Days Before DownFall(BOOK1)

By jcfrost14

229 22 1

- Story of investigating and saving the planet from dangerous virus, scientists on the South Pole found a new... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Epilogue of book 1

Part 10

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By jcfrost14

Mr. Clyde McIntyre has already acquired the Primal Virus and hasn't tested it yet. He plans to weaponize the usage of the said vial.

If there was one thing he did hanker after, it was the research of Annas parents but it seems he cant get through it. His greed pushes him to this extent where he can no longer identify whats bad for himself as long as he did everything to his heart's content.

*Ring! Ring!*

Ill wire 5 million dollars in your account. I dont care how you do it as long as you finish them. Mr. McIntyre.

Alright. Mark agreed without any hesitation. He kills for money. It doesnt matter who was her target as long as it pays off the deal.

*Tooooot* a message from his bank.

Mark prepared his gears and carefully planned how to deal with his target. He gathered all of the resources he needed and asked his co-mercenaries to drive the van.

He was carrying a heavy weapon and relentlessly fired the Gatling gun in front of the building leaving the agents to fire back and die eventually. As soon as the Gatling gun bullets were depleted. The 10-man assault of mercenaries led by Mark entering the IIC shooting everyone on sight.

Inch by inch they check the doors, finding his target.

Jack woke up hearing those massive chaos in the agency. Suddenly, a scared nurse came inside and Jack asked her curiously.

What's going on? he asked.

We are under attack again by some mercenaries who wear masks. the nurse explained.

He picked Anna up and put her under the bed to hide her. He hasnt fully recovered yet and his body was still in excruciating pain. He took the stethoscope and hid himself on the other bed.

The nurse tried to escape, before she could open the door she was shot by the mercenary and fell off the ground. The mercenary opens the door and walks toward the bed. Jack alerts himself for an encounter and waits for the right timing to execute him. The tired mercenary sat on the bed and smoked comfortably. Jack takes advantage of the moment and strangles him on the neck with a stethoscope. He grabs the combat knife in his pocket and stabs him multiple times on the neck.

He wears the vest and gets all the equipment he has in his body including the radio. He might as well make use of the situation to kill 9 more of Mark's subordinates. On the radio, Jack heard Mark commanding his whole team. He knew he was the only one left on the squad.

Boss A? Is that you wiping us out? I regret I did not finish you that time. Mark said viciously. He didn't expect Jack would answer him.

You will regret crossing the line for money. Jack said in a cold tone voice.

Mark laughed loudly as he thought Jack was saying absolutely rubbish.

Mr. Miles passed by and saw Mark walking cautiously. He shot him in the head but due to old stature and bad eyesight it didnt hit him. Mark fired back and landed it on his shoulder making him groan in pain and fell off the ground.

On the other hand, Jack heard the gunfire and Mr. Miles grunting. He rushes towards the nearby room and sees Mark. He places the radio in front of him and walks backward quietly waiting for him to take the bait.

Mark radioed, Hello! Jack, are you ready to meet your maker?

Mark heard the feedback and he showered it with a bullet in that direction. When he runs out of bullets he peeks on the back of the table and sees no one. As he draws closer, Jack suddenly comes out where he was hiding and shoots Mark on his neck making him bleed. Jack attempted for another shot and realized he had run out of bullets.

Jack had no choice but one-on-one hand to hand combat leaving him in a bad position. He hasn't recovered from his previous wounds. Mark on the other hand gets the upper hand and chokes Jack on the ground.

He laughed maniacally and was satisfied with Jack having a hard time surpassing him.

Dont worry your beloved girlfriend will be there to accompany you but sadly in the afterlife.

Henceforward, someone grabs the military knife and stabs Mark on his head. Jack pulled Anna into his arms before she collapsed and carried her back to the clinic room.

After the incident the agency passed the whole evidence in the senate having an inquiry and court hearing. They condemn the whole party behind these actions; most senators involved were facing cases of graft. While Mr. McIntyre was facing multiple allegations ordering his arrest. As he predicted what would happen, it was wise to flee in one of his underground bunkers and stay there for the meantime. As soon as his product takes effect infecting a huge number of civilian in the city, he injects himself the prime virus. This virus has the ability to control the beta virus that has been disseminated via inhalers.

Clyde McIntyre wasnt aware that sooner or later the virus will hijack his whole central nervous system that turns him into a new high breed of zombie.

As the virus spreads on the walled city, the government alerts everyone to stay vigilant and join the army to drive back the whole horde of zombies outside the city walls and massive firefight. As they drive back the whole horde of zombies Clyde McIntyre mutated into a tree-like figure enabling him to command the zombies to regroup at his position.

Seeing this on the other side of the faction the people hailed and rejoiced as the zombie left the whole city.

On the other hand, Clyde branches like tentacles grab all the zombies and suck all the virus in their bodies. He grows into a giant tree-like figure while he moves into the city, the military orders an air strike on him and artillery shots.

The giant monster screams in pain and breaks the sewage system where it regenerates its roots. Once the roots touch the water it turns his size bigger than his size earlier as he continues sucking all the dirt. As he grew larger and larger the president contacted Mr. Miles.

Hello, I want you to check the possibilities on how to kill this giant thing. I will send a group of virologists to help you study this huge zombie tree. he ordered.

After a series of tries bombing the monster, it was still able to fight and regenerate leaving them to plan first and withdraw.

At night time the virologist team silently approaches the roots of the monster and extracts some samples.

They brought back the sample to the agency and analyzed, it shows that it's just dirt and some DNA of molds, a sort of fungi. Mr. Miles gets the data sample and checks the possible way to slow down the regeneration of the monster.

Mr. Miles wakes up early to examine the monster but a series of acid rain pours down the road. The monster notices the car where Mr. Miles driving from afar. The monster sweeps the car immediately and flips over to the building causing them to be knocked out.

The command team lost their contact with Mr. Miles. Jack enters the room and everyone sets their eyes on him.

Whats going on? Jack asked.

Mr. Miles wants to check the giant monster. one of the staff explained.

We can't get through him. she added.

Jack didnt hesitate to go out and find him out there. The whole department works out to trace where Mr. Miles.

They are extracted back to the Agency and give them medical treatment.

On the other hand, Jack spots a couple of nurses stopping Anna from walking. One of the nurses saw him. He made a motion with his hand to tell them it's fine and approached Anna.

Anna stared at him wondering 'who are you?. She felt safe when he was around.

Who are you? she uttered before she collapsed and fell asleep into his arms.

Jack lifted her and walked towards the clinic. He carefully put her down on the bed and stayed for a minute.

Jack overheard the scream of the giant monster and wants to end it for once and for all.

He drives back to the abandoned rebirth labs and looks for clues. He was punctiliously watching his step passing the scattered dead bodies who have been consumed by molds and eaten by zombies.

Hence, Jack reaches the office. He found a letter and a folder containing files for a project named Kraken. It is the prime virus introduced into the body enabling him to look like a kraken like in the old Scandinavian tales.

Based on these research, the main source of power was still the carrier who ingested the prime virus. At the same time, it can only be killed once the carrier is exposed to a metallic liquid mercury.

Jack checks what's underneath the files he sees Anna's necklace.

Furthermore, after inspecting the necklace. There was a small vial of metallic liquid mercury when you removed the photo. In this type of world this type of element is not abundant. It can only be used once to kill the giant monster. Jack needs to put extra care to end this mess for once and for all.

Jack picks up the necklace and makes a call to his new friend. The one who was appointed by Clyde to serve him. He asked him to fly closer in the eye of the monster.

On the other hand, the military general ordered the remaining regiment of the military and militia to attack the hordes of zombies and all out on the giant monster. They drop the bombs on the giant monster with countless missiles flying towards it. The giant monster did not stop and keep on regenerating.

Henceforward, Jack jumped out of the helicopter ladder and landed at the monster's weakest point. The helicopter flies in the distance and waits for Jacks signal.

Jack walked straight and saw Mr. McIntyre's body was entangled and fully merged inside the monster.

Oh hey! It's the boy! Jack Jack Jack! Clyde speaks highly of himself.

Look what I have built?! I have achieved unlimited god-like powers and changed the course of human history. he said proudly and laughed maniacally.

Look idiot! You did not build or achieve anything. You have destroyed and tried to kill everyone. Including the ones that have loved and trusted you. Admit it, nothing happens and all of your effort will die with you now. Jack retorted in his impetuous decision.

A memory flash through his mind where Mr. Maddison welcomed him. He was one of the best employee Mr. Maddison had and dotted him like he was his brother even his wife Mrs. Maddison was also in favor of him. Mr. Maddison teaches him everything he knows to make the whole company run on its own feet. Jack saw tears run down on his cheeks.

You're still human, aren't you? Please, let's end this. Clyde closed his eyes as he heard him.

Tell her, Im sorry, Clyde smiles bitterly. Anna stayed beside him when he was sick and took good care of him. She treats him like a father even though he didnt pay much attention to her.

Clyde loved her but he was too blinded by his desire. He even ordered Mark to deal with her.

Please, dont leave her. She needs you. Clyde finally recognized Anna as a family.

I know! I made a terrible mistake as a person. he uttered.

Jack stepped closer and made a cut on Clydes shoulder where the prime virus injected. He inserted the necklace that contains the metallic liquid mercury. Clyde suffers from the pain and whispers Farewell to Jack as he decays slowly. Jack informs the helicopter pilot to pick him up.

The ground forces continuously attack the giant monster and gradually deteriorates and dies as it evaporates into thin air.

Everyone is celebrating a great success for all of them.

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