The escape

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Luke follows Malachai and she grabs her car keys. They go to her car and Luke is sitting in the passenger's seat now. He looks scared and doesn't know what to do for a while. "Shit man, THAT WAS MY FUCKING SISTER" Malachai starts the car and drives through the city with full speed. She doesn't seem to care which skinwalkers she's driving over. "That was not your sister Luke, I think voice impressions is something they can do." Luke looks scared at Malachai now. "How do you know? WHAT IF IT WAS MY SISTER?" "Your sister is safe with my brother. He called me to let me know that he, Shaina and your sister, Cara are safe. Back to 'Cara', why did she call you 'Luca', while your name is Luke?" Malachai gives him a soft and curious smirk and drives over the now empty highway. Luke sighs and then looks out the window.

"Well, it's because my actual name is Luca Ivanto Antonio Morgante." Malachai nods her head once and then looks back at Luke. "Right, so you're not from an English country." Luke shakes his head and then looks at her with an awkward smile. "No, actually I'm from Vernazza, which is in Italy. I couldn't speak English until I got asked for this football career when I was 15 and had to learn English. That's why I still have such a bad accent." Luke says with an awkward chuckle.

"Why did you decide to take the career? You seem pretty smart to me, don't you regret giving all that up for a football career?" Malachai asks curiously. "I had no choice... look, my pappa wasn't the best man around and my mamma couldn't pay for a divorce and a good lawyer. The coach that offered me the career made the deal that if I took the offer, he'd pay for my mamma's lawyer and divorce." Luke sighs and looks a bit to the floor. "So I did. I didn't want to become this famous, I mean, I don't mind now, but being famous is a lot of pressure. People always seem to complain about everything you do." Malachai gives him an empathetic smile and caresses his shoulder a bit. "You did the right thing, how's your mother doing now?"

"She's doing great. She gave me a text this morning, saying she's going to make Focaccia. What about your mamma?" Malachai sighs after she hears his question. "I... I don't have a mom. She died of cancer." She says with a sad expression. Luke suddenly remembers the video he saw back at the lab. "She didn't die of cancer." Malachai looks annoyed at him when he says this. "Yes she did, dad told me! Who are you telling me that she didn't?" "Because she made a video about it." Malachai stops talking and then looks confused. "What do you mean, video?" Luke sighs and then tells her about the video. "Your mamma, she... she was one of the first to be infected with this virus. She did have cancer, but this man, Langton I think, gave her a 'cure'. She had really bad side effects. In the video you saw her skin getting droopy. She said 'I need to unalive myself.' And 'I love you Alfred.'"

Malachai is about to tear up and then puts her head on the steer. "No, it can't be! She died of cancer!!!" She then suddenly sits up straight again and looks confused. "Wait, Langton?" Luke nods. "Yeah, Lucas Langton I believe." Malachai's eyes are getting bigger and then looks shocked. "Langton? Oh my god! Jake's girlfriend is named Shaina Langton!!" Luke's eyes widen as well and then he connects the dots. "We need to ask Shaina where her dad is." Malachai nods and drives to Shaina's house.

"No, I don't know where my dad is." Shaina says irritated. "I can't believe I had to cancel this bowling day with Jake and Clover for your bullshit Mal." Shaina says while getting up again. She's grabbing some orange juice out the fridge. "And by the way, my dad is a good guy. He always spends his time with us whenever he can and wouldn't harm a soul. He even helped cancer patients survive cancer." She says while pouring the orange juice in a glass.

"Right... well next time please ask him about his first patient, Zahava Arden for me." Malachai says while going back to the door. "We're sorry for interrupting you Shaina, take care of yourself and my brother." Malachai says with a soft smile. Shaina nods and smiles back. Malachai and Luke now walk back out the apartment and Malachai looks at the files Malachai is holding. "Well that didn't work." She says with a sigh. "I may know one last person that would love to help us." Malachai says again.

"FAT RAT!" Hailey smiles happily when she sees Malachai at her doorstep. "Who's this fine young man?" She asks while pointing at Luke. "Oh, he's just a friend." Malachai says with a chuckle. "Yeah yeah, last time you said that about a guy you ended up making out with the same guy in the cinema while I was trying to watch the movie." Malachai sighs and rolls her eyes a bit. "Ohhhh, you're Luke Morgan from the Gillado team! What is that new World Cup song going again? "Tu tu tu tu la international love" Luke chuckles a bit and points at the door. "Can I come in?" He asks with a cheeky smile. "Oh yeah! Sure come in!" Hailey gets a bit out the way and Luke walks in.

"Right, Hailey, we need information about Lucas Langton. So his wife, Maria Langton, died at the birth of Jonas Arden. As you can see he started to develop the virus right after that, and a month later, my mom was one of the first to inject the virus, thinking it's a cure." Hailey looks at the papers with her eyes squinting a bit and grabs her glasses. "I think this man has got a really bad case of grief disorder. It seems like something snapped inside of him when his wife died." Malachai looks confused. "But Shaina said that he's a great dad for her." "Well he could be really narcissistic, or even worse, have a multiple personality disorder." Hailey says while putting the files away. ""We should thank him though. He gave my other friend who had cancer a cure." Malachai looks suspicious at Hailey. "Have you seen how many people have gone crazy though? Especially the people who are on anti depressions." Malachai and Luke both look confused now and also a bit shocked. "They're mostly in either effexor or anaesthesia." "Alright thank you Hailey, well leave now stay safe." Malachai says while she walks out with Luke. They Are walking to their car and Malachai opens her door. Suddenly a bomb in their car goes off and starts ticking very fast.

"JUMP BACK!!" Malachai yells before Luke and Malachai  both jump back from the car. "MALACHAI? ARE YOU OKAY?" Luke yells from one side. Malachai yells from the other side and says that she's fine. A 15 year old girl walks towards Malachai. She's clearly crying and begging for her to not hurt her. "I'm not infected, but please I'm finding my brother. His name is Noah and he's only 4. PLEASE HELP ME!" The girl keeps crying and sobbing while Malachai looks worried. She comforts the girl and gives her a reassuring look. "Okay, calm down now. Let's introduce each other first. My name is Malachai Arden, and your name?" The girl calms down again, but is still scared with the fact her brother could be hurt or dead. "Cassie, Cassie de Jong." "Okay Cassie, everything will be fine. We need to leave this city now, you understand? We'll try to find your brother in the progres." Cassie nods and becomes calm now.

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