another union academy: From W...

By Dustinsage

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Another union bullied crossover More

chapter 1: how it all started
chapter 2: I'm done with everything
chapter 3: fighting demons
chapter 4: the demon of stillborns
chapter 5: I have a normal life too
chapter 6:a date gone wrong
chapter 7: battle against darkness
chapter 8: first time 🍋
chapter 9: kaito shocks the heroes
chapter 10: tempest vs tornado pt 1
chapter 12: tempest vs tornado part 3
chapter 13
chapter 14: lady's confession
chapter 15: hanging out with my lady
chapter 16: tempest vs endeavor
chapter 11: tempest vs tornado part 2
chapter 23: hikari's home invitation 🍋
chapter 17: tempest vs tornado rematch
chapter 18: trending tempest
chapter 19: Lady's time 🍋
chapter 21: Robbing a dust exchange
chapter 22:tempest trending again
OC bio
chapter 25
chapter 20: meeting hikari's mom
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34: shocking the world again
chapter 35: healing all might
chapter 36: izuku's secret
chapter 37

chapter 24:

649 22 2
By Dustinsage

As I bumped into Hikari's mother, Hahari, I couldn't help but feel a bit flustered. Here I was, wandering around in my pajamas, with Hikari's naked form wrapped in a blanket in my arms. It was definitely not the most conventional situation to find myself in.

Me:Um, sorry about that, Mrs. Hahari

I stammered, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Me:I didn't mean to intrude or anything.

Hahari waved off my apology with a carefree smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Hahari:Oh, don't worry about it, Kai,l

she replied cheerfully.

Hahari:I'm just glad to see my daughter in such good hands.

I blinked in surprise at her words, feeling a warmth spread through my chest at the unexpected compliment.

Me:Th-thank you

I stammered, feeling a bit bashful under her gaze.

Hahari chuckled softly, her laughter like music to my ears.

Hahari:You're quite the catch, Kai

she continued, her smile widening.

Hahari:I can see why Hikari cares for you so much.

I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at her words, even as I struggled to come up with a suitable response.

Me:I-I'm just doing my best to take care of her

I mumbled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the praise.

Hahari nodded in understanding, her expression softening with maternal affection.

Hahari:Well, you're doing a wonderful job

she assured me, her tone gentle and reassuring.

Hahari:And if there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
You're practically part of the family now, after all.

I blinked in surprise at her words, feeling a lump form in my throat at the unexpected kindness.

Me:Th-thank you, Mrs. Hahari

I managed to say, my voice thick with emotion.

Me:That means a lot to me.

Hahari smiled warmly, reaching out to pat my cheek affectionately.

Hahari:You're welcome, Kai

she replied, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

Hahari:Now, why don't you let me take over from here? You look like you could use a break.

I nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders as I handed Hikari over to her mother. As I watched them walk away, a sense of gratitude washed over me, knowing that I had Hahari's support and approval. With her by our side, I felt more confident than ever that Hikari and I could face whatever challenges lay ahead, together as a team.

She smiled seeing how hikari was holding on to me her legs draping on the ground due to my height

Hahari:Drop her in that room

Me:Well .I.....i.i.i.. she's dirty from what we did last night I wanted to clean her

Hikari nuzzled on my cheek

Hikari: My love

She muttered as she drooled on my face

My face turned completely red

Hahari's smile widened at my flustered response, and she let out a soft chuckle.

Hahari:Well, isn't that sweet

she remarked, her tone teasing yet affectionate.

Hahari:It's good to see you two so comfortable with each other.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as Hikari's affectionate gesture and endearing words only added to my embarrassment.

Me:Um... y-yeah

I stammered, trying to regain my composure.

Me:I just... wanted to make sure she was comfortable, that's all.

Hahari nodded understandingly, her gaze softening with maternal warmth.

Hahari:Of course, Kai

she said kindly.

Hahari:It's important to take care of each other, especially when you care about someone as much as you two clearly do.

I couldn't help but smile sheepishly at her words, feeling a mixture of happiness and nervousness at the realization of just how much Hikari meant to me.

Me:Yeah, she means... a lot to me

I admitted, my voice tinged with emotion.

Hahari smiled knowingly, her eyes twinkling with understanding.

Hahari:I can see that

she said gently.

Hahari:And I'm glad to see my daughter with someone who cares for her as much as you do.

With a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Hahari excused herself to give us some privacy, leaving Hikari and me alone once again. As I watched her leave, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for her acceptance and support, knowing that she trusted me to take care of her daughter.

As I rested my head on Hahari's lap, feeling her gentle caress through my hair, I listened intently to her words, my heart heavy with the weight of her revelation. The room felt strangely quiet, the only sound the soft rustle of fabric as Hahari's hand moved rhythmically against my scalp.

Hahari:I never knew my mother

Hahari began, her voice soft and filled with emotion.

Hahari:I was raised by my grandparents, who told me stories about her, about how she was kind and gentle, and how she loved me even before I was born.

Her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken sadness and longing. I could feel the pain behind her eyes, the ache of a mother's love lost before it had a chance to bloom. And as she continued to speak, her voice trembling with emotion, I found myself drawn deeper into her story, feeling a connection that went beyond mere words.

Hahari:When I met him, I knew he was special

Hahari said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hahari:He was sick, frail, but there was a strength in him, a resilience that I couldn't help but admire. We fell in love, and for a while, it felt like nothing else mattered.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine the depth of Hahari's love for the man who had captured her heart, the pain of losing him before they had a chance to truly be together. It was a story filled with tragedy and longing, a testament to the power of love to transcend even the darkest of times.

Hahari:But fate had other plans

Hahari continued, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Hahari:He passed away before we could start a family of our own, leaving me alone with nothing but memories and regrets.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her words, feeling the weight of her grief pressing down on me like a heavy burden. I wanted to reach out to her, to offer her comfort and solace in her time of need, but I knew that some wounds ran too deep to be healed with mere words.

Hahari:I wanted a piece of him to live on

Hahari whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own tears.

Hahari:So I made the decision to have a child, to bring a little piece of him back into this world through artificial impregnation

And as she spoke those words, I felt a surge of emotion wash over me, a deep sense of admiration and respect for the strength and courage it must have taken for her to make such a decision. It was a testament to the power of love, of the lengths we would go to for the ones we hold dear.

Hahari:I never regretted it

Hahari said, her voice filled with conviction.

Hahari:Even though he's gone, I know that a part of him lives on in Hikari, in the love and light that she brings into my life every single day.

She really loves her daughter compared to those monsters called parents sometimes I used wish things were different but then I would have never met hikari or hahari, big bro dante and Vergil and lady too

That doesn't mean I don't hate those bastards

And as I lay there, listening to Hahari's words, feeling the warmth of her touch and the depth of her love, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, bound by a love that transcended time and space.

As I clutched Hahari's lap tightly, her smile softened, and I could see the faint glimmer of tears in her eyes. It was a vulnerable moment, a raw expression of her deepest fears and insecurities laid bare for me to see.

Hahari:I see the same strength in you

she said softly, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and sadness.

Hahari:I'm scared, Kai. I'm scared that my daughter will feel the same pain that I did, that she'll have to face the world alone without the love and support of those who care about her.

Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a primal instinct to protect and shield those we hold dear from harm. I wanted to assure her that I would always be there for Hikari, that I would never leave her side no matter what challenges we faced, but the words caught in my throat, choked by the weight of my own uncertainties and fears.

I already know what's coming I'm going to fight against the entire hero society and I know I'm strong but what she said just dampened my mood

What if I do loose nah that's impossible

what if something happens that makes me leave hikari,

"I promise," I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Me:I promise that I'll always be there for her, that I'll never leave her side no matter what happens. She's not alone, Hahari. She has me, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure she never has to feel that kind of pain.

Hahari's eyes softened at my words, and she reached out to gently stroke my hair, a silent gesture of gratitude and appreciation for the comfort and reassurance I offered her in her time of need.

Hahari:Thank you, Kai

she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

Hahari:Thank you for being there for her, for being the kind of person she can rely on and trust. You mean more to her than you'll ever know.

And as I lay there, wrapped in the warmth of Hahari's embrace,

As Hahari kissed me, a rush of emotions flooded through me, catching me off guard in the most unexpected of ways. Her lips were warm against mine, soft and tender, carrying with them a depth of feeling that transcended mere words. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away into the background as we shared this intimate connection, bound together by the unspoken bond of shared pain and understanding.

For a brief moment, I allowed myself to get lost in the sensation, to forget about the weight of the world pressing down on my shoulders and simply exist in the here and now. Hahari's embrace was comforting, her touch gentle yet firm, as if she were silently conveying her support and encouragement without needing to say a word.

But as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed, and we pulled away from each other, our eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding. There was no need for words; we both knew that what had just happened was a fleeting moment of vulnerability, a brief respite from the harsh realities of life that we both faced.

Hahari:Thank you, Kai

Hahari said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hahari:Thank you for being here, for being the kind of person I can rely on when I need someone the most. You mean more to me than you'll ever know.

I smiled at her, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude wash over me.

Me:You don't need to thank me, Hahari

I replied, my voice filled with sincerity.

Me:I'll always be here for you, no matter what. We're family, and that's what family does - we support each other through thick and thin.

And as we sat there, bathed in the soft glow of the evening sun, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united by a bond that could never be broken.

Hikari wondered into the room limping due to last night activities

Hikari's eyes widened in surprise as she spotted me nestled on her mother's lap, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity. She limped slightly, a subtle reminder of the passionate night we had shared, but her gaze remained fixed on the tender scene before her.

Hikari:Hey, Mom

she greeted, her voice soft and hesitant as she approached us.

Hikari:What are you two doing here?

Hahari smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with affection as she looked down at me before turning her attention to her daughter.

Hahari:We were just... talking

she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Hahari:Kai was keeping me company, that's all.

Hikari nodded, though a flicker of uncertainty passed through her eyes. "I see," she murmured, her tone guarded as she studied us both.

Hikari:Well, I was just looking for Kai. We had plans to spend the day together, remember?

I glanced up at her, my heart sinking at the sight of her injured state.

Me:Hikari, are you okay?

I asked, concern evident in my voice as I reached out to her.

She winced slightly, but waved off my concern with a dismissive gesture.

Hikari:I'm fine, Kai

she replied, though her forced smile failed to mask the pain in her eyes.

Hikari:Just a little sore from last night, that's all.

Hikari's expression softened at her daughter's words, her gaze filled with maternal concern.

Hahari:Maybe you should rest for a bit, sweetheart

she suggested gently, her hand reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from Hikari's face.

Hahari: you've been through a lot lately, and you deserve some time to recuperate.

Hikari hesitated, her gaze flickering between her mother and me before finally nodding in agreement.

Hikari:Yeah, maybe you're right

she admitted, a weary sigh escaping her lips.

Hikari:I'll just... go lie down for a bit.

As she turned to leave, I reached out to her, my hand gently grasping hers in a silent gesture of support. "I'll come check on you later," I promised, my voice soft with concern.

She smiled gratefully, a flicker of warmth returning to her eyes as she squeezed my hand. "Thanks, Kai," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it."

And with that, she left the room, leaving me alone with her mother and a myriad of unspoken emotions swirling between us. As Hahari continued to stroke my hair, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me, a nagging doubt that lingered in the back of my mind

I furrowed my brows in concern, sensing Hikari's unease. As she stumbled over her words, I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry gnawing at my insides. Was there something about my conversation with her mother that had upset her?

Me:Is everything okay?

I asked gently, reaching out to gently grasp her hand in mine.

Me:You can tell me, you know. Whatever it is, I'm here for you.

Hikari hesitated for a moment, her gaze darting nervously around the room before finally settling on mine.

Hikari:It's just...I don't know

she began, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hikari:It's just weird, you know? Seeing you and my that.

I blinked in confusion, unsure of what she was trying to say.

Me:Like what?

I prodded gently, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Me:You mean, talking?

Hikari nodded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Hikari:Yeah, talking

she mumbled, avoiding my gaze.

Hikari:It's just...I've never seen her open up to anyone like that before. It's kind of...strange.

I couldn't help but smile at her honesty, touched by her vulnerability.

Me:Your mom cares about you a lot, Hikari

I said softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Me:And I care about you too. That's why I want to make sure you're okay.

She met my gaze then, her eyes shining with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Hikari:nd I appreciate it. It's just...I guess I'm not used to people caring about me like this.

My heart ached at her words, and I pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close.

Me:You deserve to be cared for, Hikari

I murmured against her hair.

Me:You deserve to be loved, unconditionally.

She fumbles as she looked into my eyes

Hikari:Uhm sweetie

She asked

Me:What is it

I cutely beamed a smile

Hikari:Can you love my mom like you love me I mean she's so lonely and me that j have you I feel she deserves someone like you

My heart skipped a beat as I gazed into Hikari's eyes, her words hitting me with a wave of unexpected emotion. It was a moment of profound vulnerability, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she broached the subject that weighed heavily on her mind.

Me:Of course, sweetie

I replied softly, reaching out to gently cup her face in my hands.

Me:I care about your mom deeply, and I want nothing more than to see her happy. If loving her means bringing joy and companionship into her life, then I'm more than willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Hikari's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her expression a mix of relief and gratitude as she leaned into my touch. It was a tender moment, a silent understanding passing between us as we shared the weight of our mutual love and concern for Hahari's well-being.

Hikari:Thank you

she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

Hikari:Thank you for being so understanding, so compassionate. I know it's a lot to ask, but I couldn't bear to see my mom suffer alone. Knowing that she has you in her life gives me hope, gives me peace.

I smiled warmly at her, my heart swelling with affection for this remarkable young woman who had captured my heart in ways I never thought possible. In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united by the bonds of love and family.

Me:We'll take care of her, together

Isaid, my voice steady with determination.

Me:I promise to love her with all that I am, to cherish her as deeply as I cherish you. We're a family, Hikari, and nothing will ever change that.

A major arc is up next

Calming the storm where he finally confronts the heroes

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