if you call for me, i'll run...

By 1999xangel

8.7K 119 2

meet y/n, an emergency medicine doctor at county general. she's been friends with doug ross for a while but s... More

meet the characters


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By 1999xangel

before i go on and give you some more, extra, i shots, i just want to list some songs that heavily inspired me to write this fic. this is going to be pretty cringey, and i apologize, but this is something i've put together for all of my fics so far. there is always at least one song i base my stories off of. so, here are the ones for this fic.

when we were young - adele
overall theme of the fic(and the song that inspired me to write this): old money - lana del rey (specifically the lyrics, "if you send for me you know i'll come.. i'll run to you, i'll run to you")
all i ask - adele (specifically: when doug leaves chicago... "if this is my last night with you.. cause what if i never love again?")
nobody gets me - sza (specifically: "i don't wanna see you with anyone but me, nobody gets me, you do")
open arms - sza (specifically: when doug is dating carol/a couple months after doug is in seattle.. "i gotta let you go, i must.. you're the only one that's holding me down")
like a bird - nelly (specifically:^^ "i don't know where my home is, i don't know where my soul is")
look after you - the fray (i saw a carol&doug edit to this sound and omg. i had this on repeat after i wrote y/n's birth part and it broke me!! but, this song fits the overall theme of y/n and doug ... "you're the only one who knows to slow it down.. oh be my baby, i'll look after you")
terrance loves you - lana del rey (specifically: "i lost myself when i lost you")
sign of the times - harry styles (another tiktok edit is the reason why this song is here.. the scene where doug is leaving, then reunites again with y/n. specifically: "we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here")


doug's first time meeting juliette:
"wanna see juliette?" i whispered into doug's neck.
he let out a little laugh, pulling away from me.
i wiped a tear from my face and led him to the car. there juliette laid in her car seat, smiling.
i picked her up and out from the car.
"oh my god" doug whispered, wide eyed.
he got teary eyed which made me teary eyed, of course.
"here's your daughter" i smiled
"do you want to hold her?" i asked
he smiled, nodding his head.
i passed her off to him. he just gazed into juliette's eyes.
"i think she likes you" i smiled
"it's like she knows" doug laughed
his voice was raspy from holding in tears.
"y/n, she's perfect"
"she's ours" i said, wiping a tear away from doug's face.
"things are so different now" i smiled, looking around and back at the water.
"i know"
"i missed you, y/n"
i looked at my feet.
"i'm sorry for everything doug"
"shh" he hushed, snaking an arm around my waist.
"i love you"

y/n moving out of chicago:
doug was back in my apartment with juliette. we had finished packing up my place last night.
i was back in the ER, finishing my very last shift.
i was dealing with a seven year old boy who needed some sutures.
i set down some gauze on a metal tray "alright, you're good to go"
"make sure to keep those sutures dry for the next two days and come back in about two weeks to get them removed" i smiled
"i hope you're here to take them out" the mother smiled
"actually, i won't be"
she tilted her head "going on vacation?"
i shook my head "i'm moving to seattle"
"really, wow"
i nodded, then grinned
"thanks for being my last patient in chicago"

i begged the staff to not throw me a surprise party. after all, i'd been saying my goodbyes the whole day.
it was hard.
this was my family for many years.
they were all i ever had in chicago. county general got me through some tough times.
it was weird to think about...
"luka" i smiled
"it was really nice working with you"
"i wish you best in seattle, y/n"
"i wish you the best here"
"you know, i hope you marry carol someday" i whispered, walking away
"i'm rooting for you two" i smiled, he let out a laugh.
"abby" i exclaimed, down the hallway.
"you're gonna be a great doctor"
"i wish you the best in seattle" she smiled
i smiled back at her.
haleh wrapped me in a big hug.
"the mama of the hospital" i sighed
"you better send me a christmas card every year"
"you bet i will"
"tell doug i say hi"
"sure thing, haleh"
i walked over to carter, next.
"leaving dr. l/n?" he asked
i nodded my head "yes i am"
"it's funny, you know"
"i've watched you grow into the amazing doctor you are today" i smiled
"you're doing great things"
"i'll miss you" he smiled
"no you won't"
"you were my mentor, my leader for awhile"
"i don't know who i'll go to for advice" $3 shrugged
"you'll be alright" i smiled
"and you can always call" i added
he gave me a hug, i patted his back.

then i walked over to carol.
she was teary, so was i.
"oh god" i sighed, trying to keep the tears in my eyes
"the ER isn't gonna be the same without you" she said
"you're like the sister i never had" she added
"i feel the same way" i smiled
"you've helped me through so much, carol"
"and i don't know how to thank you for that"
"you know how i said a couple years ago all i wanted was for you to find someone and be happy"
"i think i've found him" she smiled
"i think you have too" i nodded, hugging her again.
"i'll call you, okay"
i said goodbye to the rest of the staff. it was hard. carol was one of the hardest.

one of my final goodbyes was to kerry.
"i know we didn't get along a lot of the time but you're a strong leader kerry"
"and you're a strong doctor" she smiled
"i'm glad you're doing what your heart tells you to do"
"and i want to let you know that county will always have a place for you"
"thank you" i said, wrapping her in a hug
i went back to my apartment to make my final goodbye.
one i never once thought i'd be making. i was saying goodbye to mark.
doug sat on the steps leading to the kitchen of my apartment with juliette. most of the furniture i sold with the apartment but it looked weird with all the book shelves empty.
"jesus" i sighed
mark and i were hugging
"you know mark, i think you're my hero"
"these past years, you've been the big thing that's gotten me through it all"
"i don't even know how to thank you for everything"
"you've done so much for me too you know"
he smiled
"not nearly as much as you've done"
"i mean god, you helped me through juliette's birth, you've always been there to hear me rant about my life"
i shook my head
"you've been my biggest supporter and without you i don't know where i'd be"
i wiped a tear away from my face.
"you know, this isn't done"
i pointed to him and i
"i know"
"i'll call you"
"and i mean that"
he let out a sigh
"i better get back before kerry kills me"
he rubbed his glassy eye.
"mark" he smiled
"you better marry her"
"oh i will" he laughed
"and you better call me too"
"you don't need to worry about that, mark"
"i'll miss you guys"
"we love you mark" doug smiled
"bye now" mark waved, closing the front door behind him.
i stepped over to doug, he was teary too.
it was a bittersweet moment. as hard as it may seem soemtimes, every new beginning always come from a new beginnings end.
that chapter of my life had closed.
i had a loving man and a baby to care about now. i was happier than ever too.

y/n's pregnant with baby 2:
i sighed, buttoning up my shirt.
i was six weeks pregnant with baby two.
i wasn't mad at all.
i just hope that this pregnancy goes off smoother, the delivery, i mean.
i just needed a way to tell doug.
i gathered my things from down in the ER.
my work bag swung over my shoulder. doug had already gotten home about an hour before me to pick up juliette.
"bye, y/n" one of my colleagues waved
"see you tomorrow" i smiled
"hope it's a good night for me"
"tuesday, you might be in the clear" i shrugged, walking out of the ER doors. it looked like a heart attack patient came in.
"goodnight dr. l/n" the paramedic smiled
"night, colette" i nodded
"how're you?" doug greeted, he was sitting at the kitchen table feeding juliette.
i ran a hand through my hair, setting my bag down on the floor.
"i'm okay"
he paused, wiping something from
juliette's face.
"anything else?"
i wasn't the best liar anymore.
i especially couldn't lie well to doug.
a smile appeared on my face.
"are you gonna tell me or not?" he said, tilting his head.
i stepped in front of him, stroking juliette's hair.
"i don't know if there's ever gonna be a good way or time to tell you this"
"i'm pregnant"
i dug through my pocket and handed him the ultrasound photo.
a smile plastered onto his face as he looked at it.
"oh my god"
"how long have you known?"
"a couple days"
"i wanted to get the ultrasound to be sure"
he nodded his head.
"i'm six weeks though"
his eyes went wide.
"you're happy, right?"
he looked up at me.
"of course i am"
"i'm just shocked, y/n"
"me too"
"come here" he smiled, snaking his arm around my waist.
i bend down and kissed him on the lips.
"hey, you're gonna be a big sister, baby girl" doug smiled, stroking juliette's cheek.

mark calls doug and y/n, telling them about his tumour:
"y/n" doug whispered, shaking me awake
i flipped over.
he handed me the phone.
"it's mark" he whispered
"mark" i smiled, rubbing my eyes.
"sorry for waking you"
"sorry for not calling sooner" i smiled
doug wrapped his arms around my torso.
"i already told doug this but elizabeth and i are engaged and she's pregnant"
"oh my god" i smiled
"congratulations mark"
"can you and doug get close so you can both hear this?"
"sure" doug smiled, nuzzling his face near my neck.
"i have a brain tumor that's being operated on new year's eve"
my stomach stopped and doug looked at me with a nervous expression.
"what" doug said, softly.
"i'll let you guys know how the surgery goes though"
"jesus mark, i don't know what to say" i sighed
"can you change the subject?" mark laughed
i was silent and so was doug.
"y/n's pregnant too" doug said
"congratulations, you guys"
"thank you"
"mark, is there anything we can do for you?"
"not really, i mean the operation is in the new year"
"found the best specialist in New York"
"that's good"
"yeah, i hope all goes well"
"keep me and elizabeth in your thoughts, guys"
"of course"
"so, is it a boy or girl, y/n?"

y/n pregnant with baby 2:
doug held my hair back as i was puking over the toilet. with his other hand he rubbed my back.
"oh god" i groaned, throwing up some more.
"was it this bad with juliette?"
"i felt so nauseous but never really puked when i had her" i sighed, sitting against the bathroom wall.
"i can't wait for the first trimester to be over"
"one more week, right?"
i nodded my head
"i'm proud of you" he smiled
"you know that right?" he added, planting a kiss on my forehead.
"yeah, i know" i smiled

i stretched on a white long sleeve with my scrubs on top.
four months pregnant today.
i clipped my id on my pants and tied up my hair. doug had already gone to work an hour ago and he took juliette to daycare when he left.
i took my prenatal vitamins and ate a piece of toast.
then i headed off.

y/n's letter to elizabeth and mark (for their wedding day):
dear elizabeth and mark,
it's y/n writing here. on behalf of doug and i, i would like to apologize for our absence today. let me tell you, if we could come, we would.
i hate to make excuses but, other than being almost seven months pregnant, the hospital policy here in seattle is much different than county. once again, i can't even explain into words how apologetic i am for not being able to make it today.
if by any means we can get time off sometime soon, you'll be the first two to know.
i wish you two all the best for your new marriage. i hope it brings you nothing but joy and happiness. i also wish you the best welcoming a brand new life into this world. i know this baby is going to be so incredibly loved. doug and i both miss you two (and chicago) very much.
congratulations and cheers mr. and mrs. greene.
much love,
doug, y/n, juliette and baby girl on the way.

baby 2's birth:
i rolled out of bed.
this was the last time i'd be rolling out of bed pregnant.
it felt so funny.
doug's mom was in town and she was watching juliette when i got my c-section done.
since the first baby's cord was prolapsed my ob decided it was probably best to do another scheduled c-section.
i was nervous about my uterus though.
"you ready?" doug asked
"i guess so" i smiled, walking into the kitchen
all our bags were packed in the car already.
"how're you, hun?" doug's mom asked
"it feels weird, knowing you're pregnant this morning but won't be later today"
"it didn't feel like that the first time?" doug asked
"then again, juliette was early" i smiled
"well, i sure can't wait for the baby to be here"she nodded
it was later that morning, doug and i were driving to the hospital.
doug's mom was in her car following behind us.
he looked at me.
"is two okay?"
he was silent
"two kids, is that gonna be okay?"
"you're nervous about today?"
"i don't know"
"they almost had to take out my uterus last time"
"i think this one will the last one i carry"
he rubbed his thumb across my hand.
"y/n, you know i think you're an amazing person for growing two of our children inside of you"
"i'm already the luckiest guy alive"
i smiled
"my number one priority is making sure that you are okay"
"and i'll love my two kids no matter what"
"i think two little kiddos is plenty for us"
"you know" i smirked
"i love you"
"i know" he said
"i love you too"
(later in this one shot, y/n's c-section goes perfectly well, she still has her uterus, and gives birth to 7 pound 6 ounce, maiya ross)

i didn't write a one shot for this, but i'd just like to state that i'm the early stages of y/ns second pregnancy, after marks operation, i planned that elizabeth and mark would pay y/n and doug a visit. during this visit, doug and y/n tie the knots at a courthouse (mark and elizabeth are their witnesses)

marks funeral:
i wiped a tear away from my face, doug held onto my waist.
today was a day i never thought i'd be alive to witness.
today was marks funeral.
doug and i got the call about a week ago from elizabeth. mark called me a week prior to thay from hawaii. i knew his tumour was back, but i didn't know it was this bad. that was the worst phone call i think i've ever received. i looked down at my feet, doug took his hand and wiped a tear away from his face.
susan, carter, and the staff of the ER all made their ways to elizabeth. carol, luka, doug and i were the last.
"elizabeth, we're so sorry" doug said.
"i can't believe this has happened"
"thank you guys for coming, i know mark would've wanted it" she nodded
i rubbed her shoulder
"if there's anything we can do, we're here"
she shook her head
"i'm just so angry at him for leaving me and ella like this"
"i can't believe he's gone" she shrugged
"mark was all of our hero's"
"stubborn guy" doug whispered
"it's gonna be hard"
"there's a box of stuff he wanted you to have"
"it's back at the house"
"when we get back to seattle, call us, elizabeth"

old times (season 15):
i woke up to my phone ringing, doug and i got home from the transplant day.
"hello, this is y/n l/n" i mumbled
doug wrapped his arm around me.
"hi, we're just calling to let you know the transplant went well, the heart and liver went to a mother and daughter here and the kidney went to a doctor in chicago"
"thats great"
"sorry for calling so late"
"no i appreciate it, i'll see you in the morning"
"bye now dr. l/n"
i hung up.
"hey, doug" i whispered
"hm?" he mumbled
he was still half asleep.
"the heart and liver went to a mother and daughter and the kidney went to some doctor in chicago"
"not bad for a days work, huh?" i smiled
he gave a little laugh "not bad"
i ran a hand through his hair.
"i love you" i whispered
"i love you" he smiled, giving me a kiss.
i turned off the light and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

a/n: i have literally so many more one-shots.. these are just important ones. (i might add more to this ongoing thread in the future, i don't know yet).how i imagine it to end is that doug and y/n stay in close touch with mark, elizabeth and carol. doug works in a peids unit and y/n is still in the er unit. that's until season 15 where they're in a transplant team (i never fully understood that in the show, though). maybe it's because y/ns children are older now and she needs to be home more?? also, these are just my thoughts and visions for the future, take them with a grain of salt.
anyways.. i hope you enjoyed. i thank you all so so much once again. please feel free to comment, i will always reply. also, stay tuned for future projects i'm so excited and so proud.

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