The Gillado

By Nutcracker88

19 0 0

A young agent gets the task to find the missing sister of a world wide famous soccer player. While they're tr... More

Finding Clover
Saving Clover
Malachai's saving
The argument
The outbreak
The outbreak II
The escape
Morgan's escape
Arden's escape


1 0 0
By Nutcracker88

Luke is holding the now asleep Noah. He feels the ground shaking a bit while he's wandering through the city again. He's under blood and stumbles a bit while walking. Turns out he got a deep scar in his stomach after he accidentally cut himself while fighting a skinwalker. He holds his wound with his other hand and walks with much difficulty. Noah slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes. He yawns and puts his head on Luke's shoulder. "Had a nice sleep buddy?" Luke asks while stumbling to a train station. Noah nods and smiles happily. Luke sees that the trains still ride. "Why the hell are the trains still up?" He asks with a confused look. Noah looks at the train station and then behind the trains. He notices a park with a huge creature on it. Luke is about to go on the train while Noah suddenly says something. "Cassie! CASSIEEEE!!!" Noah tries to break free from Luke, but still is too tired. Luke notices Cassie as well, and sees Malachai next to her. He forgets all about his pain and smiles brightly. "Malachai..." he says softly and happily. He's relieved that she's still alive. Noah sees something on the ground next to the train. "Pew pew!" He says while pointing at it. Luke looks his way and sees a shotgun just laying there. "The hell? Who the fudge leaves a shotgun here?" Noah giggles a bit when Luke says 'The fudge' and smiles brightly. "Fudge!" Noah says now, copying Luke. Luke chuckles a bit and grunts while he's leaning for the shotgun. He grabs it and sees that it has lots of shells left. He then walks to Cassie and Malachai.

In the meantime, Cassie and Malachai seem to have made the creature very weak. Malachai has found out that the heads of the creature are the weak spots, but it will only die if the original head gets blown. Now that Mal is out of bullets and the fact that her knife broke makes her a bit miserable. She walks a bit back and looks a bit scared while Cassie is behind her. Suddenly there's a gunshot on the creature 's original head. The creature flops on the ground and it turns out that Luke shot it from the back. Malachai's face turns from scared to relieved, but also worried. Luke on the other hand, immediately forgets about his pain again and strumbles to Malachai. "Oh my god Malachai I thought you were dead." Luke quickly walks to Malachai and gives her a tight hug. He gives her some kisses on her head while hugging her tightly.

Noah quickly runs from behind them and runs to Cassie. "Cassie!!!" Noah says happily. Cassie starts tearing up now and lifts Noah up. "Oh Noah! You're okay, thank god!" She hugs him tightly and Noah squeaks happily after she starts lifting him up.

"Malachai are you okay?" Luke asks worriedly. Malachai nods relieved and then looks at his cut. "Looks like you're not, don't worry, I have an emergency kit in my pocket." Malachai tries to grab her kit, but Luke stops her. "Not now, let's get safely on the train now, so that we can leave, okay?" Malachai sighs, but then agrees. Cassie and Noah agree as well and follow Luke and Malachai to the train. When they're on the train, Malachai puts Luke on a bench and starts to treat his wound. "Oh my god I think I'm gonna die." Luke says with a groan. "Oh my god don't be dramatic this is treatable." Malachai treats his wound gently as Cassie checks up on Noah for any scars. Noah seems to be completely harmless and shows Cassie the Nintendo DS Luke gave to him. "Luka gave me!" Noah says excitedly, showing Cassie the Nintendo DS. "Luka? Noah, his name is not Luka." "Yes it is!" Noah seems a bit mad that Cassie doesn't believe him and crosses his arms. Cassie looks confused and looks at Malachai, who seems to be done treating the wound. Luke tries to stand up, but lets out a loud groan while doing so. He leans on Malachai and tries to walk to Noah.

"How are you buddy?" Luke asks Noah. Noah gives him a thumbs up while Cassie looks at Luke with admiration. Malachai rolls her eyes while Luke laughs a bit. "You're Cassie, right?" Luke says with a soft smile. Cassie nods excitedly while Noah is reaching his arms out for a hug. "Luka hug?" He asks Luke with a bright smile. "Of course buddy." Luke nods and lifts Noah up to give him a hug. Suddenly there's a loud bang in the train. When Noah hears it he immediately covers his ears and starts crying. "Well, looks like we're not the only ones on this train." Malachai says while grabbing her flashlight. The footsteps can be heard now and a coupe goes open. There's a middle aged man standing by the doorway now. "Dad!" Cassie stands up and runs towards him to hug him tightly. Noah claps his hands and waves at him while Luke puts him on the ground. "Cassie oh my god you and Noah are safe." The man says with relief. "Yes! And Luke and Malachai helped us!" Cassie then introduces Malachai and Luke to the man. Malachai waves awkwardly while Luke is waving with a bright smile. "Thank you. My name is Jeroen de Jong by the way." Malachai nods and starts to introduce themselves "Malachai Arden, and this is Lu-" "Luke Morgan, yes, I know you. I'm not a newbie when it comes to football." Luke chuckles and scratches the back of his neck a bit. "Yep, that's me." Cassie walks over to him and is about to ask him something.

"Luke, is Malachai your girlfriend?" Malachai looks annoyed again now that she mentioned it. Luke chuckles and wraps an arm around Malachai now. "That's right kiddo." He is about to give Malachai a kiss, but that makes Malachai jump a bit. "What the- like oh my god!" Luke laughs about it while he steps a bit back now while Malachai is literally fighting the air at this point. "Well, is he right tho?" Cassie asks more seriously now. Malachai stops with what she's doing and puts her hands on her hips. She looks at Luke and then back at Cassie. She slowly starts nodding. "Well I guess so." Malachai says while she's crossing her arms. Cassie's jaw drops and she starts squeaking a bit. "OMG OMG OMG!!" She says excitedly. "Cassandra, calm down." Jeroen says while putting his hand on her shoulder. "Sorry dad." Cassie says while she's getting more calm again. "This train is going to the middle of the country. I think we're going to Arnhem." Jeroen says while he's checking the intercom. "Great, Jake and dad are there." Malachai whispers to Luke while Luke seems like he's not listening at all to her. It seems like everything she does or says is a mesmerising feeling to him. Malachai keeps talking about the place. "Well technically Jake lives in Rotterdam, but they're in Arnhem now because dad lives there and dad is about to celebrate Rosh Hashanah." Luke nods while he's crossing his arms. Cassie seems to be bored by Malachai's talking and starts listening to some music. Noah also becomes tired and falls asleep in Jeroens arms. Luke on the other hand keeps listening to her without interrupting her. He keeps smiling while she's talking.

The train steps at its arrival and Jeroen thanks Malachai and Luke for helping to find his kids. Noah waves at Luke and hopes to see him again soon. "Bye!! Hope to see you again!!" Cassie says while waving happily. "Bye!!" Luke and Malachai seem to be saying this in sync. "Jinx!" Luke says teasingly. Malachai chuckles a bit and elbow bumps him. Luke feels a tap on his back and turns around just to see Cassie. "Here's my dads ehh, phone number. He said to give it to you two." Cassie says while giving Luke a paper. "Sure, thanks kiddo." Luke says while he opens the paper. "No problem, bye bye!" Cassie then runs back to her dad and holds his hand. Malachai sighs and feels a bit guilty. She wraps her arms around Luke's arm and leans her head on his shoulder while they're walking to her dads home. "I feel bad for them, their poor mother is gone now." Luke sighs and leans his head on hers. "Yeah, I can't imagine losing my mother like that. I should give her a call first thing when we arrive at your dad." Malachai nods and they walk through the city.

"So, Rosh Hashanah. Is that a religious thing? Like how my mother called me to lecture me about Maria's birth a few weeks ago?" Luke asks while smiling curiously at Malachai. "Yes, it's a Jewish holiday, our new year. My dad is Jewish, me too, but my dad is very religious compared to me." Malachai says with a chuckle. "Every year dad invites everyone for the holidays. My brother and I always stay in his house for 9 days with Chanukah. With all the family. Just imagine how much that is if we actually have our own families." Luke nods happily and rubs her back a bit. "I think that'll be lovely." Malachai nods and grabs the keys to her dads house. She opens the door and sees Arden preparing lots of food with June. May is talking to her stuffed animals on the couch, trying to stay awake.

"Dad, I want to take a nap." May says a bit annoyed. "No May, you know it's Rosh Hashanah tonight." Arden says while he's making a challah. May sighs irritated and flops on the couch. She then notices Luke and Malachai and stands up again. "Oh, hi Luke, hi Mal." Arden seems to notice them as well now and immediately goes to Malachai to give her a hug. "Thank god you're okay." He says in a relief now. Jake walks out from upstairs and sees Malachai standing there. He runs downstairs and gives her a tight hug as well. "Mal! Oh my god I was so worried. I even prayed to the Adonai today and then you know how bad I was worried." Jake says with a chuckle. "Jake oh my God you're okay." Malachai says back. The both of them seem to tear up a bit while they're reuniting again. Clover comes running from the stairs as well when she follows Jake and sees Luke there as well. "Oddio Luca. I'm so glad that you're safe. I thought you were killed." When Luke sees Clover he runs up to her as well and gives her a tight hug as well. "Cara, dio santo I thought you were one of them."

Malachai now wipes her tears a bit away and looks at him with a worried look. "How is Shaina? Is she okay?" Jake nods happily now that she mentioned Shaina. "Shaina is fine, she's having a phone call with her dad. Her dad is like, weirdly obsessed with the Egyptian gods and poor Shaina is the only one that actually listens to him." Jake says with an awkward smile. "But you can't judge, you highly believe in the Adonai." "I respect Adonai, yes, you know I pray a lot to him." Malachai says with a soft smile. "I think it's important to thank him for the good life I'm having." Jake nods his head and smiles agreeable. "Yeah, yeah you're right." Suddenly Shaina walks out the room frustratedly. It seems like she just cried. Her eyes are red and puffy and she is sobbing a bit. "Dad kept talking about the dead ones, how they'll be reborn by the god Osiris. How they'll come back as a skinless creature." She says while she's wiping away her last tears. Jake tries to comfort her and gives her a comforting hug, caressing her back a bit. "I only called him because I wanted to tell him I'm pregnant." She says softly now.

"There there, it's gonna be alright." Jake says more comfortingly. Shaina calms down again and smiles a bit at Jake. Malachai becomes a bit suspicious about Shaina's description of how her father described the dead. She grabs some documents out of her purse and shows them to Shaina. "Are any of these... by any chance, your dad?" Shaina looks at the documents and goes through them. She is watching the documents of the so-called "Calen" team. Shaina stops at one file and she nods to Malachai. "That's him... that's my dad." Malachai looks at the file and sees the name of the man.

Lucas Langton.

"You're the daughter of Lucas Langton?" Malachai asks in a confused tone. Arden suddenly drops his whisk and turns around annoyed. "You're his daughter? What are you? Are you some spy of his that's only dating his son just to get to know about me?" He asks more irritatedly. Shaina gets a bit scared now and looks frightened. "No, sir! It's not like that I-" "Enough with your bullshit young lady. You may fool my son, but you can't fool me. Not even for one second." Jake gets a bit mad now at Arden. "Dad, stop it. She isn't responsible for his actions. Please, calm down." Arden seems to listen to Jake and calms down a bit. "Dad never mentioned his past as a scientist. He always told me was an engineer." Shaina hides a bit behind Jake and looks a bit scared at Arden.

"Dad, you never mentioned being a scientist as well." Malachai says while she's reading the files. "Alfred Arden, age 21, occupation, bio-scientist?" Arden sighs a bit when he hears that. He's a bit disappointed in his past and rather not talk about it. "Zahava Gadot, age 22, occupation... bio-scientist..." Malachai sighs as she reads further. "The Calen team, creator of a cure for cancer, that's made by Zahava Gadot, who was suffering from cancer herself. Unfortunately, she passed away from the effects of cancer." "Bullshit." Arden says annoyed. "Dad what the fuck?! How the fuck can you talk about mom like that?" Malachai seems really mad now and is gripping the files now. Arden doesn't let her finish her sentence and starts yelling at this point.


After Arden says this, he immediately gets back to reality. He gets in a trance of reality and a traumatic memory. He looks around in a haze and gets dizzy. "I- I am so sorry, Malachai. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." The whole room is quiet now. Luke tries to comfort Malachai now by caressing her back and shoulders now while Malachai is softly sobbing now. She's shaking her head in denial. "No, no it can't be YOU'RE LYING!!" "Malachai, I was there. I was there when it happened." Arden says while he's about to tear up himself. Luke sighs now and grabs a usb stick out his jacket. "Sir, maybe you want to watch this video. It's ehh... about your wife." Arden looks irritated at Luke and looks down at him. "I don't need your pity with files and videos that makes me think about how quickly my perfect life was taken away from me." Luke rolls his eyes annoyed and puts the usb stick on the table.

"Zahava Gadot?" Shaina asks with a suspicious look. "Yes, she's my mom." Malachai says with a nod. "My dad talked a lot about her. I was 6 I think, so it's a vague memory, but he talked about her and him being with each other in the undeath. I- I can sound stupid now, but he's very fanatic whenever it's about religion and mythology." Malachai looks confused now and thinks about what she's saying. "Right... my mom, with your dad? You gotta be shitting me." Arden then looks at Malachai after she says that. "She's right, Malachai. Lucas kept talking about her when we worked together. About her and some stupid Egyptian god named Anubis. Anubis shall bring them back. Anubis will bring them back all..."

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