Loud Visions 2

By PaulHoon

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After revealing his Future Visions to his sisters, Lincoln's life takes a different turn. His sisters vow to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

286 7 6
By PaulHoon

            Lynn went riding on her bike to keep in shape. She didn't do much except go to the park. By the time she returned, all her sisters were finished for the day. Lincoln had returned from hanging out with his friends and Rita from nursing school. When Lynn came inside, she saw everyone gathered around the trophy cabinet.

"What's going on?" Lynn asked.

"Lincoln got trophies!" Leni squeed with joy.

Lynn's eyes widened, "Wait, what?"

"Actually, one trophy and two framed certificates from Guinness World Record," Lisa corrected.

This surprised Lynn even more, "Guinness?!"

"Yeah, apparently, I'm the youngest person ever to be awarded the Gold Eagle medal and the youngest to own a restaurant in the US, beating the one kid who owned his restaurant at fourteen. So, that's a two-fer. Which is why they sent me this trophy to go with the certificates," Lincoln explained, holding it up.

The trophy was really something. It was in the shape of Guinness's symbol, a shiny platinum pillar with a gold star on top, and a golden plaque with Lincoln's name. It looked more impressive than an average trophy by far. Rita and the girls were dazzled by it and were so proud of Lincoln. Rita placed the trophy inside the cabinet next to Lincoln's medal and hung the framed certificates next to the cabinet.

"Now that is something," Lori praised.

"Way to go, little bro. You're really moving up, ain't ya?" Luna said.

"Our trophies dwarf compared to that medal alone, and that trophy is just as impressive," Luan added.

The girls continued to comment on Lincoln's achievements and greatness as they relaxed on the couch. Lynn stood there staring at the trophy in awe. Looking at the trophy, Lynn had mixed emotions. On the one hand, she was definitely proud that Lincoln got a trophy and the two certificates to go with his medal. However, on the other hand, she felt jealous because his medal and trophies were greater than any of her trophies and her sisters' trophies combined. Their trophies were something that anyone could get. Lincoln's were far more rare for someone to achieve, making him more unique and special.

Also, Lynn wasn't proud of her trophies because she got them through poor sportsmanship and with her stupid luck rituals. Which is why she threw them all away. She planned to win new trophies through good sportsmanship and without luck. However, she's not so confident that'll happen. So now, her spot in the cabinet was completely empty. It felt like Lincoln was better than her. But on the third hand, he kind of is better than her because compared to Lynn and what she and her sisters could have done to him, she is lesser than him. He's the kind of person who would risk his life for his family, and she's the kind of person who would corrupt her family to lock him out due to bad luck after losing one game and not care about his wellbeing. But on the fourth hand, Lincoln saw all this coming and was going to wait for it to happen so he could call the cops and get help while she and her family would get in trouble. However, on the fifth hand, he was saddened, scared, and didn't know what else to do. So, who could really blame him?

Lynn stopped her train of thought and asked herself, 'What am I thinking about all this? Lincoln earned these. I can earn mine if I try hard enough. I've won trophies before. I can win them again . . . I hope.'

Lynn joined the others in the living room, sitting on the floor next to Lincoln's feet. They browsed through the channels as they chatted.

"Say, Mom, we didn't get a chance to ask how things went with Dad, Lance, and Gramps at the hospital. Was it bad?" Luan asked.

Rita rolled her eyes with a grumpy frown.

"No, it was worse," Rita replied.

"Really?" Lori asked.

"Yeah, your Uncle Lance was furious at your father. Was yelling, 'What is going on in that house of yours?' and 'What have you been doing to your children?' And I'm saying the nicer versions of those questions. There was swearing and name-calling," Rita explained.

"No," Leni breathed in disbelief.

"Yes. Gramps said he never felt so disappointed in all his life toward your father. He even said, 'If I were a lesser man, I'd disown you for what's happened to my grandson.' When I got there, I got plenty of heat as well."

Rita leaned against her elbow and rubbed her eyes. Lori held her hand, "I'm sorry, Mom."

"The worst part was the threat," Rita said.

Everyone's eyes widened at that.

"Threat? They threatened you?" Luna questioned.

Rita sighed heavily, "Lance said if anything like this happens again, he and Sharon would sue us and take custody of Lincoln."

Everyone softly gasped.

"They can't do that! Can they?" Luan asked.

"I don't want to mess up to find out," Rita groaned.

Lincoln got up and went to hug his mother. Rita pulled him in to have him lying on her lap so she could hold him close and kiss his head. Everyone joined in for a group hug. Rita shook her head with watery eyes.

"I've seen so many times on the news talking about bad parents that abused and/or abandoned their kids. Your father and I always said we'd never do that to our kids," Rita said with a broken voice before the tears rolled down her cheek, "I still can't believe that we actually would do those things."

Rita squeezed Lincoln tighter in their hug, brushing her hair and cheek against his.

"What's wrong with me? Am I really a terrible mother?" Rita asked.

"No, because a real terrible mother wouldn't care. You do. You changed because you care," Lincoln said.

Rita looked at him, and he kissed her head. After a while, she calmed down, and they watched a classic movie together, 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit.' However, as soon as the movie ended, Lisa rushed Lincoln upstairs to her room, where she ran some tests. The other sisters and Rita watched to ensure Lisa kept her word on no experiments.

The results blew her mind as her machine showed Lincoln's energy. Lincoln demonstrated a sample of his powers by teleporting a small toy from one part of the room to the other side. Then he teleported his sisters from one room to the next, and that weirded them out. They barely felt it, and it happened so fast. Then Lynn noticed something glowing from inside Lincoln's chest. She walked over and pulled the shirt down so she could see it. Lincoln looked down and saw it, too. He removed his shirt, and everyone saw two small lights shining on his chest. One was glowing a golden light similar to the light orbs, and the other was glowing a blueish-green light. The girls and Rita's eyes widened with their mouths slightly opened.

"Whoa," Lynn breathed.

"Wow," Lori spoke.

"Totes," Leni added.

"It looks like the glowing lights everyone had in the music video 'Leader of the Broken Hearts,' by Papa Roach. Only it's two instead of one," Luna said.

"Lincoln, can you feel that, or is it like it's not there?" Lola asked.

"I can feel it, and it's weird. I can turn it off and on," Lincoln said before showing he could.

The lights in his chest turned off and on like a switch. This raised more questions.

"So, the golden light is Lincoln's future vision powers and the blue and green one is his teleportation powers?" Lana asked while looking at Lincoln's chest.

"I think that's right," Luan said while scratching her head.

"Lisa, can your machines and computer explain any of this?" Rita asked.

"This is mind-blowing, but there's something I don't understand," Lisa said before showing everyone the computer screen.

"This is the energy of Lincoln's future vision powers," she said, and then she clicked a different button to show a different image. "And this is the energy for Lincoln's teleportation powers."

Everyone looked at the two images. Everything from the wave pattern and color was completely different.

"They're different," Leni said.

"Exactly! The energy and the elements are different. There's no way Lincoln got this from the same glowing rock that gave him his future vision powers," Lisa said and then turned to her brother, "Lincoln, did you touch another glowing gem or crystal?"

Lincoln shook his head, "No."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. That rock I got from that trip with Clyde is the only one. If there were any other glowing rocks, I'd remember it."

"Then how did Lincoln get these new powers?" Lucy asked.

"Either he got exposed to something, maybe touched another glowing rock, and he didn't know it or . . . someone gave him these powers," Lisa theorized.

"What?" Lynn asked.

"Lisa, that literally doesn't make any sense," Lori said.

"Yeah, who would give Lincoln these powers?" Leni asked.

*Camera View Changes Showing Future Lincoln*

Future Lincoln looks up at the viewers.

"No, it wasn't me. It was the one-armed man," Lincoln said, imitating Jim Carrey when he played in The Mask, "All right, I confess. I did, ya hear? And I'm glad. Glad I tell ya! Yeah!"

Then he imitated Rocky from the Bugs Bunny episode Racketeer Rabbit, "Yeah! Rocky's really glad he did it! And he'd do it again, see? Yeah, Rocky would do it again! What are you ankle biters gonna do about it? Huh? Yeah, I'm talking to you, chumps, see? What are you gonna do about it, huh? This is Rocky's town, see? And as long as I'm around, you'll always be second best, see? Yeah."
*Camera View Goes Back To Present Lincoln and Family*

"Well, I'll try to use my future visions to see if the truth is ever revealed, but I can't promise it will," Lincoln shrugged.

"Don't sweat it, little bro. We don't know if this is something that we should worry about right now," Luna said.

"She's right. If it's not hurting him, let him enjoy it while we can," Luan said.

Lisa still seemed puzzled as she looked back at her computer. It was the twins' turn tonight, and Lana was eager to have Lincoln keep the nightmares away. Before everyone left, Lynn took this chance to ask Lisa a question.

"Hey Lisa, I got a question," Lynn said while rubbing her arm.

Lisa turned to her.

"Whenever Lincoln sleeps with us, we don't get nightmares, and sometimes we get really good dreams. I've noticed that good dreams usually have something to do with our good futures. So, my question is . . . does sleeping next to Lincoln give off some of his future vision energy, and we can see into the future in our dreams as he can?" Lynn asked nervously.

Everyone's eyes widened slightly at that.

"Huh, that actually makes sense," Leni said.

"Well, kind of. But I don't get why Lincoln would be a professor at Fairway. I'm not saying he can't, but that's different from what he wants to do in life. Unless he's teaching art or something," Lori said with her hand on her chin while thinking.

The girls turned to Lincoln and Lisa. They glanced at each other.

"I thought they didn't get nightmares because my presence makes them feel safe," Lincoln said.

"It does! But I just noticed that sometimes the good dreams are kind of specific, and I was just wondering," Lynn responded.

"Hmm, that is a possibility. Although, I would have to test it to find out. I would need to see if any of Lincoln's future vision energy goes into our system while we sleep," Lisa said.

"You said you were making a machine that could see into people's dreams, right? When will it be ready?"

"I'm not sure. I'm still working on some bugs and tweaks."


As everyone headed for the bathroom to floss and brush their teeth, Lucy held Lincoln's arm to hang back with Lisa.

"Something is going on with Lynn," Lucy said.

"Are you sure, Lucy? Because she could still be upset about you guys sabotaging her game. That really hurt her feelings," Lincoln said.

"I think it may be more than that," Lisa stated.

"She's afraid," Lucy said.

"What?" Lincoln asked.

"She's terrified of her nightmares. Remember how she clung to you when Lana needed you? Didn't you notice how she's the only one who doesn't want to know what her future is?"

Lincoln did notice that. Lynn absolutely did not want to sleep without Lincoln when it was her and Lucy's turn. It was rather strange that she didn't want to know her future. You'd think she'd want to know with her being so into sports. It'd make sense if she wanted to know if she becomes a couch or gets into any major league or, even better, if she made it into the Olympics. But nope. She said she didn't want any spoilers and didn't sound very convincing to Lincoln, especially Lucy.

"What should we do?" Lincoln asked.

"We should keep an eye on her for now. I don't think she's ready to talk, especially after what we did to her. We should wait until things calm down. Maybe the vacation to Hawaii will make her feel better, and she'll be in a better mood to talk," Lucy proposed.

"Lucy's logic is sound. Approaching her now will likely prove unsuccessful. Some time therapy may ease the tension, and the vacation may reduce her stress levels. I'll continue working on the dreamer reader to see if something specific is causing her distress," Lisa said.

Lincoln nodded, "Okay."

"I can't think of a better way, so let's go with that. Also, Lincoln, keep an eye out for your visions if something comes up with Lynn," Lucy said.

"Will do," Lincoln said.

Lincoln kissed everyone goodnight. It was the twins' turn, and Lana was so ecstatic to have Lincoln bunk with them that she jumped in Lincoln's arms. Lola pressed the button to have the beds together, and they got comfortable in bed – Lana cuddled and snuggled her brother.

"Hey, girls," Lincoln said.

"Hmm?" Lana asked.

"I was thinking about what Lynn asked about my future vision energy rubbing off and coming into your dreams. When we sleep together, and you don't get nightmares, what are your dreams? Are they just generally good, or are they kind of specific? Anything that could tie to a possible future when you grow up?" Lincoln questioned.

The twins thought for a moment while tapping their chins.

"Well, some of my dreams are of you and I racing offroad together," Lana said.

"Really?" Lincoln asked.

"Yeah, when we sleep together, sometimes I dream where we're driving trophy trucks and racing together in the Baja Racing. There have been dreams where it's dirt bike racing, too, but many of them were of you and I working together on the vehicles."

"Am I in all of them? Are all of them racing and vehicles?"

Lana shook her head, "Nah, there are some dreams where it's just me, especially those where I'm working with animals. But there are dreams of us welding together. There was this one dream where we welded a giant life-sized metal statue of the Iron Giant from the movie! It was so awesome!"

Lincoln's eyes widened at that, "Wow . . . that is awesome. I wonder if we could make it happen in real life. Of course, we would need a lot of metal, and I would need to learn how to weld."

"I can teach you! I know how. It's not that hard. Although, make sure your skin is covered. Otherwise, you're going to get a bad burn like a sunburn. I learned that the hard way," Lana said.

Lincoln turned to his other twin sister, "What about you, Lola? Are your good dreams specific too or not really?"

"My dreams when you're around are weird. There are dreams where I become a model, and that's fabulous and all, but then there are these other dreams," Lola started.

"What kind of 'other' dreams?"

"If it's true that your future visions enter our dreams, then somewhere in the future, I may go out of my beauty phase and into a video game phase. I've had dreams where I get really into video games. Online games like War Thunder, Apex Legends, Overwatch, and you're there with me. And it's not just video games. I've had dreams where I get really into anime, too, and the weird thing is I kind of liked it," Lola explained.

Lincoln tapped his chin while thinking, "Hmm, interesting. Well, those aren't bad things to get into. War Thunder is definitely fun, but if those dreams actually do happen, don't play Fortnite. Stick with War Thunder and Apex Legends."

Lola nodded in understanding. With that, they drifted off into sleep. However, his night would not be a pleasant one. His visions showed him a dark future. Even if it was a ways off, it was anything but nice.

Vision Dream:

The Loud family were enjoying the treats of winter break. Gingerbread houses, peppermint cookies, Clyde's surprise Christmas bake, hot cocoa, and various other holiday treats. Things couldn't be better after surviving Lynn's crazy snowball hunt during Packing Day. Lynn walked into the living room with more hot cocoa and being a good sport after her family outsmarted her. Then, the news showed the weatherman calling for another Packing Day, which got Lynn pumped.

Lynn laughed, "Chumps! You may have won today, but tomorrow, you're gonna eat major snow. See you on the battlefield."

Lynn then howled before running out the front door like a gorilla.

"Uh, should we remind her that tomorrow's the start of Holiday Break, and we don't have to leave the house?" Luna asked.

"Nah," everyone responded.

However, what slipped everyone's mind was that even if they wanted to remind Lynn that, they couldn't because she left without her phone. Lynn ran out, prepared for another day of snowball ambush. She was going to cover all the routes that they'd take in town.

While she prepared snowballs, she didn't notice that six grown men approached her after they followed her down the alleyway. Lynn turned around to see them, and chills ran up her spine as they chuckled.

"Looks like Christmas is coming a little early for us, huh, boys?" one of them spoke.

"Yeah, and I was worried I've been too naughty," another said.

Lynn didn't like the situation as her heart rate rose faster. She tried to make a run for it.

"Whoa! Where are you going?" one of them asked, chasing after her.

Lynn ran as fast as she could through the alleyway but wasn't fast enough to hop the fence. They grabbed her and pulled her off the fence. She struggled to get free and screamed, but the men silenced her with hard punches.

Lynn was on the ground, bleeding out of her mouth as she spat out a baby tooth. Then they gagged her with a piece of cloth, held her wrists, and tied them around a post with belts. Lynn was panting as her face was pressed against the pole, and her heart rate skyrocketed as the men laughed. Her whole body had chills, and her eyes were wide open. She tried to escape her bonds, but they were too tight. She yanked hard a few times, but that didn't do anything – the belts dug hard into her wrists and hands. One of the men grabbed her by her ponytail, pressed her hard against the pole, and then moved her head to the side as he pulled out a knife for her to see.

He licked the side of her face and said in Lynn's ear, "Santa's coming down both your chimneys . . . and he likes his meat extra warm and bloody. This won't be gentle, bitch."

Lynn shivered as he cut Lynn's pants and underwear to pull them down to her ankles. Her panting made her breathe hard through her nose, her whole body had chills, and her eyes were wide open.


The Loud family enjoyed their Christmas treats and hot cocoa while watching classic Christmas movies like the old 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas,' and 'Mickey's Christmas Carol.' They expected Lynn to be back hours ago, but after no sight or hearing from her, they grew worried with each passing hour – especially now that it was dark out.

"She should have been back by now," Luna said.

"We should totes go look for her," Leni stated.

"I don't know, guys. What if that's what she wants? So, that she could ambush us?" Lynn Sr. questioned.

"That's it. I'm calling the police," Rita said before grabbing her phone.

However, just before she picked up the phone, the doorbell rang. Lynn Sr. answered it to see two police officers standing at the door. The Louds showed serious and pensive looks when they saw the boys in blue.

"Are you Lynn Loud Sr.?" an officer asked.

"Yes," Lynn Sr. answered.

"May we come in?"

Lynn Sr. moved out of the way so the two policemen could enter. They kicked the snow off of their boots before entering.

"Are you Mrs. Loud?"

"Yes, I am. What's this about?" Rita asked.

"It's about your daughter, Lynn Jr." the officer answered as he removed his hat.

Lincoln and the others got off the couch.

"Did you find her?!" Lincoln asked desperately.

"Yes, we did," the officer replied.

"Is she okay?" Luna asked.

"Did she cause trouble? She'd break any windows or something?" Lola asked, annoyed.

"Perhaps we should discuss this privately," the officer told the parents.

"No, just tell us. Is she okay or not? What's happened to her?" Rita demanded.

The policemen looked at each other before turning back to the parents.

"Mr. & Mrs. Loud, we're sorry to inform you that your daughter has been gang-raped."

Those words shot through everyone's hearts like a cannon. Everyone's eyes widened with their pupils shrunken to tiny dots, and an ungodly cold chill ran up their spines. For some, like Lincoln, they began panting in a cold sweat.

"What?" Rita uttered.

"Your daughter has been raped and physically assaulted by six men. We caught them red-handed and arrested them, but I'm afraid the damage had been done by the time we got there," the officer explained.

"Wha-what? Wh-where is Lynn now?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"She's at the hospital. She's in a really rough state. She's been badly beaten as well."

Wasting no time, they rushed to the hospital and to the room where she was. The sight of Lynn was devastating. She had an oxygen mask on and several wires and IVs in her. Her face had several cuts and bruises – her left eye was swollen shut. The wrists of her arms were red and covered with bandages that showed bloodstains. Rita couldn't stop crying in her husband's arms.

The police found her lying against the pole with her legs spread apart with blood and fluids from six different men leaking out of her. The poor girl was barely alive as the men sat around like pigs in bliss. According to the doctors, there is severe damage to both her vaginal and anal areas – major tearing and forced penetration. The rape kit identified six different males and all of whom were in custody.

When Lynn woke up, she gasped and struggled frantically. The nurses calmed her down. When she did and got her bearings, she remembered everything . . . everything. The pain. The horror. The helplessness. The men laughing. Lynn started sobbing.

End Of Vision Dream:

Lincoln gasped as he was jarred awake. His heart was pounding with his labored deep breaths. It was a miracle that he didn't wake up Lana and Lola sleeping beside him. He got up and quietly went to his room to think. It wasn't long until Lincoln's fear vanished, and he was completely consumed by rage. His mind flashed images from his vision. He clenched his fists hard and grinded his teeth. His eyes burned red with murder. He could see their faces and their fucking laughter. All the men. No, the animals.

Wasting no time, Lincoln used his future visions to see the various different outcomes and what paths to take to avoid this. He saw a few, but what he needed to do was dangerous, and he couldn't do it alone. Who can I rely on? I need someone strong, mentally strong. Someone who is willing to go the distance to stop this from happening. He looked at his visions and which one was the best choice. He knew what he needed to do.

"I'm gonna get those low lives. Don't worry, Lynn. I'll protect you," Lincoln said to himself.


Lori was sleeping soundly until she was awakened by someone grabbing her mouth. She was startled as her eyes jarred open. The hand covering her mouth silenced her gasp. Then she saw a pair of glowing eyes – one was blue, and the other was green. She noticed it was her little brother, Lincoln, and she knew the eyes meant he had a vision. He brought a finger to his lips and softly said, "Shh." Lori calmed down as Lincoln used hand gestures for her to get out of bed. She quietly did, and he teleported them to the garage.

"I'm sorry for waking you, but I had a vision . . . and it's a bad one. It's really bad," Lincoln said.

Lori put her hands on her hips, "What is it? What's the vision?"

Lincoln gave her a pillow, "You're gonna get mad, and it will make you want to scream at the top of your lungs. When you do, scream it into this and try your best to control your anger."

Lori took the pillow, and Lincoln handed her the light orb. She watched it all. Her reaction was the same as Lincoln's. First, she was in utter shock as she panted labored breaths while holding her heart. Then her anger slowly grew to rage as her eyes burned red with fire in her lungs. She screamed loudly and hard into the pillow.

She turned to Lincoln, and he said, "I have a plan. I've seen the future where we save Lynn."

"Great. What do we need to do?" Lori questioned with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Lori, do you remember when you said that you would kill for me?"

Lori paused as she looked at him. Then she nodded, "Yes."

"Did you mean it? Would you really kill for me?"

Lori marched over and held her brother by his shoulders, looking him square in the eye.

"Yes, Lincoln. I would murder for you and our family," Lori stated seriously.

Lincoln studied her face before saying, "Good."

He walked over to some boxes and pulled out two rigid plastic boxes. One said 'Ruger' and the other said 'Colt' with their company logos. He placed them on the table and opened them to reveal a gun in each box. The Ruger box had a stainless Ruger GP100 revolver with a rubber and wooden handle, chambered in 357 magnum with a four-inch barrel and seven-round capacity. The Colt box had a Colt 1911 Delta Elite chambered in 10mm. The frame was a matte finish, while the slide was black steel. It had four extra magazines in it loaded with Hornady Critical Duty ammo. The Ruger box had two ammo boxes of Hornaday ammo and speed loaders. Lori's eyes widened when she saw the two guns.

"Because we're going to have to kill. We can't go to the police. It won't work, and even if we remember to stop Lynn from going out that door, someone else becomes their target. These guys are lowlife scumbags. They're dangerous. They gotta go," Lincoln said.

"Where'd you get these, Lincoln?" Lori questioned.

"There's a neighbor in the next street over. He's a retired Navy veteran with a small collection of guns in his house. Before you ask if he'll notice, he left town to visit his family in Virginia. He'll be gone for ten days. That's plenty of time to wipe the prints and return them."

Lori looked back at the guns. She picked up the revolver, examined it as she popped the cylinder out, spun it, and put it back in before looking down the sights. She had a serious, determined look on her face.

She turned to her brother, "What's the plan, Lincoln? What do we do?"

"I know exactly where they'll be tomorrow night. It's the perfect place to kill them, but there are six of them. So, we'll need more than guns. We're gonna need to make fire bottles," Lincoln explained as he showed Lori the light orb indicating the future, "We'll drop the fire bottles from the rooftop of a nearby building as they hang around in an alleyway. We'll go down and finish them off with the guns. We make sure they're good and dead, come home, and we'll have stopped a terrible future from happening."

Lori nodded in understanding.

"What a minute. You can teleport other people and objects. Why not teleport them to the middle of the ocean so they can drown or get eaten by sharks? Or teleport them 30,000 feet in the air and have them fall to their deaths?" Lori asked.

"I could do that, but that won't get rid of your anger, and you'd agree with me saying that these guys deserve to suffer before they die," Lincoln answered.

"Oh, yeah. That's so true. Got that right."

Lincoln hugged Lori, and she hugged him back.

"I should tell you to sit this out and leave it to me to do this so you won't get blood on your hands. But I'm not going to for a few reasons. One: I trust you, and you've seen the future, so having you around is the wisest and safest thing to do. Second: You've already killed two alligators to save Lana. So, it's not that much different than killing a person at this point," Lori stated.

Lincoln nodded, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Fire bottles. We need glass bottles, gasoline, and some cloth rags."

They were able to find four big glass bottles – wine and champagne bottles. They filled them with gasoline and found some rags to tie around the bottlenecks. They hid them and the guns so no one would find them before returning to bed. However, after seeing the horrific vision, they both had a hard time going back to sleep.

The next day carried on as usual, but Lori and Lincoln were eager for the day to end. It took every ounce of their will not to crack, especially with Lucy's keen eye. Then nightfall finally arrived. Lincoln and Lori got ready. Lincoln wore his cargo jeans, a black t-shirt, and a dark grey denim jacket with a cotton hoodie. Lori was wearing a black bomber jacket, blue jeans, and a dark blue hat – she had hair tied in a ponytail.

Lincoln teleported them to the garage, and they packed their firebombs and guns in their backpacks. They brought a few other things just in case, like matches, knives, pliers, scarf face masks, etc. Lincoln and Lori looked at each other.

"You ready for this?" Lincoln asked.

Lori nodded, "Born ready. Let's do this."

Lincoln teleported to the rooftop building. The place was just outside of downtown, near some railroad tracks and abandoned warehouses—the perfect place for a drug deal . . . or a murder.

Lincoln pointed, "The scumbags are going to come from that corner over there. They'll walk down this alleyway and stop right here, directly below us. You'll stand here and drop your firebombs, and I'll drop mine here."

"When will they be here?" Lori asked.

"In about ten minutes. We'll hear them coming."

Lincoln and Lori pulled out the fire bottles and placed them beside the wall. Lincoln and Lori sat next to each other by the wall. The night wind blew a cool and gentle breeze. The door leading downstairs had a dim white light, with Lincoln and Lori's upper faces shrouded in dark shadows. It was initially quiet, but Lori broke the silence with a question.

"Lincoln?" Lori spoke.

Lincoln turned to her.

"Why did you choose me for this?"

"You said no more secrets. Besides, you're the only one mentally strong enough to do this. Luna was the second pick, and the others, especially Leni, aren't strong enough to do this."

"It wouldn't have worked with the others?"

Lincoln shook his head, "No . . . they're not strong enough to pull the trigger. Luna kind of is, but not the others."

Lori stretched her legs with a soft sigh.

"Why would this happen? Lynn getting . . . you know. Did we mess up the timeline with your future visions, or was this bond to happen no matter what?"

"I don't know. Maybe. If you guys went to jail and juvie, then it wouldn't happen. I didn't have time to explore all the reasons why this would happen. However, it's easy to see how it's possible. Lynn going out there, alone by herself, without her phone. That's the easiest way to put yourself in danger. Lori, we need to teach our sisters about the dangers of this world. Stranger danger, what kind of world we live in, all that stuff. Plus, we need to talk to Lana about her gross habits," Lincoln explained.

"Yeah, she needs to bathe more," Lori agreed.

"It's more than that. Soap doesn't just clean you and make you smell nice. It kills the germs and bacteria on your skin and in your hair. You don't bathe; all that stuff builds up and worsens if it gets inside your body. We need to talk to Lana about that, especially with everything she puts in her mouth."

"Did you see something in the future? Does she get sick?"

"I didn't see anything yet. Even if I don't, she shouldn't do that. Anything she puts in her mouth, whatever's on that, will get into her system. She could get a terrible disease or a virus like AIDS or COVID. We need to talk to her and tell them how serious it is to be careful what she eats, what she drinks, what she swallows, what she licks, what she sucks on, and what she puts in her mouth. She can't eat anything out of the garbage or from the ground."

Lori scoffed, "You got that right. Although, explaining this to her and getting her to listen and understand will not be easy. Lincoln, I know lying is bad, but maybe Lana will listen if you tell her you saw it in your visions. I think she'll take it more seriously if she sees it as life-threatening, and Lola will especially make her listen. She won't let her twin get sick."

Lincoln nodded, "I agree. You know . . . lying isn't always bad. Sometimes, it's required because the truth can do more damage. Have you ever seen the movie 'Watchmen?' The ending showed the two biggest superpowers ending their differences to work together for world peace. So, let me ask you something, Lori. If world peace happened, but it was based on a lie, would you tell the world the truth and have it all fall apart into war and chaos?"

Lori remained silent as she leaned back against the wall, looking up into the starless sky in deep thought. That was a compelling question. Lying to protect others has been used throughout history. Alan Turning and his team broke the German Enigma in WW2, and MI6 used lies to cover it up so that the Germans would never find out. If they found out, winning the war would have been much more difficult. Lying is dishonest and has hurt many in the past, but sometimes, the truth can hurt more.

"Well, in that scenario, if the truth would jeopardize millions of lives, then I'd keep my mouth shut. Sometimes, lying is the better choice. I'm not encouraging you to lie, Lincoln. Generally, you should always tell the truth and be honest, but I see your point where lying is the better option. Like not telling Lynn and the others about this. There are some things people are better off not knowing," Lori said.

"Ignorance is bliss," Lincoln said.


They waited until they heard laughing and men chatting. It came from the end of the alley, and it grew louder. Lincoln and Lori slowly and carefully peeked over the edge to see them. It was them—the men in the visions who would hurt Lynn. Lincoln and Lori's anger boiled as their eyes laid upon them as they walked down the alleyway – their eyes burned red with murder. Lincoln firmly grabbed Lori's arm and made hand gestures, telling her to be calm, patient, and quiet.

The two siblings silently got down and pulled out the fire bottles. Lincoln made sure the gloves were on and then pulled the face mask over his face – Lori did the same. They lit the rags, got into position, and dropped the bottles. They shattered, hitting the concrete and asphalt. The impact sent the gasoline everywhere while igniting the fire. All six men were affected by the fire bottles.

Lincoln grabbed Lori to pull her down for them to duck out of sight. The six men screamed in agony as the flames engulfed them. They panicked while moving around frantically. Even though Lincoln and Lori couldn't see it, they could hear their screams and shrieks. It didn't long for the screams to quiet down. Lincoln pulled out the two guns from his backpack. He handed Lori the revolver and the speed loaders. Lori grabbed it, popped the cylinder out to ensure it was loaded, and flipped it back in. Lincoln pulled out the magazine in his 1911, put it back in, and then pulled the slide back.

He turned to his elder sister, "You ready?"

Lori breathed in and exhaled deeply. Then she turned to him and nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready."

"Finger off the trigger so you don't accidentally pop off a round."

Lori did so, and then they stood up, and Lincoln teleported them to the ground. When they were on the ground, they saw five men lying on the ground, groaning and writhing in pain while breathing abnormally. Most of their bodies were severely burned, including parts of their heads and faces. The smell was god-awful – burnt hair and flesh. Lori gagged and resisted the urge to vomit. Lincoln walked up to the first man and shot him in the head. The gunshot was loud, and a flash of fire burst from the barrel. Blood and bits of brains and skull splattered on the ground, and the man went limp with no more breath in his lungs – dead.

Lincoln turned Lori, and she hardened herself. She gripped her gun with both hands, walked up to the second man, and shot him in the temple. The results were the same as Lincoln's kill. Blood splat on the ground, and the poor bastard was no more. Lincoln shot and killed two more, while Lori shot one more. That was five. The sixth man was missing. They looked down the alleyway and saw trash cans knocked over with small flames and a trail of blood. They followed it through the maze of alleyways to an old warehouse. There, they found the sixth man. His face and head were burnt, but his entire left leg and arm were. Lincoln and Lori recognized him. He was the one in the vision that sadistically whispered in Lynn's ear – the one who was the most sick.

He crawled away while gasping for air until he finally stopped under the skylight windows. The warehouse was dark, with only the light of the full moon casting light. As Lincoln and Lori slowly approached him, their anger boiled inside them.

The man looked up and saw them, "Who the fuck is there?! Who is that?!"

Lincoln and Lori stepped into the light to show themselves.

"Who the fuck are you? Did you do this?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

The two Loud siblings said nothing as they raised their guns at him.

"What are you doing?! No! NO!"

Lincoln and Lori pulled their triggers, sending their bullets to his head. The back of his skull popped open like a melon, leaving a pool of blood on the ground.

The two siblings took deep breaths as they slowly lowered their guns. They took a moment to acknowledge the situation that just happened. They murdered six men to prevent Lynn or anyone else from getting gang raped. Speaking of which, Lincoln pulled out the light orb of that terrible future, and both he and Lori watched as the orb lost its color and turned blurry, indicating that it would never happen.

They both breathed a heavy sigh of relief as they embraced in a tight hug. All their rage vanished and was replaced with the comfort of ease. They no longer had to worry about the terrible fate that could have happened to their athletic sister. Lincoln and Lori held each other for the longest time. Lori removed Lincoln's hood to plant several long kisses on his head while relishing his soft, smooth white hair. Lincoln stroked his big sister's back gently as he hugged her close. At that moment, it was as if everything else in the world didn't matter and wasn't happening. It was just the two of them, and they savored every second of it.

However, their moment was interrupted when the warehouse lights turned on. The two Loud siblings' eyes snapped open, and they looked around. Then they heard the sound of clapping. They turned and saw a group of men approaching them – most were armed with pistols and crowbars. The man clapping was a blonde man with his hair brushed back. He was wearing a collared shirt, slacks, and a blazer jacket.

"Lincoln Loud. The big man himself is taking out the trash . . . and by trash, I mean by people that need to get whacked. I like that. Oh, and you brought your big sister too. That's cute," the man said.

Lincoln and Lori turned to him, giving him a serious look.

"You've been a busy kid. You're really making a name for yourself. You're my kind of guy."

"Who are you?" Lincoln asked.

The man chuckled, "Me?"

He opened his shirt to reveal two glowing dots on his chest, like Lincoln's, only his were turquoise and the other dark blue. Lincoln and Lori's eyes widened. Lincoln opened his chest to reveal his chest showing his glowing dots – one golden yellow and the other bluish-green. Lincoln and Lori looked back at the man as he smiled.

"I'm like you, Lincoln. I'm unique. I'm different. I found me some power crystals, too," he said. 

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