Dinosaur King: Retold

By DinoDaniel2019

986 13 20

One boy gets lost through time and wound up in a destined fate that connects him more than he relies. Togethe... More

Protagonist Bio
Chapter 2: Spinosaruas Attack
Chapter 3: Trembling
Chapter 4: Jungle Rumble
Chapter 5: Battle on the Wall
Chapter 6: Caring Mother
Chapter 7: A Strange Game Show Host
Chapter 8: Stormy Season in Hawaii
Chapter 9: Everything needs sleep

Chapter 1: The Mission Begins

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By DinoDaniel2019

Millions of years ago.

A silver ship was moving through time and space, all the way back to Prehistoric times. On the ship was a unique source of power. It was rare and was a one of a kind thing.

There were many stones. All arranged in a circle. Two silhouettes were in front of a screen that detailed multiple prehistoric species.

As they discussed this, an alarm went off that said for the two people to return to their cryo sleep. They did so and that came out of their long travel and in front of a younger Earth.

Immediately the ship hovered over the planet which was during the Cretaceous period. Many dinosaurs were viewed in plain biomes or deserts. Creatures like Velociraptor, T.rex, Spinosaurus, and Parasaurolophus out of many dinosaurs.

As they went down by some Edmontosaruas some laughter from a baby was heard. In one of the cryo pods was a small baby who had short black hair and bright orange eyes. His skin was a healthy white.

While there were others on the ship, these people were a family who specialized in using the stones' power to turn the dinosaurs and other animals into Dino cards.

The creatures would be inhibited with elemental powers that were beyond other humans' wildest dreams.

They would spend many years going through time periods and saving the creatures as immortal beasts in cards. As the baby grew into an young teen he fell in love with the dinosaurs but always wondered how they felt being kept alive for their whole lives without being able to die.

The boy was feeding some grass to some gallimimus. His parents approached him with a box. He turned to them as did the feathered dinosaur.

"Hey mom, hey dad." The boy said to them.

"Hi, son." His mom said to him,

"Hey kiddo, how's your birthday going?" His dad asked.

"Great." He answered.

"Nice, we got you something." His dad told him and handed him a present, the box.

"Open it up." His mom told him eagerly.

He did and he pulled out a necklace with an extra stone.

"Wow, thanks." The boy said and hugged his mom and dad.

"This was newly made, just for you." His mom told him.

"Put it on." His dad told him.

The boy put the necklace on and immediately he heard an extra voice. "So we will be migrating soon right?" The voice asked.

"Yes, as soon as the mammal stops giving us food and returns to his den." Another voice said.

"What are they saying?" His dad asked.

The boy smiled and turned to see the gallimimus turning toward him. "I can hear them talking about migration." The boy said.

"The mammal can hear us?" One of them squawked in surprise.

The boy smiled and nodded. "Happy birthday son." Both his parents said.

The boy was hugged by his parents and soon they left to head into the ship. The gallimimus migrated like they planned on.

The boy looked down below through the window and held his necklace. They were about to make a jump through time again so they were all going into cryo sleep again.

They began to leave when two figures woke up and tried to snatch the other baby and send the second parents aboard off into space.

The boy was still awake and pushed the door open and charged at the two of them. He was too late as the parents were sent through.

The boy tried to grab the boy but failed to do so. He was pushed back by the younger and taller man. He had a long trench coat and spiky hair with some weird red marks on his face. His name was Seth.

Seth picked up the boy and threw him into time and space along with his parents but sadly they were separated from each other.

As he flew his stone glowed and he was brought out of time and space travel and into a non prehistoric time and not in his home time. As he fell down through the sky his stone had a shield around him and when he crashed the necklace fell off and he fell into unconsciousness.


What I saw last night seemed as rare as anything space related in our quiet little town but yet I knew what I saw. I was up last night reading about dinosaurs when I saw a streak of light crash into the woods with a loud bang. No one else noticed somehow.

That led me to where I am now, walking through the forest with my two friends Rex, my friend that was like my brother since he stayed with us a lot while his dad was busy, and Zoe, our friend who would help examine animals and her sister helping our research.

"Max, are you sure about that meteor?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, even if there was one then why are we heading toward it?" Rex asked.

"Because we're the D team and D stands for discovery." I said.

"D also stands for danger." Rex pointed out.

"Hey, what's that?" Zoe asked.

I looked at where she was referring to and saw something strange. A guy was on the ground. A necklace by his hand and he had some black scratch marks on him.

We rushed over to the person who was just about our age. Zoe kneeled down and tried shaking him awake. Rex checked for a pulse and the boy's eyes flashed open.


My eyes opened up and I saw a girl looking down onto me. She had pink hair and pink glasses. Her clothing involved a pack, a top with a jacket-like extension with it, her stomach was visible and she had some shorts on.

The person to my left had their hand in on my chest to feel my pulse as I was in pain and had scorch marks. I also didn't know where my parents were. The boy had mainly blue clothing and blonde hair with a necklace with a gaunt tooth.

Another boy that was to my side had red and orange clothing and a visor with horns and brown hair was watching over me. Beside my hand was my necklace and I quickly grabbed it.

"Hey, are you okay?" The blonde haired kid asked.

"What are you doing out here?" The girl asked as she helped me up.

"Yes, thanks." I said and stood up and put my necklace back on.

"Who are you?" The boy in red asked.

"My name is Drako, I am from..." I said and thought for a second. One of the places I heard of in Japan's region which seemed to be this type of environment was Ginza. "Ginza." I finished.

"What are you doing so far away?" The blonde hair kid asked.

"I moved here, and recently burned myself. Went out to take a nap. Sorry if I alarmed you guys." I told them, too bad I was lying but they wouldn't believe me anyways.

"It's no problem, we're looking for a meteor. I'm Max, that's Rex, and that's Zoe." The kid in red introduced.

The blonde haired kid was Rex and the girl was Zoe. Off in this distance was a trail of cut trees. They weren't looking for a meteor, they were looking for a Dino Card.

"Let's find the meteor. Hope you don't mind me staying around, my parents are away and I could use a place to stay since my home is being worked on." I told them.

"Sure, you can stay with us." Max said and we followed the trail to a tree with a hole in it. Inside was a stone and two cards, two stones also laid in the grass.

"These look like your stone on your necklace." Rex pointed out as he held up his stone, the one with the air symbol. Zoe had the plant one while Max had the lighting. I could only guess where the fire, earth, water, and light stones were. What I had was snow.

As we all held the stones they glowed and so did we. We heard voices call out for help. The dinosaurs wanted help.

Max held his card up and moved it over the rock. Out came a fully grown triceratops. He was yellow with some orange on his frill.

"No. Keep me away from the meteor. Wait, I'm alive. Drako, is that you?" The triceratops asked.

I nodded and looked at the other humans. The triceratops looked at them before Max turned him back into a card, freaking out.

Soon he tried again and the triceratops was now a baby. "Woah, cool." Max told us.

The baby instantly leaped up and chomped onto Max's face. Zoe and Rex chuckled at that. I picked the baby up and held him. "I didn't know you'd look like this." I told him in a whisper.

"I didn't know either." The baby said in a softer voice.

The triceratops began to lick at my face which made me laugh and I had to put him down. The triceratops then moved over to a white rock and dug it out and it turned out to be an egg. "Woah." Zoe said.

I picked it up and opened it to reveal two cards. They were snow types, the creature being a Dire Wolf. I smiled at that and slashed the card against my stone and out came the full size Dire Wolf.

"Are you crazy?" Max asked as he backed away. The giant wolf was grey and had blue eyes. He sat down.

"He's friendly. These are our friends." I told him as I pat atop the wolf's head. "Isn't that right, Alpha?" I asked the wolf with his new name. He nodded and licked at my face. It turned him back into a card and then into a pup.

"Alpha?" Rex asked.

"Yeah, Alpha. I thought it would be a nice name for him." I said.

"Okay." Rex said and we headed toward Max's house.

It was a nice house with trimmed hedges and yellow wood with black shingles. The windows looked blue as light reflected off them. "Nice place." I told them.

"Thanks." Max said and went over to his dad who had spiky brown hair and all the gear of a cowboy. His dad looked over at the baby animals and moved over.

"Hello, I am Dr. Spike Taylor. You can stay with us, are those actually prehistoric animals?" He asked.

"Yes sir. Triceratops and Dire Wolf. Thanks by the way." I told him.

Spike moved back as Max showed him the fully grown version of the triceratops.

"We have to keep this a secret, especially from mom." Spike said to us. We nodded. Max turned the triceratops back to normal.

"Well at least Chomp won't seem that unusual in his behavior." Max told his dad.

"Chomp?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, it's because he likes to bite me, and other stuff, a lot." Max explained. After that we went inside and cleared things up with his mother who thought these were dogs. She lended be a guest roof thankfully and I set up everything.

I grabbed a piece of paper and drew out the stones which were more powerful. Marking up cards and such. The order from weakest to strongest went as follows. Grass, water, earth, air, snow, fire, lighting, and light. There was one element that had been experienced with once and was vowed to never be tampered with again, the dark element.

They had two cards so far so that was good. Max and the other two opened the door. "Hey, we're going to see my sister, she will be able to help with this stuff." Zoe said.

"Alright." I said and we departed toward the lab. Outside was a giant blue triceratops head and blue plesiosaur looking like that were swimming.

I was pretty impressed by it all, especially when I saw the fossils when I went inside. There were all sorts of skeletons everywhere.

As I walked through the place I saw Zoe talking with her sister. She had a white lab coat and blonde hair with glasses on. She was much older than Zoe as well.

She turned around in her chair and everyone began to explain what this stuff was. The sister was named Reece, and she took the news quite calmly. "Well this wasn't my planned weekend, let me do some research." Reece said and they handed their stones over.

I kept mine. I knew what to do with mine anyways. "I'll just keep mine until you find out what to do with them." I said and went outside.

"Hey, want to go take a look around?" Max asked.

"Sure." I replied.

We went to the town area of the place. It was nice and spacious with many floral decorations. A nice ocean view as well. "Time to get that card." A voice said.

I looked over to the sea and saw a shadow. "What is that?" People asked.

"It's something in the water, it looks like a T.rex." Rex said.

That was weird since I would never expect T.rex to swim like a crocodile but it didn't matter. People began to run away when I got Alpha ready to go big.

The Rex jumped out and roared aggressively at us. He was bright red with yellow stripes. "Time for that card." He snarled. He was clearly a fire type.

"Hey, down here." I waved my arms about.

"Human, you seem familiar." The tyrant king snarled.

"Drako, what are you doing?" Zoe asked.

"I'll be fine, get out of here." I told them.

"No, we aren't leaving you." Rex said, determined.

"Nice friends." The Rex said and swung his tail toward them.

I slashed my card against the rock and out came Alpha with a white glow. Alpha snarled and leapt at the Rex's back.

"Ahh, get off!" The Rex said as he tried to bite off Alpha.

"Not a chance." Alpha growled through his teeth as he held on.

"You're not doing this alone, right Chomp?" Max asked and summoned Chomp in his adult form with a new device that held his stone.

Chomp roared out and ran over to help Alpha. The Rex snarled and shook Alpha off and stepped onto Chomp's frill which pushed him down.

"You again." Chomp growled.

"Yes, not even a 65 million year break can stop our battle." The Rex roared and bit onto Chomp's horn and moved him back.

"Alpha, use Howling Blizzard." I said and slashed my move card. Alpha sat down and howled into the sky as a blizzard rushed in and forced the T.rex away.

"You'll regret that, human." The Rex said and shot his fire move toward me. A ball of volcanic-like magma moved toward me.

Alpha leaped in and took the hit. The downside was that he was injured now, very. I kneeled down beside him. "You did good." I told him as he turned back into a card, he'd get stronger later though.

"Chomp, use Lighting Strike." Max said as he used his move card. Chomp glowed his frill and lighting shot down onto him and he shot his beam of plasma into the red tyrant which sent him flying back into the water.

"This isn't over." The Rex said as he shot one last ball of fire at Chomp before some humans called him back. The same humans from my ship.

A girl with green hair and in a scarlet dress, a skinny man with black hair and classes, and a round man with brown hair. Ursula, Zander, and Ed.

They collected their cards and retreated. "Who were those guys?" Zoe asked.

"Beats me." Rex said and we went home and talked over this. Once we got back Rex and Zoe got their Dino holders and we each got voices from different dinosaurs asking for our help.

"Seems like we got work to do." I said.

"Yeah. We better get some sleep though." Zoe said and yawned. We all headed off to bed.

(Sorry these are short, I have to start getting a good handle with the story and writing overall, see you in the next chapter!)

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