COTE- Unparalleled But Powerl...

By CakePieCreamPie

8.7K 328 176

The Japanese Govt passed a new law. that if anyone wants to pursue their dream of becoming a politician, they... More

Prologue [Edited]
Chapter:-1 First Day Of School
Chapter:- 2 | The start of your daily life
Shiro: Unfinished Dreams | No Reason to Live
Chapter:- 3 | Me, My Father, My Grandfather ALL ARE PERVERTS
Chapter:- 4 | W- Why is there a tent in your pant?
Chapter:- 5 | Hirata You Son Of A Bi-Pervert
Chapter:- 6 | Welcome To Real ANHS
Chapter:- 7 | Kijima- The Hidden Genius Of D-Class

Chapter:- 8 | You are My Slave Now

589 20 21
By CakePieCreamPie

A.N.:- Sup guys. I hope you like this chapter.



monologue and detailing


8.1 | Troublesome

Ayanokoji POV:-

The classes for today ended. The tense atmosphere due to the revelations of the S-system was still in class but it has nothing to do with me anymore.

The loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect, and a robotic voice issued an announcement.

"Koenji-kun, from first-year Class D. Please come see Chiyabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

I could feel my classmates' stares drilling a hole into the back of Koenji's head but Koenji being himself, without caring about anything went out brushing his hair with his hand.

I wonder what was the reaction of other classes. Well, I will certainly know about class B as Shiro will tell me anyway. By that, I better be prepared to describe my class reaction to him.

'Huh... sigh, it will be a pain to type all that happened in class so I might make a call. It is not like Tsukishiro will know and even if he gets to know about it, it is not like anything major, so I guess it will be fine to make a call'.

Getting out of the class I was on my way to the dorms.

'I just feel like sleeping now I don't even feel like eating something today. I guess I will be having dinner only today.'

I took out my phone to check if there was any new announcement made on school forms.

I held back checking it during class as no one was using their phone today so I thought it might make me the centre of attention and more possibly the whole class might take out their frustration on me if anyone saw me.

Turning through the corridor, I heard hurried steps. Someone is coming this way while running. 

If I didn't move we might collide.


Too late. We already collided.

'Who was this person? No, why in the world they were running like an idiot?'

Losing grip on my phone it kissed the ground.

Saving myself from the fall I balanced myself.

Extending my arm I tried to reach the person who collided with me to save them from the fall. Reflexively, the person also tried to reach out their hand in expectation of getting caught.

I stopped my advances the moment I saw the person's face... and let her fall.

"Uwaaa..." Falling, she cried in pain.

It was none other than Karuizawa Kei from my class. 

The same girl who has some kind of problem with me for god knows what reason.

"Ouch... Hey, you. Why did you stop when reaching out for my hand?" Karuizawa asked me with visible annoyance in her tone.

"I didn't stop, you were just too far to reach Karuizawa-San. And above that, it was your fault that we collided. You shouldn't run in a corridor it can be dangerous." I said.

"ah" She grumbled in annoyance. "What are you? My mom? You annoy me to the core. A loner like you should know their place and shut up-" 

"Karuizawa-San quick, we don't have any time to waste. We have to go now." Karuizawa got cut off by one of her friends. I believe her name is Satou.

"Yeah, I am coming." She looked at me and grumbled again. "If it was not now I would have taught you a lesson for pushing me." She said before taking her phone which was on the ground and running away.

'What the hell lady? You ran into me and fell because of your own stupidity. Where did I push you in this?'

For no reason to stay here, I picked up my phone which kissed the floor a minute ago.

I checked for some external damage and surprisingly it didn't take any damage. I pressed the power button and it seems to working fine.

'What a troublesome day.' Putting my phone back into my pocket I sighed "Sigh..."

I just want to sleep now. 


Getting in my room I put my school bag on the table.

I am too lazy right now to change into a fresh pair of clothes and straight up jump into bed where I drifted into deep darkness.




[8:13 P.M.]

Yeah, I am surprised that I slept for too long. I might have slept even more but the feel of an angry empty stomach woke me up.

The more surprising thing was that I didn't hear the alarm which usually starts to ring at 7'O clock. 

I am not a heavy sleeper that I won't be able to hear the alarm ringing so I tried to check it.

Reaching my phone which was on the table I was going to check the alarm.

I swiped my screen but I found a screen lock on it. It was protected by a pin to be exact.

'I don't know how this pin came up on my phone. Did my phone break after falling?'

Scrolling down the notification panel I see a number of message notifications I received.

'Why there are so many?'

Expanding it to check it out I see the names of my classmates. Well, mostly girls.

"Ah, now I get it." My phone got switched to Karuizawa's.

"What a trouble. Now I have to get it back." 

It is not a big task to do but to get it from her is tiring enough to think.

'I wonder what is her room number?'

Should I call Kushida to tell me? No, I can't do it.

'Well, there is no reason for me to not share why I want to know Karuizawa's room number but the thing is how will I explain to Kushida how I remembered her number? She will think I am some kind of creep or a stalker to remember it.'

I think I will call the dorm manager in the lobby.

Through the connected telephone that is in the room, I dialled the three-digit number to contact to dorm manager.

[Hello, this is first-years dorm manager speaking. How may I help you?]

[Um, hello. I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka from Class D. Can you tell me the room number of Karuizawa Kei from my class?]

[I am sorry but I will need some proper reasons to tell you her room number.]

[Oh, yeah. Accidentally mine and Karuizawa's phone got switched after school so I want mine and give her's back to her. Is this reason justifiable? Um, you can check calling her if you want as her phone is with so I will be the one answering.]

[Okay, I will call Karuizawa Kei's number and tell you her room number on it.]

With that, he hung up the call.

After a moment Karuizawa's phone started to ring. I picked up instantly knowing the three-digit number that was on display.

[Hello, Is this Karuizawa Kei?]

[No, it is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka on her phone. I guess you verified me now?]

[Yeah, all good now. The room number of Karuizawa Kei is 807. Have a nice day and contact us anytime if you need help.]

*Beep-* The call ended.

807 is it huh....

8.2 | My Life Is Fucked

After taking the elevator to floor 8 I stood right in front of the room of Karuizawa Kei.

I pressed the doorbell once.


A faint sound of a doorbell ringing can be heard.

After a moment when I was going to ring the doorbell again, I heard.


Yeah, I remember this voice. It is Karuizawa's voice undoubtedly.

"Who is it?" She asked from the other side.

"I am Ayanokoji from your class."

"Oh, it's you." From her tone, it felt like she was already expecting me here.

Though it is not unnatural for her to expect me here still I can't help but feel a little strange. It is hard to explain but the normal annoyance in her tone while talking to me was nowhere to be found.

'Or is it just me being paranoid?'

She opened her door and said "You are here for your phone right? Come in." 

"Uh, it will be fine if you just give my phone back here and take yours. I don't intend to spend any more time here and not to say if anyone sees me going inside your room it might raise some rumours." I said stopping her.

"Oh come on. No one will make some stupid rumours and nobody is here so don't be worried. At least have some water before you go." She said.

As I timidly entered her room, I realized it was my first time in someone else's room. Nonetheless, it was a girl's room.

Entering I noticed Karuizawa's room is filled with different accessories. Some stuffed animals and a smiley emoji pillow were on the bed. A nice scent of perfume spread over the room. Her room is completely opposite of mine.

"I will be getting you water in a moment so have a seat," Karuizawa said pointing towards her study chair for me to sit and she went towards the kitchen.

Surprisingly I was getting a very bad feeling now that whatever is going to happen is not in my favor.

Sigh, this is going to be a little problematic I guess.

"Here," Karuizawa said coming back as she handed me a glass full of water.

Placing it aside for now I decided to not waste any more time here.

"Um so about your phone Karuizawa. Here take it." I said giving her phone back to her. I continued. "Just to be sure, I didn't try to open it even once after I found it was yours. " 

"Don't worry, it was password protected so I can be carefree of that."

I see I don't seem like a trustworthy person then. It hurts me a little though.

"If you give mine now then I will be going," I said as there was no need to stay here a single moment anymore.

"Oh yes yes, your phone."

"Ayanokoji-Kun" Karuizawa's voice changed entirely. 

Her voice made her sound like a master strategist who had successfully trapped someone without their prey even noticing.

And without a doubt, the prey in this scene is none other than me.


"You didn't ask me if I went through your phone or not?" She asked.

"I believe my classmates are not the kind of persons who go through someone else belonging without their consent."

"You trust your classmates way too much Ayanokoji-Kun. I must say it is scary to imagine a person trusting someone this much whom they never even talked to."

Facing the floor her eyes were in shadows of her bangs and she had an evil smug smile on her face.

I asked her. "Is it wrong for me to expect my classmates to not do such an immoral thing?" 

"And what if someone is not able to meet your expectations?" She said, her grin getting a little wider.

"Then I feel sorry for them as I can't see them having friends in the future," I said in my monotone.

"Hehe~ I wonder if this is your laid-back personality or if you are too dumb to understand your situation?"

"I don't know what are you trying to do here so can't just give my phone back and I will get going." 

As I said that she started hopping around her room like she was having the fun of her life and ended up on her bed.

Taking my phone out of her pocket. She tapped a few times before showing me the screen.

"You had a lot of big secrets hidden in your phone, A-ya-no-ko-ji Kun." She said it at last.

My phone showed all of my last month's chats with Shiro. 

We talked about numerous things last month that are hard to mention all but most of them were related to the school system, our daily lives and some information about the hidden details and rules of the school which will be revealed afterwards.

The only thing I am glad for right now is that whenever I and Shiro chatted we only used pronouns and never used our names in our conversations. So it is highly unlikely for her to know who the other person is.

Taking my silence as a signal. She continued, "You knew about the S-system from the first day? Don't you?" She said amused like this situation was entertaining for her. 

It was the opposite reaction from what I expected.

Before I say anything I wanted to do something.

I moved towards the window where there was a camera placed, lens facing towards the room and picked it up.

Karuizawa didn't change her expression and continued to gaze at me with her smug look.

'As expected it was recording. I wonder why she placed it so open to be noticed instantly?'

I was going to turn it off but before that, Karuizawa's words stopped me.

"You turn the recording off and your secret won't be a secret anymore." Those are some big threats to me.

Karuizawa continued, " I would have never put it in so open if I didn't want you to know. I placed it there because I wanted you to know I am going to record everything and you can do nothing."

Feeling helpless, I returned the camera to its original position.

"So why aren't you telling it to everyone?" I inquired.

"Well..." Karuizawa acted like she was thinking, "Because I don't want to. For now."

"What do you mean by that that?"

'She wants something from me.'

"Come on... Don't be so hasty and let me have my fun. Hehe~ " Karuizawa said with a childish giggle in the end.

"I will choose if I will say it or not on your worth."

"On my worth?" I asked what she meant by that.

"Answer my every question honestly and we will find out." 

The interrogation started. Certainly, I don't like this.

"So, how did you know about the S-system from the start?" She asked.

I think I can't dodge this question.

"I knew someone who graduated from this school. I think it explains it all. About me not giving this information to my class? The person who told me this warned me to not reveal anything before March 1 to help my class or it might get me expelled." I lied.

"Is that so?" she stared at me before continuing, "Reasonable enough." She ended.

"The other guy in your chats has made a lot of claims about your abilities and how both of you are superior to everyone in this school."

"And?" I said apathetically.

"...And? hehe~. I just only want to know if they are true or not. Are they? Or are they not?"

"What if the chats were just a joke and I am nowhere near to what I have been described as?" I asked as a joke.

Her smirk grew wider before replying. 

If expressions could talk, her's would be saying, "Oh, you want to play? Let's play."

"If that is true then I have no reason to hide your secrets from our classmates anymore." She replied.

"Sigh... I don't know what might you have imagined from those chats but all of them are true in the simplest manner." There is no meaning to lie when your neck is on the guillotine.

"Can you prove it?" 

"Anything that won't attract the attention of others."

"... I will believe you for now but what is with not attracting attention?"

"I just don't like it." I made myself clear on this.

"Okay, I will not pry any further on this." Hopefully, she stopped too.

"If everything I read about your abilities is true then can you help me?" Her expression got a little serious from that playfulness.

"I can't say for sure until I know what you need help with," I replied.

"I will tell you - I will tell you. Before that, I want to know your opinion on... Bullying.

That was a big pause. It doesn't feel like she wanted me to focus on her next words but rather she was organizing herself to say it.

'A past trauma maybe?'

I gave some thought before speaking.

"Ideally speaking-" 

"I want to know your honest opinion. Please." She cut me off mid-sentence.

'Does it really matter to her this much?'

"Honestly, I never gave it a serious thought before. I won't try to stop if someone is getting bullied. It has nothing to do with me."

"Then, what if you are the one who started getting bullied?"

"Just like how I was by you for the past month?" I countered.

Bullying can be done even for a reason that doesn't make any sense like the person who is bullying you not liking your presence. However, I was curious why Karuizawa had been trying to bully me for the past month.

"Ah-!! No, I-I wasn't trying to bully you." She raised her head and said quickly.

"Your words and actions don't match Karuizawa."

"No, I-I was actually trying to divert the attention of bullies towards you." She replied.

"I don't see any reason for you to do something like this to me. So why?"

"Well loners like you are generally a good target for bullies so I thought I should divert their attention on people like you as fast as possible."

'It hurts to be called a loner on the face you know. But I have got 2 friends, Akito and Koenji. I wonder if me and Koenji are really friends or not?'

"Like me? Were there more you were targeting?" I inquired further.

"Um... there is a girl named Sakura and I think she is more likely to be get bullied. "

"I see. Then why are you doing this?"

"You didn't answer me yet." She said meaning that was a serious question which would determine the path of our conversation.

"The answer is simple. I won't get bullied." I said.


"Getting bullied and not retaliating is the fault of the victim. Not having the necessary ability to stop the bullies is their fault too. They should fight to the very end and if they can't do it anymore then they should just accept their fate and continue living with it or just end everything. There is nothing more to it." I will be called insensitive for saying this but this is the truth.

"There is also an option to leave everything behind and start a new life elsewhere but who can guarantee that they will not get bullied again? A victim will attract bullies no matter what or will always be a victim of one thing or another. You can consider yourself lucky if you can lead a normal life  but until you change yourself nothing is going to change." I ended.

Silence. Seconds turned into minutes but there was no reply from Karuizawa. She only looked down at the floor.

"I was bullied." The silence broke after 8 minutes as she continued. "From the time I was in Primary school to the end of my middle school, I was bullied every single day of my life."

Tears started to fall down her eyes.

"But-but I don't want to end it and die. I-I can't fight but I want to live."

Comforting her here might be beneficial for me but I decided not to.

Watching her like this I remembered something from the past but ignored the thought in an instant as it is irrelevant and there was no merit in remembering the past.

"When I got admitted to this school far away from my home. I decided to change my life entirely and to never get bullied again."

"So you thought giving the bullies a target before they can even target you and acting like a haughty will save you?" I asked.

She only nodded in response.

"So why are you telling this to me? On a side note, I don't think any of our classmates are interested in bullying anyone." I said.

"Only for now. Bullying won't start from the first day but will eventually later when they start to dislike someone. I can say this with my years of experience and the nature of the girls in our class matches with those who bullied me in the past." She looked sad while saying, "I just don't want that someone to be me at any cost."

She didn't reply to my first question.

"Why am I telling you about this? You want to know that right?"

I only nodded.

"The thing is what I originally planned was to get help from the guy who will be the most popular in class or who seems trustworthy by asking to be in a fake relationship."

"Then don't you think Hirata will be the most optimal choice? I think he fits in both of your conditions properly."

"About that, yeah, I was going to ask Hirata-Kun for help but... before that, you remember Kijima-Kun right?"

Kijima? It is surprising to hear his name here. 

'Wait! Was she having second thoughts on who to choose between Hirata and Kijima?'

"What about Kijima?" I asked. Curious to know why he is mentioned.

"After the second week of school ended I was going to ask Hirata-Kun for help. I was anxious that if I didn't make a move as soon as possible then someone else might confess to him and if he accepted their feelings then I would be in a tough spot." Karuizawa explained.


"On 16 of the past month, I got confronted by Kijima-Kun in a convenience store."

"I never had thought that it would turn all of my plans upside-down...

*Backstory-kun time*

[16 April Convenience Store]

Karuizawa PoV:-

After I parted with my friends from Pallet Cafe I made my way to the convenience store to buy something before going to my dorm room.

I was searching for the stuff I needed when I came across Kijima-Kun from my class.

We are not friends but we do greet each other in school now and then. It would be a good thing if I maintained a good relationship with the guys who hang out around Hirata-Kun.

"Good evening Kijima-Kun." I said cheerfully.

"Good evening." He replied.

'What is with that half-hearted reply?'

"What are you looking for Kijima-Kun?" I asked trying to initiate a conversation.

"Nothing, just some daily necessities." Reflexively my gaze fell on his shopping basket. It was filled with dark chocolates, biscuits and soda.

I was surprised and shocked at the same time that he meant this by 'daily necessities'.

"Ah, um... please don't look at my stuff. I am feeling embarrassed for some reason." 

I think he noticed me looking at his shopping basket.

"Haha, don't worry everyone likes something to eat that they want to have every day. Don't be embarrassed for it." I said.

"I will be going then," I said as I didn't think there was any more need to stay here.

"Karuizawa-San." Before I could go Kijima-Kun stopped me.


"If you won't mind. Can you spare me some of your time?" 

I never had a proper conversation with Kijima-Kun before so it was a bit surprising for him to ask me like that.

"Sure," I replied without hesitation.

After exiting the store we stop by to a vending machine near an alley.

"Would you like to have something?" Kijima-Kun asked.

It will be out of consideration as he was the one who asked me to talk.

"I am returning from the cafe so I am fine." I declined.

"Is that so?" He said before taking a soda for him.

It is a little rude but I will let it pass.

"So what was it that Kijima-Kun wanted to talk with me about so urgently?" I asked.

"Hmm... That. I will keep it short and blunt Karuizawa-San." He said.


"I want you to keep your distance from Hirata from now on." He said. 

I don't know what he meant by that so it took me time to process my thoughts.

"Huh?" I responded, unable to make sense of what he said.

"The way you are clinging to Hitata every time and everywhere. Stop it now."Kijima-Kun said.

"Wh-What are you saying? I-I am not clinging to Hirata-Kun anyway. What if I am trying to get close to Hirata-Kun? It is not uncommon for anyone to know more about someone and I just think Hirata-Kun and I can be good friends." I replied. 

"Unlike any other girls, I observed who were trying to get close to Hirata. You were the only one whose behaviour was unnatural. More like you were desperate to get close to Hirata." What is he trying to get on?

"Anyway, what even matters to you about who I am trying to befriend? I am going now, it was a mistake to talk with someone like you. Don't talk to me from now on I will tell this to our clas-"

"You were bullied right?" Kijima-Kun cut me off mid-sentence and those words made me stop dead in my tracks.

I can't think of anything calmly anymore.

The only thing that was in my head was 'How did he know?'

No, I have to stay calm and act fast or he will be sure of it.

"What are you-" 

"Oh, so I was right on the spot." Once again he cut me off.

I don't know what to say anymore.

"You were trying to get close to Hirata so that you can gather a good social standing so that you won't be bullied in the future, right?" He inquired.

I didn't reply. I was too stunned to say anything. It felt like even just opening my mouth would be giving information to this guy.

'He is terrifying.'

"I will take that as a yes then." 

"I don't think someone like Hirata will ask you out. But, Hirata is a good guy. Don't you think so too Karuizawa?" He asked me.

"Huh? Ah..., yes." It came as unexpected as why he was asking me that so I made a surprised noise but the chilling feel inside of me grew even more.

"I don't think he will deny your request if you tell him about how you were bullied in the past and more likely he will go out of his way to help you, considering how he is." He read through me like I was an open book.

A new place that I thought I could start a new life is starting to ruin right in front of my eyes.

"H-How do you know all of this? Do you know me somewhere from before?" I build up the courage to ask him this much.

"How you ask?" He tilted his face.  "It is written on your face so it was not hard to guess."

"What do you want for not telling this to anyone?" I asked. This was most likely some favours he wanted from me.

"What can you give?" He fired that question back at me asking 'what I could provide?'

To protect my secret I need to do anything.


"Choose your words carefully Karuizawa. The word 'anything' is very dangerous and I doubt you will be able to do anything."

I don't have any choice here. 


"Forget it." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"You don't need to do anything. Just don't get close to Hirata from now on."

"It means you are not going to reveal my secret to anyone until I keep my distance from Hirata-Kun right?"

"That is the term." I felt relieved after hearing that.

"I will be going then," Kijima-Kun said before turning.

"Umm... Thank you. Thanks that you are not-"

 "Unnecessary. Your thanks means nothing to me. I only did this because Hirata was the first person I became friends with after entering this school. If he ended up in a fake relationship with you then what about his love life? I am just worried about my friend. Nothing more nothing less."

"And about you? I couldn't care less. You are useless to me, I can dispose of you anytime if I find your presence annoying, So hold your words of appreciation for now Karuizawa and pray that it never happens in the future."

And with that, Kijima-Kun left.

*Backstory-Kun ends*


[Back to Karuizawa's Room, 1st May]

Kiyo PoV:-

"So that's what happened."

Karuizawa explained her encounter with Kijima to me.

Honestly, I am surprised about how Kijima even found out about her past.

"At first I was trying to be on good terms with everyone but after what happened today, I am scared," Karuizawa said.

"The position we are in now and the way other class looks at us. We are most likely to be mistreated and about how Kijima-Kun described the S-system today, I am scared that not only by other classes I will become a subject of bullying in our class too." She ended with her hands covering her face trying to stop her tears.

I internally sighed at her situation.

'How troublesome.'

The problem of getting bullied is secondary to her. The major threat to her now is Kijima who can sell her out anytime for his benefit. Talk about ridicoluseness.

"Yeah, I am sorry I am forcing you to help me but..."

"From now on do as I say if you don't want me to reveal your secrets."

It is annoying. To be forced to act on someone else will, I don't like it.

Karuizawa stood up from her position and walked towards the Kitchen. I think her throat must be dried from how much she had talked.

I broke my long silence to warn Karuizawa about whom she is toying with.

"Karuizawa, you will regret trying to use me."

Karuizawa stopped in her tracks and didn't reply for a moment. 

"I wonder if I will regret not using you even more." She replied in a calm and cold voice.

The words that came out of her mouth were not in the heat of the moment but were carefully said after a long thought.

-Chapter End.

Word Count:- 4.9k/4922 words


A.N.:- Hey guys your favourite Author here. This chapter is longer than usual but I guess this is worth it.

Oh did you guys know I hit 1450 rating in chess? Tell me your rating if you play.

Now, on the fic. So yeah I think now you understand why I didn't make Karuizawa date Hirata. Some of you might wonder how Kiyo can be this careless but I had that a little in my mind so I will drop a SS of Kiyo next.

Another question:- What about Horikita? Who will help her grow?
:- Kijima will be the one who will help her grow and Kiyo will be in the background most of the time doing other things.

It will be interesting to write what will happen next when Tsukishiro starts to suspect Kiyo's involvement in special exams because of Karuizawa. Hope you are interested to find out.

Another thing. Shiro is on the side of Kiyo and will be doing stuff independently so don't expect him to snitch on Kiyo to Tsukishiro. Shiro is past the stage of envying Kiyo.

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