I'll come with, Dawson was my ride." Gravy clears his throat.

He glances up at Xavier who just glares. "Sure, invite your fucking self." He grumbles out.

"Don't get feisty now, too." I practically beg.

"I need to grab my phone from the bar, I'll meet you guys outside." Gravy walks away and me and Xavier begin to head out.

"Bye Matteo! Bye Zayn!" I shout, smiling as I wave. I've done this before.

"Bye Anneliese," Matteo sighs, seemingly tired. I frown at his

"See you later Angel," Zayn smirks. It makes my cheeks heat and then I'm smiling again.

"Mother fucker," Xavier scoffs, shaking his head. He practically stomps to the car.

I giggle quietly beside him. The cold air blows, my hair flowing lightly.

I reach for the back seat and Xavier gives me a puzzling look. "Sit up front."

"But what about Gravy?" I ask.

"Gravy? You mean fucking Nickolas?  Mother fucker can sit in the back. And it's Graves," He scoffs. He points to the passenger side from his spot by the drivers door, "Get the hell in the car."

I zip my mouth shut, opening the door to the front seat. My boot thumps to the floor in front of me and I buckle up.

The back door opens a few seconds later and Nickolas slides in. I turn in my seat to look at him. He's a bit on the shorter side compared to the other guys.

Maybe 5'9 or so. Anzhela wasn't super tall, as well. Her heels made her about the same height as Nickolas.

His brow raises and I smile before turning back around. Xavier's eyes drag down my frame, more so looking at the seat belt.

"You're not upset, right? With me, I mean." I mumble, trying to stay quiet.

He looks at me, a disgusted look on his pretty face. "You serious?" His voice echos through the car. So much for being discreet.

My attention falls to my hands in my lap. I fidget with the small thread coming out of my sweats.

Realization comes over him when he find me looking down. He lets out a breath, "I'm not mad, so don't frown. I fucking hate that shit."

I smile wide, an awkward smile to stretch my face. No frowning.

Despite his use of vocabulary, I understand he's not mad at me. I nod slowly, trying to bring courage to myself to speak up against about Luke.

I can't help but think I did something wrong. Maybe he's sensitive and my first impression was a little too rude.

I'll have to make it up to him in the future. No one should be left upset.

⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎

Someone tell me if you're bored, I'm trying to make this interesting..

*Not edited*

With much pressure, don't forget to vote.

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