The Will of Chaos

By wordlesslazy

59 21 6

'May you choose the fate that encompasses your will' When earth fell into despair, Diane wasn't there to see... More



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By wordlesslazy


I jumped from the top of a Sarkasas after severing its head and taking out both of its horns by pulling it off. After a few seconds, it fell on the ground with its tongue showing out of its mouth. I walked in front of it with its eyes as big as my head. I pointed my sword on one of its eyes and buried it down. I retracted my weapon and replaced it with my hand.

"Disgusting as always" I muttered to myself while my hand entered inside digging the predator's eyeballs. I rolled my eyes trying to find the core of the monster. When I was able to touch it, I immediately pulled my hand out aggressively causing green blood spurt and scattered on the ground. A few of it reached my shirt and mucus covered my hand holding the core. It was a colored yellow and distorted shaped stone covered with the monster's blood and mucus.

I wriggled my hand to remove the mucus. I was grinning when I left the corpse of a half a hundred feet monster and saw Grinch looking tired seating a few feet away from me and cleaning its paws.

"Hey buddy" I called him. It stopped licking itself and looked at my direction. It tilted its head and stared at me for a minute before getting up. I waved my hand calling it and I as always, disappointed, it only stared at me and stretched its body.

"I should dispose you soon" I said and passed by my predator companion, glaring at it. As if it understand what I said, Grinch tried to push its head on me and then decided to walk casually ahead.

I can't even pat its head because it won't let me. I stared at it as we walk down to the river to clean up. I was thinking of threatening it so it would fully submit to me but the old man might decide to kill me this time.

Three years already passed and I am still not over my death training. After I decided to agree on this inheritance process, the next day, I was chased by a monster with six arms, ox headed with one eye. I would say it was a blast of running again and screaming. It happens everyday until I decided to fight back and be half-dead after then, it stopped happening. No one chased me anymore but I was faced by a more difficult enemy monster. I experienced freezing to near-death and getting sucked inside a huge ant colony. Learning from all of those, I was able to survive a few years.

Whilst trying to fight loneliness, I decided to have the lion monster who chased me down to the forest take refuge under my care. I found out that the lion monster was under the old man's care and apparently his pet. The old man would teach me things for a day and disappear for a whole month. In that period, I would go make shelter in a house cave I claimed and find my own food. Aside from that, hunt predators around the area. I was given a map of the place but it was incomplete. Apparently, my tasked is to complete it by travelling around, fighting monsters, and outline locations I have been.

Today, I have already killed the Rex of the Sarkasas', the mob of the western part of the forest. Its core is made up of unique and rare stone. Others may made up of gold, silver, or mostly ruby. If appraised, I'm sure it is of high quality.

I glanced at Grinch groaning and tossing from left to right. I sighed dragging my self up and walked over the pantry and took out a big chunk of meat then placed it in the fire.

"I'm already preparing your food, your grace. Please give me a moment" I sarcastically said glancing at the stubborn monster.

I left the meat to walk over Grinch and sat beside him. I placed my head on its body making sure not to make a rubbing motion so it won't bite my head off. I wouldn't be surprised if it will kick me in the head later. Luckily, even though this one type of monster is stubborn,they can actually be tamed and be familiar with human touch. More importantly, it can adjust its size according to its prey. If the prey is bigger, it would grow in size. The same thing can be said if its prey is smaller.

I know it likes my presence around but he doesn't show it. I remembered when he tried to swallow me before when I first got here. But now, I didn't expect for it to come around and discover things with me.

"What?" I rhetorically asked when I saw the lion monster stared at me and groaned.

I saw its eyes changing shade into black and back to red as if studying me.
"I am not" I said, sounding as if we were really conversing verbally.

And even if he doesn't say, it felt like I know what he wants to say. Grinch gritted his teeth and groan again looking away.

"Relax dude, I already forgot about how you tried to kill me once" I glanced at him smirking and he instantly tilted his head on the other side causing my head to fall on the ground.

"You piece of---" I sighed in surrender. "Suit yourself!" I stood and walked to the fire. I just can't get through this so-called friend of mine. I used my double edged spear weapon to cut through the cooked meat and brought it to my companion.

He got up and waited for me to approach him and extend the meat unto his mouth.
"Here. You're so grumpy"

"I'm leaving at dawn and you will be having the task of guarding this place and my treasure" I pointed at him and I received no response because he only kept on eating. "Grinch?" I called out his name. He didn't like it so I know he would only give me a death glare with his red eyes.

"Good" I said before retreating to the depths of the cave and prepared for bed.

Dawn came and I had to leave early. Wearing my already ripped jeans and shirt, I carried my spear with me out of the cave. Winter season is about to come and I need to gather every food I can get and prepare for the deadly cold. Unlike earth, the coldness here can make anyone turn into a block of human ice. I was thought to hunt down Kyakki to help me get through the harsh weather.

Kyakki are warm blooded green eyes rabbit-like creatures. They are also furry but they have venomous small spikes on their backs. They are at the bottom of the food chain yet they can still kill a human. Their meat cannot be eaten but their skin and fur removed with spikes are like insulators. Even dead, their fur still protects them from cold and even conductive to heat and electricity. Years of observing them, I found out that they are easy to reproduce even though they are practically prey to everything.

I halt from moving when I heard a familiar rumble on the other side of the river while I pace looking at the sun as I always do in the morning.

"Trade walkers" I muttered to myself, cursing, and running to a near tree to hide. I peaked from where I hide to see if they appeared near the river.

What does trade walkers doing on this side of the forest?

I contemplated if I should show myself and attack or go back to the cave. I remember then how the old man kept on telling and reminding me to avoid any fights with trade walkers. They are also called the undead but their ability to reason are still intact. They are abomination of the fallen army that the progeny led before. I didn't really understand what the old man was talking about. His stories was all chunked down to pieces and until now, I still struggle to put it together. He doesn't name things clearly and explain them. He only tells me things out of nowhere and all I can do is listen, wondering, and get weird.

I didn't hesitate and decided to retreat for the day. Maybe I can wait for a few hours and go back at the riverside later. For now, I can cogitate and do house chores. Rather, cave chores.

When I got back in the cave, Grinch was not there anymore. Instead, the old man was already seating outside the cave with his legs crossing and eyes closed, somehow, meditating. I immediately put my double-edged spear beside his staff laying in front of him. I mirrored his seating position and took a deep breath.

"Where have you gone to?" He asked still eyes closed, as I felt it.

"I was at the riverside" I answered also eyes closed.

After a minute of silence, I felt something dark enveloped the whole space and my breath hitched as if something is squeezing my throat and suffocating me. I instantly opened my eyes and gasped for air. When I realized there was nothing around despite what I felt, my breath goes back to normal and my senses came back as well.

"I was merely trying to connect my will with you" the old man slowly opened his eyes. "But you already looked like you saw death" he said, clearly unimpressed and disappointed.

"If you teach me how to accept it, then maybe things will get better" I throwed at him sarcastically.

"Accepting a will is a matter of inner decision, Diane. Something bothers you and you still contemplate to accept my will after these years"

"I don't" I said. I know I don't contemplate  but maybe there is something I was still afraid to say and admit.

"You still doubt" I looked at him when he said those words and he looked back at me as if he was really sure of it.

"It's just hard. Things are hard. I really don't know anything until now" I said knowing my words were tangent.

He picked his staff and hold it out with his hands as if presenting it to me. I looked at him and he nod in confirmation. I took a deep breath before extending my right arm and grab the staff which already turning into silver, slowly. I mustered all my strength in case it rejects me again.

And it did.

I was only able to hold it for a few seconds before my head began to feel dizzy and my hand goes numb as if it sucked out my energy and ran out my veins with blood. All the time. Every time I try to claim it.

"This one is tough"
I said laughing... nervously.

"Your mind wanders somewhere." He pointed at his head and stand up, carrying the staff, now turning to a mere wood again.

"Follow me" he commanded, glancing down at me. I picked up my weapon and followed him deep in the woods.

I was following the old man silently and in the middle of nowhere, I decided to ask just to break the stillness of tranquil silence.

"How did you know I'm the right person to have your will?"

"That's something you should find out yourself"

I grimaced and rolled my eyes. Still following him from the back.
"Can't you just explain? Why do you have to make mystery out of everything?"

He stopped walking and I did so too. But he didn't glanced or turned to look at me.
"When it is your time to pass this will, you will understand" That was all he said and started walking again.

Would he die if I throw a spear right through his head?

"Fine. At least give me updates what is happening in my homeland. Yeah?"

It's already 3 years in here. Given, it should be around two years in earth. According to the days I marked on a stone wall inside the cave, I am a year or so ahead of earth.

"Exactly why I need to talk to you"

"It's amazing how you decided to update me with things now"

He turned to face me and I stepped back when his face plastered with serious and teacher mode.

"You're real training starts now"

"Eh?" I stood there flabbergasted and trying to register what I just heard.

Is this old man a wacko or what?

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