Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

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The digidestined and their digimon had stumbled upon a cold forest filled with snow. "I know this is no day at the beach, Joe but that's no need to be a worrywart about and make all your friends unhappy." said Gomamon. "Pardon the pun but chill out. Only you have a problem with the cold. Right guys? Everyone think warm."

"I'm allergic to fur." said Joe.

"If you really were allergic to fur, Joe, then you would be sneezing up a storm from both Renamon's and Gabumon's fur right about now." said Keiko.

"She has a point." said Sora.

"A very good point." said Renamon, with her hands behind her head.

"But since you're not sneezing or breaking out in hives, you're not allergic to fur." said Keiko.

"Aw come on you guys, the cold isn't that terrible." said Tai with his hands in his pockets, making every gasp.

"Perhaps if you're not a polar bear or a penguin." stated Izzy.

"Yeah but if it snows, we'll throw some snowballs." said Tai, making them smile at the thought.

"And make snowmen." said Mimi excitedly.

"Who do you think Snowmon is?" asked Gomamon as Renamon shrugged her shoulders.

"A digimon from their planet." said Gabumon.

"It's difficult to explain." said Izzy.

"Well, if its edible count me in." said Tentomon.

"No, the best thing about snowballs is you can throw them at each other. It's a fun game to play in the winter months." Izzy explained to his digimon.

"You throw food?" asked Tentomon.

"We could even build a snow fort." said Matt.

"You'll need one." said Tai.

"I bet I could beat you both blindfolded." said Sora.

"I want to build an igloo." said T.K.

"Let's build a big one." said Keiko.

"We'll help you, if you tell us what it is." said Palmon and Renamon in unison.

"An igloo sounds delicious to me." said Tentomon.

"Too bad they're not edible." said Izzy.

"Come on, get serious. It'll be horrible if it started snowing right now." complained Joe.

"Lighten up a little, Joe. We're just trying to look on the positive side of things." Sora tells him.

"Hey Tai, when's it going to snow?" asked T.K.

"Probably any second now." Tai replied.

"Right on Joe's head." said Matt.

"That'll be so funny." said T.K.

"I can't wait to see his face." said Tai.

"You know, if the temperature drops any lower than it is already, we won't be able to camp out anymore. We'll be frozen Digi-treats." said Joe, causing everyone to laugh. "That's right, go ahead and laugh. But when your tootsies freeze, don't come crying to me. I'll just say I told you so. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Think first."

"Don't be so negative, Joe." said Keiko. "Negativity can be spread to other people."

"Really?" asked Renamon.

"That's what my mom told me." Keiko tells her.

"See? Even Keiko wants to you to be positive." said Sora as they continued to walk until they came across a field of snow.

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