Kyoko in Naruto Shippuden

By YaoiYurishipper

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Kyoko, Naruto and Sasuke are in their mid teens now and things get a lot crazier and more interesting for the... More

Naruto Returns
Jounin Test
Akatsuki's headache!
Memories and Confrontation
Saving Gaara
Clan Matters
New Mysteries
Meeting at the Village
There There!
Different Dimension?
Mystery World
New Assignment

Gaara was what?

88 6 2
By YaoiYurishipper

(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kyoko was not pouting, nope, "I wonder what happened for all of us to be summoned."

Kakashi pat her shoulder, "Something to do with one of the political relationships likely."

Sasuke, "But wouldn't it make more sense to give it to someone who is not a medic based shinobi but a inter relation based one?"

Kakashi, "Yes that is true but if other shinobi have better relations with those groups then it is given to them instead."

Naruto, "Oh! Jiraiya told me about this once. I wonder if it's Snow, Wave or Sand maybe?"

Sasuke sighed, "I hope it's not Daimyo though."

Kakashi, "Feeling protective are we?"

Sasuke growled, "I lost count how many times I had to tell them off."

Naruto scowled, "You told me about that in the letters. Nee - chan, please stay close to us."

Kyoko huffed, "Boys relax, I can take care of myself. If I really was that easy to claim I would be one of the concubines right now."

Kakashi, "True, true. Anyway, the Hatake clan would not allow just anyone to take one of our children."

Naruto snorted, "Neither will the Uzumaki but there's only three of us at the moment."

Sasuke, "Three? I thought it was just you and the red head. Karin Uzumaki, was it?"

Naruto grumbled, "Turns out one of Jiraiya's students, well he is an ex - student now is an Uzumaki too."

Kyoko was contemplative, "Oh! So he is an enemy?"

Naruto nodded looking sullen, "Mn, he is."

Kakashi pulled the sunshine child close, "Do not fret Naru - tan. If there is anyone who can change someone's mind, that's you three. You may not have noticed but the three of you changed Konoha."

Kyoko looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You mean all the practical health changes? That was based on common sense Sensei, but I see your point."

Sasuke nodded amused, "If nothing else works, I guess we could nag him."

Naruto smiled, "Thanks Sensei. I really appreciate it."

Kakashi ruffled his hair, "Let's go inside now. Tsunade - sama is waiting for us."

The blond Godaime was not having a great day, well to be more honest, she was not having a great evening. Naruto, her baby nephew had returned a day ago and Sasuke her stubborn, hot headed protege had finally accepted the title of Jounin. On top of that Kyoko - chan, Naruto and Sasuke's adopted Nee - chan had sent her, her favourite Tiramisu dessert rich in coffee and cream with espresso on the side. Of course, her luck was going a little too well, she really should have known fate was out to get her when things went smoothly for two days. Tsunade glared at the emergency letter that had reached them and really wished she could reach over and strangle the irritating kidnappers herself.

Kakashi announced, "We are here Hokage - sama."

Tsunade, "Come in Team seven."

Naruto, "Serious voice. Must be bad."

Kyoko, "What has happened Hokage - sama?"

Sasuke, "You would not call the whole team if it were not serious."

Tsunade nodded, "You are right it is very serious. The Kazekage of Suna was abducted in the early evening hours today. One of the seals you created for Kankuro alerted me before it went blank."

Sasuke, "What do you mean?"

Naruto, "It should not go blank."

Kyoko, "Kankuro is hurt, isn't he?"

Temari entered then, "Hokage - sama, I apologize for the intrusion but I must request to leave early for Suna."

Tsunade, "You got the news too."

Temari nodded at Team seven, "Yes, Hokage - sama, I did. I need to return and figure out damage control and how to get my little brother back."

Kyoko, "Great! We can go together in two hours."

Temari, "Two hours. Yeah, thank you Koko - tan."

Sasuke, "We always keep emergency back packs that we keep updated so we just need to grab those. We just need to make sure the hospital is secure and does not require us."

Naruto piped up, "Which will take one hour give or take. My clones have been helping at the hospital. I should give the nurses a heads up, just in case I need to preserve energy."

Kakashi, "Why don't you three get along with that? I will grab the necessary paperwork for the mission which is now, an escort mission on top of retrieval."

The three members nodded in agreement and then rushed away leaving Tsunade, Temari and Kakashi in the office. Tsunade snorted at how easily they would listen to Kakashi's words without any questions or arguments. But with anyone else, Kyoko would question their credibility in veiled questions, Naruto and Sasuke would argue and demand details. But when it comes to Hatake, one word from him, to do something and they agree to it without even thinking twice. Tsunade was not jealous, not at all, she was actually relieved they listened to the man, it is the opposite actually. She wished the three of them would not create trouble and work just as easily with other older shinobi. Tsunade swears she could feel the smugness radiating from the silver haired man.

Kakashi, "I shall take my leave as well Hokage - sama. I will see you at the gates, Temari - tan."

Temari nodded, "Thank you for the help Hatake - Sensei."

Tsunade watched him leave, "I swear that man is the only one who would be lucky or unlucky enough to get the most unruly shinobi as students."

Temari blinked, "Huh? Kyoko, Sasuke and Naruto being unruly? Well, I can believe the boys might be unruly but Kyoko - san is the sweetest Kunoichi I have met."

Tsunade sighed, "That is because she hides her unruly behaviour behind sweet smiles and words. It is a little terrifying how she can do it so easily like a Master."

Temari was about to refute but then remembered the times when someone insulted her and Kyoko shot back, "Well, I am glad she is my friend and not an enemy. Please excuse me Hokage - sama, I need to say farewell to the Nara clan."

Tsunade smirked as Temari left, she waited for a few minutes and Shikamaru appeared demanding to go on the escort mission. Tsunade looked at him with amusement and granted him permission to join Team Seven for escort detail but nothing more than that. Kakashi meanwhile finished filing his paperwork and grabbed his own travel bag which had been prepared before hand. He went to the hospital where his students were and watched as Sasuke went off first, then Kyoko and finally Naruto to grab their items. Kakashi nodded and went to the gate where he waited for his kids and Temari only to be met by Shikamaru, much to his amusement.

Kakashi, "Worried Nara - kun."

Shikamaru, "Like you aren't about them?"

Sasuke, "Shikamaru? Did Tsunade let you join?"

Shikamaru nodded, "To show the relationship between Leaf and Sand is still going strong. I will be Konoha's representative during these trying times."

Kyoko, "Oh Shikamaru - kun. Only you? What about your team?"

Shikamaru, "Ino and Chouji are joining another Jounin for a different mission."

Naruto, "So, this is a group mission for you then?"

Temari joined them too, "I am ready to go. Oh Shikamaru - kun, I was not expecting you here."

Shikamaru nodded, "Yes Naruto, I need to do a couple of solo missions as well as group missions in order to qualify as a Jounin instructor. I am joining you to show support mostly."

Temari, "I see, I think you will be a wonderful teacher."

Shikamaru, "Thank you, Temari - chan."

Naruto mouthed chan at Kakashi who just smiled at him and started to explain about their objectives to his team. They would be escorting Temari back to Suna safely, then help heal Kankuro and finally find a way to save Gaara. In the meantime, Nara had his own mission which Kakashi expected him to deal with but to ask for help if he needed it. Shikamaru nodded smirking throwing the offer back at Kakashi and then Kyoko got their attention. Naruto took out seals that were in the shape of bracelets and gave it to all of them. When they activated it using chakra they henged into normal looking civilians with dark to light brown hair.

Temari, "This is convenient. How many times and how long?"

Naruto, "It can be used as long as the seal that has been inscribed on the bracelet does not fade."

Shikamaru, "You never fail to amaze me Naruto - kun."

Sasuke, "That's my fiance."

Kyoko, "Come on! The bus is here. We can save travel time if we travel by bus instead of on foot."

Kakashi, "And since we are traveling pretending to be civilians, no one will suspect us."

Naruto, "Better to keep the surprise factor as much as we can."

They headed to the bus stop and Naruto who was now, Sumi - chan and Sasuke who was Haru - kun sat together. They were pretending to be a newly wed couple going to Suna for their honeymoon and talking with the other couples. Temari and Kyoko pretended to be twin sisters going to Suna to catch another ride to the Land of Clouds. While Shikamaru and Kakashi had taken up the role of two merchants going around selling their wares. Naruto grinned at Sasuke as they settled down to sleep the night away while their clones kept an eye out for trouble. They would get Gaara back and make sure he was alright no matter what happened and Naruto would try to talk to Nagato if it was possible.

Kakashi, "Thank you for the ride."

Bus driver, "No problem sir. Good luck selling your wares."

Shikamaru, "The others will meet us at Suna?"

Kakashi walked to the hotel, "Yes, to make sure we don't tip off our enemies about our whereabouts, we don't have a choice."

Shikamaru sighed, "Especially after all the kidnapping attempts on Kyoko - chan. I heard Orochimaru was very obsessed with bloodlines but I was not expecting him to send actual kidnappers to try and take her by force."

Kakashi scratched the area under his dark coloured eye, "Her sun palm healing technique is currently considered the best way to heal those with bloodlines."

Shikamaru, "She was the one to bring back the Rinnengan, though I heard it was an accident. It was still a big discovery, especially for the Uchiha clan."

Kakashi, "Yup, so you can understand why they are protective of her and want her as part of their clan more permanently."

Shikamaru, "I heard she already decided to become a surrogate mother for Sasuke and Naruto if they decide to have children."

Kakashi, "Yes, she did. Sometimes I wonder what goes through her head when she comes up with such plans."

Shikamaru, "You are the genius of your generation while she is the genius of hers. You tell me."

Kakashi laughed, "I wish I was a mind reader like the Yamanakas, then I could probably answer."

Kyoko, "Sensei, Shikamaru!"

Temari, "We are here."

Naruto, "So, to the hospital first?"

Sasuke, "You, Kyoko and I have to be there. Sensei, are you coming with us or do you wish to pursue clues to Gaara's whereabouts?"

Kakashi, "I am going ahead to investigate the place Gaara fought those two. Shikamaru I believe you will go with Temari - chan?"

Shikamaru, "Yes, I am here as a representative for Konoha after all."

Kyoko, "Okay, we have our plans."

Naruto, "Let's meet up later."

Sasuke, Naruto and Kyoko headed to the Sunagakure hospital where Kankuro and Gaara's special guard were at the moment. They had been hit by a specialized poison powder, Kyoko suspected it was one of Suna's ex - shinobi. The poison attacked their lungs and liver, it was only their strong chakra control that was keeping them alive. Naruto got to work extracting the poison by using his poison extraction seal, while Sasuke took it to create an anti - poison. Kyoko took over healing the shinobi after that while Sasuke pulled the medics and nurses aside to show them how to make the anti - poison.

Sasuke, "Now, we wait for a few hours for the medicine to stabilize."

Dr Aiko was looking at the mixture, "Uchiha - san, this is an amazing technique."

Sasuke, "Thank you. I have been perfecting it for three years now."

Nurse Keiko was eyeing the seal, "Uzumaki - san, if you would not mind I would like to buy these extraction seals. They are very convenient."

Naruto looked up, "Oh! You might want to talk with Temari nee - chan about that request. She is usually the one who sends me requests for seals."

Nurse Keiko was surprised at the friendly and familial way Naruto addressed Temari - sama but then again Team Seven was notorious for being close to the late Kage's children. Keiko nodded and agreed to talk with Temari and asked questions about the extraction seal instead. Naruto beamed and answered her questions on how much chakra to use, how to make sure the seal was working and to make sure the seal did not blow up on them. It was quite the long lecture if you ask the rest of the nurses but it was for a good reason. Seals could be very dangerous if the user was not careful and by the time Naruto finished Kyoko had healed the rest of the shinobi.

(To be continued...
Hope you all are doing well.
Till next week.)

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