Broken Bonds: Issei's Rise "

Od Takahashi999

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Issei gets neglected by the orc and finds out they've been cheating on him with vali, his sworn rival Více

chapter 1: descent into darkness
chapter 2: changes
chapter 3
chapter 4: new issei
chapter 5: going to train
chapter 6: still training
chapter 7: stronger than before
chapter 8: reunion
chapter 9: loyal guardians of eternity part 1
chapter 10: loyal guardians of eternity part 2
chapter 11: oh my Modred
chapter 12: a trip to Kyoto part 1
chapter 13: trip to Kyoto part 2
chapter 14: a trip to Kyoto part 3
chapter 15: a trip to kyoto part 4
chapter 16: a trip to Kyoto finale
chapter 17: Making new Friends
chapter 18: killing two birds with one rod🍋
chapter 19: a new old darkness
chapter 20: Issei's inner turmoil
chapter 21: journey to the elves pt 1
chapter 22: journey to the elves pt 2
Chapter 23: journey to the elves pt 3
chapter 24: journey to the elves pt 4
chapter 25: journey to the elves pt 4
chapter 26: journey to the elves pt 5
chapter 28: Modred's confession
chapter 29: going back home
chapter 30: my Valkyrie misses me 🍋
chapter 31: back to school

chapter 27: journey to the elves pt 6

225 4 0
Od Takahashi999

Cut to a scene where Issei confronts an evil version of himself, hatred in his eyes, and prepares to summon his Sacred Gear. As the evil counterpart smirks while summoning his own]

Text Overlay: "Descending misery
Destiny chasing time
Inherit the nightmare, surrounded by fate
Can't run away"

[Show Rossweisse and Irina, tears in their eyes, as they watch Issei's inner turmoil as he gazed at his disappearing evil clone as he finally made his decision and followed to his direction]

Text Overlay: "Keep walking the line, between the light
Led astray
Through vacant halls I won't surrender
The truth revealed in eyes of ember"

[As the music intensifies, Issei is seen wearing a cloak and walking towards an unknown destiny, disappearing into the darkness.]

Text Overlay: "We fight through fire and ice forever
Two souls once lost, and now they remember"

[Closing shot with a fade-out as the music reaches a climax.]

Text Overlay: "This is the tale of Issei, the Red Dragon Emperor, and his journey through darkness and light

As I surveyed the aftermath of the battle, a sense of disappointment washed over me. The fallen generals lay defeated before me, their once formidable presence now reduced to mere remnants of their former strength. Ddraig's words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the overwhelming power I possessed.

Ddraig:"You're just too strong, bruh,"

Ddraig's voice resounded within me, a mix of amusement and exasperation evident in his tone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his remark, the familiarity of our banter providing a momentary distraction from the boredom that plagued me.

Issei:"I know, Ddraig,"

I replied with a sigh, my voice tinged with a hint of frustration.

Issei:"But is it too much to ask for a challenge? Fighting opponents who crumble so easily... it's just not satisfying."

I glanced around at the battlefield, the scattered remnants of Thaloc's forces serving as a stark reminder of the one-sided nature of our encounter. Despite the chaos that had ensued, I couldn't shake the feeling of ennui that enveloped me.

Issei:"It's like playing a game where you already know the outcome,"

I mused aloud, a sense of restlessness creeping into my words.

Issei:"Where's the excitement in that?"

Ddraig chuckled in response, his amusement evident even in his incorporeal form.

Ddraig :"Perhaps we've grown too accustomed to victory, Issei. But don't worry, I'm sure there will be challenges ahead that will test your mettle."

I nodded, though the prospect did little to alleviate my boredom.

Issei :"I hope so, Ddraig. I crave the thrill of a true battle, where victory is hard-earned and well-deserved."

As I soared through the sky towards the location of the Elden Tree, my mind was preoccupied with the events unfolding before me. Anastasia and Idril stood below, their expressions marked by a palpable sense of concern. Beside them stood Lady Miriana, a striking figure whose beauty captivated me in that moment.

The old me would have died of blood loss and exploded nuts

Ddraig's voice echoed in my mind, a reminder of the consequences of my wandering thoughts. His jest about Rossweisse and Irina catching wind of my admiration for another woman sent a pang of guilt through me. I knew all too well the repercussions of such a slip-up, and the ensuing fallout would be nothing short of catastrophic.

"Yeah, I'm screwed," I muttered under my breath, a sense of unease creeping into my voice. Ddraig's amused chuckle only served to heighten my anxiety, as I mentally berated myself for allowing my gaze to linger on Lady Miriana for even a moment too long.

Ddraig:"Focus, Issei,"

Ddraig admonished, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.

Ddraig :"We have more pressing matters to attend to than your romantic escapades."

I nodded, forcing myself to push aside any lingering thoughts of Lady Miriana and redirecting my attention to the task at hand.

But damn her breasts are huge

As I descended to join Anastasia, Idril, and Lady Miriana, I adopted a demeanor of composure, masking any traces of my earlier distraction.

Issei:Sorry for the delay,

I said, offering a reassuring smile to the group.

Issei:What's the situation here?

Anastasia and Idril exchanged a worried glance before Idril spoke up, her voice tinged with urgency.

Idril:The Elden Tree is weakening further, and the disturbances in the ley lines are worsening. Lady Miriana has been helping us in our efforts to stabilize the situation, but we're running out of time.

Lady Miriana nodded solemnly, her expression grave as she addressed me.

Lady miriana:We need to act quickly if we're to prevent further chaos from spreading throughout the realm. The fate of Eldoria hangs in the balance.

I nodded in understanding, the weight of the situation pressing down upon me.

Issei:Let's get to work then

I said, determination burning in my eyes.

Issei:We'll do whatever it takes to restore balance to the ley lines and protect the Elden Tree.

As I tapped into the raw magic coursing through my veins, I invoked my unique ability or ddraig's ability


channeling the energy directly into the ailing Elden Tree. A surge of power emanated from my outstretched hands, intertwining with the ancient magic of the tree and causing it to thrum with renewed vitality.

Anastasia, Idril, and Lady Miriana watched in awe as the once-withered branches of the Elden Tree began to stir, its leaves unfurling with newfound vigor. The air around us hummed with the energy of restoration, as though nature itself rejoiced at the tree's revival.

A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I beheld the transformation taking place before my eyes.

Issei:Yeah, I'm that awesome

I couldn't resist boasting, a grin spreading across my face at the sight of the tree's recovery.

Anastasia chuckled, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Anastasia You never cease to amaze us, Issei

she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Anastasia:Your abilities truly are remarkable.

Idril nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mixture of awe and gratitude.

Idril:We couldn't have done it without you

she added, her voice tinged with relief as she surveyed the rejuvenated Elden Tree.

Even Lady Miriana, usually reserved in her demeanor, couldn't conceal her admiration.

Lady miriana:Your strength and determination have saved Eldoria from untold calamity

she remarked, her tone tinged with reverence.

Lady miriana: We are forever in your debt, Issei.

I waved off their praise modestly, though inwardly I couldn't help but bask in the recognition of my accomplishments. It wasn't often that I allowed myself to revel in my own abilities, but in this moment, I couldn't deny the satisfaction that coursed through me.

As the last traces of magic faded from my fingertips, I turned to my companions with a sense of pride. "We've done it," I said, a note of triumph in my voice.

Issei:The Elden Tree is restored, and Eldoria is safe once more.

Anastasia, Idril, and Lady Miriana exchanged smiles of relief, their gratitude evident in their expressions. Together, we had faced the darkness and emerged victorious, united in our determination to protect the realm we called home.

As the clash between Modred and Thaloc raged on, the battlefield became a stage for their titanic struggle. Modred, her crimson armor gleaming with the intensity of her resolve, met Thaloc's attacks head-on with a ferocity that left no room for doubt.

Thaloc, his expression contorted with frustration, unleashed a barrage of dark magic upon Modred, each spell imbued with the malevolent power of the artifacts he wielded. Bolts of arcane energy streaked towards Modred, crackling with the promise of destruction, but she deftly deflected them with Clarent, her legendary sword cleaving through the magical onslaught with ease.

With a taunting smirk, Modred goaded Thaloc, her voice ringing out above the din of battle.

Modred:Is this the best you can do, Thaloc?

she mocked, her tone laced with contempt.

Modred:I expected more from someone who fancies himself a master of dark magic

Thaloc's eyes narrowed with fury at Modred's taunts, his grip tightening on the dark artifacts at his disposal.

Thaloc:Damn you, Saber of Red

he swore through gritted teeth, his voice seething with venom.

Thaloc:You may have bested my minions, but you will find me a far more formidable opponent.

Undeterred by Thaloc's threats, Modred pressed forward, her movements fluid and precise as she closed the distance between them. With a powerful swing of Clarent, she unleashed a devastating strike that sent shockwaves rippling through the air, forcing Thaloc to leap back to avoid being cleaved in two.

Thaloc retaliated with a dark incantation, summoning forth tendrils of shadow that coiled and writhed towards Modred with deadly intent. But Modred, ever vigilant, anticipated his attack and leaped gracefully out of harm's way, the shadowy tendrils dissipating harmlessly against the ground.

The battle between them intensified as Thaloc's desperation grew, his attacks becoming more erratic and unpredictable. Yet, Modred remained steadfast, her resolve unshaken as she countered each of his assaults with precision and skill.

With a fierce battle cry, Modred surged forward, her blade singing through the air as she unleashed a flurry of strikes upon Thaloc. Each blow landed with the force of a thunderbolt, driving him back with relentless ferocity.

But Thaloc, refusing to yield, summoned the last vestiges of his dark power, unleashing a final, desperate assault upon Modred. With a primal roar, he launched himself towards her, his dark aura enveloping him in an ethereal shroud of malice.

Modred met his charge head-on, her eyes blazing with determination as she braced herself for the inevitable clash. With a resounding clash of steel, their blades met in a clash of titans, the force of their impact sending shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield.

In that moment, as their blades locked in a struggle for supremacy, the fate of Eldoria hung in the balance. And as the battle raged on, only time would tell which of them would emerge victorious in this epic showdown of light against darkness.

As the clash between Modred and Thaloc continued unabated, the intensity of their duel reached new heights. Each swing of their blades carried with it the weight of their determination, as Modred's smirk of confidence clashed against Thaloc's visage contorted with rage.

With a series of lightning-fast strikes, Modred pressed her advantage, her swordsmanship honed through countless battles allowing her to land blow after punishing blow upon Thaloc. Each strike reverberated through the air with the force of a thunderbolt, driving Thaloc back with each resounding impact.

Thaloc, his anger fueling his resolve, responded with a flurry of dark magic, weaving intricate patterns in the air as he unleashed a barrage of arcane assaults upon Modred. But the Saber of Red proved to be a formidable adversary, her reflexes razor-sharp as she deftly dodged and parried each of Thaloc's attacks with uncanny precision.

As the battle raged on, Thalion, watching from the sidelines with wide eyes, could scarcely believe the sheer ferocity of Modred's onslaught.

"Is this the true strength of the Knight of Treachery?"

he murmured to himself in awe, his gaze fixed upon the unfolding spectacle before him.

With a primal roar, Thaloc redoubled his efforts, channeling the dark energies swirling around him into a final, desperate assault. Bolts of shadowy energy erupted from his fingertips, lashing out towards Modred with deadly intent.

But Modred, undeterred by Thaloc's display of power, met his onslaught head-on, her determination unyielding as she continued to press forward with unwavering resolve. With a resounding clash of steel, she intercepted Thaloc's dark magic, her sword cleaving through the shadowy energy with a brilliance that seemed to pierce the very darkness itself.

In a dazzling display of skill and strength, Modred unleashed a devastating counterattack, her blade flashing like lightning as she delivered a series of punishing blows that sent Thaloc reeling. With each strike, the air crackled with energy, the sheer force of Modred's assault threatening to overwhelm even the most resilient of adversaries.

As the battle reached its climax, Thaloc found himself pushed to the brink of defeat, his dark magic faltering under the relentless assault of Modred's righteous fury. With a final, defiant cry, he unleashed one last desperate gambit, channeling the last remnants of his power into a final, cataclysmic attack.

But Modred, with a steely resolve that belied her exhaustion, stood firm against the onslaught, her determination unyielding as she braced herself for the final clash. With a resounding clash of steel, she met Thaloc's attack head-on, her blade shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns as it clashed against the darkness that threatened to consume them both.

As Thaloc staggered backwards, blood gushing from his wounds, Modred wasted no time in pressing her advantage. With a swift and fluid motion, she lunged forward, her sword gleaming with a deadly sheen as she delivered a series of lightning-fast slashes.

Each strike was a testament to her unparalleled skill, her blade carving through the air with lethal precision as it found its mark again and again. Thaloc, reeling from the force of Modred's onslaught, struggled to defend himself against her relentless assault.

With a defiant roar, Thaloc summoned what remained of his dark magic, forming a barrier of shadowy energy in a desperate bid to shield himself from Modred's blows. But the Saber of Red was undeterred, her resolve unyielding as she continued to rain down blow after punishing blow upon her foe.

The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, the sound of metal meeting metal echoing across the battlefield like a symphony of war. Each clash of their blades sent sparks flying, illuminating the darkness that threatened to engulf them both.

Thaloc fought with all the fury of a cornered beast, his attacks becoming increasingly erratic as he struggled to keep pace with Modred's relentless onslaught. But despite his best efforts, he found himself outmatched by the Saber of Red's unmatched skill and determination.

With a final, devastating slash, Modred delivered the finishing blow, her blade slicing through Thaloc's defenses with a sickening crunch. Thaloc let out a guttural cry of pain as he was sent hurtling backwards, blood spewing from his wounds in a crimson arc.

As he crashed to the ground, defeated and broken, the battlefield fell silent save for the sound of his ragged breaths and the distant cries of battle. Modred stood triumphant amidst the chaos, her chest heaving with exertion as she surveyed the aftermath of their clash.

With a sense of satisfaction that bordered on exhaustion, Modred sheathed her sword, the weight of her victory settling upon her like a heavy cloak. Thaloc lay defeated before her, his once formidable aura now diminished to little more than a flicker of darkness in the fading light.

King Galadon and Queen Thalia stood amidst the wreckage of the battlefield, their expressions a mixture of astonishment and disbelief as they watched Modred emerge victorious over Thaloc.

Galadon, his normally stoic demeanor shattered by the events unfolding before him, could scarcely believe his eyes.

King galadon:By the gods

he murmured, his voice filled with awe,

King galadon:I have never witnessed such prowess in battle. To think that one warrior could single-handedly defeat Thaloc, the scourge of our realm...

Thalia, her hands clasped tightly together in a mixture of relief and admiration, could only nod in agreement. "Indeed," she said, her voice trembling with emotion,

Thalia:Modred's skill with a blade is truly unmatched. She has saved us from certain doom.

As they watched Modred stand triumphant amidst the chaos, a sense of gratitude washed over them both.

King galadon:We owe her a debt of gratitude

Galadon said solemnly, his gaze never leaving the scene before him.

King galadon:Without her intervention, Eldoria would have surely fallen to Thaloc's dark ambitions.

Thalia nodded, her eyes shining with tears of relief.

Thalia:We must find a way to repay her for her bravery and valor

she said, her voice firm with determination.

Thalia:She has proven herself to be a true ally of our kingdom, and we must not forget her sacrifice.

Together, they approached Modred, their expressions a mixture of reverence and gratitude. "Saber of Red," Galadon said, his voice echoing with respect,

Modred:you have saved our kingdom from certain destruction. We are forever in your debt.

Thalia nodded in agreement, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Queen Thalia:You have proven yourself to be a true hero

she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Queen thalia:We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice you have shown on our behalf.

Modred, though weary from battle, stood tall and proud before them, her gaze steady and unwavering.

Modred:It was my honor to fight alongside you

she said, her voice tinged with humility.

Modred:I will always stand ready to defend Eldoria and its people, no matter the cost.

As I strolled leisurely through the aftermath of the battlefield, hands tucked casually into my pockets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight before me. There, amidst the chaos, lay Thaloc, wounded and defeated, his once formidable aura now diminished to little more than a flicker of darkness in the fading light.

Beside him stood Modred, her crimson armor gleaming in the dim light, a victorious smirk playing at the corners of her lips. The royal elves, King Galadon and Queen Thalia, hovered nearby, their expressions a mixture of relief and admiration as they surveyed the scene before them.

Issei:Wow, Modred, you really showed him, huh?

I called out, my voice casual yet tinged with genuine admiration.

Issei: mean, I've seen some epic battles in my time, but that was something else.

Modred turned to regard me with a nod, her gaze steady and unwavering.

Modred:it was nothing, really

she replied modestly, though the pride in her voice was unmistakable.

Modred:Just doing my duty to protect Eldoria and its people.

King Galadon stepped forward, his expression grave yet filled with gratitude.

King galadon:We owe you a great debt of gratitude, Modred

he said solemnly, his voice echoing with sincerity

King galadon:,Without your intervention, Thaloc would have surely brought ruin upon our kingdom.

Queen Thalia nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with tears of relief.

Queen Thalia:You have proven yourself to be a true hero

she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Queens Thalia:We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice you have shown on our behalf.

Where's my credit

As Modred and I exchanged a triumphant fist pump, reveling in our shared victory, her attention turned to me with a quirk of her brow.

Modred:What about you?

she asked, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

I grinned, feeling a surge of pride at the memory of our recent triumphs.

Issei:Oh, you know

I replied casually,

Issei:ust whooped his generals and saved the Elden Tree, which in turn stabilized the ley lines.

Modred's eyes widened in admiration, a grin spreading across her face.

Modred:Nice work

she exclaimed, offering me a fist bump in solidarity.

With a smirk, I returned the gesture, the satisfaction of our shared accomplishments fueling my determination

Issei:not like as if I did anything those were one pathetic group of generals

I called out tauntingly to Thaloc, who had recovered from his defeat and now stood before us, his expression twisted with rage. "You bastard."

Thaloc's face contorted with fury at my words, his anger boiling over as he rushed towards me with a simple punch aimed at my face. But before he could land his blow, I acted on instinct, channeling my strength and agility into a swift counterattack.

With a deft movement, I sidestepped Thaloc's punch, ducking beneath his outstretched arm before delivering a powerful strike of my own. My fist connected with his jaw with a satisfying thud, sending him hurtling backwards through the air with the force of the impact.

As Thaloc crashed to the ground, defeated once again, Modred and I exchanged a victorious grin, our bond as allies and comrades stronger than ever. Together, we had faced down the forces of darkness and emerged victorious, united in our determination to protect Eldoria and its people from any threat that dared to challenge us.

As I reclined in the comfort of my room within the royal palace, a sense of peace washed over me like a gentle breeze. The events of the day had been tumultuous, to say the least, but now, with Thaloc defeated and the ley lines stabilized, I found myself able to relax and enjoy a moment of respite.

The thought of Thaloc facing judgment for his crimes weighed heavily on my mind, but I knew that justice would be served, and that Eldoria would be safe from his tyranny once and for all. As for the ley lines, their newfound strength filled me with a sense of hope for the future, knowing that our kingdom would be protected from the chaos and destruction that had threatened to consume it.

But for now, I allowed myself to simply enjoy the tranquility of the moment, basking in the warmth of the evening sun as it cast a golden glow across the room. The soft hum of the palace echoed faintly in the distance, a soothing melody that lulled me into a state of relaxation.

Closing my eyes, I let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension drain from my body as I surrendered to the gentle embrace of sleep. In that moment, all worries and cares faded away, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity that washed over me like a wave.

As I drifted off into dreams, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, I would face them with courage and determination, secure in the knowledge that I was surrounded by friends and allies who would stand by my side through thick and thin. And with that comforting thought in mind, I allowed myself to succumb to the embrace of sleep, ready to face whatever tomorrow may bring with renewed strength and resolve.


Deep within the heart of the Elden Tree, a mysterious transformation was underway. Within the confines of its ancient branches, a pulsating egg-like substance began to take shape, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

As the substance continued to coalesce, a sense of anticipation filled the air, as if the very essence of the tree itself was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come. And then, with a soft crackling sound, the surface of the egg began to split open, revealing a glimpse of what lay within.

At first, it was nothing more than a faint outline, a shadowy silhouette obscured by the swirling mists that surrounded it. But as the mist began to dissipate, the true nature of the creature inside became clear: an embryo, nestled within the protective confines of the egg, its form both familiar and yet utterly alien.

As the embryo continued to develop, its features became more defined, its shape taking on a semblance of life as it pulsed with a soft, ethereal light. And then, with a sudden surge of energy, the embryo stirred, its movements slow and deliberate as it began to awaken from its slumber.

But what manner of being had been born within the Elden Tree? And what role would it play in the fate of Eldoria and its people? Only time would tell, as the creature emerged fully formed from its ancient sanctuary, ready to embark on a journey that would shape the destiny of the world itself.

Somewhere else

Anastasia glanced at Lady Miriana, her surprise evident in the widening of her eyes and the slight tilt of her head. She had always known the elven priestess to be composed and dignified, her demeanor reflecting the grace and wisdom befitting her station. But to see her blush and speak so openly about the Red Dragon Emperor was truly unexpected.

"Lady Miriana," Anastasia began, her voice laced with curiosity,

Anastasia:had no idea you held such... admiration for the Red Dragon Emperor.

Lady Miriana's blush deepened, a soft flush spreading across her cheeks as she lowered her gaze in embarrassment. "I-I apologize," she stammered, her words coming out in a rush.

Lady miriana:It's just... he's so handsome, and his bravery in battle is unmatched. I couldn't help but feel... drawn to him.

Anastasia couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's flustered state, a warm smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Anastasia:There's no need to apologize, my dear

she reassured her, laying a gentle hand on Lady Miriana's shoulder.

Lady miriana:It's only natural to admire someone as courageous and skilled as the Red Dragon Emperor.

Lady Miriana nodded, her expression softening as she met Anastasia's gaze. "Yes, you're right," she admitted, a hint of sheepishness in her tone.

Lady miriana:But still... I never thought I would find myself feeling this way about someone I've only heard stories about.

Anastasia smiled understandingly, her gaze filled with warmth and affection.

Anastasia:Love knows no boundaries, my dear

she said softly, her words carrying the weight of wisdom born from centuries of experience.

Anastasia:If fate decrees that you should meet the Red Dragon Emperor one day, who knows what might blossom between you?

Lady Miriana's blush deepened at the thought, but a spark of hope glimmered in her eyes. "Perhaps," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Perhaps indeed."

And as they continued their conversation, the bond between them strengthened, their shared admiration for the Red Dragon Emperor serving as a reminder of the countless possibilities that lay ahead. For in the world of magic and mystery, anything was possible, even the chance for love to blossom in the most unexpected of places.

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