The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto...

By NavidNafia

123K 7K 612

"We can say we are shinobi sorcerers" Sakura thought it was the end of her when she died in the fourth great... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37

chapter 15

3.5K 216 30
By NavidNafia

As the team left the cafe for their mission. All the way their missions the boys couldn't stop thinking about Sakura

They couldn't comprehend how a girl could do that so effortlessly. It looked like she wasn't the least bit scared when a gun was pouted towards her head

But one thing was clear, she wasn't a normal girl

"That girl was so strong and such a badass. I wonder if she was a police officer or not"

Kugisaki thought out loud

The guys could agree with her.... If they weren't so busy in their thoughts about her. It was she was hunting them. They couldn't stop thinking about her

Her cheeky smile, her giggles, her voice

They clearly remember all the details about


Gojo's daze broke as ijichi called him for 6th time to get his attention

When he looked back, Nobara was pissed and ijichi had a sweat drop on his head

"The hell is wrong with you? We've been trying to call you for the past five minutes. Don't tell me you were still thinking about the girl back at the cafe "

Nobara said, the annoyance clear in her voice

Gojo blinked a couple of times. Startled by the sudden question. Because she guessed it, he was doing exactly that

But he soon put his overconfident face on and playfully questioned back

"Why? Is my dear minion jealous? If you want kugisaki-chan, I can think about you too "

Nobara made a disgusted face

"I'll slaughter you, Gojo!"

She hissed at him, glaring daggers

He just loudly laughed

"Gojo-san, were here at the location. Do you want me to put on the seal?"

Ijichi asked

"Of course. let's go my dear students"

Gojo said and they entered the house

Fifteen minutes later

"Where is this curse!? HELLO? CRUSTI CURSE!? WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Yuji yelled

"Like you calling it Would do any difference"

Megumi whispered to himself while rolling his eyes at his stupid teammate

"Now, Now... Don't be mean"

Gojo said

Soon they felt a intense amount of cursed energy. They quickly followed where the wave of cursed energy came from

From the corner of the door, they could see the curse wasn't alone

"You know, you're very ugly. I don't like how you're looking at me either "

The students and teacher was startled when they heard a different voice

There was young girl standing there with the curse

They were surprised seeing the same girl from the coffee shop

Her face didn't have the same happy smile anymore. She didn't have any emotions on her face. She just stared at the curse blankly

"M-m-my d-doll l-l-l-lets p-play"

The curse spat

She crinkled her nose with disgust

"You're pissing me out..... Just get this over with"

She said and the curse pounced at her. She didn't even move

As the curse attacked at her with full speed, she just raised her hand. The others watched with a slacked jaw, her bare fist connected with the curse and it flew and went through 3 walls

Their eyes almost bugged out of their skulls

She boredly went through the holes in the walls. The ones she created with her bare fist

"I am kinda in a hurry, so bye"

She said with a smile

Many katanas that looked like we're made of sand surrounded her. Those attacked the the curse. With and scream of androgyny, the curse bursted in purple Flames

It was quiet for a moment as the four gawked at the girl. This was a special grade curse. Even good first grade sorcerers will sweat finishing this off. But she didn't even flinch, within 5 minutes, the curse was done for

How was this even possible!?

"What the name of hell is this girl?"

They watched as she sighed. Her phone soon rang. She picked up the call and said hello

Her calm face soon changed to and irritated one. She soon huffed

"Are you kidding me, Obibaka? I had to travel 15 minutes before my own work schedule just to complete this mission..... What do you mean by it was a mistake?..... No I don't see any other jujutsu Sorcerers here..... You know what, cut the call. I'm leaving, I've a fucking Lab and doctors to handle "

With that she cut the call

It was clear to Gojo, Megumi, Yuji and Nobara that this girl was talking to their beloved sensei Obito and he had done some kind of blunder. Obito had sent both this girl and them to kill the curse at once

She sighed looking at her phone

"I think we should go introduce ourselves."

Yuji excitedly suggested

"Yeah.... I wonder who she is? I've never seen her before "

Megumi said

"Have you ever meet her, Gojo sensei?"

Nobara asked, still looking at the girl

"Nope... But it's for sure, she is no less than any first grade. Let's go meet our fellow sorcerer,"

He said with a smile but soon that faded

She made a few hand signs and disappeared in to thin air. Not really, she disappeared in a flurry of Sakura Patels

Their eyes widened and they rushed there

But she wasn't there. There were many fresh pink Sakura Patels where she was standing

"Where did she go? How did she do that?"

Nobara quietly said, picking up some of the Patels from the ground

"These are fresh. They match her hair color "

Yuji said, looking at the Patels in kugisaki's hand with great interest. They were

Gojo took a Patel from Nobara himself. He stared at the pastel pink Patel for a moment before smirking

"What an interesting individual.... Miss cherry blossoms"


In Tokyo Metropolitan college

All the teachers from Tokyo jujutsu high and Kyoto jujutsu high were chilling in the teachers lounge. Due to a important meeting, all the teachers from both of the high schools were there

Now all the teachers (Gojo Satoru, Nanami kento, Haibara Yuu, leiri Shoko, Iori Utahime, Mei Mei, Aiko Rin, Akagi Obito and Ito Kakashi) were talking about random things

"Then the students just screamed their buts off"

Haibara said, finishing one of his hilarious stories about his students

Everyone in the room busted out laughing. Well except the two white haired male teachers

As they were laughing, Shoko noticed Gojo was really quiet today. He looked like he was in deep thought. Any other day, he would be the who would initiate conversations

She creased her eyebrows, calling him by his name to gain his attention but it didn't work. It was like he was in his own world. Bye the fifth time she called him, everyone else was also worried about him.

Finally, she had enough and not so gently pokked his abdomen

"Offf- what is it, Shoko?"

He asked annoyed

"Dude, Where are you!? We've been calling you since the past minute"

She said, her annoyance clear as well

Gojo shook his head before he remembered that the girl he was thinking about was given the mission by Obito, his upperclassmen. And the way she scolded him looked like they were close

He soon looked at Obito


Obito looked at him

"What is it, Gojo-kun?"

"The mission you gave us today... It was given to another sorcerer. A sorceress with pastel pink hair and green eyes. You know her, right? Who is she ?"

Gojo asked, looking at Obito expectedly

Kakashi's form tensed up a bit as he quickly acted as if he had his nose buried in his smut book. Rin noticed it his discomfort rather quickly

Sakura really didn't like to be known too much by other sorcerers. Hence she never wanted to join any other jujutsu Sorcerer on any missions and preferred solo missions

And there was only a week left since she would join Tokyo jujutsu high. He didn't want people to know more about her before it was completely necessary

Obito grinned, not getting the gravity of the situation

"Oh that, that was-

Rin stepped on Obito's foot quite harshly under the table. Resulting him to hiss under his breath

"Ow what was that for, Rin-chan?"

Obito asked but the look Rin gave him was all it took for him to realize what was the matter and what he did. His eyes flickered towards kakashi. He could tell he was uncomfortable

He gulped down the lump in his throat before looking back at the crew who were looking at him expectedly

"Why do you ask, Gojo-kun? Did you need anything from her?"

Obito nervously asked with a ackward smile

Everyone was a little confused why Obito dodged the question like that. But Gojo decided to answer the question

"Yeah.... I wanted to tell her She is gorgeous"

Haibara and Obito chocked, coughing violently.

Both from very different reasons. Haibara because he had never seen Gojo like this. He had this lovesick grin plastered on his face

And Obito because... Well he didn't look but he could tell Kakashi was already pissed.... Someone or some guy had finally noticed Sakura's beauty. Worse, the government hooker of the jujutsu society, Gojo Satoru

He could literally feel the murderous aura that was radiating from his best friend. He was almost scared to look at him. His girlfriend had the same reaction

Rin was biting her nails, looking at Kakashi. Kakashi had a passive aggressive smile on his face and he was holding his book a bit too tightly. As a calm and collected person, that's all he did when he was pissed

Gojo didn't notice this though and kept talking about the mysterious girl

"She was beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I felt her cursed energy, she was strong. I remember how she almost finished a special grade curse one of her bare handed fists... And those jade green eyes of hers... Lord I could drown in tho-

"I would stop talking if I were you Gojo-kun"

Rin said, sweating as Kakashi put his smut down

Gojo was confused

"Why, Aiko-senpai? Do you know her too? I guess you would... She was amazing. And tell her she has an amazing ass. And her eyes are-

In a blink of an eye, Kakashi was in front of Gojo angling his chair to look at him straight in the eyes

Everyone stood up in shock. Never in a million years had anyone thought Ito Kakashi would do any kind of violence

Even Gojo was startled as Kakashi glared at him with his sharingan

"Mah~~ as much as I care about you, my dear kohai, respectfully, if you ever speak of that girl like that you'll have trouble... I hope you'll remember Gojo-kun "

Kakashi told him with the same passive aggressive close eyed smile

He let Gojo go, who's still in shock. He grabbed his book and was about to leave when Gojo finally came back to his senses

"Why Ito-senpai? Who is that girl to you.... It's kinda scandalous to see you react about that girl like that... Aren't you with my best friend Shoko, senpai ~~?"

Gojo asked

And yes, Ito Kakashi was dating with Ieri Shoko for the past 4 months. Who was looking at her new boyfriend in shock. She had known this man for so many years and had never seen him so possessive about anyone.... Especially not a girl

Kakashi paused before looking back

"Why am I talking about her is none of your business but as I said, take those thoughts about her quickly from your mind Gojo. You don't know who you're talking about"

This really surprised and angered Gojo. He gave Kakashi a cold grin and started

"Funny... I wonder what's your relationship with her.... Whatever. Why shouldn't I think about her. If I like a girl

"You don't like her, Gojo. You just like her face and body.... We all know how you are with girls. She doesn't need a whore and I won't let you hurt her in any shape or way or form. She's out of your limits, Gojo. A decade younger than you... Know your place"

That's all kakashi said

Everyone in the room was in total shock. This is the most they had ever heard Kakashi talk and they have known him for more than a decade

The most shocked was Shoko. The way he overprotectively talked about this unknown girl made her really insecure

She'd been in love with Kakashi since she was 15, almost 13 years ago. She pined over him for so long. She finally got the chance to be with him when he accepted her offer to go out with her a few months ago. Before that she'd always asked him out for 10 years straight and he told her

"Although you're really cute, Shoko-chan, you're too young for me"

They were just two years junior from her yet he said that to her always. But finally this year he said yes and they'd been together since

But he was never possessive, protective or even romantically that involved. Yes he's been respective towards her. He would walk her home, kiss her on the cheek, hold hands but nothing more

Hell, she hasn't even seen his face

He neverminded if any other man talked with her... So why was he acting like this when Gojo talked about that girl

So much was going on her head that before she even knew what she was doing, she asked him

"Who is this girl, Kakashi? Who is she to you?"

Kakashi looked at her. His eyes didn't portray any emotions as he answered

"That's none of anyone's business... "

"Why are you so protective over her? You've never been like that with me"

He raised an eyebrow at her

" I am not like that with anyone else other than her and my mom.... Not you, yes. I just don't feel we are so deep in any relationship. We've been just dating for a few months. And she is..... Someone special... To me "

Shoko stared at him in disbelief as he said that in a fondly voice

Gojo chuckled loudly and opened his mouth to say something but before he co, Kakashi went out the room saying

"If you're so insecure about this thing we have, you don't have to do it, Shoko-chan.... I have a mission, I'll leave now"

With that he walked out the room, leaving everyone speechless

Obito soon followed his suit, knowing well what his best friend was going through

Rin was the last one to leave. She sighed and got up, taking her bag she looked at Gojo

"You should know your limits, Gojo-kun. As much as I care about you, don't talk about something you don't know "

She said with a smile before looking at Shoko

"You're the first girl Kakashi-kun had dated in his life.... I don't know why you're so insecure but fix it. This relationship can be held a life time if you know how to hold it tightly... Or else you'd loose many important things and people in your life "

She said with a gentle and calm smile, she patted Shoko's head and left with her teammates

Leaving a room full of astonished people

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