Not So Innocent, Harry Styles...

By harrysburrito_

3.4K 76 44

His cuddly, soft image maybe showing but, what about the dark side of Harry Edward Styles? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Big Announcement!!!

Chapter 27

65 2 1
By harrysburrito_

A day later...

I woke up and saw nothing but darkness. It was cold and I was shaking.

I smelled the air.

It smelt like vanilla and Harry's cologne.

"Ari?" I heard a raspy voice say.

"Who's there?" I said worriedly.

"It's me, Harry. We're at your Aunt Lori's house. You passed out in the car ride here. The cops are upstairs asking her questions about Ms. Hellman."

"Are we in the basement?"

"Yeah," He said touching my arm.

"Holy shit you're cold."

I let out a giggle.


I heard him move.

He went to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

He was really warm. He always was. I couldn't know why.

"Thanks." I say.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes.

Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Is she up?" I heard my aunt say.

Harry let go and I sat up.

"Yeah. What went on up there?" I asked.

"They asked me about her. If I knew anything she was planning, if she had ever done things to me. Etc." she says.

"Well did she ever do anything to you?"

She took a breath.

"Not to me. But, you remember how I work at Wickendale? And how she's my boss?"

I nod.

"The things she does there."

She paused.

"She does illegal brain tests on patients, electro shocks them as punishment. Much more. But I don't want to freak you out."

I gasped.

"Did you explain that to the police?" Harry asked.

"Of course. They're on their way to Wickendale to investigate a few things."

"What about Maya? Harry's ex was in on all of this too." I say.

"I don't know honey. Next time you get the chance, explain everything to the police. I mean that's all you really can do."

She walked back up the stairs.

Harry put his arms around me once again. He let out a sigh then yawned.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's nine o'clock at night. I know it's late but you were sleeping on the couch yesterday then you fell asleep again on the way here earlier and slept for a long time."

"Oh. I guess I'm just tired." I say.

"Very," he teased.

I laughed.

"Ari. Just remember this will all be over. All of them will be arrested and taken away. Then there will be no trouble anymore. And then all of this stress and worry will be gone. I promise."

He squeezed me for a little hug.

"I know. Then it would just be us. Safe and sound." I said.

He snuggled up more.

"It will be amazing."

I smiled.

"I love you so much," I say, kissing him gently on his head.

"I love you more," he said, kissing me back.

"I love you most."

The next day...

(Harry's dad's POV)

I heard a knock on my door. I thought it was Susan. She hasn't been here in a few days and I started to get a little worried. She's my wife and I love her more than anything. Well, besides my boy Harry.

I opened it up.

"Hello sir. I'm officer Roye and this is my partner officer Trammer. We wanted to tell you somethings an ask a few questions."

Both men looked very serious. Like they needed to talk to me immediately. Was is about Susan?

"Oh okay. Come on in," I say stepping out of the way for the men to walk in.

They came into the doorway.

"May we sit on the couch? We suggest you might too." Officer Trammer said.

"Okay." I said.

I followed their suggestion as they sat down on the black couch.

"So this involves your wife Susan. We must discuss this."

I nodded.

"Your wife has been under our criminal investigation state. She has threatened to kill your son Harry. And his partner Ariana Matthews."

My jaw dropped.

My own wife. Wanted to kill my son and his...partner...? Are they dating.

Never mind that's not important right now. But my wife wanted to kill my child. I loved Harry and if she ever tried to kill him I swear I-

"Sir? Are you okay," officer Roye asked.

I was in interrupted by my thoughts of the cop.

"I'm just shocked. I can't believe this. My own wife. I j-"

"Take your time to process. We understand that this is very hard for you to hear."

I took a deep breath.

And before I knew it, I started to cry. I actually cried. I never thought something like this would happen in my life.

Like I am a grown man and I thought that I could handle anything. But knowing my wife, was out to kill my own child, I completely broke down emotional illness.

Harry told me he spent the night at Ariana's and now they're probably hiding.

As the questions and answers kept shooting at me I learned that Harry wasn't in any danger right now. He was with Ariana at her aunt Lori's house. Thank god he's okay. I don't know what I'd do if I ever found out that my son, my ONLY son, was found dead.

(Aunt Lori's POV)

2 days later...

I took a sip of tea from my coffee mug as I stared out the window. It was foggy and rainy. A very gloomy day.

The sky was dark and it was barely late morning.

"Ari's aunt! Good morning! Did you hear anything from the cops yet?" Harry says, coming up from the basement.

"Morning Harry. And nope nothing yet. But hopefully later in the day we'll hear something. Would you like some tae dear?" I say.

"That would be nice."

I walked to the pot and also grabbed another mug from the cabinet for Harry.

"Ari is still sleeping. She's been very tired the past few days." He says again.

"I can relate to that. A lot has been happening and we're all worried. But don't worry. Everything will be cleared up for all of us soon. We just have to keep faith in the police to help us find everything out. That's all we really can do at this point."

"Hopefully VERY soon. Even better."

"Exactly. All we can do is pray and hope that everything will turn up soon."

(Ari's POV)

I had woken to the sound of the ground screeching. My aunt Lori must be walking around upstairs. Harry too since he wasn't here next to me anymore.

I let out a tired sigh then got up and made my way up the stairs.

"Good morning sleepy head," Harry said smiling.

"Morning," I reply.

I walked over to the tea pot sitting on the stove and poured myself a cup.

"So me and your Aunt were talking about the situation. She said that the police hadn't told her anything yet. But she said that she was hoping that they'll call later today. And I really hope they do. I also really hope that they called my dad about this. He really needs to know from the police. He probably won't believe me if I told him directly." He says.

"You never know. But yeah it does sound A lot more informative coming from the police." I say.

"It will be okay. He'll know the truth soon. Everyone will."

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