Gatomon Comes Calling

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It was nighttime in Japan and a woman was walking through the foggy streets.

"Aw, darkness....the perfect cloak for my evil. Ideal condition for producing fear. Human blood always taste better wish a dash of fear in it." thought Myotismon as his carriage pulls up next to her.

"What is that? A carriage?" thought the woman. Myotismon then gets out and the two stared into each other's eyes until Myotismon pulls her into a hug and bites her neck. He then gets back into his carriage after she passes out in his arms, leaving her on the ground as he rides away. Meanwhile, DemiDevimon was waiting on a boat by the river for Myotismon to return.

"I hate this fog. Master, where are you? I'm getting mildew on my wings." grumbled DemiDevimon as he paces back and forth as he waits until suddenly he sees Myotismon's carriage pull up onto the street. "Ah...finally. Sheesh, he couldn't take a cab like everyone else." He then flies up to the carriage. "At last, I was starting to worry." DemiDevimon said to his master from outside of the window.

"Calm down. I went out to have a bite to eat and to get familiar with the city." said Myotismon. "It is always so difficult to get a good meal when one is away from home."

"Yeah, right." said DemiDevimon. "So what do we do next, boss?"

"We are continuing the search for the 9th child. The details are of no concern to you." said Myotismon.

"Well, like I always say....whatever you say." said DemiDevimon as the carriage floats down to the boat and he drives it back into the air. The next morning at the Kamiya residences, Tai was in his room looking for something.

"Ah, come on. Where'd I put that thing?" Tai asked himself as he shuffles through all his old stuff before looking through the desk drawers. "Junk. Stuff. More junk. More stuff. Man, I was a messy kid. I can't believe how disorganized I was." Tai then reaches up to a shelf, but out of nowhere, the shelf falls down on his head, contents and all, burying him and Agumon.

The door to the room opened and Keiko steps into the room with Renamon and Kari, who was wearing a yellow shirt, pink ascot, pink pants and a whistle around her neck, following close behind. Both twins looked at their brother curiously. "What cha doing?" Kari and Keiko asked.

"Looking for my old phone book. It'll have exactly what Keiko and I need." groaned Tai.

"And I'm helping." said Agumon, popping out of the pile.

"Are you sure about that, Agumon?" asked Renamon.

"Are you or are you just letting him make a mess?" asked Keiko.

"Uh...." said Agumon, trying to come up with an answer.

"How come?" Kari asked Tai, closing the door behind them as Tai tells her what's going on. Outside of the room, Yuuko was in the kitchen, washing dishes from last night's dinner.

"And now today's top story; the monsters that plague the city. Still no official comment on where the creatures are from or what they might be after." said the new reporter as a video from the night before shows Raremon coming out of the water. "We will keep you updated throughout the day. Meanwhile in other news, health officials report that young women are being hospitalized for anemia...." The reporter was cut off when the doorbell rings.

"Just a moment." said Yuuko, walking out of the kitchen.

"...on whether the cases are connected but doctors are voicing concerns that so many seemingly healthy young women are being struck down so suddenly." said the reporter.

"Tai, Keiko, it's your friend Izzy." said Yuuko, walking by the door.

"Coming!" Tai and Keiko called out.

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