The Gillado

By Chqmbxrs

58 14 0

A young agent gets the task to find the missing sister of a world wide famous soccer player. While they're tr... More

Finding Clover
Saving Clover
Malachai's saving
The argument
The outbreak
The outbreak II
The escape
Morgan's escape
Arden's escape


7 1 0
By Chqmbxrs

Mads Mikkelsen as Alfred Arden
Age: 70 (2024), 45 (2009)


It's now December 29th 2001 and Malachai is now 16 years old. She is a very intelligent girl for her age and seems to have developed an interest in biology. She has a brown skin and hair colour, just like her mother had. Her eyes are as green as Jade and her hair is as flowy as the wind. She became best friends at the age of 6 with the 17 year old Hailey Xavira, who seems to be great at physical combat for her age. She, on the other hand, has short brown hair, brown eyes and a tall appearance.

"We should play Mortal kombat at my place!" Hailey smiles happily and shows the Mortal Kombat 4 game in her backpack. Malachai's eyes widen when she sees the game. She's always been a mortal kombat fan with him, so she won't say no to this opportunity. Malachai nods and goes over to her place. When they arrive, Hailey starts up her playstation. "That should do it. Here, a controller." Hailey grabs a controller and throws it at Malachai. "HAILEY?!!" Malachai sighs and sits on the couch. She waits for the Playstation to load. Hailey sits next to her and starts thinking about which character she'd pick. "I think I'm gonna be Johnny Cage." She says with a thinking look on her face. ""You're always Johnny Cage.'' Malachai laughs a bit and then looks at the roster to pick someone from it. "I know I know, but he's so hot! Imagine you can fight AND be famous, Just like Luke Morgan." Hailey looks like she's about to start a lecture about why he's the best mortal kombat character. "Oh my god, don't begin about Luke, but whatever, I'll be Sonya." Malachai says with a sigh. "Ooohhhh, is it because she's with Johnny and I'm Johnny." Hailey says with a smirk. "Shut up Hailey, you always make things so gay." Malachai gives an amused chuckle and clicks on Sonya on the roster while Hailey is taking a glass of water. Malachai takes advantage of this and puts the tv on mute, so that Hailey couldn't hear that the game has started already.

"HAH, I WON." Malachai says while looking back at her. "WHAT NO, I WASN'T LOOKING THAT'S CHEATING." Hailey says with a sigh. "We both know I'm better anyways, that's why you had to cheat." Hailey says while clicking on the restart button. She then starts playing against Malachai and is clearly winning this time. "Ugh I give up." Malachai says while standing up. "Hah, I knew I was better." Hailey says teasingly, standing up as well. Malachai realises she hasn't called her dad yet and starts walking frustrated to the phone. "Shit, I forgot to call my dad." Malachai says while she's calling the numbers on the phone. She then holds the phone against her ear, hoping he's home in the first place.

"Hello, this is the Arden residence, how may I help you?" "...Hi dad." Malachai looks awkward on the phone. She looks at Hailey with a feared look. Suddenly she holds her phone far from her ear. "My god Malachai! You got me worried sick, I was about to find you myself and that has happened before. Where are you anyways?" "I'm at Hailey's place, we're playing Mortal Kombat." Arden sighs and puts his hand on his hip while his other hand is holding the lower part of the handset. "Alright then, but be home for dinner." "I will, bye bye!" Malachai then ends the call and looks at the time. "I should go at 7:30 pm, my dad cooked today." Hailey nods and then turns off the game. "That's okay, will you be at school tomorrow?" Hailey asks curiously. "I will, but I gotta go now, bye Hailey!" "By Maya!" Hailey then walks with her to the front door and waves her goodbye.

Malachai walks into her home and sees Arden in the kitchen. It smells like he just made some Cheese and Herbs potatoes on the side of some steak. He also made a garlic sauce with that and it smells deliciously well. She sits at the kitchen island and looks curiously at what he's cooking. Arden smiles at her while he's still cooking the dish. "Do you need help?" Malachai asks curiously while she's watching him cook. "No, but you can cook tomorrow." Arden says with a chuckle. "Haha, very funny." Malachai laughs a bit about it while looking at the potatoes. When he finishes cooking he puts the dish on 2 plates. He walks to the table and sits at the table. He puts his elbows on the table, holding his hands in a ball form under his chin. "So, how was your day at school Malachai?" He asks curiously, taking a bite from a potato. "It was fun!! With biology, I learned that a bee can sting only ones, because its stinger stays in the person with its organs. That's why they die." Arden nods and takes a sip from his water. "I figured, well, that's lovely isn't it?" Arden smiles at her while he puts the glass back. Malachai nods. "Mhm! And Hailey threw her calculator at the teacher and yelled 'maybe you'll be a better teacher now that someone threw a calculator at your bald head'. It was very funny, but she got detention." Arden looks confused back at Malachai. "Sometimes I wonder how you two are friends." He says while taking the empty plates to the dishwasher. "Me neither, but she's funny so who cares? Anyways when is Jake coming over again?" Arden swallows his food quickly and puts his fork down. "I think he'll pay a visit around next we-"

Suddenly the bell rings and Malachai walks towards the door. "I'll get it!" She opens the door and there are 2 twin girls standing in front of it. They look like they're around the age of 4 and from South-Korea. One of them is holding a note:

"Dear person,

Can the twins stay with you for a while? Unfortunately their parents were attacked and killed in a mass murder and they need a place to stay. The person holding the note is named Maybeline and the other Jubilee. We would appreciate this and you won't regret it.''

Malachai looks confused, but it seems like it has been storming for a while, so she lets them in. She wraps them in a blanket after she realises the twins are shivering like crazy. "Dad, you might help me because look what was in front of the door." Arden comes from the kitchen and looks at the twins. "Oh! Well, why are they here?" He asks, confused. He sits next to one of the twins on the couch. "Well hello there. My name is Alfred Arden and the girl that helped you is Malachai, my daughter." He gives a soft smile at the twin. "May." the twin says quietly. It seems like she's been scared of something. She's breathing quite heavy for a 4 year old and looks at the surroundings. "May? That's a cute name." Arden says happily. Suddenly the other twin starts talking to him. "Her name is May because she's born in May. I'm June because I'm born in June." The other twin says confidently. "May is scared of new surroundings, so that's why she's so quiet." June says while kicking her legs a bit in the air. "Me May." The other twin says with a happy smile while pointing to herself.

Arden nods and takes out his hands. "Alright then, you two are lucky that I have a big house. I may have a room for you two." "ME! ME MAY!" May starts clapping her hands when she hears her name in the sentence. Arden chuckles a bit and shows them the room.

Malachai in the meantime is finishing the dishes he started and thinks about the situation. "Why is dad so easy going with them? I have to beg him just to let Tommy or Hailey in and if I manage to do that, then it's not even for long." She mumbles to herself while she's putting the dishwasher on. Arden comes back downstairs and tells her they're gonna live with them from now on. Malachai looks confused. "Why?" Arden sighs and looks back at her. "Because I have to."

After a few months Malachai says hi to the twins. May looks quite scared to meet her, but June is very sweet. "HIII" She waves happily at Malachai. Malachai waves back while she's grabbing her stuff. "Dad, I need to go. I have an exam." "Alright, good luck!" Arden waves her goodbye and she's off to her exam. It's a biology exam and Malachai is well prepared. "Did you learn?" Hailey asks worriedly. "Yes, don't worry." Malachai grabs her sheets and starts writing the answers of the test. After 20 minutes, Malachai is done with the exam. The substitute looks proud while Malachai walks outside the room. Hailey is waiting for her outside her room. "How did the exam go?" She asks curiously. "It went Great! 'Doctor House gave me a proud smirk while I was leaving." Hailey smiles happily about that. "HE'S SO FINE YOU'RE SO LUCKY" Malachai sighs and walks off after Hailey says this. "Next week's prom, we should go together." Hailey says jokingly. "Alright bet." Malachai laughs with her and walks to her locker.

Malachai comes home, just to see the twins looking at a fishbowl with a fish in it. "What did you two get there?" Malachai asks curiously while walking to the couch where the twins are sitting. "MAY GOT FISHY" May smiles excitedly and claps her hands. She shakes her head a bit and giggles a lot when she sees the fish just chilling. "Oh really? What's its name?" Malachai asks while looking at the goldfish. "BLUPPYYY" May jumps a bit from happiness and hugs the fishbowl. "I love Bluppy." she says to the fishbowl. June in the meantime started to dig in Malachai's backpack and found the calculator and started to make impressively good formula's on the calculator. "Hey! That's mine you little thief." June looks at her and looks scared. She starts crying softly, thinking Malachai is very mad at her. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, I was just joking." June wipes away her tears while May in the meantime is putting her head in the bowl, trying to kiss the fish. "OH MY GOD?!" Malachai then grabs May away from the bowl and May starts laughing. "MAY LOVES BLUPPYY!!" Malachai sighs and lays on the couch.

Arden then comes from upstairs. He's wearing a dark blue blouse and black pants. He's rubbing his wet hair with a towel and cleans his glasses with the other hand. "Hey Malachai." Arden caresses her head a bit while he suddenly gets hugged by May. "You sweet, you got May Bluppy." Arden smiles and lifts her up. May starts to get tired and so does June and Malachai. "I see what it is, it's time for some rest." Arden then takes June as well and Malachai walks to her own bedroom. Arden tucks the twins in and then checks up on Malachai.

"Malachai?" Arden then walks to her bed, seeing that Malachai is asleep already. Arden smiles softly and puts a blanket over her and gives her a quick kiss on her hair.

The next day, Arden walks out the kitchen. He's eating an apple and puts his other hand on his hip while watching whatever May is watching on the TV. He doesn't like kids shows that much but he always makes exceptions for his own kids. He looks at May who's talking to the fishbowl. "May loves Mr. Bluppy very much. Does Mr. Bluppy wants a hug?" May then puts her head in the fish bowl and her little arms as well. Arden drops his apple when he sees that the bowl is slowly breaking. He grabs May out of it and sees that the bowl has broken after he did that. The fish slides under the couch where no one can grab it. May starts crying and Arden tries to calm her down while cleaning the glass. "It's going to be okay May, I promise." Arden sits on the couch and May sits next to him. She bops on the couch and looks at him with a sad frown while kicking her feet a bit out of sadness. "Where's Mr. Bluppy?" May asks sadly while looking at him with the biggest puppy eyes a toddler can create. "Well, Bluppy is now in a very pretty place." Arden tries to calm her while suddenly June walks past. "No, he's turning into dust under the couch, get over it May." May then gets mad at June and fights her. "Oh my god..." Arden sighs and pulls them apart. The twins are getting tired now and he puts them to bed.

It's May 16th 2002 now and it's graduation and prom week. Malachai passed the exams with cum laude and decided to go to prom. She chooses a pretty green gala dress and her hair is in an updo. She puts on red lipstick and a black small bag to bring with her. "Dad! I'm going to prom!" Malachai hugs Arden quickly and walks to the front door. "Alright, have fun." Arden smiles softly at her and then waves her goodbye.

Malachai walks outside to see Hailey in a black dress, waiting outside while waving hysterically. "YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!'' Hailey smiles happily while she gets in the car. "Girl you too!" Malachai smiles as well and gets in the car as well.

They drive to the prom and walk inside the school building. It looks like they're just in time, because the dance was about to dance. The prom starts with some popular music while people grab some punch. Malachai and Hailey seem to be having a fun time. They meet up with Tommy and start talking about how much they hated their maths teacher. "OMG I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" Hailey walks to the music and asks the guy who's responsible for something. Suddenly a slow song starts to play and Malachai looks annoyed at Hailey. "Seriously?!" Hailey laughs a bit and looks with a teasing smile. "Have fun Malak."

People start to wrap their arms around each other. Malachai looks stressed by the idea, since she hates physical touch, yet she also doesn't want to ruin it for anyone. She then stands at the side of the dance floor and waits for Hailey to get back to talk about people they don't like at all, while suddenly, she's getting taken away by someone. "WHAT THE FUCK ISAAC?!" Malachai yells so loud that even the music stops. Isaac doesn't seem to let go of her and forces her to dance. "How about a cute little dance of our own baby. Why do you care about this anyways?" Malachai looks uncomfortable by his surroundings and tries to avoid him. He suddenly tries to kiss her and out of reflex, Malachai punches him and runs out the school building.

"OH MY GOD MALACHAI!" Hailey runs out the moment and tries to find her wherever she is.

She later finds her in the park on a bench. Malachai is crying softly while Hailey walks up to her. She sits next to her and smiles with a reassuring smile at her. "I'm sorry he did that, but at least he'll be gone forever now. You won't see him anymore after this stupid prom." Malachai looks sad at Hailey and nods a bit. "I know, but this is not how I wanted to end my life at high school here." Hailey nods as well when she hears her answer. "I understand, but you always have me at your side and if I see his ugly fish head again, then I'll smack his head like a dodgeball." Malachai laughs a bit about this and seems to be a lot happier again. "Thanks Hailey, I think I'll be good again." Hailey smiles happily again and stands up. "That's the spirit, now, let's go home. I want to see this new movie, Luke Morgan is in it!!" Malachai looks annoyed in a joking way. "Of course he is." Hailey sighs at her, looking a bit confused and annoyed at the same time. "There's no way you DON'T have a crush on him. Literally everyone does. He's only 18 but such a hot superstar already OMG." Malachai sighs and decides to walk back with her.

After a while they go back to Malachai's place. When they open the door they see Arden offering Tommy a towel. "What happened here?" Malachai asks in a confused tone. She puts her purse on the counter next to the door and walks towards Tommy, just to see he's drenched in water.

"Well, after you ran away from the prom, I decided to chase you guys, but I fell in the lake..." Tommy starts laughing hysterically about himself until Arden gives him a serious glance. This makes him stop and clean himself with the towel. "My bad, sir." "That's what I thought." Arden gives him one last glance before he looks away again. He puts his hands on his hips and looks at Malachai. "Hailey... Tommy. You should leave. I want to talk to Malachai alone." The duo nods and walks out the house. Hailey walks past Malachai and starts saying something. "OHHHH, someones in trouble.'' "Tommy, you told him?!" Malachai asks frustratedly while she starts to fidget with her fingers. "Maybe...!" After this Tommy walks out the house and wishes Malachai good luck.

Arden sighs and points to the couch with his head. "Take a seat." Malachai nods and takes a seat. Arden then takes a seat next to her and lets out another sigh. "So, Tommy told me about what happened at the prom. You could've gotten hurt?!" Malachai looks away annoyed and crosses her arms over each other. "It's fine dad, I'm fine." Arden looks more annoyed now as well. "Look at your dress, it's all ripped down to the bottom. Who did this to you?!" Malachai ignores him and hides her face in a pillow on the couch. "Damn it Malachai, who was it?" Malachai still ignores him and covers her ears. "God damn it, you know what, I'm going to sleep." Arden stands up and walks off to the stairs, until Malachai then stands up again and starts talking again. "It was Isaac. He was the one that ripped the dress while I was trying to run away." Arden turns around and walks back to Malachai. "Very well, thank you, Malachai." He rubs her head gently and smiles softly. Malachai then gives him a big hug and starts apologising. "I'm sorry I lied to you." She says in a guilty way. "It's okay, I'm glad you told me the truth in the end. Now, get some rest." Arden smiles happily and walks with her to her room. He wishes her goodnight and then goes to sleep himself, noticing there's another kid in his bed sleeping. Arden crosses his arms and puts his one leg across the other while standing against the wall. He then switches the lights on and looks at whoever is sleeping in his bed. "I don't remember having a sleepover today." May then rubs her eyes and stands on the bed. "May nightmare, May safe here." Arden looks confused. "But how can May be safe when she's alone in my room?" May then giggles a bit and points to the floor. "May not alone, May with big girl!" Arden looks more confused and walks to his bed. He then sighs and sees who's literally laying under the bed. "Oh, hi Alfred.." "Hello Hailey. Didn't I tell you to go home?" Hailey chuckles awkwardly and looks back at him. "...Well." Arden looks tired from all of this and takes his hand out for her to get out from under the bed. "You can sleep at Malachai tonight, just leave me alone." Hailey nods and walks out.

"May no scared anymore." May smiles happily and jumps a bit on the bed. Arden sighs and takes May to her own room. "Alright then, time for bed May." He then takes May to her own room and waves her goodnight. He then walks back to his own room and sighs once more. He writes some stuff in his journal about the day and then stands up again. He stretches his back and then walks to his closet. He takes out a satin black bathrobe and some pyjama pants. He takes off his blouse and changes his pants with his pyjama ones. He then sits on the bed for a while and looks at the floor. He thinks about how he can help Malachai with situations like this and what advice is the best to give. He stands up and wanders through the room while thinking about it. Suddenly the door opens and Hailey walks through it. "Hi Mal, remember when- OH MY GOD?!" Hailey starts yelling while Arden looks in front of him. "HAILEY FOR FUCKS SAKE DO YOU EVER KNOCK?!" Hailey doesn't seem to bother to close her eyes but keeps looking while holding the door knob tightly. "I THOUGHT THIS WAS MAL'S ROOM!!" Arden quickly puts on his bathrobe and looks very irritated at Hailey. "Go, Hailey." Hailey nods and walks away.

"Hailey what happened? I heard yelling..." Malachai looks confused while she's bopping a bit on 'Are you that somebody.' Hailey sits on the couch in Malachai's room and looks still in shock. Malachai stops the radio and looks concerned at Hailey. "Hailey..." "Malachai..." Malachai looks confused now, but Hailey suddenly stands up and shakes Malachai a bit. "I accidentally walked into your dads room and I got scared, but then he turned around and you never told me that he's so fine!!" "HAILEY?! WTF?!" Hailey laughs loudly while Malachai looks disgusted. She then turns off the lights and goes to sleep. "Goodnight Hailey..."

The next day, Arden decides to pay a visit to a certain someone. He knocks on the door and a pretty woman opens the door. "Hello ma'am, are you Isaac's mother by any chance?" The woman nods and Arden then smiles brightly. "Well then, I'm here to tell you some stuff." he then starts to take a deep breath and starts talking:

"You're spoiling your son too much with affection and don't discipline him enough. Grow up and do your job as a mom.

My child has to hear how he gets everything and how much he hates her because she doesn't look like the girls on the Victoria Secret's runways, assaulted her at prom and ripped her dress that I made for her. Did you never ever teach your kid to not act like a spoiled brat in public? It's embarrassing if you ask me. Not only for him, but also for you. Clearly you see him as a friend instead of a son.

Of course you can't say no to someone who looks and acts completely like their dad but please, get mature and realise he's making people stop school, or even worse, because of his crazy minded ass, people are getting insecure or hurt themselves.

He fought with the teachers and what did you do? "Oh sorry my Isaac!! it's not your fault" well guess what you sick woman, it is his fault. I think I'm not the only parent to complain about your son, so If you want the complaints to stop, than discipline him for fucks sake."

The woman is in absolute shock while Arden looks satisfied with his lecture. "Oh! And Little side note, stop banging every teacher so that your son can pass. Believe me, it's gross." Arden walks away while the woman suddenly stops him by grabbing his arm. "Oh please sir, how can I make it up to you?" She smiles with a seductive smile at him while raising an eyebrow. She's caressing his arm softly, trying to seduce him out of the situation. Arden takes back his arm and looks disgusted at her. "I am happily married." He says with an annoyed sigh. "Yes, but she is 6 feet under, don't you want someone who's still alive?" Arden is disgusted by her comment. He turns around and while he does that, he backhand slaps her. The woman holds her hands on the bruise while she's on the ground now. Arden points at her angrily. "I always knew you were a bitch, but you can't seduce me your way out of this situation.You first decide to completely ignore my lecture and then also be disrespectful about someone who committed suicide?! Have some goddamn respect. I'm not letting your son assault my daughter slide by some sex. You are a fucking twisted, disgusting bitch. Now, I know I can't slap a woman and I would never, but you are no woman, you are a monster." He then walks away from her and decides to never return to her or anyone's parents from who Malachai went to school with.

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