the inhuman avenger

Por Dante_Legona

101 0 0

yn legona (female) from birth she was taken in by hydra, growing up to be the future leader of it, but she is... Más

yn legona
ticket out
changing course
siege of new york
new world..... me
deep end herogasm
changing face's

anew embarking

1 0 0
Por Dante_Legona

As Skylar drifts into sleep,
she finds herself transported back in time to a bustling bar in 1943.

The air is thick with the sounds of laughter and music,
but Skylar's attention is drawn to a familiar figure approaching her table.
It's none other than Peggy Carter, her sister, accompanied by Howard Stark.

Peggy : Clara, may we have a moment of your time?

Skylar, now inhabiting the persona of Clara Yn Carter,
nods as she regards Peggy and Howard with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Clara : Of course, Peggy.
What's this all about?

Howard opens a briefcase on the table, revealing a mysterious black obelisk.
Skylar's pulse quickens as she senses the power emanating from the object.

Howard : We need you to touch it, Clara.
Trust me, it's important.

Skylar hesitates, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of her mind.
But something compels her to reach out,
her fingers trembling as they make contact with the smooth surface of the obelisk.

In an instant, she feels a surge of energy coursing through her,
her form shifting and changing until she stands before Peggy and Howard as Clara Yn Carter, a different woman yet somehow the same.
The obelisk even dissapeared,

Clara : What...what just happened?

Peggy and Howard exchange a knowing glance,
their expressions grave yet determined.

Peggy : You've tapped into something extraordinary, Clara.
Something that could change the course of history.

Skylar's mind reels with the implications of her transformation,
the memories of Clara Yn Carter flooding her consciousness.
She knows that this moment, this encounter with Peggy and Howard, will shape the path of her destiny in ways she never could have imagined.

As the scene changes to a few years later.
In the midst of the chaotic battlefield,
Clara stands alongside Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and the Howling Commandos,
her presence a beacon of strength and determination.
As she kisses Bucky goodbye, her lips conveying both love and resolve,
she turns to Captain America with a fierce determination in her eyes.

Clara : Cover for me, Steve!!!
I got this!!!

With a nod of understanding, Captain America takes charge,
rallying the troops as Clara disappears in a blur of motion,
her teleportation abilities allowing her to move with unparalleled speed and agility.

As Hydra soldiers close in from all sides,
Clara springs into action,
teleporting around the battlefield with effortless grace.
With each teleportation,
she leaves devastation in her wake, causing twenty to thirty Hydra soldiers to plummet from the sky to their demise.

But Clara isn't finished yet.
With a surge of energy,
she unleashes a powerful blast of black energy,
obliterating the falling soldiers in a single devastating strike.
The ground trembles beneath her feet as the blast echoes across the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade away,
Clara stands amidst the wreckage,
her chest heaving with exertion.
But there's a fire in her eyes, a determination that burns brighter than ever before.
She may be outnumbered, she may be outmatched,
but Clara Yn Carter will never back down from a fight.
Not as long as there's still hope, still a chance to make a difference in the world.

As the scene shifts to 1990,
Clara finds herself chained and helpless,
her hands bound and a knife plunged deep into her chest by the sinister Reinhardt, leader and scientist of Hydra.
Agony courses through her veins as she twitches in pain,
her life slipping away with each passing moment.

With a final gasp, Clara's body begins to burn from within,
flames engulfing her form until all that remains are ashes scattered upon the ground. But from within the remnants of her ashes, a miracle emerges—a baby girl, swaddled in the ashes of her former self.

Reinhardt looks upon the newborn with a mix of triumph and malevolence,
his voice dripping with sinister intent as he proclaims her name.

Reinhardt : Ilena Yn Legona, the future leader of Hydra.

The baby stirs, oblivious to the darkness that surrounds her,
as Reinhardt's twisted plans for her future unfold.
The cycle of life and death continues,
the legacy of Clara Yn Carter giving way to the emergence of a new threat in the form of Ilena Yn Legona, destined to inherit the mantle of Hydra's tyranny.

As the scene fades to black,
Ilena grows into her teenage years,
she finds herself navigating the complexities of high school life,
where she encounters familiar faces like Leon Parker and his girlfriend, Daisy Johnson.
The trio strikes up a friendship, bonding over shared interests and experiences.

One day, Leon invites Ilena and Daisy to a sleepover at his Aunt May's apartment, promising a night of fun and laughter.
As they settle in for the evening,
they're occasionally interrupted by the adorable antics of little Peter Parker,
Aunt May's young nephew.
Despite the interruptions,
Ilena and Daisy can't help but be captivated by Peter's infectious energy and innocent charm.

Throughout the night, Leon comforts Peter when he gets scared or restless,
while Ilena and Daisy look on with admiration and affection.
As they share stories and laughter,
a sense of camaraderie blossoms between them, forging bonds that will last a lifetime,

In this dreamlike setting,
Ilena finds moments of joy and connection amidst the darkness of her past,
a reminder that even in the midst of uncertainty,
there is still light to be found in the company of friends and loved ones. And as the night wears on, she can't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future,

As the dream unfolds, Ilena, now 20 years old and formerly known as Madam Hydra,
finds herself under the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D., accompanied by Leon Parker and Daisy Johnson,
who have been assigned to watch over her. They take refuge in Leon's apartment,
just across the hall from Aunt May's, where they hope to find safety and sanctuary.

But as night falls,
chaos erupts outside their window as gunshots ring out and bullets fly into the room.
Leon and Daisy spring into action,
shielding Ilena from harm as they navigate the perilous situation.
In the heat of the moment, Ilena witnesses a startling revelation.....
Leon possesses powers akin to her own, manipulating energy with effortless skill.

With a sense of awe and disbelief,
Ilena watches as Leon commands energy balls to repel their attackers,
his movements fluid and confident.
But their moment of triumph is short-lived as tragedy strikes in an instant. Leon is struck by a bullet, collapsing to the ground in a pool of blood.

As Ilena watches in horror,
a blinding white light envelops Leon's body, transforming him before her very eyes.
In a breathtaking display of power,
he emerges from the light as Skylar Parker,

Caught between disbelief and despair, Ilena can only watch in stunned silence as Skylar rises to her feet,

As the dream continues to unfold, Ilena Legona finds herself fighting alongside Skylar Parker as part of the Avengers in the harrowing battle against the Chitauri invasion of New York in 2012.
Amidst the chaos and destruction,
Ilena's worst fears are realized when she's struck by enemy fire, her shoulders pierced by Chitauri weaponry.

Falling from the sky, Ilena's gaze locks onto Stark Tower and the looming portal through which the alien invaders are pouring into the city.
In her moment of desperation,
she hears Skylar's commanding voice, ordering Natasha Romanoff to close the portal at all costs.

With a sense of dread tightening in her chest, Ilena watches as the portal begins to close, sealing off the Chitauri threat.
But her relief is short-lived as she realizes what Skylar has done.....
teleported herself with the nuclear warhead into the heart of the Chitauri mothership.

As the portal closes behind her,
Ilena's heart sinks with the weight of loss and sacrifice.
She screams out for Skylar,
her voice drowned out by the deafening roar of the explosion that follows.
In that moment of blinding light and overwhelming destruction,
Ilena knows that Skylar has made the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade away, Ilena finds herself transformed once again,
her form shifting back into that of Clara Carter.
But amidst the devastation and loss,
a flicker of hope remains the memory of Skylar's bravery and selflessness,
a beacon of light in the darkness of war.

In the aftermath of the battle, as Clara struggles to come to terms with the enormity of what has transpired,
she carries with her the legacy of Skylar Parker,
a reminder of the courage and sacrifice that defines the true spirit of heroism.
And though Skylar may be gone,
her memory lives on, inspiring Clara and her fellow Avengers to continue the fight for justice and peace, no matter the cost.

As the dream shifts to the events surrounding Captain America,
Clara finds herself in a precarious situation, her ability to switch between her own face and Ilena's providing both opportunities and dangers.
Taking on Ilena's appearance, Clara accompanies Alexander Pierce into a bank vault, where she witnesses Bucky Barnes, brainwashed and controlled, preparing to carry out a deadly mission.

Pierce orders Bucky to eliminate Ilena, unaware of Clara's true identity.
As Bucky fires the fatal shot,
Clara seamlessly transitions back to her own form,
dodging the bullet with lightning reflexes.
But Bucky is relentless, firing again and again until Clara is forced to teleport away in a desperate bid for survival.

Finding herself in a cave,
Clara's confusion mounts as she stumbles backward into a pool of red liquid.
Before she can comprehend her surroundings,
she's suddenly whisked away once more,
this time finding herself falling wounded in the air amidst the chaos of the fastest human alive race, where A-Train and Shockwave compete for supremacy.

In the midst of the commotion, Clara is enveloped in a blinding light,
her form shifting once more as she transforms into Skylar Yn Parker,
a familiar yet enigmatic figure from her past. With her newfound identity and abilities, Skylar stands poised to face whatever challenges lie ahead,
her presence a beacon of hope in a world rife with uncertainty and danger.
And as the race unfolds before her,
Skylar embraces her role as a protector and guardian, ready to confront the obstacles that await her on the path to redemption and heroism.

Skylar's now wakes up,
her mind swirling with memories of her past lives and the reality of her current existence. As she sits up,
the pieces of her identity fall into place, clarity dawning with each passing moment.

Skylar : Clara Yn Carter... That's who I am.
No matter how many faces I wear or names I adopt, I'll always be Clara.

The weight of her realization settles upon her shoulders,
a profound sense of understanding washing over her.
She knows now that her journey is not just about discovering her true identity,
but embracing the person she's always been at her core.

Skylar : And dear skylar.
It's all coming back to me now.
Our love, our struggles, our sacrifices... They're all part of who I am.

With a sense of purpose coursing through her veins,
Skylar rises to her feet,
a determined glint in her eyes.

Skylar : No matter what universe I find myself in,
I won't forget who I am.
Clara Yn Carter, lover, fighter, survivor.
And I'll carry that with me, always.

The guard opens the hatch again now,

Guard : you know the drill.

Skylar regards the guard with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension,
her mind still reeling from the revelations of her past and the uncertainty of her future.

Skylar : What's this about now?
Another round of questioning in the lab?

The guard's expression remains stoic, revealing nothing as he gestures for Skylar to comply with his request.

Guard : You'll find out soon enough.
Just do as you're told.

With a sense of resignation,
Skylar reluctantly places her hands behind her back,

As Skylar complies with the guard's instructions,
she can't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over her.
The guard leads her through the corridors of the facility,
each step bringing her closer to an uncertain fate.

Arriving at the lab,
Skylar is greeted by the familiar sight of Stillwell and Queen Maeve,
their expressions inscrutable as they regard her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

Stillwell : Skylar, good to see you again.
We have some matters to discuss.

Skylar's mind races as she tries to anticipate what they have in store for her.
Without the knowledge of Clara Carter or Ilena Legona in this universe,
she knows she must tread carefully, revealing only what is necessary to protect herself,

Skylar :  What do you want from me this time?
More tests?
More questions?

Queen Maeve's gaze softens slightly,
a hint of sympathy in her eyes as she responds.

Maeve : We're here to discuss your future, Skylar.
Your potential role in our organization.

Skylar's heart skips a beat,
the implications of Maeve's words sinking in. Despite her reservations,
she knows she must play along for now, biding her time until she can find a way to uncover the truth about her past and her place in this unfamiliar world.

Skylar :  And what exactly does my future entail? What role do you see me playing here?

Stillwell exchanges a meaningful glance with Maeve before speaking,
her tone measured and deliberate.

Stillwell : That remains to be seen, Skylar.
But rest assured,
we have big plans for you.
Whether you choose to embrace them or not is up to you.

Skylar's brow furrows in suspicion as she turns back to Stillwell,
her curiosity piqued by the mention of "big plans."

Skylar : And what exactly do these "big plans" entail, Ms. Stillwell?
I'm not one to walk blindly into something without knowing the full picture.

Stillwell offers a thin smile,
her demeanor calculated and composed.

Stillwell : All in due time, Skylar.
For now, let's just say that your unique abilities haven't gone unnoticed.
We believe you could be a valuable asset to our organization,
given the right guidance and training.

Skylar's skepticism only grows as she listens to Stillwell's vague reassurances.
She knows better than to trust the words of someone with ulterior motives,
especially in a world as treacherous as this one.

Skylar : And what if I choose not to play along with your plans? What then?

Stillwell's smile falters slightly, her eyes narrowing as she regards Skylar with thinly veiled impatience.

Stillwell :  That would be...unwise, Skylar. Let's just say that there are consequences for those who refuse to cooperate with Vought.

Skylar's jaw tightens at the veiled threat,
her resolve hardening as she realizes the true nature of the situation.
Whatever Stillwell and Vought have in store for her, she knows she'll need to tread carefully if she hopes to navigate the treacherous waters of this new world and uncover the truth about her past.

Skylar : I'll keep your "plans" in mind, Ms. Stillwell. But know this I won't be anyone's pawn.
My loyalty lies with myself and those I choose to trust.
And if you think you can manipulate me into serving your agenda, you're sorely mistaken.

Stillwell's expression hardens, a glint of steel in her eyes as she regards Skylar with thinly veiled disdain.

Stillwell : You would do well to remember your place, Skylar.
We are not to be trifled with.

Skylar meets Stillwell's gaze with steely determination,
refusing to back down in the face of intimidation.

Skylar : And you would do well to remember that I am not one to be manipulated or controlled.
I'll cooperate, but only on my own terms.

Queen Maeve interjects, her voice calm yet authoritative as she seeks to defuse the tension between Skylar and Stillwell.

Maeve : Let's not get ahead of ourselves, ladies. There's no need for hostility.
We all want what's best for Vought, after all.

Skylar eyes Maeve warily,
her instincts telling her not to trust the Queen's soothing words.

Skylar : And what exactly does Vought want from me, Queen Maeve?
I'm listening.

Maeve's smile remains fixed, though there's a hint of wariness in her eyes as she considers Skylar's question.

Maeve:  Vought sees potential in you, Skylar. Potential that could be cultivated and harnessed for the greater good.
But it's up to you whether you choose to embrace it or not.

Skylar nods, her mind racing as she weighs her options.
She knows she'll need to tread carefully if she hopes to uncover the truth about her past and navigate the murky waters of Vought's agenda.

Skylar : I'll consider your offer, Queen Maeve. But know this,
I won't be anyone's puppet.
If I choose to cooperate, it will be on my own terms.

Stillwell's demeanor shifts, her facade of composure slipping slightly as she regards Skylar with a hint of annoyance

Skylar : tell me now what those plans are,
If not i teleport away!!

Stillwell : Very well, Skylar.
If you must know, Vought sees you as a potential asset in our efforts to maintain control and stability in this world.
With your unique abilities,
we believe you could be instrumental in dealing with threats to our organization and ensuring our continued dominance.

Skylar's eyes narrow as she processes Stillwell's words, her mind racing with the implications of what she's just been told.

Skylar :  So you want to use me as a weapon, is that it?
To do your dirty work and keep anyone who opposes Vought in line?

Stillwell's lips curve into a smug smile, her confidence restored now that the truth has been revealed.

Stillwell : You catch on quickly, Skylar.
But make no mistake,
this is a mutually beneficial arrangement. With Vought's resources at your disposal,
you could accomplish great things.
Think of it as an opportunity to make a real difference in the world.

Skylar's fists clench at her sides,
her anger simmering beneath the surface as she struggles to contain her frustration.

Skylar : And what if I refuse?
What then?

Stillwell's smile fades, replaced by a look of thinly veiled menace.

Stillwell :Then you'll find yourself on the wrong side of Vought, Skylar.
And trust me, you don't want to be on our bad side.

With a sense of resolve burning in her chest, Skylar meets Stillwell's gaze head-on, her voice firm and unwavering.

Skylar : I'll take my chances. I won't be anyone's pawn, Ms. Stillwell. Not now, not ever.
I faced a military force from the nazi's group before,
And you are just like them.

Stillwell's facade of composure cracks at Skylar's words, her eyes flashing with anger as she struggles to maintain her composure.

Stillwell : How dare you compare us to those monsters!
We're nothing like them!

Skylar stands her ground, her voice dripping with contempt as she stares down Stillwell.

Skylar : Aren't you?
Using people like me as tools for your own gain, manipulating and controlling us to further your own agenda...
It's no different from what Hydra did.
You may not be wearing swastikas, but your methods are just as despicable.

Queen Maeve steps forward,
her expression a mix of concern and uncertainty as she tries to defuse the tension between Skylar and Stillwell.

Maeve : Let's not resort to name calling, ladies.
We're all here for the same reason to ensure the safety and stability of our world.

But Skylar refuses to back down, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

Skylar : Safety and stability?
Is that what you call it?
Turning people into weapons, suppressing dissent, crushing anyone who dares to oppose you...
That's not safety, Ms. Maeve......
that's pure tyranny!

Stillwell bristles at Skylar's words, her anger boiling over as she struggles to regain control of the situation.

Stillwell : You may think you're some kind of hero, Skylar,
but you're just a pawn in a much larger game. And if you're not careful, you'll find yourself swept aside like all the others who dared to defy us!!

Skylar meets Stillwell's gaze with steely determination, her voice laced with defiance as she delivers her final ultimatum.

Skylar : Maybe so......
But I'd rather be swept aside than be complicit in your twisted vision of the world. I won't be your pawn, Ms. Stillwell.
Not now, not ever.
And what bigger game will that be, huh??
Tell me that!

She drinks from the cup water infront off her,
In it is water that is spiked with some substance but she doesn't know it,

Stillwell's expression softens slightly as she considers Skylar's question,
her eyes gleaming with a hint of satisfaction at the opportunity to sway her.

Stillwell : The bigger game, Skylar, is one of power and control.
Vought seeks to shape the world in its image, to wield influence over governments, economies, and societies. And with your abilities, you could play a crucial role in our efforts to maintain that control.

Skylar listens intently, her mind racing as she weighs Stillwell's words against her own convictions.
Unbeknownst to her, each sip from the spiked cup of water further clouds her judgment, dulling her resistance to Stillwell's manipulations.

Skylar : Power and control...
Is that what you're after?
And you think I can help you achieve it?

Stillwell nods eagerly, her smile widening as she senses Skylar's wavering resolve.

Stillwell : Exactly, Skylar.
With your strength and abilities,
you could be a formidable ally to Vought. Together, we could shape the course of history, ensuring a future where our interests reign supreme.

Skylar takes another sip from the cup, the effects of it are slowly taking hold as her doubts begin to fade.

Skylar : Maybe... Maybe you're right, Ms. Stillwell.
Maybe I've been fighting against something I don't fully understand.
Perhaps it's time for me to embrace my role and join your cause.

Stillwell's smile widens into a triumphant grin,
her victory all but assured as Skylar succumbs to the influence of the drink.

Stillwell : Welcome aboard, Skylar.
Together, we'll achieve great things.

Skylar raises the cup to her lips to sip, she seals her fate, her allegiance now firmly aligned with Vought's ambitions.

As Skylar continues to drink from the cup,
the effects take hold more strongly,
clouding her thoughts and dulling her awareness.
With each sip, her doubts and suspicions fade further into the background,
replaced by a growing sense of loyalty and obedience to Vought's cause.

Stillwell : Excellent, Skylar.
I knew you'd see things our way in the end.

Skylar nods, her mind swimming with a strange sense of clarity and purpose as she looks to Stillwell with newfound determination.

Skylar : Thank you, Ms. Stillwell.
I'm ready to do whatever it takes to help Vought achieve its goals.

Stillwell's smile widens, her satisfaction evident as she gestures for Skylar to follow her.

Stillwell : Wonderful.
Come with me, Skylar.
There's much to discuss,
and I have a feeling you're going to be a valuable asset to our organization.

Skylar follows Stillwell obediently, her steps light and her mind buzzing with newfound purpose.
Unbeknownst to her, she has unwittingly sealed her fate,
becoming a pawn in Vought's dangerous game of power and control.

As they disappear into the depths of the facility, Skylar's thoughts are consumed by visions of grandeur and ambition,
her loyalty to Vought cemented by the substance in the water she drank,
coursing through her veins.
But little does she realize the true cost of her compliance,
and the dangers that lie ahead as she becomes entangled in Vought's web of manipulation and deceit

As Skylar follows Stillwell through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility, her mind still clouded by the effects of the obedience substance,
she begins to grow increasingly disoriented. The hallways seem to stretch on endlessly, their sterile walls and dim lighting giving way to a sense of foreboding.

Skylar : Um.....
Ms. Stillwell, where exactly are we going?

Stillwell turns to regard Skylar with a knowing smile,
her eyes glinting with satisfaction as she gestures ahead.

Stillwell : All in good time, Skylar.
We're heading to a place where you can truly realize your potential and contribute to Vought's cause in a meaningful way.

Skylar nods obediently, her mind still muddled by the effects of the obedience substance as she follows Stillwell's lead.

Skylar : Of course, Ms. Stillwell.
I'm ready to do whatever it takes to help Vought succeed.

As they round a corner, Skylar's eyes widen in recognition as they come face to face with the imposing facade of Vought Tower, its sleek, modern design looming ominously before them.

Skylar : Thi-this Tower...
But why are we here?

Stillwell's smile widens, her satisfaction palpable as she gestures towards the towering structure.

Stillwell : Because, Skylar, this is where your journey truly begins.
Welcome to Vought Tower,
the heart of our organization and the key to our success.

Skylar's heart sinks as the realization dawns on her, her mind racing with a mix of confusion and apprehension.
She knows now that she's entered a world far more dangerous and complex than she ever could have imagined,
and that her fate is now inexorably tied to the machinations of Vought and its enigmatic leaders.

But as she follows Stillwell into the depths of the tower, Skylar knows that she has little choice but to play her part in Vought's grand design.
Whether she likes it or not, her destiny now lies inextricably linked to the fate of Vought and the world it seeks to control.
And as she crosses the threshold into the heart of the tower, Skylar braces herself for the challenges and betrayals that lie ahead, knowing that her journey is only just beginning.

As her confusion deepens as she gazes upon the towering structure,
its sleek, modern design eerily reminiscent of another building she knows all too well.

Skylar : Wait a minute...
This looks like......
Stark Tower.......

Stillwell's smile falters slightly at Skylar's words, her facade of composure slipping as she struggles to maintain control of the situation.

Stillwell : Stark Tower?
I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Skylar.
This is Vought Tower, the pinnacle of our organization's power and influence.

Skylar's brow furrows in suspicion, her memories of Stark Tower clear in her mind despite the fog in her mind.

Skylar : No, it can't be a coincidence.
I've been here before,
I know it......
But why does it look so much like Stark Tower?

Stillwell's expression tightens as she searches for a response, her mind racing to come up with a plausible explanation.

Stillwell : Perhaps it's just a trick of the architecture, Skylar.
After all, many modern buildings share similar designs.
But rest assured, this is Vought Tower, and you are here to serve Vought's interests.

Skylar's suspicions linger, but with the substance still clouding her judgment, she reluctantly accepts Stillwell's explanation.

Skylar : I see...
Well, if you say so, Ms. Stillwell.
I'm here to serve Vought, whatever that may entail.

Stillwell nods, her smile returning as she gestures for Skylar to follow her into the depths of the tower.

Stillwell : That's the spirit, Skylar.
Come, there's much for you to learn about your role here at Vought.

As Skylar follows Stillwell into the tower, her mind buzzes with questions and uncertainty. She may not fully trust Stillwell or her motives, but for now, she knows she must play along if she hopes to uncover the truth about her past and navigate the dangerous world of Vought's machinations.
And as she steps further into the tower's depths, Skylar braces herself,
For what may come.
As Skylar delves deeper into Vought Tower, her mind reels with uncertainty.
Despite the fog of thee substance, she can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right about the situation.
Still, she knows she must tread carefully if she hopes to uncover the truth,

Inside the tower, Stillwell leads Skylar through a labyrinth of corridors and elevators, finally arriving at a lavish conference room adorned with the Vought logo.
Inside, a group of individuals awaits, their expressions ranging from curiosity to suspicion as they regard Skylar.

Stillwell : Skylar, allow me to introduce you to the Seven,
Vought's premier superhero team.
They are the protectors of our world, and you will be joining them in their efforts to maintain peace and order.

Skylar's eyes widen in surprise as she takes in the assembled heroes before her.
The Seven icons of power and influence,
each with their own unique abilities and personalities.
She knows that joining their ranks would mean unparalleled access to resources and influence, but at what cost?

Skylar : The Seven...
It's an honor to meet you all.
eager to contribute in any way I can.

The members of the Seven regard Skylar with varying degrees of interest and skepticism, their reactions giving little indication of their true intentions.

Homelander : Well, well, well.
Look who decided to join the party.
Let's see if you've got what it takes to be one of us, little trespasser.

Queen Maeve : Welcome, Skylar.
We're always in need of new allies in our fight to protect the world.

Black Noir just looks at her

Skylar's mind races as she considers her options. Joining the Seven would undoubtedly grant her access to resources and opportunities she could never have imagined, but she can't shake the feeling that there's more to Vought's agenda than meets the eye.

As she scans the room, she takes note of the other members of the Seven,
each with their own distinctive presence,

A-Train - The speedster of the group,
known for his lightning-fast movements and cocky attitude.
The Deep - A brooding figure with control over aquatic life,
his demeanor hinting at inner turmoil and dissatisfaction with his role.

Starlight - the youngest of the seven,
her youthful enthusiasm and sense of justice shining through despite the weight of her responsibilities.

Black noir - A silent and enigmatic figure, his masked visage betraying nothing of his true thoughts or intentions.

Homelander - The charismatic and imposing leader of the Seven,
Homelander exudes an aura of authority and confidence.
With super strength, flight, and heat vision at his disposal,
he's revered as the epitome of heroism. However, beneath his charming facade lies a manipulative and ruthless figure,
willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his position of power.
Skylar senses an unsettling darkness lurking behind his piercing gaze,
and she knows that crossing paths with Homelander could prove to be a dangerous endeavor.

Queen Maeve - As one of the original members of the Seven,
Queen Maeve is a seasoned veteran in the world of superheroics.
Possessing superhuman strength, durability, and combat skills,
she's earned a reputation as a formidable warrior and protector of the innocent.
Yet, despite her outward strength, Skylar detects a weariness in Maeve's eyes,
a burden of responsibility that weighs heavily upon her shoulders.
Beneath her stoic demeanor lies a woman grappling with her own demons, torn between her duty to Vought and her desire for a life of her own.

Each member of the Seven represents a different facet of Vought's power and influence, their abilities and personalities shaping the world in ways both seen and unseen. As Skylar takes in their presence, she can't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that her fate is now inexorably tied to theirs.

In her mind skylar : These are the individuals I'll be working alongside...
but can I trust them?
Can I trust myself to navigate this world of heroes and villains, knowing the truth of my past?

With her mind buzzing with questions and uncertainty, Skylar knows that she must tread carefully in the days ahead, for the choices she makes now will shape not only her own destiny, but the fate of the world itself.
And as she prepares to embark on this new chapter of her life,
Skylar braces herself for the challenges and revelations that lie ahead, knowing that her journey in this world is only just beginning.

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