Hetalia Yaoi & Yuri One-Shots...

By HidashiYaoiFanBoy1

259K 2.9K 3.3K

Different pairings, boy x boy, girl x girl, also Nyotalia yuri and yaoi One-Shots. More

Author's Note
France x England 'Will You Marry Me'
GerIta: Smut~
Statetalia ( California x Texas)
New Years Kiss (PruCan)
SMUT! (Belarus x Liechtenstein)
First Meeting (EngPort)
First Time (AmeCan)
Request Pairings?
Sick (GerIta)
Divorced (UsUk)
Band-Aid (Franada)
First Date (Spamano)
Ve! I'm Pregnant! (PruIta)
Ve! I'm Pregnant! pt 2 (PruIta)
Honeymoon (Giripan)
Author's Note
Birthday Present (UsUk)
Will You Marry Me? (PruIta)
Mistletoe (UsUk and PruCan)
Author's Note

m Truth or Dare: USUK

56.9K 405 639
By HidashiYaoiFanBoy1

The World Meeting was starting, The personified nations were sitting in their spot.

"Alright, zets get zis meeting started" Germany said

"Ve~ Germany, can we get pasta later?" Italy asked, Germany nodded and thus the meeting continued without interruptions....


Speak of the devil, America came in, always late to the meetings.

"You bloody git, why are you always late!" England yelled

"Relax Iggy, I was just at McDonald's eating a burger!" Alfred said, England rolled his eyes and sighed, since America interrupted the meeting, Germany told everyone to take a break.

"Ve~ Germany lets get pasta now!" Italy said, he grabbed the German's hand and dragging him out.

"Hey Potato Bastard! Don't go near my fratello!" Romano yelled, chasing after them, Spain, of course followed his beloved tomate.

"Hey you guys! I have an idea!" Alfred said

"It better not be stupid you wanker!" Arthur said

"Its not Iggy"

"Don't call me 'Iggy' wanker!" Alfred chuckled.

"Okay since its break time, we should play Truth or Dare!" Groans and protests filled the room.

"Oh come on, its a great idea!" America said

"For you only, da?"

"Its like totally a horrible idea" Poland said

"Please you guys?" America pleaded, everyone sighed and nodded, they got some chairs and formed a circle.

"Okay since I got the idea, I (the hero) go first" America said " Okay....Poland, truth or Dare?"

Poland thought about it "Uh I pick...Dare!"

"Okay,I Dare you to kiss Lithuania" America smirked, Lithuania blushed red, Hungary and Japan got out the cameras and video camera. Poland nodded and took a step forward to Lithuania, he grabbed the Brunettes shoulders and kissed him. Hungary got a nosebleed, the kiss lasted and both separated.

"Okay, its my turn" Poland said, looking at each nation until he landed on America. He smirked " America, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare duh, the Hero always picks Dare"

"Okay, I dare you to grab a person you like and take them in the closet" Poland said, America nodded, he grabbed England and dragged him, ignoring the green-eyed brits protests.

In the closet, it was dark, they couldn't see nothing or each other.

"So uh Iggy, who do you like?"



"A-America, I need to tell you something"

"What is it dude, The Hero can help"

"Um I'm g-gay, and I like a boy"

"Oh that's great, I'd knew you would be able to come out, so, who's the lucky man? France?"

"Oh heavens no, I'll never like the frog"



"Uh China "




"Germany,Italy,Spain or Romano?"

"No,nope,never,and no"



England sighed, its now or never, he took a deep breath and said "America, I-I like you" he said, he heard nothing but was surprised with a kiss on the lips.

"I like you too Iggy" Alfred said, both kissed again but was stopped when the door opened,revealing shocked nations and too happy yaoi-fan nations.

"Ha! I knew it, China you owe me money!" France said

"No way aru!" China said

"Wait...you betted on us the whole time?" Alfred said, the rest nodded and went back into their business.

"Well I'm happy because I got the person I loved" Alfred said, England blushed and kissed the Americans cheek.

"I'm happy too" Arthur said

My first Yaoi & Yuri One-Shots book, please comment or vote! Goodbye!

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