ONLY | Monkey D. Luffy

By yuujiitadorisgf

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Forced to marry at a young age for the sake of her family name, Yorei Fujita had no dreams from the start. Bo... More



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By yuujiitadorisgf


                     𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍 4

                      𝘽𝙇𝙐𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙍

Kuina was... different.

She didn't dot on Yorei condescendingly, like pointing out her foreign features, her small eyes, her unusual height, the things differed her from everyone else.

She didn't ignore Yorei's presence, speaking or acting as though she wasn't there, as if Yorei didn't exist. As if Yorei didn't matter. Sometimes it seemed like Kuina's attention was in Yorei more than her own self sometimes.

She didn't get mad at Yorei, whenever the young girl asked her personal maid to do something, she was met with a smile and a nod. No eye roll or scoff, no grunt or whine.

Kuina was different. A little weird, extremely blunt, but different.

"Are all the staff assholes?" Kuina asked a few days after she arrived with no filter.

With her new personal maid, Yorei finally had the pleasure of seeing the beach during the day. She had unfortunately missed the sunrise, but the sight of pretty shells scattered across the sand made up for her disappointment.

Kuina grew up in a village, from Yorei remembered being told. She played in the dirt and ate with her hands, she had no need to learn proper etiquette like Yorei, hence the bluntness and lack of manners.

Yorei didn't mind how Kuina spoke or acted. She didn't hold Kuina to the standard that she grew up with. She understood that Kuina lived a different life compared to her. But all of Aishi's staff seemed to find it disrespectful and barbaric, even.

Yorei stared at the beach ahead of her as she responded, remembering how the other maids had already singled Kuina out and began to ignore her. Whether because she was affiliated with Yorei, or came from a run down village, Yorei didn't know. "I wish I could give you an unbiased answer. They treated me like so when I first came here. Still do to an extent."

Kuina's eyebrows furrowed at Yorei's words and she sped up in her steps to walk side by side to Yorei. "But aren't you their master, or something?"

The ends of Yorei's lips twitched unnoticeably at Kuina's lack of manners. While she didn't mind it, it was mildly amusing. "Or something," she answered, "Aishi is their real master. I'm just someone they have the misfortune of serving under due to our relation."

"So what, is he like your uncle or something?" Kuina questioned. She boredly kicked a small rock on the sand.

Yorei spared the girl a small glance. Confused about how the girl didn't know her situation considering she now worked under him. "No. My husband."

Kuina's jaw dropped and she barely dodged a crooked tree branch from bruising her forehead. "Husband? But you're a baby!"

Yorei titled her head. "Isn't he the one who hired you? How do you not know anything about him if you met him personally?" Yorei asked.

The other side of the beach was where the small suites and beach houses were located. It was this side that laid bare, per Aishi's request.

It was much prettier than the other side, in Yorei's opinion. No properties, bars, or trash decorated it. The palm trees were tall and swayed to the rhythm of the wind. Little seashells as well as the islands naturally grown jewels littered the golden sand, while the ocean blue painted its way across the ground.

"I mean, he kind of just saw me and hired me. And I needed a..." Kuina trailed off as she searched for a word, "...job."

She followed after Yorei, who glanced around with a small spark in her gaze. Most wouldn't have noticed, but it didn't pass Kuina's trained eyes.

"Have you never been down here before?" Kuina questioned before she could stop her self. "To the beach."

Yorei smoothed down the length of her kimono and lightly squatted down. The pad of her thumb brushed against a pretty purple shell as she answered. "To the tourist side, yes. But only for parties, and only at night. I'm not allowed here on my own. I need to be accompanied by a member or Aishi himself, but he's never here, and they're never not working, so I never had the chance."

"That sounds," Kuina judged with furrowed brows, "stupid."

A small huff left Yorei's nose. "It is. But that isn't my house, and this isn't my land. I am merely welcome here. But I am far from being wanted here."

"So, you have no friends." If Yorei's mother were present, Kuina's impolite words would have given her a heart attack. "I don't really have friends either. Well, I had one. But I had to leave him, and I think he forgot about me."

Yorei only took her stare away from the pretty shell when Kuina muttered something along the lines of "at least I hope he did," under her breath. She tilted her head when Kuina changed the subject back.

"I can be your friend."

Yorei gave her a blank look. "Why?"

"Why not?" Kuina plopped to the ground next to Yorei with much less grace, uncaring if her clothes wrinkled and sand got stuck to it. "Don't you want a friend? So you don't feel lonely anymore?"

"No." Yorei responded without hesitation. "And who said I was lonely?"

"No one has to say you're lonely for it to be noticed. Besides, it's more of a look." Kuina explained. "And I can just tell."

Kuina didn't get an answer from Yorei, who turned her gaze back to the shell in her hand, nor when they were both called back to the house by the staff.

But when the maid woke up the next day and changed into her work clothes, a shiny, purple shell was waiting outside of her door.

Friend was a foreign word to Yorei.

Before she was married off, she spent most of her time in her room. The only source of entertainment was the scarce amount of books her mother allowed her to read. Yorei was also an only child, she didn't have an older sibling to look up to, or a younger sibling to take care of.

From the moment she was born, she had experienced loneliness. The maids that served her were blank faced, and the guards that protected her had no soul, she had no cousins or nephews her age, she was all alone.

Foreign was a word she knew well. Different, new, unexplored. Everything she had experienced since she came to Mubushi Hikari was foreign to her. She was foreign, as Aishi's friends so nicely expressed.

Friend was a foreign word to Yorei, but not to Kuina.

Since the day at the beach, Yorei accepted Kuina's weirdness with a secret fondness. They spent all of their time together, and instead of gaining a new maid, Yorei had gained a friend.

She listened to Yorei's ideas and opinions, something definitely foreign to the young wife.

"What's your last name?" Kuina asked one morning, watching as Yorei tied back her long hair.

Used to her oddness, Yorei answered without question. "Aishi."

Kuina shook her head which confused the younger. "Your real last name."

Yorei paused before tugging her hair lightly. "...Fujita. But I don't like that name anymore."

"And I doubt you like the last name Aishi either?" Kuina's question was answered with a silent look. From the moment of finding out the man had married the younger, she disliked him. And while Yorei never said it out loud, Kuina could tell her feelings in the matter as well. "Right well- what name do you want to be called?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Yorei questioned her.

"Well, because of my position I'm supposed to call you Mistress Aishi," the grimace on Yorei's face made Kuina snort and nod, "but I know you don't want that. And since your real last name isn't an option, I don't know what to call you."

"So," Kuina continued, "What name do you want to be called?"

"Yorei," she said after a bit of silence. She didn't want to be known as Aishi's little wife and using the name Fujita felt off. She didn't want to be one of them either. She then nodded her head. "Call me Yorei."

Kuina smiled. "Yorei it is."

Their conversations consisted of Kuina doing most of the talking while Yorei would nod or hum in reply. Kuina didn't seem deterred, fortunately, and understood that was just how Yorei was.

(They would banter from time to time, though it consisted of Yorei saying a few words and Kuina spending five minutes defending herself.)

Kuina was from another island. She was the top of her class. (Yorei guessed in academics since Kuina never really clarified) Kuina was in fact older than her by two years, and was born with naturally blue hair.

She seemed really hesitant in sharing what her school was called, and what they learned. Yorei never pushed for answers. Just nodding along to whatever Kuina mumbled under her breath when she was deep in thought, a small habit Kuina never noticed she had.

She mentioned a boy a few times as well.

Saying he had hair like nature, yet his personality was like fire. "-always drops his elbow," She'd tsk, whatever that meant. He was always a step behind Kuina, and resented her for it for years. But after a good talk (she hesitated on the word talk for some reason), they became great friends.

It was obvious Kuina was never entirely truthful with her words, and what she said was never much to begin with. But Yorei never pushed her to tell more.

She noticed some things about Kuina too. How oddly fast Kuina's reflexes were. Skilled enough to catch a falling kitchen knife with only two fingers after a butler made a misstep. She was also strangely knowledgeable in combat training, or just self defense in general.

Yorei never pointed the oddities out. Some secrets were better left kept, and some things were better left unsaid.

It was after a mishap of a sparring match between two guards that Yorei finally opened her mouth.

It was noon, and tea had just been boiled. The two girls were sitting quietly on the porch, watching the guards train.

"His wrist is too loose." Kuina muttered suddenly to herself without realizing, one of her habits. "What a rookie. These are the guys Aishi hired to protect his island?"

Yorei blinked at the observation and followed her gaze to the knights that trained nearby. A few pairs sparred. "What?"


Yorei titled her head at that, but changed the subject anyways. "I heard the maids talking."

"Oh? And what did they say?"

"They were talking about you."

Kuina raised a brow at her words, not affected. Yorei tore her gaze away from her lap to Kuina.

Her friend.

To everyone else, Kuina was just a lowly maid. But to Yorei, she was her first ever friend and the only person that made Yorei not feel lonely.

Not that she would ever say that out loud.

"Do you want me to find them?" Yorei asked. When the blue haired girl titled her head in confusion, the young wife elaborated. "The person that spread that around. It annoys me how shameless the staff can be."

There was a hint of amusement in Kuina's gaze as her lips lifted at Yorei's words. She set an empty tea cup down. "And if you find them, what will you do?"

"Kill them."

Despite how serious Yorei sounded, Kuina snorted. "With your noodle arms?"

At Yorei's deadpan expression, Kuina shook her head. "Let them be. I gain nothing from their punishment."

It was silent for a few. Titling the warm tea pot to Yorei's cup, Kuina asked "Do you care?"

"Care about what?" Yorei said with furrowed brows.

"About my background? Wouldn't you rather have someone from a well off family serve under you? Someone that actually knows what they're doing?"

"No." The younger deadpanned. "Are you stupid?"


Yorei ignored her. "Can you bring more sugar cubes?"

Kuina sighed and reached for the small plate of sugar cubes. She added a good amount to Yorei's tea cup. Knowing that despite Yorei's stoic manner, she secretly enjoyed anything with sugar.

As Kuina stirred Yorei's tea, said girl looked around to the plants around them. She inhaled deeply and found her lips curling at the smell. "Ew."

"Let me guess," Kuina passed the cup back to Yorei. "Roses?"

"White roses." Yorei confirmed. Aishi had a strange obsession with them. The garden was filled with all types of plants, but the only flower present was white roses. "Gross."

"What's so bad about them?" Kuina asked out of curiosity at Yorei's obvious distaste for the flower. "They look pretty."

"They look boring." Yorei argued back. She brought her hand up to rub her flushed nose. "There's no pretty colors. It's just white." She huffed under her breath. "They don't even smell that good."

Kuina brought a hand to her face to hide her smile. "Remind me never to get you flowers, then."

Yorei rolled her eyes at Kuina's teasing tone. "It's not flowers I dislike. It's the lack of life white roses have. And it's a sour smell. Lavender is my favorite."

Kuina nods at the new information while reaching for the book she brought with her. She opened it lazily and responded after a few minutes. "My favorite is the Blue Iris."

"Because it's blue?" Yorei stared pointedly at her hair which made Kuina sheepish.

"Partly." Kuina flipped the page as a small smile graced her face. "It's also because they grew around my doj- er, my school."

"They symbolize Faith and Hope." Yorei informs without missing a beat, like it was a reflex. Something Kuina was much used to by now. Yorei was a human encyclopedia. If Kuina wanted to know about something, there was a chance Yorei had already read about it at some point.

Yorei took a sip of her tea and continued. "They are also a sign of deep trust, given to close friends or partners. Or someone waiting for good news."

"Faith and Hope." Kuina repeated under her breath as her hand turned to a new page. "Makes sense."

"How so?"

Kuina shook her head that it was nothing and Yorei took it as a sign that Kuina didn't want to talk about it. It was very obvious Kuina carried hardships of her own, there was a reason she hardly spoke about her past, so Yorei never questioned her and turned back to her tea.

True to Kuina's word, a few of the guards seemed to have a loose wrist. After a strong swing from one of the training men, the sword was knocked away from the others grip.

It wasn't until Yorei heard shouting, did she realize the sharp sword was coming straight for her face.

It had been too late for her to move and in no way would she have been able to stop the sword on her own so she shut her eyes and braced for impact, waiting for the sharp edge to cut deep into her skin. For the blade to pierce her flesh and make her feel weak. Pain mix with heat before turning numb.

But nothing came.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and couldn't help but gape.

The sword had been so close to her eyes, pointing straight into the middle of them. She realized how hurt she could have been if the sword weren't caught.

By none other than her strangely observant and normal reflex having maid, Kuina.

"What the..." Yorei heard one of the watching guards mutter. Not that she blamed them, she was just as surprised.

"Are you alright?" Kuina didn't seem to notice anyone's surprise she threw the sword to the side within care and examined Yorei's face. Yorei heard a yelp and glanced to see the sword had landed right at the guards foot.

"I'm fine." Yorei assured her, a bit slowly. She hadn't been caught off guard in a while. "...Are you? How did you catch that?"

Kuina then realized what she had done without blinking an eye, and coughed. "I'm alright. And I'm just... really self aware?"

"You don't sound sure of yourself." Yorei pointed out and watched as Kuina choked on her words.


Unintentionally saving her skin, the guard that let the sword go bowed down and apologized. Yorei assured him that it was fine since no one had gotten hurt, and that Aishi wouldn't be notified of the situation.

The incident had been swept away, and with it, everyone's awe of Kuina's skills.

All accept one, of course.

"Teach me how to fight." Yorei demanded. It was dark out, and she had been getting ready for bed before she turned to her maid.

Kuina's hand that held her book quickly froze in surprise. "Huh?"

Yorei stared at Kuina unnervingly making the older shift in her spot. "I know you can fight. You have fast reflexes, and you know combat."

The blue hair looked at Yorei and sighed. "So?"

"So," Yorei rolled her eyes, she was becoming more sarcastic the longer she was around Kuina. (Kuina also taught her a few swear words.) "Teach me."

"I miss when you used to be polite with me." Kuina said instead of answering her demand.


Kuina closed her book with a sigh. The title read Twilight, something about vampires and werewolves, whatever those were. Kuina said she was "Team Edward, but if she had to choose for herself, she'd personally pick Alice" or something like that. Yorei learned to drown Kuina out when she read her weird fantasy books.

"I want to get stronger. I want to be able to fight for myself instead of having other people do it for me." Yorei stared at her hands. Pale, soft, and easily bruised.

She thought back to her wedding. How she had been forced to marry a man more than ten times her age. How she had been forced to doll up. Forced to smile. Forced to accept her life that was chosen for her.

"I... don't want to be weak. Ever again."

She thought back to the pirate attack. How lucky she was that they weren't out for blood. How easily Shanks had taken her down. Even with her determination, it only got her so far.

"Alright." Kuina agreed, pulling Yorei out of her thoughts. "There's no bad side to teaching you, so I guess I can." There was some reluctance in the blue girls voice, but Yorei could see the small light of pride in her eyes.

Briefly, she thought of Aishi. Would he have a problem with this? Her parents certainly would. Fighting was considered animalistic and definitely unladylike.

"I won't make training easy for you." Kuina told her strictly. "You'll get bruises and sprains. You'll get caked in dirt and lose feeling in your arms. You'll work until you drop from exhaustion. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Kuina was giving her a way out.

Yorei had lived a sheltered life, she was painfully aware of that. She didn't have to fight to survive, she had others do it for her. She didn't have to hunt for food, it was brought to her table. She didn't work for money, she had everything she needed.

Yorei was not like Kuina. She had a delicate touch, and soft skin whilst Kuina had strong arms and calloused hands. Yorei had never worked a day in her life, while Kuina worked everyday.

Could someone as fragile as Yorei ever be as strong as Kuina? Kuina would train her as she was trained. Something so unfamiliar to Yorei, it could end up with her seriously injured.

Was Yorei seriously going to abandon every moral she was taught?

Yeah, she was.

"Do your worst." She said with determination. Kuina's eyes widened when Yorei took a step back and bowed her head, as if she were the maid and Kuina were the wealthy.

"In fact, take your training and times it by ten. I want to get stronger. I want to be able to fight, to protect myself."

Yorei thought back to when her mother ordered for her to be taken away. How she struggled helplessly as the guards dragged her out of her home. Her thin, weak arms were nothing against them. Her fists packed no punch, her legs held no kick. A rabbit in the mouth of a wolf.

All she did was cry.

Yorei vowed to shed another tear again and to never be so helpless.

"I want to never be weak again."

A smirk made its way onto Kuina's face. "Let's get started."

Her training mostly took place at night, when no one was around or awake. Yorei assumed being trained to fight would be frowned upon and possibly put to a stop if the staff or god forbid Aishi found out, so they did it secretly.

Shortly after they started did Kuina open up just a bit about her past. She explained to Yorei how she was actually top in the dojo at her village. One of the few girls, yet the best fighters. It explained the fast reflexes and knowledge on combat.

Yorei wondered why the older kept something so cool a secret, but realized Kuina had her reasons and when she was ready to tell them, she would.

Combat was the only thing she learned from Kuina.

"And then she slapped a cup of boiling hot tea out of your hand? Like-" Kuina made a slapping motion with a small whoosh leaving her lips.

Yorei nodded. She was explaining to Kuina how she had gotten the scar on her hand. It was something she didn't particularly like thinking about, a insecurity of hers. But when Kuina explained how she got the long scar on her shoulder, Yorei didn't want her to feel alone.

"What a bitch." Kuina scoffed under her breath. "And to think no one helped you, and treated that bag as the victim!"

Yorei nodded absent mindedly at the last part before she titled her head. "What is that?"

"What is what?" Kuina asked at her confusion.


Kuina blinked, remembering that Yorei was two years younger than her and had never heard swearing before, considering how sophisticated she spoke.

She just taught Yorei a swear word.

She cursed without thinking. "Oh shit."


Kuina hit herself in the head.

Thanks to the long and oversized cloth Yorei had to wear, it was easy to cover up the bruises that decorated her arms and legs. Though she did get weird looks from the staff and even a raised brow from Aishi, when she strained her arm too much and winced, they never mentioned anything.

It took a long time for Kuina to let Yorei spar with her, let alone wield a weapon. Luckily, Yorei was a fast learner and was determined to keep trying. Even on nights they didn't have training, Yorei would practice her kicks and punches, pushing herself to her limit.

It was December again soon after, marking it as almost two years total Yorei had been at Mubushi Hikari. She had turned twelve in August and was only getting taller. And thanks to Kuina's training, she was getting stronger too.

That's when the signs started to show.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning," Aishi told her from across the dinner table. "Something has come up and I'll be needed for a bit. I'll leave first thing in the morning."

The night of training had been long, and Yorei had never felt more tired. It had been the first night Kuina gave her not a weapon, but a paper fan. "Anything can be a weapon if you know how to use it." Kuina explained when she saw the skeptical look on Yorei.

To Yorei's surprise, Kuina was completely correct. With fast swipes and hard blows, the damage just a silly pretty fan could give was insane. Kuina explained how it was all in her body control, and with that Yorei had found her personal favorite weapon.

Not a sword, not a dagger, or even a broom. It was a paper fan.

Yorei nodded when she realized she had gotten lost in her thoughts. "I see. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. No trouble at all. Just a few fellow owners have decided to meet up regarding business." He assured. "I believe your father will be present."

Yorei almost grimaced but when Aishi looked up, she quickly said "Send him my regards." He nodded before looking back down to his food.

Yorei wanted to roll her eyes at the mention of her father. She forgot he existed. She had kept the day she was shipped off in the back of her mind, it had been easily locked away due to the constant parties and Kuina's training.

But sometimes her mind would betray her.

Yorei didn't have much to compare her family to others. She didn't know how fathers were supposed to protect their children, nor how mothers were supposed to love them, not until Kuina had spoken about her family.

"I think about them everyday." She said with a smile. "My father was quite mean though, it's my mother I miss more than anything."

Kuina would say how her mother supported her ideals and believed she would become the greatest swords woman to exist. Every night when she came home from the dojo, her mother would sit her down and wipe her forehead with a wet cloth as she listened to Kuina talk about her day.

She taught Kuina how to cook with what little they had, their food was nothing compared to what Yorei grew up eating, but the way Kuina would describe it made Yorei feel like it was worth millions.

Yorei's mother didn't wipe her head after a hard day, Yorei was sent to her room to begin her next lesson. She didn't cook Yorei a warm meal, instead she had their personal chefs keep Yorei on a strict diet that never filled her stomach.

But even after all that, just like Kuina, Yorei also found herself missing her mother.

Sometimes, her heart would betray her too.

So in her thoughts, Yorei didn't notice her sleeve bunch up to her elbow and left her forearm exposed.

Someone else did.

"Is that a... bruise on your arm, Miss Yorei?"

Yorei almost dropped the teacup in her hand from the way her finger twitched. In the corner of her eye, she saw Kuina clear her throat.

Yorei glanced at her wrist with fake interest before trying to shrug it off. "I must have bumped into something earlier today without realizing."

Aishi furrowed his eyebrows at her response. "Are you alright?"

She waved him off and tried to switch his attention elsewhere. "I'm fine. Could you pass me the tea?"

He seemed to disregard her words and reached over the table, gripping her wrist despite her obvious protest.

Yorei yelped softly at his unwanted touch and tried to pull away but he kept her in place. His touch felt like fire and irritated her skin from his forceful hand.

Just as he went to pull her closer, his hand was quickly wacked off and a protective arm shielded Yorei.

Yorei's eyes widened at the action and she watched as Aishi blinked.

Kuina didn't seem to regret her actions and said a bit strained, "Sorry but she said she was fine. Please do not touch Mistress Yorei without her permission."

Awkward silence filled the room as Yorei and Aishi sat in stunned silence, having not expected anyone to intervene. Yorei felt touched that Kuina had noticed her discomfort, she never liked when someone touched her. And to step in and say something about it as well.

Yorei had never felt so cared for.

That's when Yorei noticed a weird look in Aishi's eyes. His gaze had darkened considerably, his signature smile nowhere in sight.

Before she could decipher it, the look disappeared as if it were never there, and the man laughed.

"Ah yes, where are my manners?" He looked at Yorei who sat stunned in her spot. "I must apologize, Miss Yorei. I shouldn't have handled you so roughly."

Kuina immediately sneered. "That's not-" Yorei stopped Kuina with a raised hand, though she read her mind clearly as day.

-That's not all she had a problem with. Why touch Yorei in the first place?

Yorei took the initiative of the situation and looked to him. "It's alright, Aishi. I also apologize, for worrying you. Please trust my word when I say that I am fine." She then stood, very conscious of the air. "I will take my leave then. Thank you for dinner. Please stay safe during your travels."

Aishi nodded at her words and Yorei quickly left the room with Kuina on her tail.

"There's something off about him." Kuina just said when Yorei prodded at her.

"I appreciate you standing up for me." Yorei told her.

"I feel a 'but' coming."

"But," Yorei sighed when Kuina snapped her fingers in triumph after guessing right, "You need to watch yourself around Aishi. I don't mind your attitude with the other staff, even the guards. I can handle them, and I know you can handle yourself." Yorei praised. "But Aishi is the one in control here. If he wishes to let you go or punish you, or even worse, I'll have no say. I am powerless against him."

Kuina frowned at her words, realizing that Yorei was correct. The other maids often liked to try and bully Kuina, and sometimes the guards felt the need to comment about her too, but stopped once they realized Kuina wouldn't sit and take it. She'd snap back at whoever it was, even the head maid or captain of the guards. They could do nothing because beside Kuina was Yorei, who held a higher status and more power than all of them.

But the one above Yorei was inevitably Aishi. He owned the house they stayed in, owned the land they walked on. He had enough money to do whatever he wanted and silence whoever he needed.

But after the little stunt he pulled, and what felt like was more to come, hearing that Aishi rendered Yorei, stubborn and quick witted Yorei, powerless, didn't sit right with Kuina.

Was that why Yorei didn't try hard to get out of his grip with nothing but a simple tug? Had what her family instilled in her brain taken such a strong effect, it stopped Yorei from doing something even though she was obviously uncomfortable?

Kuina grimaced at the thought of Yorei's family. The things they forced their daughter to learn and do, how to talk and act. From what Yorei described, they had similar ideals to Kuina's father, and that planted all the more distaste.

Yorei had become much stronger than she was a few years ago, Kuina would know, she trained her. For months, non-stop, Yorei trained. She was undeniably fast and quick too. What took Kuina years, Yorei learned in months. A few more years of training, and Yorei would be a beast on the field.

She could probably even best Kuina in terms of skill.

"I know. I'm sorry." Kuina sighed and shook her head at her thoughts. She would always be with Yorei, so it didn't matter what Aishi would try to do next because she'd do everything in her power to stop it. She looked at the younger girl.

"Just be careful around him."

The passing two years had been so peaceful, all things considered, Yorei should have expected her life to turn upside down sooner or later.

It was after a particular party held on the island that Yorei realized it had been too late.

Kuina really should have listened to her own advice.

ooc kuina? in my defense there was not much to work with (only saw opla core😍🪖)

(also yes i changed my username)




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