The argument

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Luke rings Malachai's bell and waits patiently. After what felt like hours, Malachai opens the door. "How do you know where I live?" She asks with a sigh. "I- Well your brother told me-" "Of course he did." Malachai then tries to close the door until she hears him talk again. "I'm so sorry, for everything. I know you hate me now, but can we please talk for a moment?" Malachai looks back at him again through the little opening in the door. "Please?" Luke asks with a stern look. Malachai has never seen him this stern and decides to let him in. After all, she knows how to defend herself. "Alright come in." Luke nods and walks in. The house is quite cosy. The light beige floor and white walls seem to match perfectly with the golden wall mirror and other decorations. There are plants to make the place more cosier and happier. Luke stands in front of the kitchen while Malachai is making herself some tea. "You want something to drink?" She asks him. "Oh- no thank you. I'm good." Luke declines with his hand politely and gives her an awkward smile. Malachai doesn't seem to get bothered and sits at her table. "Look, Malachai, about earlier I-" "I don't even want to hear it. We were trying to save our sister. It wasn't like a cute little date or anything." She says while looking quite mad. "If your sister died it would've been my fault because I kept getting distracted by YOUR STUPID FUCKING FLIRTI-" "YOU DIDN'T EVEN FIND HER AT ALL! In the end I found her by myself while you were nowhere to be seen." Luke's sudden reaction to Malachai makes her go quiet really quick. "Get out of my house." Malachai seems to be really triggered now by his sudden yelling. "Wait Mala-" "YOU DON'T HAVE EVEN THE RIGHTS TO YELL AT ME LIKE THAT! WITHOUT ME WE WOULD HAVE NEVER FOUND YOUR SISTER-" "WITHOUT YOU?" Luke starts to laugh a bit and walks closer towards her. "IN THE END I FOUND HER ALL BY MYSELF! HER AND YOUR COWORKER! If it wasn't for me you would've died out there." "I'd rather die there than be stuck here, with you." Malachai tries to walk away, but Luke gently takes her arm.

"You can't be mad at me for saving your life now, can you?" Malachai shrugs and rolls her eyes. "I can be mad at you whatever I want. Calling me names without knowing me, what do you think this is? The vip? How come that you're older than my brother and even he knows how to be more mature than you?" Luke sighs and puts his hands on his hips. "You don't know what I've been through, don't judge before you know what happene-" "I know what you're going to say, and I understand that you're mad at me, but that is the past now. Now, please be happy that your sister is alive and well."

Luke sighs and looks quite irritated. "You don't seem to take the effort to listen to me, do you? Are you that cold? So cold you won't even listen to my side of all of this? Sure I may have gone too far at some points, but what did I have to grow up with?" Malachai sighs and walks to the kitchen. "I'm not in the mood to listen to you vent to me. I know a good therapist nearby, want her number?" Luke is getting really irritated and impatient now. He's trying to keep it calm, but Malachai is really getting on his nerves.

"You know what, gimme the number." Luke looks furious at this point, waiting for the number. Malachai shrugs and gives him the number. Luke puts it in his pocket and tries to convince her to listen for once. "You know what, maybe I understand now why the hell Jake left you for some football team."

Malachai drops the spoon she was using to eat her leftover yoghurt. She turns around and quickly walks towards Luke. "Don't you dare bring my brother up in this conversation!" "Well maybe you shouldn't have said that YOU were the reason we found MY sister even though it was ME who did it!" Malachai and Luke are now centimetres away from each other, their foreheads are almost touching each other's. "You should be happy for me that I even made it out alive." "I don't need to be happy for you, Morgan." Malachai starts to breathe a bit more erratically now. Luke's mad expression starts to soften up a bit. Malachai keeps the same irritation in her expression while she still looks back at him. There's a tension flowing in the room, which can be felt by the both of them. They both lean in a bit into each other a bit, still with that tension between them and the mad expression on their faces.

Suddenly Malachai cups his face in her hands and Luke places a hand on her back while the other is on the back of her head. When they start to exchange a tremendous kiss, they slowly start to move to the couch while still exchanging their make out session.

[Writers note: I am not mentally or physically prepared to type out the rest so please imagine it🥰]

The next morning they wake up again. Malachai is the first to wake up. She feels a soft embrace wrapping around her and a soft skin under her. She rubs her eyes a bit and looks around her. She stands up and grabs her clothes from the ground. She puts on her grey tank top and blue low rise flare jeans. She stretches a bit and walks to her kitchen. She grabs a sandwich for herself and sits at the table. Luke also wakes up after a quick second. He puts a hand over the couch and the other one he uses to support himself to sit up straight. He rubs his face a bit and moves his hands to the back of his head. He grabs his shirt and pants and goes to the kitchen as well. He makes himself a coffee and takes his cup to walk to Malachai.

"Good morning." He says with a soft smile, caressing the back of her back. He takes a sip of his coffee and notices Malachai is reading the news.

Gillado won with 7-2 in the USA last week

Malachai sighs and puts the paper away while taking a bite from the sandwich and looks a bit disgusted. "Good morning!" She says with a tired smile. Luke chuckles a bit and sits next to her at the table. He wraps his arm around her and caresses a bit. "So... I saw you were reading the newspaper. Aren't you impressed?" Luke asks with a teasing smile. Malachai nods and takes a sip of her tea. "Sure, yall did great." Malachai says while offering Luke her sandwich. "You like olives? I despise them and this sandwich has olives." "I love them! How can you hate them?" Luke takes the sandwich and starts eating it while smiling happily at Malachai. Malachai smiles back while she suddenly gets a call from her brother. "Oh, it's Jake. Gotta take this." Malachai walks out the room and Luke admires the way she walks. He looks at her hips while she is walking out and smirks softly while taking a sip from his coffee. "Well that's a sight I would love to see every morning." 

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