By RYUK20221

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There is an ancient prophecy shared amongst the kingdoms of chikyuu - 2,000 years after their fall, the earth... More



1.4K 20 39
By RYUK20221

In the vestige world...

After Kudou dropped a shocking bombshell to our teen telling him that they're now in another world he begins to panic.

"W-W-W-W Wait... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE IN ANOTHER WORLD?!" Izuku asked in shocked hearing that they're in another world.

''It's like what leader just said, apparently we somehow got ourselves transfered to another world." Bruce stated.

"How is that even possible, more importantly how do we even get back to our world now?!" Izuku asked as he's now beginning to panic and having a hard time believing that he got trasnported to another world.

"Izuku kun, I know this is hard to believe but it's the truth so please try to take a deep breathe and calm down." Nana told him in a gentle tone before walking up to him trying to calm him down.



Izuku got cutoff when the Second user slapped him hard on the cheek to shut him up as our young teen hold his cheek in pain.

"Ow!" Izuku cried in pain before placing his hand on his right cheek.

"What was that for?"

''To shut you up of course, now calm down, stop panicking like a fool, and let us explain the situation... understood?" Kudou ordered with a stern tone as Izuku followed his intruction by taking a deep breath and breathes out to calm himself down as he's now calm.

"Ok, alright i'm calm." Izuku told them as Kudou nodded and walk back to his chair.

"Now, that you're calm... what question would you like for us to answer?" Hikage asked.

"I'l start with something simple, like how in the world did we get transported to another world?" Izuku asked as Yoichi then stood up from his seat and walked over to Izuku to answer his question.

"Well... to answer that question let's go back a few days ago before we entered this world." Yoichi said before raising his arm up to project a screen in front of Izuku to watch how he get transported to another world.

Video starts

"I can't stop!''

"My body's moving on it's own!"

''We can't control what we're doing!"

The screaming of the civilians panicked as they could not break free from the dictator's control and began piling on Deku as he fell to the ground, with all of the controlled civilians on top of him not letting him move or escape.

'It's ok... I understand... i'll free you from his quirk...' He mentally reassured looking at the controlled citizens with his eyes all blurry and tired. 'Everything will be alright... i'm figuring it out now... Now...' he finished and closed his eyes in exhaustion then passed out until a few seconds later...


6 colorful lights starts to surround his entire body as his body glows brightly causing the controlled civilians and Dictator to be blinded by the light. Then as the light begins to fade away Izuku suddenly dissapeared on sight escaping the pile of civilians then lands on a pile of snow.

Video ends.

"Wait, that's it?" Izuku asked in confusion seeing that the video ends right there.

"I'm sorry Ninth, wish we could show you more, but this is all we can get." Yoichi apologized before lowering his hand turning off the projection screen.

"So... what do I do now?" Izuku questioned on what he should do next despite being trapped in another world.

"For the time being, you must gather information on what kind of world we got sent here and to do that. I suggest that you should ask them for answers?" Bruce suggested.


''You know, those colorful armored guys you fought back at the forest, they manage to bring you back to that giant flower castle by the way, so maybe asking them can give us the answers we need." Banjo explained as Izuku was confused on who he means at first, until he realized he meant the people he fought back at the forest who tried to convince him to come back to the castle to rest.

"Yeah, so when you wake up you might gonna ask them some questions about who they are and what kind of world we're currently in right now." En said as Izuku replied with a nod. Just then his body starts to dissapear slowly as his time in the vestige world is almost up.

"Looks like time is up kid, so you might gonna go and wake up now, cause i'm pretty sure those guys who brought you back deserves questions and answers about you too." Banjo stated.

"I guess, you're right. Thank you all." Izuku appreciate with gratitude and bows at the predecessors.

''You're welcome Izuku and remember, we'll always be right by your side." Nana reminded him as Izuku nods then disappears from the mindscape.

"It seems like the fate on stopping 'All for One', has change it's course." Hikage stated.

''Although, I never would've imagined that transporting to another world would actually exist... I thought this kind of things only happens in anime shows, wasn't expecting to become a reality though." En stated.

"Agree... honestly, just who in the heck sent us and the kid to another world anyway." Banjo wondered in irritated and when he finds out the person who sent them, he would have a nice chat with him/her.

"I do not know, but whoever it is, must have a good reason why someone or something sent us here." Yoichi said before looking up at the Vestige sky.

In the outside world...

While Izuku was still asleep, Gira and the rulers were watching a broadcast video that Yanma had just shown them about the world of our young teen lives. They were utterly horrified and shocked by what they had just witnessed. A widespread panic in which people were fleeing their lives from those brainless monsters that were wreaking havoc on the city.

"Ok, can anyone hear me in the studio I'm reporting to you live in Jaku city where the Heroes are engaging in battle against the 'Liberation army', the ones that were causing the riots throughout the city you see here now are none other than the 'Nomus' themselves, destroying everything and killing anyone in sight.” She continued as civilian were shown screaming in terror from the background. “The city is now in a brink of destruction, and there is no end to this riot.” She finished as an explosion went off in a nearby building and the copter barely avoided.






They were silent watching this broadcasts seeing the state of our young teen's country and chaos throughout the city.

"What... Is this?" Gira muttered in shock breaking the silence.

“So much destruction.” Kaguragi said in shocked seeing this many destruction by those 'Nomu' creatures.

“So many lives lost.” Himeno said, before covering her mouth in terror seeing the deaths of his world.

“This level of destruction is far worse than what the 'Bugnaroks' cause to our country." Rita said in a grim tone then looked back to our young teen who is still sleeping staring at him in pity. Gira's blood boiled in anger and clenched his fist seeing what those brainless monsters did to his country as to whoever is the mastermind to all this destruction will pay.

"Indeed... but what are those creatures that are wreaking havoc into his homeland?" Kaguragi asked in curiousness as he never seen such a creature before.

"According to this, those brainless freaks you saw are called 'Nomus' a powerful monsters that were created in the lab from death corpses of human bodies." Yanma explained opening up pictures of Nomus on screen shocking them even more.


"Yep... these things were actually humans, but were drastically altered into this in order for them to hold multiple abilities making them stronger, so no one can defeat it." Yanma explained.

"They were created using death corpses of human beings... how disgusting." Himeno said in disgust.

"Those bastards... what kind of person... no, what kind of monster would do such a thing as turning innocent people who once died into THIS... Anyone who tries to tamper with death to create this monstrocity is beyond forgiving!" Gira shouted in fury as he never felt so much anger after watching the video Yanma showed to them and hearing that those 'Nomus' are made from people who once died then turn them into monsters.

"Yeah, they must be sick in the head to create these freaks, but here's the guy who made them and the boss who turned his city into chaos." Yanma ordered before typing something on his computer as he showed a picture of a fat old doctor with glasses and a man with hands all over his entire body. "The one who created those freaks was this fat slack jawed tanuki name 'Gyudai Garaki' a doctor who works at a hospital." Yanma informed pointing a picture of the one who created the Nomus.

"He's the one who created those horrid monsters and he's a doctor. This man doesn't deserve to call himself a doctor for using deceased patients to create something so hideous." Himeno said in anger as she is right that this man doesn't deserve to be called a doctor.

"Indeed, but who is the other one beside his picture?" Kaguragi wondered looking at the strange picture of a man with hands all over his body.

"Don't worry about the doctor, he's already captured by the way, but the ugly slack jawed tanuki with the hands all over his body and face is the boss who did all this." Yanma replied as Gira and the rulers take a look of the leader on his computer.

"This is the culprit who caused all the destruction to his kingdom?" Rita asked in a serious tone looking at the picture of the mastermind who caused the destruction to our young teen's country.

"Who is this man, he looks horrifying and ugly at the same time?!" Himeno asked in disgust seeing the picture of the man with hands all over his body.

"I know right, I mean look at this guy he has hands all over his body even on his face too... but yeah this guy is the boss who messed up his kingdom." Yanma told them as he remembered the first time he saw his picture he almost barfed seeing his ugly appearance of this hand guy.

"Hmmm, his skin is so dried out." Kaguragi said while rubbing his chin.

"What's this villain's name?" Gira asked while glaring in anger at the picture of the man who destroy our young's teen home.

"His name is-"


Just then Gira and the rulers were cut-off when they heard someone groaning and when they turn their heads to the direction of the noise they see our young teen is starting to wake up.

"Hey look, he's waking up." Gira pointed out as he quickly walked over to his bed.

"Oi, Octomush wait!" Yanma tried to stop him, but it was too late as he and Himeno followed the self proclaimed evil king from behind to check on our young teen. Izuku slowly opened both of his eyes finally waking up from his nap and when he raised his head a bit to see his surroundings the first thing he saw was a man with a streak of red hair and a red cape beside him.

"Are you ok?" Gira asked in concerned.

"Eh?" Izuku blinked twice in confusion as he was confused on who this guy is until...

"Ah, I mean... NAHAHAHAHA, I AM THE EVIL KING AND I SEE YOU HAVE FINALLY AWAKE FROM YOUR SLUMBER!" Gira announced with an evil grin on his face to scare our young teen as Izuku quickly back away a bit and raise his guard up.

"You brute, don't try scaring the young adolescent after waking up from his nap." Himeno scolded then walked past Gira and went over to Izuku. "How are you feeling, any dizziness or still any pain, let me have a look?" She asked and began checking his condition. "Hmm, pulse is normal (put her hand on his forehead) no fever... (pulls her hand off his forehead) ok, everything seems to be in check and normal now, so you should be fine, but you still need to continue your rest before you can go out running again." She informed our young teen while he was still confused about who these people were next to him on the side of his bed, as he still kept his guard up a bit. "It's alright; there's no need for you to fear us or be scared anymore; you're safe now." She reassured the young hero before holding onto his hand carressing it, causing him to blush, and quickly pulled his hand away from her as Himeno giggled from his bashfulness.

"Uhhh... I'm sorry, but who are you guys?" Izuku asked looking left and right seeing his surroundings.

"We're the guys who brought you back to bed, ya green-slack jawed tanuki!''

Izuku quickly turned around and was greeted by a man with a streak of blue hair, wearing a blue jacket, and a sword behind him.

"Yo!" Yanma greeted with a smirk towards the young hero.

"You're finally awake."

Izuku heard a different voice at that moment and looked forward to see the same woman he had saved back at Gokkan and a man dressed in a kimono outfit.

''Um... hello there... If I may ask, you said that you guys were the one who brought me back here right, does that mean you were those colorful armored people who chased me around through the forest and can someone please explain what exactly happened to me?" Izuku asked Gira and the rulers to explain what had happened to him.

"You are indeed correct that we are those colorful armored guys you spoke off and to explain what had happened to you... After you passed out, we finally managed to bring you back to 'Ishabana' to continue your recovery at my palace." Himeno explained to him as our young hero turned to face his left and gave her a perplexed expression.

"Your... palace?" Izuku said in a confused tone.

''Allow me to introduce myself, my name is 'Himeno Ran' the 'dazzling queen' who rules over this beautiful country." Himeno introduced herself to our young hero.

''Dazzling... queen... wait you're a queen?!" Izuku asked in shocked and Himeno nodded in response.

'This... is an unexpected surprise.' Hikage said this in surprise, before popping out with the other predecessors floating behind Izuku.

'I see, so she's in charge of this place, huh?' Kudou said raising a brow as he and the other predecessors were listening to their conversation.

'Not only that but she's a queen as well.' Bruce added.

'She's royalty?!' Nana, Banjo, and En shouted in shocked.

"That is correct, but it's not just me though." Himeno told him confusing Izuku even more.

''Wait, what are you talking about?" Izuku asked and was confused what she mean by that.

'There's more?' En said in shocked until a few seconds later...

"Hmph, NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." Gira started to laugh and caught our young hero and the predecessors attention turning his gaze towards him.

"It's my turn to introduce, my name is Gira... 'the evil king' 'GIRA', the man who will take over the world, NAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NAHAHAHA!" Gira introduced himself with an evil laugh.

"Evil king, wait... are you a villain?!" Izuku shouted in shock, but just then Yanma touched his shoulder behind him to call his attention as he turned his gaze towards him.

''Don't believe what he says, despite he keeps bragging about it, in real life he's actually helping people than being evil." Yanma told our young hero in an annoyed tone while glaring at Gira, who is still currently laughing.

"Ah, I see..." Izuku said in understandment.

'He's annoying, that's for sure...' Kudou stated starting to get annoyed by this self proclaimed evil king.

'If he's helping people, then why does he keep calling himself 'the evil king'?' Nana wondered.

'Well, whatever the reason, something about this one interests me, though... I can sense that this one has great power within him.' Yoichi told his fellow users staring at Gira in interest.

"Oh yeah, the name's Yanma by the way 'The Intelligent king' of 'N'kosopa' 'Yanma Gast', nice to meet you, ya green-slack jawed tanuki." Yanma greeted with a smirk.

"Tanuki... you mean me?" Izuku asked pointing to himself.

"Yes you, who else could it be?" Yanma replied.

''But i'm not a tanuki." Izuku argued in confusion.

"Like I care, ya green-slack jawed tanuki." Yanma spoke carelessly while our young hero look at him with a sweatdrop then move on to the next ruler who wants to introduce next.

'He reminds me of you Banjo senpai.' En told his predecessor next to him.

'What's that supposed to mean, if anything he reminds me of that pomeranian kid.' Banjo argued feeling offended by his successor.

"Greetings, Young Deku... I am 'the abundance lord' from the land of 'Tofu' 'Kaguragi Dybowski'!" Kaguragi introduced and strikes a pose.

'Pfft, for real...' Banjo suddenly appeared right behind Deku holding his laughter because of the silly name of country he ruled called 'Tofu'.

'His appearance reminds me of that Japanese ninja I used to read back when I was still alive, what was it again... ah yes 'Goemon'." Hikage realized looking at Kaguragi's appearance.

"I am 'Rita Kaniska', 'the chief justice' and 'the steadfast ruler of Gokkan'. A few days ago, you saved my life from the hands of Dethnarok, so I offer you my thanks for doing so." Rita said this in gratitude to our young hero.

'Hey kid, it's the same chick you saved back at that snowy place.' Banjo told our young teen as he remembered the same woman he rescued back at 'Gokkan' from that humanoid bloodworm.

'Yeah, you're right... i'm glad that she's ok.' Izuku said in relief then spoke ''Y-you're welcome, i'm just glad that I saved you, cause if hadn't that bloodworm villain would've killed you on that spot. My name' Midoriya by the way 'Midoriya Izuku', and my hero name is 'Deku' it's nice to meet you all." He introduced himself to the royals.

"We know... we might have looked into your stuff in that bag of yours while you were asleep, this yours?" Yanma asked before he walked up to his computer pulling out the cable from Izuku's phone then giving it back to our young teen who has a surprised look on his face.

"My phone!" Izuku said in surprised then took the phone back from his hand.

'"Really, that thing is called a 'phone'?" Yanma asked, raising an eyebrow.

''Um... yeah, what do you think this is called?" Izuku asked him back in confusion.

"We called that a 'hotline' here." Yanma replied.

"A what now?"

"Also, you have one weird obsession on having a lot of videos and photos about that blond buff man in a costume in there, huh?"

''Blond buff man, you mean All Might... yeah he's my idol and i'm his biggest fan, hm, hang on... DID YOU LOOKED INTO MY PHONE?!'' Izuku shouted in shocked before realizing that the inteligent king peeked into his phone seeing his privacy..

"Yeah, how else do I find information about you." Yanma blunty replied.

''How did you even get passed my lock screen?!" Izuku asked in shocked.

"Easy, I hacked it, duh..." Yanma explained.


"Oh relax, I only hack it to get passed your security to find out about you, I didn't break it or anything, so there's no need for you to panic like an idiot ya green-slack jawed tanuki." Yanma reassured our young teen as Izuku gave him a glare and was still concerned by the fact that this guy hacked his phone and looked into his privacy. Just then Rita came over to his side with a burned notebook in her hand.

"I believe this belongs to you?" Rita asked holding up the burned notebook as our young hero's eyes widened in surprised recognizing that book.

"My notebook... but why?" Izuku questioned on how the steadfast ruler have his notebook in her hand.

"I took the liberty on investigating it while you were asleep, and I am quite interested about this 'Quirk' you wrote in this burnt notebook of yours." Rita explained and started to flip through it a page at a time reading the abilites on each heroes he wrote in his notebook. "Were you self-taught or did someone taught you on how to become an analyst? She questioned.

"I was actually self-taught; whenever I watched heroes on any videos I could find online or saw them saving people on the streets, I had a habit to start researching them and write it down in my notebooks. I go into detail to learn about their quirks, strengths, abilities, weaknesses, even drawing them. It's basically just a hobby of mine, so it's nothing to be impressed with." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head slightly embarrassed about it.

"Nothing, hm... I say it's the opposite, you're gifted for having a good observation and analysis so don't even say that your talent are just nothing." Rita lightly scolded before closing his notebook and give his notebook back to him which our young teen accept it and got his notebook back from her.

"She's right you know, not to mention your drawing skills are perfect and beautiful as well, you could become a great artist if you keep it up." Himeno praised him for his artistic talent.

"Really, thanks I guess... hehehe." Izuku said in gratitude before realizing something. "Wait a second... they said that they're kings and queens from different countries, so if they're royalties then... AH, HAVE I BEEN RUDE TO A ROYAL AND TALK SO CASUALLY TO THEM THIS WHOLE TIME?!' Izuku become pale all of sudden as he realized that he's in the present of 5 rulers in different nation, he then quickly get off from his bed and bowed down to the royals as this caused them to get confused and surprised from his action.

''I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING RUDE TO YOU ALL BACK AT THE FOREST AND TALKING TO YOU SO CASUALLY LIKE THAT, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Izuku apologized before bowing in a dogeza style as Gira and the rulers were dumbfounded and surprised by his sudden display.

"Huh?" Rita was confused all of a sudden to why he's apologizing for something that he didn't do anything wrong.

"Pfft... HAHAHAHAHA!" Yanma threw his head back and began laughing by while slapping his thigh.

"Eh, hey there's no need to bow and apologize for something that you didn't do anything wrong, so please raised your head.''Gira reassured the young teen trying to help him up.

"Really, you're ok for me talking to you all so casually like this in front of you even though your royalty, I even said some rude things to you all as well?" Izuku asked in concerned.

"Of course, and if it's making you feel any better, we forgive you for saying all that stuff and sneak out trying to escape your recovery process, so next time don't do it ever again, okay?" Himeno told him before kneeling down to his level with a gentle smile on her face.

''Oh I see... if you said that it's ok, then I understand." Izuku said in relief.

"For an adolescent, he's one ammusing child to meet don't you agree Rita-dono?" Kaguragi asked, in amusement, the steadfast ruler next to him. She then closed her eyes and sighed, ignoring his words, then thrust her sword to the floor to get their attention.


"We're wasting time... now that he's finally awaken from his nap we can finally interrogate him... can you walk?" Rita asked before taking something out from her pocket.

"I guess, why?" Izuku replied in confusion on why she ask this question until suddenly...


"Eh?" Izuku raised his hands up seeing as he was suddenly handcuffed by the steadfast ruler herself he then turn his gaze towards Rita who is giving him a stern look on her face.

"Um, your majesty why are you handcuffing me?" Izuku asked in a confused tone to why he's handcuffed all of a sudden.

"So you won't escape again, you're coming with me to 'Gokkan' for interogation... let's go!" Rita ordered then began dragging him off the bed by the handcuff.

"Wait... WHAT?!?!" Izuku screamed in shocked while being dragged out of the Flopital castle by Rita.

"Hey, wait for us!'' Gira shouted as he and the other rulers followed them from behind.

1 hour later at 'Gokkan' in Ziburn castle...


As the sound of the sword thrusting on the floor rang, the chain benches that were hanging up on the ceiling suddenly raised a bit.

"We will now begin the interrogation of 'Midoriya Izuku'." Rita announced, standing on her throne, before thrusting her sword on the floor as Gira, Morfonia, and the rulers are now in the throne room together, sitting on the chained bench, watching Izuku from behind, who is now standing in the middle being interrogated.

"You are hereby telling us about yourself truthfully to whatever question I ask in this throneroom, understood? Rita ordered our young teen looking down towarss him from her throne.

"U-Understood your majesty, but before I do... can I perhaps ask some questions and if possible make a request?" Izuku asked, sweating anxiously and in a tense tone.

"What is it?" Rita questioned as Izuku raised his handcuffed hand up a bit.

"Can you please release these handcuffs now, I don't think it's necessary to cuffed someone that hasn't done anything wrong?" Izuku requested.

"No, and why should I released you from your cuffs, you'll probably run away again if I set you free." Rita stated.

''I won't, and even if I did tried to make a run for it. I don't even have the strength to escape, so I promised you that I won't run away, you have my words and I solemly swear to tell you everything about myself truthfully if you do." Izuku promised to the steadfast ruler as Rita, giving it some thought for a while to whether accept his request or not and finally made her decision.

''Morfonia... released his shackles." Rita ordered.

"Kay, kay." Morfonia obeyed with a cheery smile and pulled out a key to release his handcuffs, she then inserted it into the lock and turned it as the handcuffed were opened and our young teen is finally free from his shackles.

"Thank you, your majesty." Izuku said in gratitude before rubbing his wrist as Rita replied with a nod.

"Now... what are your questions do you wish to ask us?" Rita asked in stern tone.

"Well, to begin with... what was that giant robot I saw destroying those huge monsters back there, and who were those giant monsters that you guys fought, especially if I may ask, what are the countries that exist in this world because I never heard of a country called 'Ishabana', 'Shuggodam', or whatsoever? Can you possibly explain all this?" Izuku questioned, as they understood that the reason he asked these questions was because considering that he's from a different kingdom that never heard of, it's obvious that the people from his homeland has never heard about their nations, along with the 'Shugods' and 'Bugnaroks'. So Rita began answering them one by one.

"That giant robot you saw was the 'Legend King-ohger' that we combined using our 'Shugods' together. If you're wondering what a Shugod is, they're bug-type machine lifeforms powered by the 'Shugod Souls' who fight alongside us against our enemies, and they're also guardian deities who have been protecting 'Chikyuu' and humanity for ovee 2000 years." Rita explained.

"2000 years, and they're also deities who're still living till now!?" Izuku screamed in shocked.

"Not exactly, they were asleep for 2000 years after their first war against their enemies." Rita told our young teen.

"Eh, but if they were asleep for that long, then how are they even awake?" Izuku asked confusingly.

"They were awakened by the ruler of N'Kosopa himself, Yanma Gast." Rita informed then looked over to where Yanma is sitting.

"You're the one who awakened them?" Izuku asked in surprised before turning around staring at Yanma in amazed.

"Hmph, you got that right ya green-slack jawed tanuki, but not only that I awakened them, but I also created the 'Ohgercaliburs' so we could pilot our 'Shugods' and even 'Royal Raiment'." Yanma explained with a smirk.

"Royal... Raiment?" Izuku tilt his head in confusion.

"It's our transformation, ya green-slack jawed tanuki." Yanma replied.

"You know I have a name right?" Izuku reminded being called a tanuki a lot.

"Oh i'm sorry, then how about I call you Deku-slack jawed tanuki instead?" Yanma teased.


Izuku facepalmed himself for him changing his nickname to that then turn away looking back at Rita.

"Ok, now that I know what those colorful giant insects are, what about those giant monsters, who are they anyway?" Izuku asked, wondering what those giant monsters were as well.

"Remember when I said that we fight alongside our 'Shugods' against our enemies?" Rita reminded our young teen as he nodded remembering her explanation. "Well those are our enemies... 'The Bugnarok empire'."

''Bugna-what now?' Izuku said in confused.

'Did they seriously combined the word 'Bug' and 'Ragnarok' together?' En wondered in disbelief.

'I thought 'Tofu' kingdom was a ridiculous name in this world, but 'Bugnarok' really.' Banjo said while trying to contain his laughter that the name Bugnarok is even more silly.

'Quiet, let's hear more to what these 'Bugnaroks' are." Kudou reprimanded as the predecessors went silent continue listening to their conversation.

"They're the giant monsters you saw us destroying them." Yanma informed our young teen.

''You see, Young Deku, 'The Bugnarok empire', is an evil underground kingdom that tried to conquer the five kingdoms in 'Chikyuu' 2000 years ago, but was soon defeated." Kaguragi explained.

"If they were defeated... why are they back and who's the villain running their empire?" Izuku asked in curiousness.

"The answer is quite simple really, it's because of 'Revenge' that's why they're back, and as to who's the leader who leads 'the 'Bugnarok' empire', you just met him a few days ago." Rita informed our young teen with a surprised look on his face. ''And it's none other than the one you fought here in 'Gokkan', the leader of the 'Bugnarok' king himself... 'Dethnarok'." 

"Dethnarok... Wait, now that you mentioned it, that humanoid bloodworm said that his name was Dethnarok few days ago, he's the king of 'the Bugnarok empire'?!" Izuku yelled in shock.

"Yeah, and we were surprised to hear that you had the guts to make him leave ya green-slack jawed tanuki." Yanma said.

"Indeed, despite the fact that you're young, you were very brave to save Rita-dono from 'the Bugnarok king' and fought him all by yourself. Well done Young Deku!" Kaguragi praised our young teen with a proud smile.

'Oh crap, now that I realized, didn't that bloodworm villain say that he'd have his revenge when he meets the kid again?' Banjo realized.

'Yeah, there's no doubt that once they meet each other again, he'll kill him by strangling his neck for interfering, that's for sure.' En stated.

'Great job kid, you just pissed off an evil king and swore his revenge upon you.' Bruce praised our young teen who's sweatdropping nervously.

'Are you trying to praise him or are you trying to make him panic even more?!" Nana scolded.

'Oh shut up, you know i'm right... let's face it no matter where this kid goes on his journey he always make new enemies on the road, especially in another world." Bruce stated.

"Hey, can you tell us how you won against Dethnarok with that strange power of yours?" Gira asked in curiousness as he was interested to hear how this young teen fought against Dethnarok in battle.

"Me too, especially I also want to know how he get that power and those technologies he has." Yanma added.

"There's no need to be shy Izuku, you can tell us." Himeno reassured our young teen.

"Indeed, Young Deku will tell us your tale about your power and how you won against Dethnarok?" Kaguraki said very curiously wanting to know more about his power as well.

"Um well..."


Rita thrusted her sword to the floor calling to call their attention

"We'll ask how he received those powers later, you ask about what are the countries that exist in this world, correct?" Rita asked as our yong teen replied with a nod.

"Well for starters, there are 5 kingdoms in 'Chikyuu' and each and every one of those kingdom have different kind of specialty, The kingdom you're in now is called 'Gokkan'; it is known as the 'neutral kingdom of judgement', and the specialty of this kingdom is where we arrest international criminals for breaking the law or committing crimes from different kingdoms then prosecute them here, the next kingdom that we brought you to recover is known as 'Ishabana' a 'kingdom of health and beauty' their specialty is that they treat injured or sick patients with the best medicine and medical treatments in all of 'Chikyuu', next is 'N'kosopa', also known as the 'kingdom of technology'; their specialty is to steward all technological progress for the planet with their advanced technologies, for 'Tofu', it is known as the 'kingdom of bountiful harvest', and their specialty is their abundant food of resources, providing food not only to their own country but also to other countries as well, and last but not least, 'Shugoddam' is known as 'the strongest industrial kingdom', and their specialty is that they're the strongest country with developed industry and bow before it's guardian deity." Rita finished her explanaion about the 5 kingdoms in 'Chikyuu' to our young teen "These are the 5 kingdoms that exist in 'Chikyuu', but now... now that the 'Bugnaroks' are back with a vengeance, returning to finish where they had started. It's up to us Royals to protect our kingdoms and our people from their invasions." She said as our young teen and the other predecessors were in awe listening about this world.

'Ok so to review... we're in the world where, in medieval times, kings and queens protecting their kingdom from the mighty demon lord who lives underground.' Banjo analyzed.

'And that said Demon lord... was that humanoid bloodworm that the ninth just faced a few days ago.' Hikage added.

'You know what's weird about this world we got transported to... not because that some their kingdoms have weird names or anything, is the fact that this world is full of giant bugs, I mean did you see the size of those things while we were flying inside the cockpit of that giant purple butterfly's head, not only that but those 5 giant bug monsters as well we saw in the morning too?!' En stated.

'I agree, it is weird alright... plus they can combined into one giant robot as well." Nana agreed.

'And it was awesome as hell, haha... I wonder if they have wizards or hot elf in this world?' Banjo wondered hoping if this world have wizards or beautiful elf here.

'I highly doubt that... consider that this world is full of giant insects and humanoid bugs, if anything that should exist here is probably humanoid insects or a bug woman." Bruce told the 5th user of 'One for all' destroying his imagination.

'... why did you have to be buzzkill and ruin my imagination?' Banjo complained then began sulking on the floor.

"Wow, so you guys are like heroes protecting your own countries from villains, is that right?'' Izuku asked in amazed.

''You could say something like that." Himeno replied.

"Any other questions you would like to ask?" Rita asked.

"Um, no I think that's it your highness." Izuku replied.

"Good, now that we already answered your questions. We'll begin your interrogation immediately." Rita informed as Izuku looked up towards her staring down at him from her throne waiting for her questions. "What exactly are you, what is your birth, where do you born, and what were those abilties you just used back at the forest, especially the battle with Dethnarok?" She questioned our young teens question who is sweatdropping by her multiple questions and began answering one by one.

"Uhhh... Ahem*, T-To answer your questions i'm 100% human, I was born in the country called 'Japan', my birth is 'July 15 20XX', and the abilities you all saw back there were my quirks." Izuku explained while being nervous.

"This... 'Japan' you spoke of what sort of kingdom is it and how do your people acquired these 'Quirk' abilities?" Rita asked again as Izuku raised his hand rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, I'm not from a kingdom; I'm actually more from a monarcy with a system of civil law, and it's filled with many different kinds of heroes there. How people achieve their abilities it all started with a baby glowing in a city called 'Qing Qing City', then soon afterwards, more and more people with unique powers began to appear, slowly covering 80% of the population in my homeland to develop these unique abilities, which we now call them 'Quirks', and as time went on, most people used their quirks to help people become 'Heroes', while others used them for evil and became 'Villain." Izuku finished explaining about his home, as they were intrigued by what his country was about.

"Hmm... interesting, so 80% of your people are born with powers in your country, but what about the other 20%?" Rita asked in intrigued.

"Oh, well, for that other remaining 20% are people who aren't born with powers, which we called them 'Quirkless." Izuku answered.

“I see... does that mean you are part of that 80%?” Rita questioned our young teen.

“N-Not exactly... the thing is I was actually part of the 20%, which is one of the population that didn’t develop a Quirk.” Izuku replied shocking and confusing the people who are present in the throneroom.

“Hah, what the hell are you talking about ya green-slack jawed tanuki, back at the forest you fought us using those strange 'Quirk' of yours, so why the heck did you said that you're part of the 20% that didn't develop an ability, which you literally have?” Yanma asked in confusion.

"Yes indeed, if anything you should be in the 80%?" Kaguragi stated.

''Well, um you see..." Izuku said in a nervous as he was hesitant to tell before looking away 'Crap, what do I do now? I can't just tell them or anything. Should I explain the secret of 'One for All', can I trust them with this secret though?' He wondered as Yoichi pops out behind him whispering something into his ear.

'Ninth, is alright... if you think they are trustworthy to tell then go for it, remember it's your secret to carry now.' Yoichi reassured him.

'Are you sure?' Izuku gazes around in the throneroom, looking at the people who are trying to help. as he closed his eyes, then nodded, finally making up his mind. 'Alright.'

“You may be right, but the truth is... my 'Quirk' is kinda different from the others.” Izuku said with a sweatdrop before rubbing the back of his head looking down.

"Explain." Rita ordered.

“Remember that blond buff man in a costume you looked into my phone?" Izuku reminded the inteligent king behind him.

"Yeah, especially those weird merchandises of that guy as well in that bag of yours." Yanma remembered seeing those merchandises in our young teen's bag.

"My merchandises... you guys didn't break it or anything did you?!" Izuku asked in concerned.

"Relax, nothing happened to your weird collection of that guy, except for your food supply got taken away by that slack-jawed tanuki over there." Yanma told him then points at Kaguragi.

"And it was the most delicious food that I ever tasted. My apologies for taking it, Young Deku. I was curious about how those strange, mysterious foods in your country taste, so I had to investigate it for myself." Kaguragi apologized.

"I also apologized as well, as I too also had a sip of your delicious juice in a box." Himeno added.

"Well that explains why my food is gone in my bag..." Izuku said and finally understand why the food he brought with him is gone for some reason.

"But fear not, I shall make it up to you by giving you the best bountiful meal of your life from the land of 'Tofu'!'' Kaguragi offered with his arms wide opened .

"Um, thanks I guess your majesty." Izuku said in gratitude.


Rita thrusted her sword on the floor to call their attention.

"Silence in the throneroom... Now please continue your explanation about your power, and to why did you bring up about that blond buff man all of a sudden?" Rita questioned in a strict tone.

"Because he was the reason I received this power in the first place." Izuku continued to surprise and amaze everyone with his explanation.

"You see, we have this amazing No.1 hero name 'All Might' the world greatest Hero who brought hope and peace to our country with a smile on his face, and the 'Quirk' he wields... is called 'One For All' a stockpile quirk that grows in power, by passing down one person to another.” Izuku lifted his and stretched his hand forwards to Rita and the others who are watching from behind.

“And I... am the Ninth wielder of 'One For All', and this power was passed down by the No. 1 hero himself." Izuku said before opening his palm, revealing colorful lights glowing around it. The people who are present in this throneroom were awestruck by the radiant light coming from the young hero's palm. ''My mentor passed this power down to me so I could become a hero, which was always a dream of mine, and he told me that I could become a hero like him... a hero that can bring hope and peace to the world." He explained the colorful lights died down, because our young teen closed his hand before lowering it down.

“Of course there are drawbacks though... the strength you saw me back at the forest was not my full power, because if I use it at 100% it will litterally destroy my entire body.” Izuku informed them.

''Wait, your power destroys your own body. Does that explain the many scars on both of your arms?!" Himeno asked in shock that the reason he had so many scars was because of his own power.

"Yeah, technically, the reason was because I can't fully control of this power yet, not to mention that I sometimes pushed it to 100% in order to defeat the villains I fought who are too powerful than me." Izuku explained in embarassed as everyone were even more shocked hearing this.

''Unbelievable, this green-slack jawed tanuki broke his own body to 100% in order to defeat his enemies; he's more crazier than you, Octomush." Yanma told Gira sitting beside him.

''Hold on, if your 'Quirk' is just stockpilling what about that black tentacles and those other abilities you just used, were they part of this 'One for all' ability as well?" Rita questioned realizing the other abilities he just used back at the battle between Dethnarok and the forest.

"Well, you see... 'One for All' gives me a huge increase in my speed and strength; however, it also gives me access to the other six quirks from the predecessors that once wielded this quirk." Izuku told them surprising Gira and the rulers as they're interested to hear what his other quirks are.

"What are these six other quirks you hold from your predecessors?" Rita asked.

''The first quirk I first unlock was 'Blackwhip' which allow me to produce black tendrils from any part of my body, such as my arms and backs for example. It also helps me maneuver around and capture my enemies with it, the second quirk i unlock next was 'Float' which allows me to fly and travels faster. Next one is 'Danger Sense' it allow me to detect any potential threats in the surrounding area, then there is 'Smokescreen' which allows me to create a cover for myself using nothing but smoke andIt'salsogoodfornotdetectinganythinginsight,there's'FaJin'aquirkthatallowsmetobuildupkineticenergyinmylimbswhicthenreleasethatenergytoattackorboostandlastbutnotleastis'Gearshift'andthisquirkallowsmetochangethespeedatwhichthingsacceleratethroughspace.Itisevencapableofchangingspeedswhileignoringthelawsofinertia." Izuku explained all of his quirks muttering fast to everyone as they can't keep up from his words.

"He talks so fast, I couldn't even keep up!" Morfonia said feeling dizzy by our teen's muttering habit.

"For a young adolescent... he can talk so very fast." Kaguragi said in impressed before rubbing his chin.

"Tch, but it's annoying if he constantly doing it all the time though..." Yanma complained while rubbing the back of his head.

"(Giggle) It's cute that he's able to analyze himself that fast." Himeno said in intrigued.

"It's so long that I don't even know what he's talking about." Gira complained until...

"I see... so you're saying that you have a total of 7 powers?" Rita asked raising a brow as she understand what he's saying from his muttering.


"YOU UNDERSTOOD HIM?!" Gira yelled in surprised.

"Well, that's Rita for you." Morfonia said with a proud smile on her face.

'So his powers were actually passed down by his mentor, who brought peace and hope to the people of his country all on his own, hm? It's almost like...' Rita thought then remembered how her secret arts were passed down by the former ruler of Gokkan herself. 'How Karras passed her secret arts onto my eye... he's like me.' She mentally said this before raising her right hand and placing it on her right eye, which was covered by her bangs.

''Is there... any question that you want to ask next, your highness?" Izuku asked as the steadfast ruler snapped back to reality and continued the interogation.

"Ah, yes actually and it's the last question so answer us honestly... Where are you actually from... Midoriya?" Rita asked her last question to Izuku who is confused that she already asked this question earlier.

"W-What are you talking about your majesty, I told you i'm from 'Japan'?" Izuku reminded her in confusion.

''I'm aware... but there's one problem that you should know... that the country you're from doesn't exist in the map 'Chikyuu'.'' Rita explained before turning her face into a serious expression. "So I ask you again... where do you actually come from?''

'Best come clean Izuku.'  Nana spoke before popping beside him.

'I know... and this the part where they think i'm insane, but hope the best that they believe me after this.' Izuku said hoping that they'll believe his words.

'I'm sure they will... probably.' Banjo said trying to reassure the young teen.

'Wow Banjo, way to reassure the kid.' Bruce said in sarcastic tone.

'SHUT UP!' Banjo shouted to the third user.

''(Sigh) ok look... I said that where I'm from is Japan, which is true, and that country does exist, but it doesn't exist here in your world, though." Izuku informed causing them to get confused on what he's talking about.

"Hm, what do you mean it doesn't exist in our world Young Deku?'' Kaguragi asked in confusion.

"Listen, what I'm about to tell you is a long story. And there are a lot of things that are going to be hard to believe, but please understand that what I'm telling you is the truth, and after I finish telling this story, can you promise me that you will not tell anyone about this?" Izuku pleaded as Rita raised one of her brow in suspicion.


"Please, for the sake of my home... I don't want anyone to learn about where I'm from, because if someone learns about this, it will be a disaster if these 'Bugnarok' or other villains in this world try to invade it, so will all of you here give me your words not to tell anyone when I tell you about this?" Izuku begged bowing towards tbe ruler. Rita began to think for a while before looking forward to where Gira and the rulers were sitting as they gave her a nod to accept his request, she looked back at Izuku and finally made her decision.

"Very well." Rita accept his request as our young teen sighed in relief and began telling them the whole truth to where he actually comes from.

"Thank you and to begin with... i'm not from this world, i'm actually from another world." Izuku finally revealed the truth as Gira and the royals began was silent by this information until a few seconds later...


And so he began telling them everything about his world and the circumstances he's having to deal with alone after the war he and his friends had faced. Rita and the people who were present in the throneroom were silent for what seemed like an hour, listening intently to every word of his story, some of them wearing astonished and skeptical looks on their expressions.

"And that's about how I got here in this world, look I know what i'm telling you all is nonsense and crazy, but what i'm telling you is all true-"

''I believe you." Rita interrupted him as Izuku eyes widen that 'the steadfast ruler' believes his words..

''Wait, you believe me despite the fact that I told you all that i'm actually from another world?" Izuku asked in confusion.

"I was skeptical at first, but after seeing that broadcast video, all of your belongings, your notes, and your abilities, plus the earlier question you ask us before we interrogate you... your eyes and words hold no lies, so I believe what you're telling us is the truth." Rita explained then sighed and closed her eyes "Honestly as the 'Chief Justice' and the ruler of 'Gokkan'. Never would've imagined that there are other worlds out there, especially the fact that you can communicate with the ghost who once wielded that power." She said in disbelief while recalling all the words he explained to her and the other rulers.

''So this boy is from another world I see, that explains everything then..." Kaguragi said in interested.

"Altenate universe, people who are born with superpowers, and even technologies that we've never seen before... if this is for real, then it's sick as hell!" Yanma said in excitement with a grin on his face.

"Although, it's amazing to hear that this young hero not only has 7 powers, but he he also has 8 souls of ghost living inside him." Himeno said in intrigued.

"Hey... Izuku, I have a question if those ghost are living inside your power can they listen to our conversation?" Gira asked in concerned

"Yes, they can actually." Izuku replied.

"I see... um, can they also possess people and are they standing right behind us?" Gira nervously asked before looking back.

"I don't know. I never seen them possess someone before, so maybe, and don't worry they're not standing right behind you they're still living inside my mind, and even if they are they're harmless and won't do any harm to you your majesties." Izuku reassured.

"Oh... ok, if they're nice then it's nice to meet you ghost." Gira greeted.

"You know that you can't see em right?" Yanma told the self proclaimed evil king raising an eyebrow then turn his gaze front to our young teen. "Although, I don't believe in ghost and I also don't believe that this green-slack jawed tanuki have 8 ghost living inside him, so let's see if this actually true.'' He said and put both hands behind his back.

"Oi, ya green-slack jawed tanuki tell those ghost of yours to see how many fingers i'm holding behind my back and you answered to what the ghost tells ya." Yanma ordered while putting hands behind his back.

"Alright..." Izuku said as he starts guessing the number of fingers behind his back.

"Go!" Yanma announced and begin this little game.

"5, 2, 7, 9, 1, 8, 4 on the left side of your hand, 3 one the right side." Izuku guessed all the numbers thanks to Banjo who's standing right behind Yanma looking at the fingers that the inteligent king is holding up.

Yanma was stunned and impressed by our young teen guessing them all correctly.

'Alright... let's try this!' Yanma mentally said and chose another number from his hand. "Now how many fingers i'm holding up?" He asked in confidence with a smirk on his face thinking that the kid can't guess this number, however...

"Um, none, because you didn't lift any fingers up behind your back." Izuku answered looking at Banjo telling him he didn't lift any finger as Yanma smirked dropped on his face that he answered right again thanks to him.

"Ok... I believe it, is the ghost still right behind me, cause if it is... mind if you get it away from me please, it's freaking me out." Yanma demanded nervously pointing at the empty air behind him.

"Um, sure..." Izuku said and gestured to call Banjo back to his side as he laugh then went back.

"So to put things in perspective..."

Rita spoke and caught their attention as they're now staring at the steadfast ruler who opened her eyes then look down at Izuku staring at him again.

"You hailed from another world and had a war against an army of villains and Nomus and the man who initiated all this attack in your country is none other than the leader of this 'League of Villains' group himself 'Tomura Shigaraki' who has the power to disentigrate anything or anyone he touch and the power to steal and give the quirk from his master 'All for one, then following the conflict you and your companions fought, you all lost the war and many lives and heroes were killed in the process. Shortly afterwards, the 'League of Villains' entered the jail known as 'Tartarus' in order to free all of the villains who had escaped, along with their main leader the original holder of this dangerous quirk 'All for one', to stir up chaos and fear in your nation, which is already in a terrible state and your people have lost their faith and hope against heroes. Eventually, you left your school for the sake of your friends because you were now a target for them. As you were being hunted down by villains and assassins hired by 'All for One', you took down and captured every escapee who had escaped from 'Tartarus' with the help of some heroes and one by one in an attempt to learn where they were hiding, you were unsuccessful... Then, after coming with another villain that possesses marionette powers, you were surrounded by controlled civilians, and just as you were about to lose consciousness, you found yourself in our world for some reason, is that right?" Rita analyzed our young teen's situation.

"Yes... that's right... and that's why I need to do this alone to return back to my world to stop 'All for One' and 'Shigaraki' from causing more destruction to my home once and for all, and then-"

''And then what?" Yanma interrupted and caught Izuku, Gira, and the other royals attention onto him. "Get yourself ragged up all over again, you almost got yourself killed for trying to save and manage your country, so what makes you think that you can do this alone?" He asked before standing up from his seat and walked over to him with his sword resting on his shoulder.

"I'm not gonna be mean or anything, but kid you're not a hero... you're just a kid who tries to fix everything on his own." Yanma said to our young teen who flinched hearing his words.


"Be quiet, Octomush!" Yanma told the self proclaimed evil king before turning his head over to Izuku.

"You said you wanted to stop this 'All for One' and 'Shigaraki' guys on your own, and yet, look where that got you?" Yanma asked, then raised his left hand. "You ended up injured, got yourself ragged up in blood, then ended up in our world, and you want to do all that all over again?" He listed pulling out 3 fingers and continued, "You must be insane like Octomush here, if you try do that again and might I also say that even if you did go back and continue saving those people in danger from those prison escapees you told us about... I don't think those civilians you save will like you very much, instead they'll be afraid of you not just because of your costume btw, but it's because you have many powers like them." He asked before thrusting his sword on the floor, then grab our young teen by the collar of his hospital gown to pull him close to him. "So I ask you, ya green-slack jawed tanuki do you really think you can stop those two powerful enemies that has the ability to steal power and an entire villain army all on your own... DON'T BE AN IDIOT, JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO CARRY OUT THE RESPONSIBILITY THAT COMES WITH YOUR POWER, DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF, YOUR JUST A HIGH-SCHOOL KID FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, SO DON'T EVEN SAY THAT YOU CAN FIX EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN!" he scolded before letting go of his collar as Izuku took a minute taking in on the words he says into his head.

"Young Deku, you said that you don't want your friends to get hurt by facing those two dangerous enemies alone; is that right, however..." Kaguragi said, then placed both of his hands on his shoulder to turn him around and face him. "I'm sure that your classmates want to fight by your side to face those enemies together with you and won't let you suffer the pain and guilt of all the pressure of defeating two dangerous villains. If you truly want to become the hero from those comic books, then they won't let you venture into that world all by yourself; after all, they are your friends, so let them help you together, and once that's done and everything is back to normal, you can go back to your hero class with them once again." He lectured as Izuku looked down, his hair shadowing his eyes.

"I'd want that too... Truly, I do, but... I'm scared, even if I want to fight by their side and return to UA. There are so many civilians still staying there for shelter. So, if I go back there, I'll cause them trouble." Izuku explained in sadness before covering his tears with his right hand. "Things will never be the same as before." He said as the rulers of Chikyuu looked at him in pity seeing that this boy carry a heavy burden on his shoulder, until a few seconds later...


Gira suddenly laugh and caught the attention of the rulers and Izuku who looked at him confusingly to why he's laughing all of a sudden.

"If that's the case, make them listen to you!" Gira step up and told the young hero with a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, but... what?" Izuku asked as Gira marched slowly towards him still grinning on his face.

"You heard me, if they are afraid of you just because you have many powers, like that 'All for One' or 'Shigaraki' guys, then make them listen to you by saying that you are not like them and say that you have the power to stop those monsters and promise that you will take back everything from them." Gira said as he stood in front of Izuku. "Although Yanma and Kaguragi are right, you know, you can't face those two dangerous enemies and their armies alone. That's why you need your friends to come running and aid you in destroying those enemies together."

"But would they actually come for me though, after everything I said in the letter I slip under their doorstep, I doubt that they'll actually forgive me for doing so.'' Izuku said mournfully.

"(Sigh), you're such a silly boy they won't think like that at all." Himeno joined in next, standing up from her seat and walked over to him.

"Won't they?" Izuku asked raising one eyebrow seeing the queen of Ishabana standing next to Yanma.

''Well more likely pissed than that." Yanma replied bluntly before being elbowed by Himeno."Ow!"

"Don't mind listening to this brute, of course they'll forgive you. Listen no matter how many time you keep on pushing them away or even keep on leaving them in order to keep them safe, they'll ignore you and come rush to find you no matter what." Himeno told him with a soft tone and a gentle smile, before putting her hand on his shoulder causing him to blush nervously, cause this is the first time he got his shoulder touch by a queen of Ishabana herself.

'Really kid, you've been blushed over by a lot of girls already, and you're still blushing over a queen touching your shoulder?' Bruce asked in dissapointment floating next to him.

'Well I'm sorry, but this is the first time i'm being touch by a queen you know!' Izuku argued.

'Should we tell him that he was caressed by this lady while he was asleep?' Banjo asked in a teasing tone whisperedly to his successor's ear.

'Better not, or he'll passed out in 3 seconds." En denied as Banjo lowered his head and whined.

"Midoriya Izuku!" Rita called our young hero and got his attention to her.

"Do you really think that you can actually fix everything alone?" Rita asked in a serious tone looking down on him from her throne.

''... No, no I can't fix everything on my own." Izuku replied sadly shooking his head.

"Then, how will you accomplish this treacherous path on defeating those two demons in your world?" Rita asked again as Izuku began to think on how he can win against those dangerous villains, till he reached into his pocket and take a look at his photo of his classmates again then reminiscing the time he spent with them... The USJ, The sports festival, internship, I-island, the camp, Bakugo's rescue, licensing exam, Yakuza raid, The school event, Joint training, the work study with Endeavour, Nabu island, The war, etc everything he spent together with his friends until a few moments later...

"Deku kun"

"Midoriya kun."




Drip* Drip* Drip*

The thought of his friends calling his name starts making him shudder as tears flows down from his cheek again dripping down frm the floor.

"My friends..." Izuku muttered in a low tone.

"Hm?" Rita heard him muttered something from his mouth.

"THE ANSWER IS MY FRIENDS... URARAKA, IIDA, TODOROKI, KACHAN, AND THE REST OF MY CLASSMATES... I NEED THEIR HELP TO DEFEAT THEM!" Izuku yelled at the top of his lungs while tears dripping down to the floor from his cheeks as Gira and the rulers smiled by his answers.

"Wise answer." Rita said in approvement with a nod and her eyes closed.

"You're right, I-I can't do this alone, (sniff), and I regret on my decision for leaving in order to keep my friends safe." Izuku said while wiping the tears from his eyes and continued. "I need to get back to them and apologize for my mistake, then after that..." he dried his tears and raised his right hand and clenched it.

"I WANT TO FIGHT BY THEIR SIDE AGAIN, IN ORDER TO TAKE BACK EVERYTHING AND BRING EVERYONE'S SMILE BACK TO MY HOME!'' Izuku declared that everyone who was in the court was impressed by his declaration and enthusiasm, causing Gira's grin to widen.

''(Chuckle), NAHAHAHAHAHAHA... That's the spirit and we will do whatever we can to bring you back home to them." Gira promised that he and the rulers will bring him back and unexpectedly he said something crazy in the end of his sentence. "But that's not at all though... because i'm coming with to slay those demons with you!"

''Eh?'' Izuku blinked twice in confusion.

''Hah/Hm/Bwuh/Huh?" The rulers were shocked and surprised that Gira wants to go to Izuku's world to fight All for One and Shigaraki with him then starts to laugh again.


"EHHHHHHH?!?!?!" Izuku yelled in shocked hearing that Gira wants to come along with him to fight 'All for One' and 'Shigaraki' with him.

"Oi Octomush, do you have any what you just said." Yanma asked before pinching a bridge of his nose.

"Of course I know, that thief stealing power villain and his disentigrating successor claims themselves to be called 'demon lords' that ruled over 'Japan', huh, well if that's the case then let's see if that's true when they face ME... The one who'll rule over this world the evil king himself GIRA! NAHAHAHAHA, NAHAHAHAHA!" Gira explained and continues to laugh as everyone in the court were shocked and and facepalmed by his insane idea.

'Is he an idiot or insane?' Kudou and Bruce wondered in sync while having a deadpan expression on their faces.

"Wow, Octomush congratulations your stupidiness has reached 100%, No wait it is a 100%!" Yanma said in irritation while still pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sigh*, Why would you want to go to his fight those dangerous monsters and how will you do that when you don't even know how to travel to another world?" Himeno asked.

"Indeed, but not only that, Gira-dono, you must realize that even if you did go to his world, you'd be facing a monster that's not even a 'bugnarok' who has the power to steal abilities from other people, right?" Kaguragi reminded him as Gira stop laughing and look back at him with a serious expression.

"Then, let's see if they can steal the King-ohger's power from me, cause if they can't steal it, then he and his damn successor are not worthy and fit to be called the 'demon lords'!'' Gira said with a smirk then his expression suddenly change to seriousness and continues "Not to mention... after watching that video and hearing his story... even if it's from another world. I will not stand by seeing anymore destruction and suffering to those citizens thanks to those demons, that's why I'll go to his world and help him liberate his country and defeat them together with his allies!" He finished and raised his sword, Izuku is in complete shocked that Gira wants to come to his world join his battle between 'One for all' and 'All for One' as he was about to interrupt another person wants to join in.

"I shall accompany as well."

Everyone turns their attention to Rita's throne and looked at her and was even more shocked that the 'Chief Justice' and 'the steadfast ruler' of 'Gokkan' wants to help this young hero as well.

''Eh, Rita?!" Morfonia shouted in shock as Rita then starts walking down from her throne and head down towards the group.

"Well this is a shock to hear from you, chief Justice." Himeno said in disbelief.

"Indeed, what has made you decide to join this young hero's quest to free his country from those two dangerous foes?" Kaguragi asked in curiousness as Rita reached to the group she then glanced over to Deku and made eyecontact with him.

"This boy saved my life when Dethnarok was about to kill me, therefore I shall repay my debt by helping him freeing his country and destroy those demons, even though they are from a different world, they deserve death penalty for their crimes." Rita explained with a serious tone as everyone except Gira who is grinning that another one has agreed to help and as for Izuku he was silenced in shock that the ruler of 'Gokkan' herself wants to join on his dangerous mission as there is a moment of silence until suddenly...

"Well, if they're joining, I suppose I could join in as well. I hate seeing those disgusting creatures and those criminals that I saw on that video continue destroying those beautiful things in his country, so I will come along and help get rid of those pests." Himeno said as she joins the idea of going to another world with them.

"Uh, wait hold on!" Izuku tries to interrupt their conversation however...

"I too shall join and aid this young hero in his dangerous quest as well, we shall slay those demons and free his world together so they can be free and eat their delicious bountiful foods." Kaguragi declared with a pose.

"Wait a minute!'' Izuku keeps trying to interupt reaching his hand towards them.

''(Groan), has everyone in here already lost their mind or something?" Yanma wondered in irritated. "Oh well, if everyone's going i'm joining too, but don't get the wrong idea you slack jawed tanukis I'm only joining because i'm curious how their machinery works in his universe, so seeing gettting messed up by a faceless man and a decaying handy man pissed me off so i'm going to join in." He explained before turning away not looking at em.

''Excellent it seems like everyone is on board!" Gira said in satisfaction as team are all on board to join the war between 'One for All' and 'All for One' until...

"WAIT JUST A MOMENT, CAN I PLEASE SAY SOMETHING HERE!'' Izuku yelled at the top of his lungs to get their attention which it did as Gira and the rulers looked at his shocked and scared expression. "I'm sorry, but may I please have permission to speak?" He requested.

''Granted." Rita accepted.

"Look, I appreciate your help, your majesties, but please understand that 'All for One' and 'Shigaraki' aren't like those 'Bugnarok' villains you guys ever face, so I can't let you all sacrifice yourselves and come to my world to meddle in my fight with them." Izuku told them as he's trying to change their mind to not letting them come.

"Hey, be grateful that you received help from us, ya green-slack jawed tanuki!" Yanma scolded the young hero with a vein on his head.

"But, don't you guys have like a kingdom to run, what about your people i'm sure they'll be panic if they find out that you guys went to another world?!" Izuku reminded them as Himeno shushed him by placing her finger on his lip.

"They'll be fine when we're gone for a while, so don't be such a worry person and be selfish once in a while to accept some backup from us.'' Himeno reassured as Izuku turns red and backs away by this as she chuckled by his nervousness.


''ENOUGH BLABBERING!" Rita ordered raising her tone, causing Izuku to flinch a bit.

"Yes, ma'am!" Izuku obeyed in terrified and lowered his head down as he bit his lower lip and spoke. "Why would you all wanna help me, i'm not from this world and yet you all wanna help a stranger like me?" He asked.

"And what does that make you?" Rita asked raising a brow confusing Izuku blinking twice. "You appeared out of nowhere and rescue a stranger like me from Dethnarok, so why did you do it when you could just ignore and leave me to die." She questioned.

'I-It's because... it's because, you were in danger. When I saw that humanoid worm was about to kill you with a sword, I had to intervene to save you, because it was the right thing to do.'' Izuku explained.

"And why is it the right thing to do?" Rita asked again facing towards him.

"Because... it's a hero job to save those in need no matter what, and meddling where they don't need to is the essence of being a 'hero'!" Izuku answered as the rulers and Gira were impressed and smiled by his words then Kaguragi began clapping slowly praisinh our young teen.

"Well said, Young Deku... just what I expect from the chosen one who wields the power from his mentor himself, you truly are a true hero indeed." Kaguragi praised our young teen in impressed.

"Uhh, thanks I guess... Kaguragi san." Izuku said gratitude with a sweatdrop.

"I see... well that's the same for us rulers too, when we see our country being invaded by the 'Bugnaroks' we have to act swiftly to save our people in trouble from them and after seeing that video about those 'Villains' and those 'Nomus' we have to intervene and meddle your problems to free your country and get rid of those criminals, they deserve to be brought to justice." Rita explained.

"There's no need for you to worry about us Izuku, cause we've fought powerful enemies countless times and always prevail in the end, so those villains are just the same thing as the 'Bugnaroks', so fear not for I will show these demons no mercy and make them tremble in their boots for I am 'the evil king' Gira the man who shall rule the world! NAHAHAHAHA, NAHAHAHAHA..." Gira reassured and began to laugh as Izuku and the other users of 'One for All' looked at him in confusion with a sweatdrop on their heads.

'Does he want to save the world or rule the world?' Izuku and the predecessors wondered what's this guy is thinking in that head of his while watching him laugh.


'Definitely an idiot alright...' Kudou and Bruce said in sync with a straight face.

''Is he always like this?" Izuku asked pointing at him.

"All the time." The rulers answered in unison with a deadpanned look.

"So... what do you say ya green-slack jawed tanuki?" Yanma glanced at our young teen calling him.


''You want to go back to your world and fight those monsters alone to get ragged up again, or have us join your world to kill those bastards?" Yanma asked.

"The choice is yours, and whatever choice you decide, we'll gladly accept your decision." Kaguragi told him as our young teen is in a deep thought and wondered what he should do to accept their help or not.

'I think you should accept their request young ninth?' Yoichi told the young ninth user.

'What?!' Izuku mentally said in shocked.

'He's right, since 'All for one' and 'Shigaraki' can't take their power because their powers are not a quirk... so with them on our side our chance of victory against them will incease.' Hikage stated.

'So letting them come is a good idea then?' En asked

'Yeah, not to mention... they'll keep pestering him to make him say 'yes', so dude you know what to say!" Banjo told Izuku as he sighed before nodding and made his decision.

"Your majesties." Izuku called and caught their attention then posed in a dogeza position bowing his head towards them. "Would you please help my battle against 'All for One'." He requested with his head down as all of the rulers looked at each other for a sec and looked back on the boy.

"Woah, there's no need for you to bow of course we'll help you, all you have to do was ask." Gira said before dropping down on one knee and place his hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, so much!" Izuku said in gratitude still bowing his head more.

"Like I said there's no need for you to bow, besides helping others is one of the most important part on becoming a King, even if they are from another world!" Gira reassured then stands up. "Now then... until we find a way to bring you back home i'm going to offer you something that you can't refuse." He said and made a wicked grin on his face.

"Huh?" Izuku raised his head and saw the look on his face as he was confused why he made that look until Yanma noticed and realized what he's gonna say next.

'Oh no... not again.' Yanma thought and knew what he's going to say next, before facepalming himself.

"NAHAHAHAHA, until we figure out how we can send you back to your world... Midoriya Izuku, BE MY COMPANION!" Gira offered pointing at Izuku.

"Eh?!" Izuku widened his eyes in shocked that he was offered to join them by the self proclaimed evil king himself. ''W-What did you just say, you want me to join you?"

"Your dreams and ambitions on becoming the world's greatest hero who saves everyone with a smile and show a bright future to the world has intrigued me and after hearing you fought Dethnarok in battle and made him flee with your powers, how could I not want you to be my companion, so join me Midoriya with our power combines, TOGETHER WE SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD, NAHAHAHAHA!" Gira explained then maniacly laughs again.

'Does anyone understand, what this guy is talking about?' Banjo asked in confusion.

'In short he wants ninth's assistant to end the war against these Bugnarok villains in this world it seems." Kudou analyzed.

'Could he just ask in a normal way?' Bruce asked with a sweatdrop.

'Is he really 'the evil king' or is he just acting to become an 'evil king'?' En answered.

'He sure is an enigma that's for sure, but he does have a good heart alright." Yoichi stated.

'His laugh does reminds me of how All Might laughs...' Izuku said while staring at the self proclaimed evil king laugh maniacly.

"Hmm, actually that does sound like a good idea, but he won't be joining you though." Rita said with her eyes closed then opened and walked up to Izuku.

"Eh, why not?" Gira asked looking back at Rita who passed by him.

"Because you're an idiot, that's why." Yanma stated causing Gira to feel offended by the inteligent king.

"Your strength, skills, and analysis are impressive, and after learning about your past experiences in detail, despite being an adolescent, we can see that you have the heroic heart of a hero, which is why we're providing you with a spot to fight alongside us in our fight against the 'Bugnaroks'." Rita told Izuku as he backs away slowly waving his hands.

"But i'm not a royal like you guys though, i'm just a hero in training is that really ok?" Izuku asked in nervousness as he looks around seeing some of the rulers lightly smile at him.

"Well neither is Octomush here kid." Yanma stated pointing at him.

"Yet!" Gira argued

"And honestly with you around, things will be a lot interesting, plus!" Yanma wrap his arm around the young teen's neck giving him a playful headlock. "I am curious to see how you fight against Dethnarok with my own two eyes, so try not to dissapoint my expectation ya green-slack jawed tanuki." He told the boy with a smirk as Izuku free himself from his grasp.

"Midoriya, until we figure out a method to travel to your world, will you accept our offer by joining our battle against the Bugnarok?" Rita offered as all of the rulers are waiting for his response. Izuku closed his eyes for a second to think if he should accept their request or not until a few seconds later he smiled and had finally made his decision then opened his eyes once again

"Your majesties, as a hero in training and the ninth wielder of 'One for All'. I shall help you fight your battles against the 'Bugnaroks!" Izuku accepted their request and offered a handshake as Rita accepted by shooking his han.

"Good, we'll be counting on your assistant then, Midoriya." Rita said while shooking his hand.

"Please, call me 'Deku' your highness." Izuku told her.

''Deku, huh... very well, since we're allies then there's no need for you to be formal around us, so you may call us by our names, 'Deku'." Rita told him back as he nodded.


"Welcome to our alliance, ya green-slack jawed tanuki, don't try to slow us down ya got that." Yanma welcomed with a smirk.

"Well, today has been quite eventful day hasn't... first was the miracle we made by summoning the 'Legend King-Ohger' and now we have recruited a powerful young warrior from another universe to join our battle." Himeno stated.

"Indeed, and I do wonder what this boy has in store for us to show us in the battlefield, i'm sure it will be full of surprises, but now that's the interrogation is over... who shall take the young hero in for shelter?" Kaguragi asked as everyone turn their gazes towards Deku wondering who shall take him in.

"Uhhh..." Izuku blinked twice as he's also wondered where he should stay with until...


"DENIED/REJECTED/NO/NO WAY IN HELL!" The rulers refused to let him take our young teen.

"Eh, why not?!" Gira asked in confusion.

"Your seriously asking us 'why'... it's obvious why he shouldn't stay with ya Octomush." Yanma said, before pulling out his fingers and began listing why he shouldn't take him "You're an idiot, you're crazy, you're insane, you'll use him for something stupid, and most of all you're a wanted fugitive so him sticking with you is the worst idea ever." He explained then put his arms over to Izuku's shoulder and pulled him closer to him. "So instead he should stay with me!"

"Eh?'' Izuku blinked twice and looked up seeing him smirking.

"What do you say, green-slack jawed tanuki... you wanna stay at my country cause if you say 'yes', I can upgrade your suit and gears with 'N'kosopa' tech to a hundred percent, in exchange of you telling me all the stuffs and devices that exist in your worlds, plus become my personal lab rat to test out your powers.'' Yanma offered as he has a lot of ideas on how he should test those powers of his.

''L-Lab rat?!" Izuku shouted in shocked that Yanma wants to use him as his personal experiment to test his powers. Just then Himeno pulled him away from the intelligent king himself.

''You brute, he's not a test subject you could play with, he's a human being, if anything he should come stay with me in my castle, 'Ishabana' is the perfect and safest place for him to take shelter." Himeno argued before wrapping her arms onto Izuku's arm causing him to go red and blushed.

''H-Huh?!" Izuku was stunned that the queen of Ishabana wants to be the one to take him in as she looked over to Izuku with a smile.

"Perfect and safe place... Yeah right, you only want him for yourself, you greedy queen!" Yanma argued back.

"How rude that's not true at all. I would never do that to him.'' Himeno said hiding a mischievous plan underneath her smile.

"Would you like to come with me and stay at my castle, if you do I can give you anything your heart desires, just ask away and your wish will be granted." She offered while caressing his cheeks. "My, what cute freckles you have." She looked at his freckles while caressing his cheeks.

"A-Ah, I, uh, I ummm." Izuku began to stutter as he really don't know what to say cause his cheek is being caressed by the dazzling queen herself. 'OH MY GOD, A QUEEN IS CARESSING MY CHEEK?!'

'Should we tell him?' Banjo whispered his fellow predecessor with a grin.

'Don't or else he'll pass out.' Nana reprimanded as the fifth user whined in disappointment that he wasn't allowed to tease our young hero.

Just then Kaguragi came in next and move the young hero away from the dazzling queen by grabbing both of his shoulders pulling him closer to him.

''No he shall stay with me in the land of 'Tofu', our land has a bountiful of delicious foods here for him to feast and it is also reminds him of his homeland!" Kaguragi announced before turning the boy to face him. "Young Deku would you like to join me and become a citizen of 'Tofu', if you accept my offer we'll prepare you the best bountiful meal in your life with our best ingredients every single day and night, because our kingdom is 'Chikyuu's kitchen' and you can eat our food to your heart's content, sounds like a good offer don't you think, would you like to accept my offer?" He offered with his arms wide opened.

"Um, well..." Izuku doesn't know which rulers should he stay with as Gira and the 3 other rulers began arguing with each other.

"He stays with me!" Gira argued.

"And I said no, him, he sticks with me in my country!" Yanma argued.

'That's even worst, your country is full of rude ruffians and you'll use him for your test purposes, so he should stay with me!" Himeno argued.

''What did you, just say ya slack jawed tanuki?!" Yanma shouted at the dazzling queen feeling offended to what she called his people

"Now, now there's no need for us to fight... how about we stop this arguing here and let me take him to stay in my country as a place for him to live?" Kaguragi suggested.

"NO WAY IN HELL/NEVER/NO!" Yanma, Gira, and Himeno refused as they continue yo argue on who shall take him in.

"Hey... come on. Don't do this your highness." Izuku told the rulers waving his hands to stop them as he trembles in embarrasment.

'Wow kid, you're famous... look at them they're fighting over ya.' Banjo teased.

'NOT HELPING!' Izuku scolded the fifth user of 'One for all'. Just then, Rita gripped her sword tightly, feeling annoyed listening to their petty argument. She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath until a few seconds later...

"WAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Rita screamed at the top of her lungs as it was so loud it causes the rulers to stop arguing and Izuku to cover their ears by her yelling.


She thrusted her sword again to the ground to get their attention as they all turn their gaze looking at her.

'What's was that about?!' En asked removing his hand off his ears after hearing her screamed.

'I think it's obvious that's she's annoyed by their arguments to who shall take in Izuku.' Hikage stated.

'Damn, her scream litteraly sounds like an actual Banshee!' Banjo stated before try to get the ringing off in his head as some of the predecessors agreed.

"Neither of you, will take him!" Rita scolded then raised her right hand grabbing Izuku by the head pulling him close to her side.

''He shall remain here in 'Gokkan', so no one shall take him for their personal... personal... huh?" Rita was cutoff when she suddenly felt something soft and fluffy on her right hand.



She turned her head over to Izuku  blushing red again as when she squish his hair again.


'What is this? Why is his hair so soft and fluffy? It's even softer than Moffun's degree of fluff; no, it's beyond his fluffyness. How is this even possible? Why can't I help but become drawn to petting his messy, soft hair? So soft~' Rita mentally said as she continued to feel our young hero's soft and fluffy hair. Just then she dropped her sword to the floor and began using her other hand placing onto his hair to join in, pulling him closer to her and continue touching his fluffyness. ''Yes, I approve of this.'' She said in approval with a light blush while feeling his hair hide her satisfied smile under her high neck collar.

"Uh Rita... Rita... RITA!" Morfonia shouted to wake her up from her trance on feeling Izuku's hair as she turn her attention to her servant pointing to our young teen.

"Huh?" Rita was confused on what she mean and when she looked back to Izuku she saw him stuttering out of place and his face turned red in embarassement and the reason was that she was feeling his hair with both of her hands ''Ah!" widening her eyes in shocked on what she has done she quickly pulled her hands away from his head. Just then Izuku's feet suddenly began to wobble with swirls in his eyes and a few seconds later...


He passed out on the floor with steam coming out of his head.

''AH, HE PASSED OUT!" Morfonia shouted and rushed toward our young teen to help him up. Rita slowly turned her head to the right towards the rulers and Gira and when she saw the look on their expression, they were ammused, confused, and shocked by what the Chief Justice just display right in front of them.

"F-F-FORGET WHAT YOU ALL JUST WITNESS!" Rita yelled in fury before grabbing her sword and points towards them.

'It's hard not to... Pfft." Yanma said while trying to hold his laughter with Himeno beside him holding her laugh as well.


'Is every ruler here in this universe an oddball?' Kudou wondered.

A few minutes later...

Izuku woke up from his conciousness and was sitting on the staircase while placing an icepack on his head with Rita and Morfonia infront of him.

''(Ahem), as I was saying... Midoriya Izuku shall remained here with me in 'Gokkan' and while he's here in our world no one shall tell a soul about him being from another world, cause if anyone learns about this he will become a target to our enemy and it will be a disaster if anyone were ever to capture and find out how to travel to his world, so keep this to yourselves and never tell anyone about this, especially not Racles of all people, and if anyone did try telling this secret... you'll all be executed, understood!'' Rita warned them to keep this quiet then thrusted her sword to the ground.


''Whatever/of course/alright/very well." The rulers and Gira said in unison to agree never to tell anyone about our young teen.

"Racles?" Izuku said in confusion tilting his head not knowing who's this Racles guy is.

"Oh right, you don't know about him yet." Yanma realized and began explaining to our young teen. "You know that country you just visit today, the one you saw us destroying those 4 giant Bugnaroks there?"

''Yeah, 'Shuggodam' right, and if I remember correctly there are five kingdoms here in this world and five rulers which are you guys, right ?" Izuku replied.

"Actually, it's just us four which are me, Yanma, Kaguragi, and Rita. The other one is still in 'Shuggodam', as we speak." Himeno corrected him which confused him even more.

"Wait what, but what about Gira san I thought he's also a ruler like you guys?" Izuku asked in confusion.

"Nah, I did tell ya that Octomush is not a king remember. However, there are two major issues in this world that you should be aware of, ya green-slack jawed tanuki... 'The Bugnarok empire' is one of them, and the other is an actual evil king who's a pain in the neck, and that evil king is none other than 'Racles Hastie' himself, the actual fifth king who rules the nation of 'Shuggodam' and he's also happened to be Octomush's older brother, who set him up to become a fugitive." Yanma finished explaining shockingly to our young teen that there is an evil king in this world, but not only that, but he is also Gira's brother who framed his own brother to become a fugitive.

"No way..." Izuku muttered in disbelief.

Meanwhile somewhere in underground...

After his most recent battle with the King-Ohger, Dethnarok was spotted standing groaning in agony when his prime minister 'Kamejim' approached him to tell him of something. 

"Dethnarok sama, the preparation are complete." Kamejim informed then bowed towards the Bugnarok king himself as he turns around facing his prime minister smiling at the news he just informed him.

"Hmph, the time has come to turn the world upside down!" Dethnarok declared with sinister laughter, with an army of Bugnarok cheering right behind him. At that moment, the sound of laughter reached the ears of an unknown guy dressed in a white cloak and wearing a mask shaped like a spider. Disregarding the sound, he entered the cave to see the Bugnarok ruler.

Back at Gokkan...

"This meeting is now adjourned, so you may all leave now!" Rita ordered and thrust her sword again signaling that the talk is now over.


All of the rulers and Gira ride on their perspective Shugods as Izuku watch them fly away from the balcony leaving 'Gokkan' and head back to their countries.

"Well there they go..." Izuku said as some of the users of 'One for all' appeared behind his back again.

'This would take a while on getting use to...' En said while rubbing the back of his head.

'Yeah, is not everyday someone got transported to another world to join a fight against these weird bug villains.' Banjo said

'Is not just that, but there is a matter of an actual evil king we have to face here in this world too.' Hikage stated.

'And who would've thought that the evil king himself was actually Gira's brother himself.' Nana said in disbelief.

'Great another battle that involves between siblings, typical...' Kudou complained in a tired tone as this feels another Deja vu being reminded a battle involving siblings like AFO and Yoichi or Shoto and Dabi.

'So the enemies we're facing in this world are humanoid walking bugs and an evil king brother, guess stopping my my brother and Tenko are on hold for a while, not to mention this could be a good chance for Ninth to train and raise his percentage of controlling 'One for all'.' Yoichi stated.

'Agree.' Bruce and the other users agreed in unison.

"So... what do we do now your highness. I mean Rita san?" Izuku asked before turning around looking towards the Chief Justice and her assistant.

"Given that you've had a long day, you should go rest and continue your recovery. Morfonia shall lead you to where you shall be sleeping, and if you have any more questions, you may ask her about them, and she will answer. Is that clear?" Rita ordered gesturing her hand towards Morfonia beside her.

"Yeah, of course and if it's alright I would like to learn more about this world's history and languages, so do you have like books or a library I could borrow?" Izuku requested.

"Very well, Morfonia will lead you to the library tomorrow morning and also take you on a tour of the entire castle so you can get accustomed to." Rita accepted his request then turn her head towards her servant. "Morfonia lead him to where he should be staying and give him a tour around the castle tomorrow." She ordered.

"Kay!" Morfonia obeyed raising her hand 'Aw man... more work and I have to become a tour guide... dang it.' She mentally complained then walked over to our young teen.

"Looks like we'll be working together now kid, so try not to slack off and mess up on a job or else Rita will kill you." Rita informed whispering into his ear.

''Um, ok?" Izuku understood with a nervous tone then glanced over towards Rita. "Rita san... thank you for giving me this chance, and I promised that I won't let you and everyone down." Izuku said in gratitude.

"Just remember not to deal everything on your own. Always look for help when you can and also try not to run away again cause if you do you'll be punished." Rita warned him with a light glare.

"U-understood and I swear that I won't run away again." Izuku obeyed with a nervous tone as Rita replied with a nod.

"Good, now you're all dismissed." Rita finished then thrust her sword to the floor one last time.


"Come on, Greenie, let me show you to your room!" Putting both of her hands on his shoulder. Morfonia began leading him toward his room, guiding him with a smile as they left the throne room leaving Rita alone.

When Rita was at last alone in there, she let out a deep sigh and raised her hand. She used to feel Izuku's hair staring at it for a minute. Just then, the thought of Izuku's hair suddenly crossed her mind as she quickly clenched her fist, shook her head to forget about it, and went back to her room.

In Rita's room...

Rita was seen bowing her head in the direction of a white yeti doll that was holding her sword and seated on the couch alongside other small yeti dolls.

"Rita... how dare you betray us!" Rita voiced herself to her white yeti doll.

''Forgive me; I didn't mean to betray you, Moffun, but his hair was so soft that I couldn't help myself to feel it. I promised I would never do it again!'' Rita apologized still bowing her head towards the yeti dolls 'Although... why can't I help but to want feeling his hair again.' She wondered as the image of Izuku's hair popping into her again.

''Rita..." Moffun spoke in a deep tone with Rita's voice.


Somewhere in space...

A man wearing a red suit was floating in space looking at the blue planet of Chikyuu as he was watching someone from afar...

"Grow stronger... Midoriya Izuku... for the sake of your world and the danger that will come in 2 years time in this world..." The man wearing a red suit said then floats away leaving.



"There is an ancient prophecy shared amongst the kingdoms of chikyuu - 2,000 years after their fall, the earth's empire, known as 'Bugnarok' will once again rise up to kill all humans. However, five kings and their guardian deities, 'King Ohger', will stand up to face them, and with the help of 'Deku' the current user of 'ONE FOR ALL' and a 'Vigilante Hero' in training from another world, they will have to work together in order to succeed and help the young hero find his way back home to his world to assist and fight two dangerous villains known as 'ALL FOR ONE' and 'SHIGARAKI TOMURA'. This is the story of kings and a young hero who will defend and save both worlds!"

Genzai ni Se o Mukete, Bokura Hashiru

Zenryoku Dashite Ikinakya Hari ga nai
Sarake dashi, Moyashite, Mayoi o

Kyuu-Kyuugyoku to Nigeta, Banmen no Sumi
Tobi-agari Kishi Kaisei no JUMP
"Tsumi" wa nai ze, Katsu ze, Hangyakusha-domo no Kodomo yo

Makkurayami Hane-Tobashi, Tatakatte Tachi-Agari
Shichi-ten Battou gura gura, Kodou Hane-Agatte
Konna monja Tarinai, nan-datte ari janai?
Shippai nante zara zara, Ma-Chigatte Ikou ze

Yaiba, Mai-Agatta, Karada ga, Seimeitai ga

Jidai, Jidai, Kowashite sa
Takai, Takai, Sekai e sa King of Kings, Kimi ga Subete o Kaeru Ou ni naru
King of Kings, Mirai ga Sawagitai to Matteru

Issai no Tairo o Tatsu, Kanashimi o Shihai-suru Ouja
It's alright, it's all right
You're King!

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