𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖉

By DragonFoxx

68 0 182

Sol, Max, and Yvette Germaine have come to Eden Hall for high school. They join the hockey team and even make... More

𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔇𝔞𝔶
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔫𝔫𝔲𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔥𝔞𝔫 ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶
𝔅𝔶𝔢, 𝔅𝔶𝔢
𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔗𝔴𝔬


9 0 16
By DragonFoxx

    "See ya, durin' winter break." Aruna called out to her kids, Solace, Max, and Yvette. Today is the triplets' first day of high school, here at Eden Hall.

    "!Adíos, mamí!" Sol waved goodbye first. She was the oldest of the three and spoke with a Mexican accent mixed in with a New York one. Sol had blue eyes and wavy brown hair.

    Sol was wearing dark blue jeans, a black Chanel belt, a dark grey long sleeve with a black nirvana shirt on top and old red high top converse. Her hands were covered with rings, she had a simple silver bracelet, with her initials, on her wrist and she had a red pendant around her neck.

    "See ya at Christmas!" Max yelled next. He was the middle of the three and only spoke with an New York accent. Max had green eyes and curly light brown hair.

    Max was wearing a pair a faded blue jeans, a chain hanging from his belt loops, a plain white shirt and clean sneakers. He has a bracelet on his wrist, with his initials, and a silver chain around his neck. He also wore small silver hoops on his left ear, as he had two piercings there.

    "Bye, mom!" Yvette shouted last. She was the youngest of the trio and barely had an accent, only a slight New York one. Yvey had blue-green eyes and wavy brown hair.

    Yvette was wearing a forest green knitted cardigan, a black shirt, a black skirt, and black combat boots. She had multiple bracelets on both arms, a matching one with Sol except with her initials. She had on small diamond earnings and a pastel pink pendant around her neck.

    The principal stood behind them, waving at Aruna as she left in her limo. He looked close to ninety. He looked down to face the kids. "Welcome to Eden Hall Academy," he gave them a smile. "I'm your principal, Gordon Bombay."

    He held three schedules in his hands. He passed them out to the kids and they swapped with each other to get the right one.

     They looked down and compared them to each other. "Welcome to the home of the Warrior Ducks! And do tell your mom or dad to visit some day, or call and say hello."

    "Uh huh, will do." Yvette absent mindedly answered.

    The trio began to walk inside, pulling their luggage behind themselves, when they ran into a kid. Not just one, but two.

    "!Aye¡ We sorry 'bout that." Sol apologized for the group.

    "Uh, it's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going either." He shyly smiled. The kid had blue eyes and brown hair, like Solace. "I'm Carter, Carter Conway."

    The other kid had black curly hair and big brown eyes. "I'm Leslie Daniels, Leslie Maia Daniels." The girl warmly smiled at the triplets. She has a slight country accent.

    "I'm Maximus Germaine, but you can call me Max." Max introduced himself. "These are my sisters, Solace and Yvette Germaine!"

    "You could call me Sol if ya like." Sol advised the two kids.

    "Germaine? As in Guy and Aruna Germaine!?" Leslie asked. Yvette proudly smiled and nodded her head.

    Carter smiled to the other kids. "You guys do sports?"

    "We're the new players for the JV hockey team!" Yvette jumped up and down, clearly excited about this information.

    Carter's face lit up. "I'm on it too! Look, we have three coaches! Can you believe that!?"

    The triplets looked down to their schedules and saw three boldly printed names under 'Hockey'

    Anne Lafayette, Athos Lafayette, Aramis Lafayette.

    "Three coaches!" Yvette exclaimed, looking at her siblings. "That's so cool!" She flips through her schedule and compares it to the others.

    Max tilts his head back. "Sis, what are you doing?" He asks Yvette as she still looks at their schedules.

    "I think she's checking if we have classes together." Carter guesses and the others agree. "Uh, do you guys want to, uh, go take a seat somewhere?"

    Leslie nodded her head. "We can take a seat in the freshman area? I saw it while I looked around earlier." Sol agreed and grabbed her luggages as the others followed suit. Leslie guides them through the halls into the southwest corridor, with the freshman lounge area in the back.

    The lounge area had a sign that read 'Freshman' in gold lettering above the archway. The area wasn't too big, nor was it too small. It had a fireplace in the center, long comfortable looking couches all around, smaller armchairs, rugs on the stone floor, wall lamps, and a particularly large bookshelf that took up the whole wall in the back.

    A few students were scattered here and there, chattering amongst themselves. Leslie led the group to an open spot near the back of the room. Carter, Sol, and Yvette sat on a couch whilst Leslie and Max sat on armchairs.

    "Find any similar classes?" Max asks Yvette, as she stopped looking at the schedules.

    She huffed. "Barely any! We all share hockey, but that's only because it's at the end of the day. We also share History for first period and that's it! No more! Can you believe that!?" She complained.

    "Let me see the schedules." Sol grabbed the papers from her sister. "I share history, math, English, science, and hockey with Max. Only history and hockey with Yvette. Oh, dang."

    Leslie put in her own schedule. "Can you check mine?"

    "Mine too!" Carter grabs out his own and passes it to Sol. Sol grabs them and compares.

    Her face was unreadable as she looked. "Okay, some of us have classes together. We all share history and hockey." She commented. "Except Leslie, she doesn't have hockey on her schedule."

    Leslie smiles. "That's good."

    "What other classes?" Max leans closer.

    "Leslie shares history and English with Max and just add fencing with me." Sol comments as she reads. "History, math, science, and art she shares with Yvette."

    Yvette smiles and leans in closer to see for herself. "Yay! I'll have a friend in most of my classes!"

    Sol continues. "Carter shares all his classes with Max, 'cept he has study hall when Max has French. Other than that, identical. Well, guess that's our classes." She hands back the schedules.

    Max looks at the luggage on the floor. "Wanna find our dorms?"

⋆ ★

    They all find their dorms and drop off their luggage. Leslie shares a dorm with some girl named Amber Hutcherson, while Sol and Yvette share one together. Max and Carter also share one, after some negotiations with the original roommate.

    They five them meet back up at the entrance hall, to further explore the school together before the welcoming assembly tomorrow morning. Max and Carter got to the entrance first.

    "Ha! I beat them here!" Max grinned. He was a bit competitive with his sisters. "They lost."

    Carter gave a small smile. "The dorms aren't that far. And the girls one is closer than ours. Hmm, wonder where they're at." Max didn't care where they were at. He only cared that he came before his sisters, making him first place.

    A few minutes go by before the girls show up. "Lo siento, Yvette forgot we agreed on meeting over here. She took us to the lounge area." Sol explained and Yvette looked sheepish. Carter said it was okay and the kids roamed around the castle.

    "Surprised we haven't bumped into Kevin yet." Yvette mentioned as the group left the horse stables and headed back to the academy.

    "Kevin?" Leslie inquiries. "Who's Kevin?"

    Max rolls his eyes, along with Sol. "Kevin is our older brother. Total jerk face. He's captain of varsity hockey."

    Sol grumbled before continuing. "He only got captain cause the old one didn't want the stress of it, and Kev stepped up." She mumbled something again as they came closer to a water fountain.

    They got closer to the fountain and a group of kids, all wearing letterman jackets, were sitting on it. In the center of it all, was Kevin Germaine.

    Kevin had ear length straight brown hair, cut into layers. He had big brown eyes and a dash of freckles. He was wearing some jeans, his letterman jacket, and some classic black vans.

    Kevin was laughing with his teammates as the group inches closer and closer. He notices them and beckons them over. "Yo, sis! Bro! Come over here!"

    Yvette instantly went to him. Max reluctantly followed, rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath. Sol, however, didn't budge. She stayed in the middle of Leslie and Carter.

    "Sis, I said come over." Kevin reminded her, scooting over to make space for his other two siblings.

    Sol crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Ya, I heard you, dear brother. Don't mean I needa listen. So, I'm staying right here." Yvette looked between her brother and sister, who went into an intense glaring contest.

    "Didn't dad teach you to listen to your elders?" Kevin says, not breaking eye contact. "Remember that I'm your elder, Solace."

    "Remember that I don't care? You don't scare me, Kevin." Sol grumbled, getting looks from varsity.

    Kevin narrowed his eyes even more. "We'll see about that on the ice." He smirked.

    Sol glared. "Can't wait." Carter looked uncomfortable looking at the two siblings. "I'll see you on the ice, Germaine. Max, Yve, c'mon, let's get away from this thing." Sol says to her siblings.

    "You gonna let her boss you around like that?" Kevin asks his siblings as they stand to leave. Max ignored his brother and walked away. Yvette lingered behind for a moment before following.

    "Bye, Kev. I'll see you around!" Yvette smiles to her older brother. She's the only one from the triplets who seemed to not hate him.

    "Ciao, Yvey." Kevin says in response, breaking the stare down between him and Sol. Sol looked him up and down before leaving, followed by the others.

    "He's a bitch." Leslie says once they were out of eavesdropping distance. Sol nods her head in agreement.

    "He's nice," Yvette started to say. "Or, he's nice to me. I don't get why you guys don't like him."

    Max and Sol didn't answer her. Yvette was too kind hearted and optimistic to see how rude and arrogant Kevin actually is. The other two didn't try to explain to her how Kevin isn't actually nice like she says he is.

    "It's starting to get dark..." Carter mentions as he looked out of a nearby window. "There won't be nothing to do outside once it gets dark."

    Leslie bumped his shoulder. "Sure there is! We could bring along flashlights and wander around." Carter gave his friend a weak smile. "I can't wait for classes tomorrow, I want to make some new friends. Get around the school a bit and listen to all the gossip."

    Yvette smiled to Leslie. "Only if I could listen in."

    "You bet ya." Leslie grinned back.

    The group all chatted in the freshman lounge before it was time for dinner. Leslie lead them to the cafeteria and they take a seat at a free table. The triplets on one side, Leslie and Carter on the other.

    A few minutes go by before they get disrupted.

    "Move it, pip squeaks." Kevin looks down at the group of friends. "This is varsity's table."

    Yvette, Carter, and Leslie got up. Sol and Max did not. "Kev, just find another table." Max rolled his eyes. "Look there's one over there."

    "No." Kevin answered. "This has always been varsity's table. Even when mom and dad went here, this was varsity's."

    Orion, varsity's goalie, looked down at the smaller kids. "You heard the man. Move, before I move you." He growled. He could easily have folded these kids in half. This dude was ginormous.

    Max made a move to get up, only for Sol to push him back down. "Sit down, Max." She turned her attention to Orion. "Didn't know my brother is so big of a wuss that he needs a guard dog like you."

    Orion growled and made a move forward. Kevin put his arm out to stop him. "Orion, back down."

    "Yeah, back down you dog." Sol instigated.

    Yvette turned to look at Kevin. "Sorry, Kev. Sol doesn't mean to insult your friend over there." She turned to Sol now. "Right?"

    Sol huffed. "Yes, I did."

    "Come on, we can just get another table." Carter pulled up Max and tried to do the same to Sol. Sol swatted his hand away before he could touch her.

    "No. Why should we leave because these bone heads say we have to? They don't own the damn table." Sol looked at all the members of varsity.

    One of the members of varsity stepped forward. "Cap, we can let them get the table for today. You're causing a scene."

    The player had straight sandy blonde hair in a curtain hairstyle (similar to how Leonardo Di Caprio styled his hair when he was a teen), big grey eyes, with a small scar on his lip. He wore his Letterman jacket like the rest of varsity.

    Kevin turned towards the boy. "We don't give up our table, Asher." He quickly disregarded his teammate and turned back to his sister. "Come on, Solace. Move it."

    Asher gave Sol an apologetic look. "No, Kevin. I'm not moving because this is yo 'table'. Suck it up and you move away. I was here first."

    Kevin was getting angry and annoyed at his younger sister. He leans into the table. "Move or I'll have Orion move you." He said.

    "Sol, come on. It's not that big of a deal." Leslie tried to move her friend off the table.

    Sol didn't budge. "Sorry, Les, but I'm not caving in to him. He wants a table, he can go find one then."

    Kevin snapped his finger and Orion went towards the girl. Orion picked the girl up and dropped her to the floor. Asher made a move to help her up, but Yvette and Leslie beat him to it.

    Sol got right in Orion's face. "¿Quieres ir, muchachote? ¡Ah! ¡Vamos, te aplastaré la cara contra el suelo!" (You want to go, big boy? Ah! Come on, I'll smash your face into the ground!)

    Orion had a snarl on his face. "Solace, retrocede. Back off." Kevin pushed back his sister, and Max grabbed her. "Leave before querré ir." (I'll want to go) Sol straightened up before Max dragged her away.

    The friends moved to the open table, watching varsity take their old one.

    "We didn't have to move." Sol slammed her plate onto the table, taking a seat after.

    The others followed and also took a seat. "You almost fought the biggest guy on varsity, Sol." Yvette squeaked.

    "He woulda lost too."

    "Sol, it's just a table." Carter adds.

    "Yeah, too you it is."

    "That wasn't necessary, sis." Max took a sip of his coke can.

    "I'll make the decision if it's necessary."

    Leslie shuffled in her seat next to Yvette. "Is it okay to say varsity scares me? Especially that Kevin guy."

    "Of course it's fine to say that." Carter took a bite of his spaghetti. "Jocks are naturally scary."

    The others laughed at that and they ate their dinner. Occasionally, varsity would shoot them looks but Sol and Max shot them back.

    The curfew bell rang and everyone got up to leave, putting their plates into the bin. The freshmans watched the older kids do it first before doing it themselves.

    The group of friends left the cafeteria and headed for the dorms. They decided on dropping off the boys first.

    "Here we are!" Yvette exclaimed once she sees the boys' dorm room.

    Carter opened the door, revealing a messy room. "See you guys at, uh, breakfast or history!" He waved goodbye to the girls and walked in.

    Max shoulder bumped his sisters. "Adíos, sisters. Oh, and Leslie." He saluted them as he falls back into room, closing the door as he did so.

    They trio of girls walk to the girls section of the dorms.

    "Today was, well, it was eventful." Leslie laughed as they walk down the halls.

    Yvette nods her head in agreement. "Yup! It was, I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! We get to meet the team!" She directed the team part to Sol, as Leslie didn't play hockey.

    Sol gave a small smile to Yvette. "Can't wait." Leslie stopped in front of a door that was halfway open.

    "Heres my dorm." She peeked inside. From what the two girls could see, a blonde girl was sitting on one of the beds, her back to the door. She was brushing her locks and humming to herself. "That's Amber. She's my roommate." Leslie didn't sound that happy about who she's bunking with.

    Yvette stared at the girl inside. "She has nice hair." She commented.

    "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye." Leslie gave them a smile before going inside the dorm.

    "Bye." Sol and Yvette said at the same time. The sisters continue down the hall before stopping at their own dorm.

    Yvette opens it and goes inside, followed by Sol.

    The dorm was somewhat neat. Their luggage was laid open on the floor, with their clothes all around the beds and floor. There were two desks, two twin sized beds, two closets, and a door that leads into a small bathroom.

    Yvette's side of the room was a lot messed than Sol's. Yvette had her many shoes scattered on the floor, her clothes were absolutely everywhere, and her makeup was all around her bed, separated into piles by product. Her desk had school supplies thrown over it.

    Sol's side was much neater. Half of her shoes were already on the bottom of the closet, the other ones were near the closet doors. Her clothes (if not already put away) were nicely folded on the edge of her bed, and her desk was mostly neat and organized. She only had a few sticky note pads to out away.

    "I think I have to pick up a little." Yvette laughed, looking at her side.

    Sol grabbed a pile of clothes and moved them to their spot in her closet. "I could help ya if you want." Yvette smiled and nodded her head, waiting for Sol to finish putting her clothes away first.

    After Sol did, the two organized the stuff. Sol took on the clothes and Yvette did her makeup and desk. The pair finished in about forty-five minutes and changed into pajamas. Yvette put on a pale pink silk pajama set, with shorts, and her hair into two braids.

    Sol threw on some biker shorts and a large Pink Floyd shirt, brushing her hair and leaving it down.

    Yvette kneeled next to her bed, placing her elbows on it and titled her head down. She stayed silent for a moment before speaking. "And in Jesus name, we all say, Amen." She lifted her head back up and climbed into her bed. Her comforter was white with small pink flowers on it.

    Sol climbed into her own bed and went under her comfortable. It was a Smokey grey color. "Night, Yvette." She leaned over and flicked off her lamp.

    "Good night, Sol. Sleep tight." Yvette turned off her own lamp and laid back down. After five minutes, Yvette whispered, "Sol? Are you still awake?"

    Sol grumbled and turned to face her sister. "What?" She whispered back.

    "I can't sleep."

    "Yve, it's only been five minutes. Obviously you won't be able to sleep now." Sol grumbled.

    Yvette sat up and giggled. "Oh, yeah. But, I'm too excited to sleep."

    Sol moved to be on her elbows. "Yeah, me too, but if we don't go to sleep, we'll be too tired in the morning for classes."

    Yvette swatted her head to Sol. "You're only saying that cuz that's what'll happen to you. Not me."

    "Yeah, well." Sol tilted her head to the side. "We all can't be early birds like you who rise with the sun." Sol laid back down.

    Yvette smiled to herself. "How do you like Leslie and Carter?" It was silent for a moment. "Sol?"

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard you."

    "Then why didn't you answer me?"

    "I was thinking of my answer." Sol responded. "Anyways, I think they're cool. Just a bit shy at times, but overall alright. What do ya think of them?"

    "I really like them." Yvette perked up. "They seem like really nice people!" Sol made an 'mmm hmm' sound. "Are you falling asleep?"

    "That's what I'm supposed to be doing right now." Sol reminded. "I'm supposed to be sleeping."

    "Oh, well good night then!" Yvette laid back down and snuggled into her blanket. "Sol?" Yvette turned to face her sister.

    Sol put her hand up. "Nuh uh. Go to sleep. This conversation can wait until morning."

    "But it's important."

    If the lights were on, Yvette would've saw Sol roll her eyes. "What is it? It better be important to be disrupting my sleep."

    "It is, don't worry, sissy." Yvette giggled and smiled.

    "Then are ya going to tell me it?"

    Yvette smiled and got comfortable on her bed. "I love you."

    "I love you too," Sol said back. "But seriously, go to sleep now. Before I wake up in a bad mood in the morning."

    Sol turned around to face the wall and soon drifted off to sleep. Yvette has a hard time falling asleep, doctors diagnosed her with Insomnia.

    About half an hour after Sol fell asleep, Yvette finally went to sleep too.

    Both couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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