Digimon: Digital Monsters Sea...

By tanishatribe1118

2.7K 42 9

Eight children from summer camp are transported to the Digital World to help save it. In order to save the Di... More

And So It Begins
The Birth of Greymon
Biyomon Gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Togemon in Toytown
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo
Evil Shows His Face
Subzero Ice Punch
A Clue from the Digi-Past
The Dancing Digimon
DigiBaby Boom
The Legend of the Digidestined
Departure for a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
The Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
The Earthquake of MetalGreymon
Home Away from Home
Forget About It
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions, Please!
Princess Karaoke
Sora's Crest of Love
The Gateway to Home
Its All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Out on the Town
Ninth Child Revealed
Flower Power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle of Earth
Enter the Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure

Gatomon Comes Calling

38 1 0
By tanishatribe1118

It was nighttime in Japan and a woman was walking through the foggy streets.

"Aw, darkness....the perfect cloak for my evil. Ideal condition for producing fear. Human blood always taste better wish a dash of fear in it." thought Myotismon as his carriage pulls up next to her.

"What is that? A carriage?" thought the woman. Myotismon then gets out and the two stared into each other's eyes until Myotismon pulls her into a hug and bites her neck. He then gets back into his carriage after she passes out in his arms, leaving her on the ground as he rides away. Meanwhile, DemiDevimon was waiting on a boat by the river for Myotismon to return.

"I hate this fog. Master, where are you? I'm getting mildew on my wings." grumbled DemiDevimon as he paces back and forth as he waits until suddenly he sees Myotismon's carriage pull up onto the street. "Ah...finally. Sheesh, he couldn't take a cab like everyone else." He then flies up to the carriage. "At last, I was starting to worry." DemiDevimon said to his master from outside of the window.

"Calm down. I went out to have a bite to eat and to get familiar with the city." said Myotismon. "It is always so difficult to get a good meal when one is away from home."

"Yeah, right." said DemiDevimon. "So what do we do next, boss?"

"We are continuing the search for the 9th child. The details are of no concern to you." said Myotismon.

"Well, like I always say....whatever you say." said DemiDevimon as the carriage floats down to the boat and he drives it back into the air. The next morning at the Kamiya residences, Tai was in his room looking for something.

"Ah, come on. Where'd I put that thing?" Tai asked himself as he shuffles through all his old stuff before looking through the desk drawers. "Junk. Stuff. More junk. More stuff. Man, I was a messy kid. I can't believe how disorganized I was." Tai then reaches up to a shelf, but out of nowhere, the shelf falls down on his head, contents and all, burying him and Agumon.

The door to the room opened and Keiko steps into the room with Renamon and Kari, who was wearing a yellow shirt, pink ascot, pink pants and a whistle around her neck, following close behind. Both twins looked at their brother curiously. "What cha doing?" Kari and Keiko asked.

"Looking for my old phone book. It'll have exactly what Keiko and I need." groaned Tai.

"And I'm helping." said Agumon, popping out of the pile.

"Are you sure about that, Agumon?" asked Renamon.

"Are you or are you just letting him make a mess?" asked Keiko.

"Uh...." said Agumon, trying to come up with an answer.

"How come?" Kari asked Tai, closing the door behind them as Tai tells her what's going on. Outside of the room, Yuuko was in the kitchen, washing dishes from last night's dinner.

"And now today's top story; the monsters that plague the city. Still no official comment on where the creatures are from or what they might be after." said the new reporter as a video from the night before shows Raremon coming out of the water. "We will keep you updated throughout the day. Meanwhile in other news, health officials report that young women are being hospitalized for anemia...." The reporter was cut off when the doorbell rings.

"Just a moment." said Yuuko, walking out of the kitchen.

"...on whether the cases are connected but doctors are voicing concerns that so many seemingly healthy young women are being struck down so suddenly." said the reporter.

"Tai, Keiko, it's your friend Izzy." said Yuuko, walking by the door.

"Coming!" Tai and Keiko called out.

Tai opens the door and started sliding on the floor with his front towards their mom as she was busy cooking with Agumon hiding behind him. Agumon trips, but quickly got up as Keiko and Renamon hurriedly pushes him towards the door so Yuuko doesn't see him when she turns around, only seeing Kari, looking all sweet and innocent as she chuckled nervously.

"Hey." said Tai as he opens the door to see Izzy.

"Hey, are you both ready to go?" asked Izzy, then looks at Agumon. "Agumon, you digivolved."

"You bet I did. All I needed was a good meal." said Agumon.

"Psst. Its me." said someone. They looked over to see Tentomon was dressed in a green coat and a yellow cap.

"Tentomon, nice disguise, dude." said Tai.

"I like it. It suits you." said Keiko, causing Tentomon to blush.

"Thanks Tai and Keiko. I put it together myself." said Tentomon.

"Wait till Mimi sees you." said Tai.

"I need one too." said Agumon.

"Yeah, got any ideas?" asked Tai.

"What about my disguise?" asked Renamon.

"Actually Renamon, you and I are going to stay here. Remember?" said Keiko.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." she said with a paw behind her head.

"You're hiding something from us, aren't you?" asked Tai.

"I'm not going to say anything. I promised Gennai that I wouldn't." said Keiko.

"What about you, Renamon?" asked Agumon.

"I can't say anything either. We both promised Gennai." said Renamon. The four of them then walked off to the park with Agumon wearing a hoodie, no one paying attention to them, meaning the digimon blended in pretty well, leaving Keiko and Renamon back at home.

"Yeah, pretty inconspicuous." said Tai as they come to a cross walk.

"So, Tai, did you find your address book from school?" asked Izzy as they waited at the light.

"Oh, uh, well, Sora was in my class, so I thought we just use hers." said Tai.

"Uh huh. Couldn't find it, huh?" asked Izzy. Later, the four of them arrived in the park to find Matt, T.K., Gabumon and Patamon being the only ones arriving before them.

"Alright, listen up everybody; I called you all here today because, well, uh, there was nothing good on tv." said Tai.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Tai. So where are the others?" asked Matt.

"Where's Keiko?" asked T.K.

"She and Renamon are at home to spend time with my other sister Kari." replied Tai.

"I'll make sure to tell them what's going on." said Agumon.

"Hey!" someone shouted as there was some giggling. Sora was running over to them with her address book under her arm with Biyomon flying beside her. "Don't start without me." Sora called out as she ran over, then stopped when she reached the others. "Ah. Good morning."

"Ok, so where's Mimi?" asked Tentomon.

"She's probably out buying clothes." said Izzy. Just then, they all hear Mimi's voice coming up behind them, causing them to turn around to see her pushing a baby stroller. "Oh, get out and walk. You're too heavy to push." Mimi whined to Palmon.

"Mimi, how's that going to look? I'm supposed to look like a wittle baby." said Palmon, with a baby bonnet on her head.

"You just grew up, now get out." said Mimi. Once they joined the others, they all sat down in a circle and started the meeting without Joe and Gomamon. "Hey, did you guys see it?" Sora asked the others. "It was all over the news on tv this morning."

"More and more of Myotismon's Digi-bozos are popping up in the city." said Matt.

"And they're very real." said Tai.

"What do ya mean?" asked Agumon.

"The last time we came back, there were digimon all over the place like now, but Kari and I could see them." said Tai, leaning back on the ground as he uses his arms as pillows while looking up at the sky. "Everybody else walked right by them, as if they weren't even there. Now even normal people see them and they're on the news and everything. It's like they're really here this time."

"Maybe that's because this time, they came through the gate that Myotismon made." said Izzy.

"I don't like it. If they can be seen, then they're physically here." said Matt, making T.K. nervous. "And if they're here physically, they can do a whole lot of damage."

"Yeah, like what?" asked T.K. as he hugged Patamon.

"Do I really need to remind you what those evil digimon are capable of?" asked Matt.

"Creepy." said Mimi, hugging herself.

"Complete systems failure." said Izzy as Tai sits back up.

"So what are we sitting around here for? We better get out there and find the 9th child if we want to stop this guys." Tai said to the others. "Save the Digi-world and we'll save our own!"

"Go, Tai!" cheered T.K. as Sora nodded.

"Whats the plan?" asked Matt.

"Well, I've got a few." said Izzy.

"STOOOOP!" shouted Joe, causing them all to jump in surprise. "I wanna hear Izzy's theory. Don't start until I get there. I love Izzy's theories! Hold on!" Joe ran over to them with Gomamon in his bag.

"All right, we won't start without you." said Tai as Joe sits down, panting and the meeting resumes.

"We've already concluded that when the Digimon attacked four years ago, all of us including the 9th child were there. It is also safe to assume that each of us was given a digivice for a reason. Last night, I picked up an unidentified digivice reading." said Izzy. "I think it was the 9th child. Obviously, I lost the signal, but it's clear that the 9th child was in this vicinity. That's why the monsters are here too. Plus after the fight I had with Raremon, I did get something out of that battle."

"Monsters, worse than snakes." said Mimi, then holds up a lavender book with writing on it and a yellow flower. "And this is supposed to help us? I'm lost."

"The illusion is that the 9th child is somewhere in one of these address books. Somehow we have to make a lot of phone calls and patrol the city for monster attacks at the same time." said Izzy.

"Well, I guess I can do some calling as long as my folks don't find out." said Joe. "But I really gotta do some serious studying, so I won't be able to go on the search with you."

"What? Joe, its summer." said Tai.

"I wanted to get an early start." Joe tells him, his eyes darted around in bashfulness. "Next year, I'm really gonna be prepared."

"Here then." said Mimi, as she shoved her address book into his arms. "If you're not coming with us, then you might as well do my calling for me, okay? Thanks." Mimi stands up and starts walking off with Palmon.

"Joe, we're talking about the fate of the world here. If you're gonna chicken out, you can call all of the names in my book too. See ya." said Matt as he handed his book to Joe and left with T.K., Patamon and Tsunomon in his arms.

"Yes and it might make more sense having one person concentrate on all the phone calling rather than split it up." said Izzy as he handed his book to Joe then leaves with Tentomon.

"He has a point there. Good luck!" said Sora, giggling as she gave her book to Joe and left with Biyomon.

"Wait a minute!" Joe called out as everyone but Tai and Agumon left. "No, Tai! Not yours too, please!"

"I'm not that kind of guy, Joe." said Tai smiling, making Joe sigh in relief. "Don't worry, it's my job and you've got enough on your plate."

"Oh, man, Tai. You're totally a great guy. Thanks a lot." Joe said with a smile as Tai looks away bashfully.

"Oh, well, you know." said Tai, scratching his cheek.

"Mr. Generous, I bet he couldn't find his address book." said Sora, knowing Tai very well.

"Well, how'd you ever guess?" asked Izzy. Later, everyone minus Joe, Gomamon, Felicity and Renamon left the park, they got on the train and were now passing by the sight where Izzy and Tentomon battled against Raremon.

"Wow, look at all that damage from last night's battle." said Tai, looking out the window as he stood next to Sora.

"And there'll be a lot more too if this goes on." said Matt.

"We've got to hurry up and find that 9th child." said T.K.

"That's right, T.K. and we will." Matt said to his brother. "We're not called the digidestined for nothing." Unknown to them that on the water below, a boat was slowly carrying Myotismon's carriage down the river.

"Master, are we almost there yet?" DemiDevimon asked, steering the boat. "Cause all this water is making me queasy. Those digidestined brats are probably miles away by now."

What both DemiDevimon and Myotismon didn't know was that most of the digidestined were passing right above them. Just then, a large fog rolls in surrounding most of the area.

Meanwhile at the TV Station, people were looking out the window. "Hey look. That fog's coming in again. I've never seen anything like it." said a man.

"At the same time, we're having the hottest weather on record." said another man.

"And I heard that someone saw falling snow last night." said the first man. "The ozone layer must be messed up worse than we thought." Meanwhile, the boat had come to an island near apartment buildings and the bridge. Myotismon's carriage then lands on the island and comes to a stop before a section of the ground disappears. The carriage slowly floats into the darkness where Gatomon is waiting.

"Welcome O' great one, all is ready." said Gatomon.

"Perfect, Gatomon. As always, you have done excellent work." said Myotismon. A minute later, Gatomon appears from the hole in the ground, ready to start her search for the ninth child.

"Hey whiskers! What do you think you're doing?" asked DemiDevimon.

"I don't think, I know why I'm here." said Gatomon. "I'm finding the 9th child."

"That's my job, furball." snapped DemiDevimon. "I'm in charge here."

"Yeah, right." said Gatomon.

"Listen up, puss in boots, quit sucking up to the master." he tells her. "'I'm the master's cute little pet.' Gag me with a furball."

"It's really hard to feel threatened by a bowling ball with feathers." said Gatomon sticking her nose in the air as DemiDevimon continued to mock her for several seconds.

"Just stay out of my way. I'm finding that child, not you, got it? Take a cat nap, kitty litter." said DemiDevimon, laughing as he flies off.

"That flappy winged joker couldn't find water if he fell out of a boat." thought Gatomon, glaring after him.

Meanwhile, the digidestined were back in the city. "Okay, so we'll split up into pairs so we can cover more ground, got it?" asked Tai.

"Got it." said Matt.

"Let's go." said Izzy.

"Good luck, everybody." said Sora, then they all split off into three different groups. Matt and T.K. were one group, Sora and Mimi were another, and Tai and Izzy was the third.

"I see food." said Agumon as he and Tentomon looked inside a restaurant.

"Agumon, keep your mind on our mission, okay?" Tai asked his partner. "Anything?"

Just then, a group of kids ran past the four and they waited to see if their digivices picked up a reading. "No, there's nothing yet." said Izzy. Matt and T.K. decided to look at the pier.

"Doesn't look like he's down here. It would have been too easy anyway." said T.K., looking down at his digivice.

"Yeah right." said Matt.

Joe had gone home and was now in his room at his phone, dialing a number. "Hi, I know this is kinda strange, but I was in second grade with you." said Joe. The girls were walking up a street with Biyomon and Palmon in the stroller.

"Hey, stop pushing." said Palmon.

"I am not pushing you; you're kicking me." said Biyomon.

"You crossed the line onto my side you big cheater." said Palmon.

"I am not a cheater, you're a liar." said Biyomon.

"I'm telling." said Palmon.

"Knock it off." Sora said as she pushes the stroller. "If you two keep fooling around, someone's gonna get hurt."

"I know how they feel, just walking around in this heat's enough to make anybody cranky." said Mimi. "You know what this is, Sora? A big fat drag!"

Meanwhile, Gatomon was watching a large group of people at the beach. "What silly creatures. Pea brain dolts. Laugh it up." said Gatomon as she heads to the park. "When Myotismon is through, you won't be laughing."

"Miko! Come back here! Where'd you go? Miko?" Kari called out with Keiko as they were both looking for their cat. Kari and Keiko start walking when they crossed paths with Gatomon.

"What a funny looking kitty." Kari said as Gatomon looks at her and Keiko. "Hi there, are you a friend of Agumon?"

"Huh?" asked Gatomon, then recognizes Keiko.

"Are you one of them?" asked Kari, but Gatomon pretends to be a normal cat by meowing. "Whats your name?" Gatomon continues to meow then runs off.

"Wait. Don't go." Kari called out but Gatomon continues to run. She then looks at her twin, who nodded at her.

"Don't worry, Kari." said Keiko. "She'll be back later. I just know it."

A minute later, both girls were waiting at the crosswalk for the light to change. "So, she must know Agumon. Is it possible that this little squirt is the ninth child? Not only that, but this squirt is also a twin." thought Gatomon as she follows Kari and Keiko to their apartment.

A few minutes later, Kari and Keiko arrived at their front door, but before Kari opens it, she spots Gatomon down the hall. "Hey, we know you're there." said Kari, causing Gatomon to screech and hide behind the wall that leads down stairs. "You can come in if you want. Mom's not home."

"Only Renamon's in the apartment, Gatomon. You don't have to be scared." said Keiko as she and her sister walked inside the apartment, leaving the door open. Gatomon then walks up to the door and sees both sisters watching TV.

"Weather experts can't explain the unseasonal fog. In fact, they have no explanation for the bizarre weather conditions we've been having, including this heat wave." said a news reporter.

Meanwhile, Sora was walking around while checking her digivice as Mimi pushes the stroller with the two Rookie digimon in it. "I'm not meant for this kind of work. If I ever have a baby, I'm gonna hire someone to push her around, that's for sure. How about a break, okay?" asked Mimi.

"Again? Well, make it quick." said Sora and they sit down on a bench in the shade.

"Last night I got to sleep in a soft bed with the AC cranked up, watching my own TV. Wasn't that the best, Palmon?" Mimi asked.

"Dinner was really something too." said Palmon.

"Wasn't it great? My mom knows all the best take-out places in the city. She never has to cook." said Mimi.

"Sora's mom made our dinner and it was terrific. Well, everything except for this mushy stuff." said Biyomon, then turns to Sora. "What's it called?"

"What? Spinach. Now let's see, where was I?" said Sora then turns back to the map she had in her hands and places an 'X'. "Hmm..."

"Would you look at that, she's not even tired." said Mimi.

"You're different. You like to take it easy." said Palmon.

"Finding this kid is harder than finding a good sale." said Mimi, then gasps as she stood up. "Hey, Sora, if we really wanna find this kid, we should go where lots of people gather."

"You thinking of any place in particular?" asked Sora, standing up as well.

"Yup, right there." said Mimi, pointing to a tower that was in front of them. "Besides, we can see the whole city from up there. Really get the lay of the land, you know."

At the tower, SkullMeramon walks up to the tower and stares up at it before looking to his left to see Sora and Mimi go inside and decides to follow. A minute later, the girls exit the elevator. "Aw, there, isn't that better?" asked Mimi, hanging her hat around her neck. "Nice and cool. I knew this place would have AC."

"Feels great." said Palmon.

"Should have guessed you had an alter motive." said Sora as the four of them stared out the window, overlooking the city.

"Isn't your house over there?" Mimi asked.

"Yeah. So is Tai's, Keiko's and their sister Kari." said Sora. "It sure is strange to be back in our world again."

Unknown to them, SkullMeramon enters the room, causing it to heat up. "Does it feel like it's getting warmer?" asked Palmon.

"Yeah it does. Let's move over closer to the blowers." suggested Mimi.

"That's more like it." said Palmon.

"Wonderful." said Biyomon. Just then, the air conditioning stops blowing inside the building. "What happened to the air?" asked Mimi.

"Hm, maybe this heat wave finally got to be too much for it." said Sora, but Mimi wasn't listening and looks behind them to see SkullMeramon in his disguise.

"Look at that weirdo wearing a coat in this heat and such an ugly one too." said Mimi.

"Hey, Mimi, be quiet, he'll hear you." said Sora.

"Oh and what's he gonna do?" asked Mimi as SkullMeramon turns around.

"See, he heard you. I told you." said Sora as SkullMeramon gets surrounded by blue flames. The girls looked over and screamed in fright as a humanoid-like digimon with a metal face, purple and dark blue hair, chains around his bare chest and arms, black jeans and metal skull boots.

"Uh oh." said Biyomon and Palmon as they jumped out of the stroller.

"Well, uh, I guess that explains the coat." said Mimi. Meanwhile Tai, Agumon, Izzy and Tentomon were crossing the crosswalk when Agumon suddenly stops. "Is it just me or did it just get hotter all of a sudden?" asked Agumon.

"I didn't notice." said Tentomon.

"Look up at the tower. It's almost like its bending." said Izzy.

"Impossible." said Tai as they look over at the tower to see that it really did look like it was bending. "Wait a minute." Tai then pulls out his telescope and zooms in on the viewing platform to see Birdramon burst through the window, followed by SkullMeramon.

"Oh no! We've got trouble!" said Tai. Back at the tower, Birdramon flies overhead of SkullMeramon as he just laughs. "Meteor Wing!" shouted Birdramon, firing her attack at SkullMeramon but it doesn't do anything. Togemon then marches up, causing SkullMeramon to look at her.

"Get ready for my Needle Spray!" shouted Togemon, firing thousands of needles at SkullMeramon but he uses one of his chains and slashes her with it, causing her to stumble back a bit.

"Togemon!" shouted Mimi as she and Sora watched. SkullMeramon continues to laugh but then notices Kabuterimon overhead.

"Explain this to us, Agumon. Just who is this guy?" asked Izzy with his laptop out as he, Agumon and Tai ride on Kabuterimon's back.

"He's SkullMeramon. His element is fire. He's tough and can sure dish it out." said Agumon.

"Metal Fireball!" shouted SkullMeramon, firing his attack at Kabuterimon who dodges it, but the attack to hit the tower, causing it to top over.

"The tower's gonna fall on the city!" shouted Tai.

"Ah, grab it, Kabuterimon! Hurry!" shouted Izzy and Kabuterimon manages to stop the tower from falling.

"Don't you know not to play with fire?" asked SkullMeramon.

"Are you ready?" asked Tai.

"Yeah! Agumon digivolve to....Greymon!"

Greymon then jumps down and slams his feet into SkullMeramon, causing him to fall back a little. "Nova Blast!" shouted Greymon, sending a fireball at SkullMeramon, but instead of causing damage, it only made him bigger than before.

"Great, now we've really made him mad. He swallowed that Nova Blast like a fudge sundae." said Tai.

"All it did was make him stronger. Unless Greymon digivolves again, he's toast." said Izzy as they watched SkullMeramon charge at Greymon who jumps off the edge of the tower.

Just then, Tai was surrounded by orange energy as his digivice turns solid orange and his crest shoots out of his tag. "Greymon digivolve to....MetalGreymon!" The two Ultimate digimon charge at each other and slam their bodies as they try to push each other back, but since SkullMeramon was bigger, he had the advantage. This caused MetalGreymon to fall to his knees as Birdramon swoops in to help and Togemon runs up as well.

"Light Speed Jabbing!" shouted Togemon as she quickly jabs SkullMeramon but gets caught in his flames.

"Watch out, this guy's scary!" said Mimi, holding hands with Sora.

"Ah! Hot!" shouted Togemon as she tries to put out the flames.

"Metal Fireball!" shouted SkullMeramon, firing his attack and hits Birdramon in the chest.

"Hey! Up here bucket of bolts!" MetalGreymon shouted from up in the air.

"Huh?" asked SkullMeramon.

"Mega Claw!" shouted MetalGreymon, firing his claw at SkullMeramon who then uses his chains and warps them around the cable.

"I've got you!" shouted SkullMeramon as MetalGreymon struggles to pull back. "Metal Fireball!" SkullMeramon fires his attack as MetalGreymon dodges.

"Ha! Who's got who now?!" asked MetalGreymon.

"Huh?" asked SkullMeramon.

"Giga Blaster!" bellowed MetalGreymon, firing two missiles at SkullMeramon, causing him to be destroyed.

At the Kamiya residence, Kari, Keiko and Renamon were watching the news and Gatomon was watching the three of them. "While the clash of the monsters caused extensive damage to the tower, no damages were reported." said a reporter.

"She and Keiko aren't so bad, for humans. Better company than some Digimon, that's for sure." thought Gatomon as she hopped onto the couch.

"But fear is in the air. And there is general feeling of public unrest. Now back to our regular schedule programming." said the reporter.

"Still, orders are orders and I'm not going to be the one who lets the 9th child get away." thought Gatomon as she raises a claw towards Kari.

"Hi." said Kari, turning around to see Gatomon close to her.

"Huh?" asked Gatomon in shock.

"What's up?" asked Keiko and Renamon as they turned around as well.

"Come here." said Kari, holding out her arms, causing Gatomon to slip and fall from the couch. Gatomon shakes her head and heads for the door. "Are you going already?" asked Kari, causing Gatomon to look back at the twins. "But you'll come back again, right?"

Gatomon then turns around and runs out the door. Just before she gets to the stairs, Keiko and Renamon call out to her.

"Gatomon!" said Renamon, causing her to stop at the top of the stairs.

"What?" she asked, turning around to face Keiko.

"Kari is the sweetest person in the whole world." said Keiko with a sincere look on her face. "You'll love her once you get to know her. I know that because I'm her twin."

"I know that I do." said Renamon.

Gatomon scoffs as she runs down the stairs. "Their sweetness makes me lose my edge, but I'll be back and next time I'll be ready for both of them." thought Gatomon as she continues to run.

"While no one knows where these monsters come from or why they're here, it's clear the earth is at some sort of crossroads. The question is: down the road, does our destiny await?" asked the reporter.

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